
I didn’t know if it was Adelle's idea or Cade's to go to the Four Seasons Ritz-Carlton rather than the Park Hyatt Hotel where Cade and I had our first tryst, but I appreciated the gesture. I was nervous enough as it was. I didn't need memories of that previous night. The date itself hadn’t been bad. It was actually because it had been so good I didn't want to be reminded of it. I didn't want to think about how I'd felt that night, full of hope and possibilities. Better I stick with what I knew to be true. Cade was going to teach me what I needed to know to make sure I never felt like a fool again. And if I enjoyed myself, then he was just doing his job. Nothing more .

His text had been succinct. The hotel name and room number, with a time. It surprised me a bit that he hadn't included any other instructions, like what I was supposed to wear or how I was supposed to behave. I'd spent the entire night trying to figure out what I was going to wear and had ended up not choosing any of the three outfits I'd picked out. Instead, I opted for simple and professional, a reminder for myself that this was a business transaction. Plain black skirt that reached my knees. White cotton blouse. Fitted black jacket. Sensible pumps. It had been the outfit I'd worn to interview for my position at Legacy .

And the moment Cade opened the door, I knew I'd made a mistake .

He managed not to laugh, but I saw the humor flash across his eyes before he could hide it. He opened the door and motioned for me to come in. I tried not to stare at him as I walked by. He was dressed simply in a pair of gray slacks and a long-sleeved white dress shirt, with the top two buttons undone. His shoes were plain but expensive-looking .

“What's so funny?” I hated the defensive note in my voice, but I couldn't seem to help myself. This wasn't my element. I wasn't a five-star hotel kind of girl .

“You look like a school teacher .”

His comment was virtually identical to what Mindy had said about my clothes when I'd been trying to dress for my date with Steven. I found myself giving the same, automatic answer I'd given her. “I am a school teacher .”

He grinned. “That's good to know for future reference.” I must've looked as puzzled as I felt because he elaborated. “School teacher fantasies are always fun .”

I glared at him. “Let me get this straight. My first lesson is to learn it's okay for you to make fun of me and my occupation, as long as you sexualize it in the next breath ?”

His smile hardened and a muscle in his jaw twitched. “Most women coming to a hotel for a sexual liaison would dress in something provocative, something to seduce .”

I folded my arms and raised an eyebrow. “I wasn't aware I had to seduce you .”

He crossed into my personal space in just a few long strides and I gasped. His eyes were burning and I had a feeling I was glimpsing something beneath the calm mask he wore. He didn't touch me, but I could feel the energy vibrating off of him. The scent of him hit me, a rich masculine smell I'd noticed the first time I met him, and my pussy gave a throb .

“Lesson number one, Aubree: yes, men want sex and, yes, we don't really need you to seduce us.” A finger lifted my chin until I was meeting his eyes. “But, if you want to be desired, want to be everything you think you're not, then you need to change the way you look at the world .”

My eyes widened. His voice was even, but there was an authority to it that demanded I listen .

He took a step back, apparently satisfied to have my rapt attention. “It's not about showing skin or flaunting what you have. It's about how you carry yourself .”

Okay, that hadn't been what I expected. I'd been prepared for a lecture about wearing something sexy .

“A woman can be seductive in anything, if she has the right attitude. You didn't dress in this outfit because it makes you feel powerful, respected, or confident in who you are as a person.” Cade circled me and I fought the urge to squirm under the intensity of his gaze. “You chose it because you think it makes you look professional, which you feel automatically demands respect. You hide behind being a teacher, using it as an excuse for why you dress the way you do. It's not that this is your style or how you prefer to dress. You're comfortable in it not because you're comfortable in your own skin, but rather because you prefer to hide it .”

“I wasn't aware you were a psychiatrist too.” He was either a lot smarter and more observant than I'd given him credit for. Or he was a damn good guesser. Those weren't even observations Mindy or Adelle had ever made, though Adelle had gotten close .

“Take off your clothes .”

It was abrupt, but at least that was a command I'd been expecting. I took a step toward the doorway I assumed led to the bedroom .

“Where are you going?” Cade asked .

“The bedroom ?”

“I didn't say to go anywhere.” He walked over to the burgundy love-seat on the far end of the room and sat down in the middle. He stretched his arms along the back of it, assuming a relaxed pose. “Take off your clothes. Slowly .”

I shrugged out of my jacket and slipped off my shoes. Those were the easy ones and I took my time. This was too similar to our previous encounter and I didn't want it to be .

“Imagine the way you want to be undressed,” he said as I started on my blouse buttons. “The way you would want your lover's hands to caress your body over your clothes. Think of the way your body would respond to his touch .”

I was almost finished unbuttoning my shirt and I had no idea what he wanted me to do. Ronald hadn't been the caressing type. Sometimes he'd feel me up over my clothes, but that was generally because we weren't anywhere he could get them off or it was during the process of getting undressed .

“Take a deep breath, Aubree,” Cade said. “Don't overthink it. Listen to your body. If it helps, for right now, close your eyes .”

I closed them. That was better. I couldn't see Cade watching me. My muscles began to relax as I let myself fall into the head space I used when I touched myself. A place where it was just sensation, nothing else. Just me and my fingers; just pleasure. I concentrated on the way the soft cotton felt as it slid off my shoulders, then ran my hands up my sides to cup my breasts. My bra and panties were only plain white cotton, but it didn't matter. My hands moved to my hips, then around to the zipper at my back. I listened to it slide down its tracks, the whisper of the material as I pushed my skirt over my hips. I felt it pool around my ankles and stepped out of it .

“Much better. Now open your eyes .”

Reluctantly, I did as I was told. I started to reach behind me to unhook my bra .

“Not yet,” Cade said. “Touch yourself first .”

I shifted my weight from one foot to the other. I wasn't sure which made me more uncomfortable, the idea of touching myself in front of a virtual stranger, or that I wasn't in a bedroom. Maybe it was because it was the middle of the day and the sun was streaming through the thin curtain covering the floor-to-ceiling window .

“Put your hands on your breasts, Aubree.” Cade's knees parted slightly and I couldn't help but notice the way his pants showed off what he had to offer. “Do what you enjoy. Squeeze them if that's what you like. Play with your nipples. Not every woman likes the same things. How will a man know what you want if you don't even know it yourself ?”

I cupped my breasts again and gave them a tentative squeeze. When my fingers brushed over my nipples, I felt a tingle of pleasure. I repeated the movement .

“Good girl. Now, touch your pussy through your panties .”

I swallowed hard, but dropped my hand between my legs. The fabric was dry, but as I pressed my fingers against my lips, moisture seeped through. I made a small sound as I rubbed my fingers over the crotch of my panties, the cotton providing a different kind of sensation .

“Take off your bra .”

It joined the rest of my clothes on the floor. This obedience thing wasn't too bad .

“Get your nipples nice and hard .”

I rubbed my fingers over my nipples, feeling the carmel-colored flesh wrinkle and tighten. It didn't take much. I'd always had sensitive nipples .

“Look at me .”

I didn't want to. I didn't want to see his face. The lie of desire, or worse, the absence of anything .

“Aubree.” His voice was sharp. “Look at me .”

I did and there was arousal in his eyes. My eyes burned with sudden tears. I folded my arms over my breasts, everything I'd been feeling vanishing. I didn't want to be here anymore .

“What's wrong ?”

There was concern in his voice, but it wasn't a compassionate, tender sound. More like how my basketball coach in high school had talked to me when I'd gotten hurt. I half expected Cade to tell me to pull myself together and get on with it .

“I thought I could do this,” I said. “If I came into it with my eyes open, knowing it was just business, but I can't take the lie .”

“What lie ?”

I lifted my chin and forced myself to meet his eyes. “I was okay with not having an emotional connection, but I can't stomach the thought that you're pretending to want me .”

He chuckled and shook his head. “Seriously?” He dropped his hand to his crotch and my eyes involuntarily followed. “I'm already getting hard and I haven't even touched myself .”

I hated that he made me so confused. “But Adelle's paying you to want to do this .”

Cade sighed. “I'm going to explain this just once and then you're going to have to make a choice about whether or not you want to be here. Yes, I'm being paid to have sex with you. No, I don't do the whole emotion thing. But that doesn’t means I don't find you attractive. I'm not some ten-dollar hooker who'll do anyone who has the cash. I'm choosy about my clients and I don't take on anyone I don't think I'd enjoy fucking. I don't fantasize about other women to get through a session. When I'm turned on, it's real .”

A rush of relief went through me, chasing away the last of my lingering doubts. His words were sincere, I could feel it .

“Do we have an understanding?” he asked .

I nodded .

“Then slide your hand under the waistband of your panties and touch yourself.” The hand on his crotch returned to the back of the couch .

I kept my eyes on his face as I ran my hand over my stomach and underneath the waistband of my panties. I didn't have to feel ashamed that I found him attractive or worry about what he was thinking when he looked at me. He wanted me, wanted my body. My middle finger slipped between my folds and I found myself wet. I shivered as I touched my clit, little sparks of electricity dancing across the thousands of nerves there .

“Roll your nipple between your fingers .”

A moan escaped as I followed his instructions. The hand between my legs moved faster, falling into the steady rhythm I only used when I was alone. I applied more pressure to my nipple, my body jerking as a jolt of pain went through me .


I glared at him, but didn't argue .

“Take off your panties .”

I slowly lowered them, enjoying the way his eyes dropped to my breasts as I bent over. When I straightened, I clasped my hands in front of me, not quite covering myself up, but not putting everything on display either .

“You'll find,” he said “that there are just as many preferences for the appearance of a woman's pussy as there are for breast size, hips, and all the rest.” His gaze slowly ran down my body and back up again. “I feel that a woman should choose based on what she enjoys .”

I wondered if he was purposefully taking the time to have these little moments after working me up, just to keep me on edge .

“Did your ex ask you to keep yourself trimmed ?”

I shook my head. “We didn't really talk about it .”

“Have you ever shaved or waxed ?”

“No.” I'd had my legs waxed once. It wasn't an experience I wanted to repeat, especially on more tender flesh .

“Try it this week,” he said. “Part of what I'll be doing is challenging you to try new things. After all, how can you know what you like if you don't experiment?” He shifted slightly. “Now, come here .”

A thrill went through me. As much as I appreciated the lessons, I couldn't deny I was eager to feel him inside me again .

“Put one of your feet up here on the couch.” He patted a spot next to his knee .

I gave him a questioning look, but did it. Heat flooded my face as I realized how this position opened me up to his gaze. His fingers curled around my ankle, holding me in place .

“Make yourself come .”

Overly conscious of how closely he was now watching me, I moved my hand between my legs. The movements were almost automatic from years of practice, but this was different. Ronald had never watched me masturbate before. Hell, I was pretty sure he'd barely registered the times I'd helped myself along while we were having sex .

My embarrassment melted away faster than I'd anticipated, driven by the new flares of arousal brought about by Cade's rapt attention. He watched as I slid a finger inside me, pumping it a few times before adding a second. As my two middle fingers moved in and out, my other hand went to my breast, my fingers twisting my nipple until I gasped. I pressed the heel of my hand against my clit as I tugged at my nipple, pain mixing with pleasure .

Cade's hand tightened around my ankle, making me realize I'd closed my eyes. I opened them just as I came, my climax hitting me with an almost physical blow. My entire body shuddered, muscles tensing. My hands stiffened where they were, the fingers around my nipple tightening until I cried out .

I stayed where I was, letting myself feel the pleasure coursing through me. Then I heard a rustle and looked down. Cade had pulled a condom out of his pocket and set it on the couch cushion next to him .

“On your knees .”

How he managed to make what should have sounded like a degrading command seem like a reasonable request, I didn't know, but I remembered him saying that everything he had me do was for my benefit. Besides, I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to do what I was pretty sure he was going to tell me to do .

“Unzip my pants .”

The last time he'd told me to do that, my hands had been shaking. This time, they were steady. He shifted, spreading his legs so I could get between them and move closer .

“Pull out my cock .”

I slid my hand into his open pants, my eyes widening as I met bare skin. I glanced up at him and he winked, a grin forming on his lips. We hadn't kissed, I realized. I filed that away for future consideration though. I didn't want any distractions from the thick piece of flesh my fingers had just wrapped around. I stroked him as I pulled him out. My fingers couldn't meet at his base and my pussy throbbed at the memory of how he'd stretched me .

“Suck my cock .”

I didn't need to be told twice. I lowered my head to take the tip of him between my lips. I ran my tongue over the soft skin, then licked my way down his entire length, long stripes and little kitten licks, alternating pressure and speed until I heard Cade groan. I smiled and then took him in my mouth, letting the first few inches slide across my tongue, the taste of pre-cum surprisingly pleasant. I knew diet could change the taste of semen, but Ronald had never cared enough to even try .

“Take as much as you can.” Cade's voice sounded a little strained .

I kept going until I started to gag and then pulled back. I repeated the move, opening my throat to take him further and established a slow rhythm as my hand worked the several inches of his length I couldn't take. I sucked hard, listening to his breathing increase. I raised my head and his hips jerked .


I let his cock fall from between my lips with a nearly obscene-sounding pop. When I looked up at him, his eyes were lidded, irises dark .

“Put the condom on me .”

“Don't you want to get undressed first?” I asked .

He raised an eyebrow. “No .”

I waited for an explanation, but there wasn't one. After a moment, I reached over and picked up the condom. I'd never done this before. Ronald had always been the one to put it on. I'd seen it done and knew how it worked, but this would be a first for me .

“You don't know how to do it .”

“In theory,” I said .

“Get it out .”

I did and then waited for my next instruction. Instead of speaking, however, Cade put his hands over mine, sending a wave of heat through me. Together, we slid the condom over his erection and then he released my hands .

“Up on the couch,” he said. “Put your knees on either side of my legs .”

As I moved, I wondered if he would finally touch me. Aside from his hand on my ankle and then what had happened just now, he hadn't touched me at all. I remembered how his mouth had felt on my skin, the wet heat surrounding my nipples .

“You set the pace,” he said. He folded his hands behind his head. “Ride me until I come .”

My stomach clenched at his words. I'd been on top before, but Ronald had never stated so baldly what he wanted me to do. I reached beneath me and positioned Cade's cock at my entrance. I moaned as I slowly sank down on him, taking my time. The muscles in my legs quivered as I stretched to accommodate him. Had he been so fucking big before? Small whimpering sounds came out as I reached the widest part of him. It might've been the change of position, but I swore he felt bigger than before. I squeezed my eyes closed, gasping in shuddering breaths as he filled me completely .

“Breathe,” Cade said softly, watching me intensely .

I wanted his hands on me, caressing my breasts, playing with my nipples, but there was nothing. Nothing to distract me from the nearly overwhelming sensations of being impaled on his hard cock. I shifted and he pressed against my g-spot, sending a bolt of electricity through me .

“Fuck!” My back arched and the motion rubbed him against that spot again .

“Damn,” Cade spoke through gritted teeth. “You're even more responsive than I remembered .”

I wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing, but it wasn't something I cared about at the moment. I lifted myself an inch or two, then sank back down. The burn was still there, but it fed into the lingering pleasure and I liked it. I began to move, finding a rhythm I liked and letting my body relax into it, just like I did on a run .

“Play with your nipples .”

The one I'd pinched before was still tender, so I focused on the other one, tugging and twisting it until it was swollen and sensitive .

“You enjoy that,” Cade said. “You like things a bit on the rough side .”

I flushed and my rhythm faltered .

Suddenly, Cade grabbed my hips, yanking me down hard enough that I cried out. He sat up half-way, enough that our faces were close together. His expression was fierce as he gripped me tight .

“There’s nothing to be ashamed of, Aubree,” he said firmly then realization dawned on his face. “That's it. Part of it anyway. You enjoy things you've convinced yourself you shouldn't.” He released me and leaned back again. “We'll work on that, but for right now, make yourself come again. I'm getting close .”

I tried not to think about his words as I started to move again, faster this time. My hands moved over my breasts, teasing with light scratches across my nipples until I felt the pressure inside me begin to crack. I dropped myself down on Cade's cock, biting my lip to hold back a scream as he hit something inside me that turned everything in my field of vision white .

The explosion rocked my body and I tightened around Cade. I heard him swear and his hips jerked, but all that was in the background. My body shook and arched before slumping against his chest. My overly sensitive nipples rubbed against his shirt and the extra sensation made me come again, a ripple effect of pleasure as my nerves still hummed from the previous wave .

When I started to come back to myself, I was surprised to find I was still on Cade's lap. I don't know why, but a part of me had fully expected him to push me off of him as soon as he regained his strength. Instead, he had his arms around me. As soon as I moved, however, he let me go and I sat up .

I winced as I climbed off of him. Whatever place deep inside he'd reached, there was an ache there now, mingling with what I had in my legs and pussy already. I had a feeling that tomorrow, I was going to regret agreeing to a Sunday meeting. I'd be feeling him for at least a day .

“I'll tell you this,” Cade said as he removed the condom and tossed it into a nearby trashcan. “You can definitely forget about being bad in bed as a reason why your ex left. You're a natural .”

I blushed, conflicted by the statement. Did being a natural mean I was some sort of slut ?

“Aubree,” Cade said my name. “It's a compliment. You have a natural instinct for sex. It's not something that can be taught. You just need some polish. And confidence.” He pushed himself into a sitting position and tucked his now soft cock back into his pants. “When I'm done with you, no man will be able to refuse you .”

That all sounded good, I thought. And I definitely wasn't going to say no to more sessions with Cade, especially not with Adelle footing the bill. In a short amount of time, he was tapping into parts of me that I'd hidden from everyone, even myself to some extent. No matter his methods, he was doing what I wanted him to do. He was helping me become who I wanted to be .