Besides the interviews I carried out myself, this book also relied upon the following sources, uncredited in the text. To avoid repetition, each source is listed only once.
Crosby on delinquency: Asbury Park Press (11/21/75).
Crosby’s 1967 philosophy: Oracle of Southern California (10/67).
Crosby on schoolgirls: Goldmine (7/7/95).
Crosby on politics: KRLA Beat (11/27/65 and 3/12/66).
Crosby on acid: Metzner: The Ecstatic Adventure.
Lilian Roxon on Cass: Sydney Morning Herald (10/30/66).
Nash on elections, Dylan, and parties: Melody Maker (7/3/65 and 3/19/66).
Allan Clarke on Nash: Melody Maker (7/23/66) and NME (3/18/67).
Nash on Hollies’ arguments: International Times (3/13–26/67).
Stills’s major retrospective interviews were with Rolling Stone (3/4/71) and Sounds (6/26/71 and 7/3/71).
Stills’s mother profiled: Tampa Sunday Tribune (5/11/58).
Buffalo Springfield profiled: KRLA Beat (9/10/66).
Bob Rafelson on the Monkees: NME (8/12/67).
Derek Taylor: Disc (3/4/67 and 6/3/67).
Monterey: LA Times (6/4/67 and 7/6/67); Monterey Herald (6/10/07); Crosby interview on KFWB (8/30/67).
Richie Furay: Sounds (2/19/72) and Sioux Falls (SD) Argus Leader (2/19/82).
Crosby’s Rolling Stone interview included his comments on leaving the Byrds (7/23/70); likewise Cameron Crowe’s epic CSNY piece in Crawdaddy (10/74).
Nash on other planets: Disc (10/14/67).
Young on songwriting: LA Times (9/17/67).
Talitha Stills on groupies: Santa Cruz (CA) Patch (4/27/11).
Crosby on retiring: LA Times (5/24/66).
Roger McGuinn on Crosby: LA Times (4/21/68) and NME (5/5/73).
Gary Usher: Cosmic American Music News (Winter 1992–93).
Joni Mitchell on recording: Broadside (2/14–27/68).
Rose Nash interview: Disc (5/4/68).
Last Buffalo Springfield gig: LA Times (5/7/68).
Mitchell on Leonard Cohen and Nash on CSN’s first performance: Ann Arbor Argus (3/13–27/69).
Mitchell on omens: Open City (6/14/68).
Salli Sachse: Weller: Girls Like Us.
Stills on “Wooden Ships”: American Songwriter (1/08).
Crosby on “Long Time Gone”: Record Mirror (1/3/70).
Peter Tork: Open City (4/19/68).
Buzzy Linhart: Miami News (2/11/81) and Burlington (VT) Free Press (3/10/81).
Nash on Hollies: NME (5/18/68) and Disc (6/1/68).
Tony Hicks on Hollies: Disc (10/19/68).
Young on revolution and CSN: Ann Arbor Argus (1/24/69–2/7/69).
John Sebastian: LA Times (9/30/68) and Record Mirror (12/7/68).
Hollies split: NME (11/16/68) and Melody Maker (11/23/68).
Judy Collins: Detroit Free Press (12/1/68).
CSN in London: NME (12/7/68 and 12/14/68); Melody Maker (12/7/68); Disc (12/7/68); International Times (1/1–16/69).
Robin Lane: Q Classic (6/05).
Young on Crazy Horse: Rolling Stone (4/30/70).
Mama Cass on CSN: Record Mirror (3/1/69).
Stills on recording CSN LP: Rolling Stone (4/5/69).
Paul Kantner on coke: Dark Star (12/78).
David Geffen: Wexler: Rhythm and the Blues.
Nash on Bill Halverson and LP: Fusion (5/12/69).
LA: Mama Cass Disc (7/5/69); Paul Kantner Corpus Christi (TX) Caller-Times (8/2/69); Crosby Disc (8/16/69).
Nash on Mitchell: Newsweek (8/29/69).
Fusion on CSNY: 5/26/69 and 6/14/69.
Bruce Palmer: Einarson and Furay: For What It’s Worth.
Young on role in CSNY: Toronto Globe & Mail (7/26/69).
Young to Cameron Crowe: Rolling Stone (8/14/75).
Crosby/Stills on CSNY: Melody Maker and Record Mirror (both 8/9/69).
Crosby/Stills on side trips: LA Times (8/24/69).
Stills on supergroups: Disc (7/26/69).
Nash on Chicago gig: NME (8/30/69).
Grace Slick: Somebody to Love.
Nash: Rolling Stone (4/13/00); LA Times (7/15/79).
Greil Marcus: Rolling Stone (9/20/69).
Stills: Philadelphia Daily News (8/15/84).
Crosby: Uncut (7/08).
Young: Waging Heavy Peace.
Joni Mitchell: Life (8/94).
James Doolittle: Rolling Stone (10/4/69).
Judy Sims: Disc (9/6/69).
June Harris: NME (10/4/69).
Woodstock: Time (8/29/69).
Big Sur: Berkeley Barb and Berkeley Tribe (both 9/19–25/69).
Stills on changing CSNY and TV: Disc (10/11/69).
Nash on TV: Melody Maker (4/20/74) and NME (11/7/70).
On long hair: Crosby Santa Cruz (CA) Sentinel (6/5/80) and KRLA Beat (7/15/67); Mama Cass East Village Other (10/1–15/67); Joni Mitchell Rolling Stone (7/26/79).
Christine Hinton’s death: fullest contemporary report is San Rafael (CA) Daily Independent (10/1/69).
Stills: NME (6/6/70).
Crosby on grief: Vox (7/93).
On CSNY LP: Young, Fusion (11/28/69) and Rolling Stone (12/27/69); Stills, Melody Maker (2/28/70), Philadelphia Inquirer (6/7/70), Rolling Stone (7/23/70), and (6/28/12); Nash, Mojo (9/14).
Crosby on youth: Disc (1/10/70).
Robert Greenfield: Fusion (4/17/70).
Stills on piano medley: Rolling Stone (8/29/74).
Altamont comments: Great Speckled Bird (1/19/70); Reich and Wenner, Garcia.
Altamont reports: Good Times (12/11/69), Berkeley Barb (12/12–18/69), Berkeley Tribe (12/19–26/69 and 1/16–23/70), International Times (1/28/70–2/11/70), Scanlan’s (3/70).
CSNY university show: Disc (12/20/69).
Dale Bell, ed.: Woodstock.
Abbie Hoffman: Woodstock Nation.
Jon Landau in Clinton Heylin: Penguin Book of Rock & Roll Writing.
Stills on Stanley Kubrick and stadium gigs: Melody Maker (1/10/70).
Crosby on Wooden Ships film: his intro to Theodore Sturgeon: Baby Makes Three.
Young on screenplay: Mojo (12/95).
Robert Hammer: Colorado Springs Gazette-Telegraph (4/15/71).
Joni Mitchell: Rolling Stone (3/4/71) and Disc (1/10/70).
Elliot Roberts on Mitchell: Rolling Stone #48 (12/13/69).
Stills on Albert Hall: Disc and Melody Maker (both 2/28/70).
Crosby on CSNY: Record Mirror (1/3/70) and Disc (1/17/70).
Robert Plant: Friends (2/20/70).
Stills on Ringo Starr’s house: Ottawa Journal (4/17/70).
Stills “pooped”: Detroit Free Press (6/12/70).
Stills on sailing: Uncut (4/13).
Crosby on sailing: Wall Street Journal (6/6/13).
Nash on sailing: NME (5/23/70) and Asbury Park Press (11/21/75).
Ronee Blakely: Arizona Republic (9/30/82).
Young on recording: Fusion (4/17/70) and Rolling Stone (4/30/70).
Nils Lofgren: Melody Maker (11/24/73) and Sounds (5/13/72).
Michael Wadleigh: Melody Maker (7/4/70) and Detroit Free Press (4/26/70).
Martin Scorsese: Los Angeles Free Press (8/20/71).
Young on cameras and movie: Mojo (7/97) and NME (12/8/79).
Harriet testimony: Marvin Mitchelson: Made in Heaven.
Nash on bootlegs: NME (11/7/70) and Heylin: Bootleg.
Joe Walsh: Rolling Stone (2/27/75).
H. R. Haldeman: The Haldeman Diaries.
Tom Wells: The War Within.
CSNY boycott: Minneapolis Star Tribune (5/10/70).
Nash on Denver show: Melody Maker (6/20/70).
Greg Reeves: Mojo (11/11).
Impeach Nixon editorial: Rolling Stone (5/28/70).
Tragedy at Kent: Life (5/15/70).
“Ohio” airplay: Detroit Free Press (8/28/70).
Bill Graham on pricing: Billboard (11/14/70).
CSNY in St. Louis: St. Louis Post-Dispatch (8/2/70).
Nash on filming tour: Chicago Tribune (7/8/70).
Nash and Stills: Bill Graham and Robert Greenfield: Bill Graham Presents.
David Geffen: NME (7/29/72).
Nash on CSNY future: Record Mirror (7/25/70).
Rita Coolidge: Rolling Stone (4/25/74) and Delta Lady.
Stills on Nash: Rochester (NY) Democrat & Chronicle (11/4/82).
Stills on BBC and Hendrix: Disc (11/28/70).
Paul Kantner: Melody Maker (5/15/71).
Carrie Snodgress interviews: Newport (VA) News Daily Press (9/28/71), Chicago Tribune, and Appleton Post-Crescent (both 10/3/71) and Indianapolis News (5/20/78).
Jack Nitzsche: Crawdaddy (11/74).
Stills on Geffen-Roberts: Rolling Stone (9/27/73).
Steve Fromholz: Lubbock (TX) Avalanche-Journal (9/15/76).
Stills on Manassas: Disc (3/18/72) and Record Collector (3/10).
Rick Roberts: Disc (2/5/72).
Byrds reunion: Philadelphia Inquirer (10/1/72), Record World (12/9/72), and Rolling Stone (1/4/73).
Geffen on Stills: Disc (7/29/72).
Amy Gossage: Associated Press syndication (3/75).
Véronique Sanson: La Douceur du Danger (my translations from French original).
1973 and 1974 CSNY reunions covered in depth in Rolling Stone (8/29/74) and NME (8/31/74).
David Briggs: James McDonough: Shakey.
Atlantic Records spokesman: Shreveport (LA) Times (9/24/73).
Stills on Nash and money: Pampa (TX) Daily News (4/30/74).
Nash on Wild Tales: Cincinnati Enquirer (4/13/80).
Crosby on shock rock and blimps: Chicago Tribune (8/25/74).
Stills on maturity: Philadelphia Inquirer (2/17/74).
Stills on reunion: NME (3/16/74).
Nash on reunion: NME and Melody Maker (both 4/20/74).
Paul Kantner on Nixon: NME (3/30/74).
Young as fat cat: Cincinnati Enquirer (1/13/74).
Young on CSNY as acoustic band: Waging Heavy Peace.
Crosby on Seattle: LA Times (7/16/74).
Young on 1974 tour: Rolling Stone (2/8/79).
Crosby on Wembley: Melody Maker (11/1/75).
Stills on Wembley: Melody Maker (7/12/75).
Stills on problem of CSNY: Creem (11/75).
Carrie Snodgress on split: Detroit Free Press (6/24/77).
Stills on avoiding a fast fade: Sounds (8/16/75).
Crosby yelling: Fort Lauderdale (FL) News (8/28/83).
Nash attacks Stills: Sounds (9/18/76).
Stills and Crosby on Young: Rolling Stone (6/2/77).
Young on upsetting people: New York Times (11/27/77).
Stills on CSNY as destructive force: LA Times (1/21/79).
Nash on sanity and being scared of Young: LA Times (11/27/82).
Nash on Crosby’s drug convictions: Chicago Tribune (8/21/83).
Young promises reunion: Hartford (CT) Courant (1/12/86).
Young on nostalgia: Rolling Stone (6/2/88).