First Light by Geoffrey Wellum
The Home Front by Marion Yass
Wartime Britain by Juliet Gardner
RAF Airfields by Jonathan Falconer
Opies Wartime Scrapbook by Robert Opie
Britain at War Unseen Archives by Maureen Hill
Oxford Dictionary of RAF Slang by Eric Partridge
A WAAF at War by Diana Lindo
The WAAF at War by John Frayn Turner
Unseen Hastings and St Leonards by Frederick Crouch
The WAAF by Beryl Escott
The Ramsgate Story by John Huddelstone
A Willingness to Die by Brian Kingcome
Living Dangerously by Betty Farley
The West End Front by Matthew Sweet
A Detailed History of RAF Manston 1931–1940 by Joe Bamford and John Williams, with Peter Gallagher