HOLLABACK! (ihollaback.org) is a global movement to end harassment, powered by a network of grassroots activists. It encourages people to work together to understand harassment, ignite public conversations, and develop innovative strategies to ensure equal access to public spaces.
JOYFUL HEART FOUNDATION (joyfulheartfoundation.org) is organized to transform society’s response to sexual assault, domestic violence, and child abuse, support survivors’ healing, and end violence.
KNOW YOUR IX (knowyourix.org) is a survivor and youth-led organization that aims to empower students, specifically focused on sexual violence, harassment, and abuse on US college and university campuses and in high schools.
NATIONAL SEXUAL VIOLENCE RESOURCE CENTER (nsvrc.org) provides leadership in preventing and responding to sexual violence through collaboration, sharing, creating resources, and promoting research.
PROTECT OUR DEFENDERS (protectourdefenders.com) is a national organization dedicated to ending the epidemic of rape and sexual assault in the military, and combating a culture of pervasive misogyny, sexual harassment, and retribution against victims.
RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network; rainn.org) is the nation’s largest anti–sexual violence organization. RAINN created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline in partnership with more than one thousand local sexual assault service providers across the country, and operates the DoD Safe Helpline for the Department of Defense. RAINN also carries out programs to prevent sexual violence, help victims, and ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice.
THE RAPE FOUNDATION (therapefoundation.org) provides expert care and treatment for sexual assault victims, both children and adults; prevention-education programs to reduce the prevalence of sexual violence; training for police, prosecutors, school personnel, and other service providers to enhance the treatment victims receive wherever they turn for help; and policy reforms and other initiatives that increase public understanding about rape, encourage victims to report these crimes, and foster justice and healing.
STOP STREET HARASSMENT (stopstreetharssment.org) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to documenting and ending gender-based street harassment worldwide.
STUDENT COALITION AGAINST RAPE (studentcoalitionagainstrape.wordpress.com) educates high school and college students about their rights under the law, tracks problematic police departments and school administrations, and supplements high school health education with up-to-date information on gendered and student-on-student violence.
IT’S ON US (itsonus.org) is a movement started by President Barack Obama and the White House Council on Women and Girls that encourages people to stand up and be a part of stopping sexual assault on campus, through campaigns and events at hundreds of schools and extensive social media messaging.
CYBERBULLYING RESEARCH CENTER (cyberbullying.org) is dedicated to providing up-to-date information about the nature, extent, causes, and consequences of cyberbullying among adolescents.
END TO CYBER BULLYING (endcyberbullying.org) is working to create a global social networking arena where all users can feel safe and positive.
KIND CAMPAIGN (kindcampaign.com) is a nonprofit organization devoted to overcoming the negative and lasting effects of girl-against-girl bullying through a global movement, documentaries, and educational programs for schools.
NOBULLYING.COM is an online forum aimed at educating, advising, counseling, and helping to stop bullying; in particular, cyberbullying.
STOMPOUTBULLYING.ORG focuses on reducing and preventing bullying, cyberbullying, sexting, and other forms of digital abuse; educating against homophobia, racism, and hatred; and deterring violence in schools, online, and in communities across the country.
STOPBULLYING.GOV is a government resource to provide information, education, and support about recognizing, addressing, and preventing bullying and cyberbullying.
THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN (aauw.org) is the nation’s leading voice promoting equity and education for women and girls. Since the group’s founding in 1881, AAUW members have examined and taken positions on the fundamental issues of the day—educational, social, economic, and political.
INSTITUTE FOR WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP (womensleadership.com) focuses on gender partnership as a key component to growing women leaders.
LEAN IN (leanin.org) is an organization dedicated to empowering women to achieve their ambitions. This organization grew out of the groundswell of response to Sheryl Sandberg’s book Lean In.
NATIONAL WOMEN’S LAW CENTER (nwlc.org) champions policies and laws that help women and girls achieve their potential throughout their lives, at school, at work, at home, and in their communities.
9TO5 (9to5.org) is one of the largest national membership organizations of working women in the United States, dedicated to putting working women’s issues on the public agenda.
SERVICE WOMEN’S ACTION NETWORK (servicewomen.org) advocates for all servicewomen, past, present, and future. Its mission is to be the nation’s most influential and effective network of servicewomen, acting as their champion, advocate, and best information resource.
STEM WOMEN (stemwomen.net) promotes careers for women in STEM fields, highlights issues of gender inequality, and strives to give STEM women a full voice.
WOMEN IN STEM (womeninstem.com) is dedicated to growing awareness of STEM as a viable option for girls, women, and their institutions, and to inspire a global shift in the attitude toward women in STEM.
WOMEN UNLIMITED (women-unlimited.com) focuses on developing women leaders in major corporations by pinpointing, developing, and retaining diverse, high-potential leadership talent.
WORKPLACE FAIRNESS (workplacefairness.org) provides links to information in Q&A format on the following topics: sexual harassment, legal rights, racial harassment, bullying bosses, intentional infliction of emotional distress, filing a harassment claim, employer policies, fraud, defamation, false imprisonment, assault and battery, negligence, and domestic violence and the workplace.
BETTER MAN CONFERENCE (bettermanconference.com) seeks to create a unique space to educate, activate, and mobilize men as inclusionary leaders. It enables men to leverage their position and privilege to support and empower women and minorities.
A CALL TO MEN (acalltomen.org) educates men all over the world on healthy, respectful manhood, with the understanding that embracing and promoting a healthy, respectful manhood prevents violence against women, sexual assault and harassment, bullying, and many other social ills.
THE GOOD MEN PROJECT (goodmenproject.com) explores what it means to be a good man in the twenty-first century, tackling issues from family and fatherhood to gender, sex, and ethics.
THE NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MEN AGAINST SEXISM (nomas.org) is an activist organization of men and women supporting positive changes for men. NOMAS advocates a perspective that is profeminist, gay affirmative, and antiracist, dedicated to enhancing men’s lives, and committed to justice on a broad range of social issues, including class, age, religion, and physical abilities.
YWOMEN (ywomen.com) is the website of the gender strategist Jeffery Tobias Halter, which includes resources, research, and special initiatives, such as the Father of a Daughter Initiative.
FEARLESSLYGIRL (fearlesslygirl.com) is an internationally recognized leadership and empowerment organization dedicated to empowering a generation of young women to be bold, authentic leaders in their lives, schools, and communities. It’s a movement of real girls redefining what is beautiful, valuable, and possible.
GIRLS CAN’T WHAT? (girlscantwhat.com) challenges girls and women to break through stereotypes, whether in careers, dress, play, sports, or dreams.
GIRLS INC. (girlsinc.org) is a nonprofit organization that inspires all girls to be strong, smart, and bold. Through research-based programs and education, Girls Inc. empowers girls to understand, value, and assert their rights.
GIRLS LEADERSHIP (girlsleadership.org) works with girls, their parents, teachers and others to help girls exercise the power of their voice. Programs include workshops, camps, parent education and community partners, which emphasize the core values of authentic communication, courageous growth, equity, and play.
GIRLS ON THE RUN (girlsontherun.org) fosters positive emotional, social, mental, spiritual, and physical development in girls ages eight to thirteen through running programs and workouts. The goal is to prevent girls from engaging in at-risk activities as they mature.
THE RAP PROJECT (therapproject.co.uk) aims to raise awareness about personal safety and prevention for teenagers, and openly discuss how pornography and social media influence attitudes and expectations.
TIA GIRL CLUB (tiagirlclub.com) provides a supportive and encouraging environment that helps girls discover who they authentically are, and find motivation and inspiration. TIA stands for Today I Am, used for mantras, such as “Today I Am Fearless,” and “Today I Am Happy.”
ALL IN TOGETHER (aitogether.org) is the only non-partisan women’s organization dedicated to advancing the progress of women’s political, civic, and professional leadership in the U.S. They collaborate with both political parties, corporations, women’s organizations and policy makers on both sides of the aisle to ensure that women from all backgrounds are fully represented at the nation’s leadership tables.
GIFT OF COURAGE FUND (gretchencarlson.com/philanthropy) is my fund to help girls and young women recognize their full potential and the bright future that awaits them, help women realize a safe and nurturing place in the workforce, and promote community commitment and volunteerism.
OFF THE SIDELINES (offthesidelines.org) is Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s call to action for women to make their voices heard on the issues they care about. Women have the power to shape the future—it’s just a matter of getting off the sidelines and getting involved.
RUN FOR SOMETHING (runforsomething.net) empowers and supports young people to run for offices like state legislatures, mayorships, and city council seats.
RUNNING START (runningstartonline.org) is a nonpartisan organization aimed at bringing young women into politics through education, advocacy, and support.
SHE SHOULD RUN (sheshouldrun.org) aims to get more women into elected leadership roles, by educating, empowering and recruiting them to run for office.
WOMEN IN THE WORLD (@WomenintheWorld; #witw) was inspired by Tina Brown to give a platform to global women on the front lines—activists, artists, CEOs, peacemakers, entrepreneurs, and firebrand dissidents who have saved or enriched lives and shattered glass ceilings in every sector.
RESISTBOT (resistbot.io) is an app that finds out who represents you in Congress, and delivers your message to him or her in under two minutes.