1. Such as Carmen: Author interview, March 3, 2017.
2. A 2016 study: Stefanie K. Johnson, Jessica Kirk, Ksenia Keplinger, “Why We Fail to Report Sexual Harassment,” Harvard Business Review, October 4, 2016.
3. The attorney Lisa Bloom: Author interview, February 10, 2017.
4. I was interviewed: ABC, 20/20, November 18, 2016. abc.go.com.
5. Statistics support: EEOC Select Task Force on the Study of Harassment in the Workplace, Executive Summary and Recommendations, June 2016, https://www.eeoc.gov/eeoc/task_force/harassment/report_summary.cfm.
6. You cannot experience: Giana Ciapponi, “Study Reveals Sexual Harassment Leads to ‘Insidious Trauma,’” Ravishly.com, December 16, 2014.
7. In an interview: Brie Larson, “Jane Fonda Talks Feminism with Brie Larson, The Edit, March 2, 2017, www.net-a-porter.com/magazine/391/17.
8. The first real: Paulette L. Barnes, Appellant, v. Douglas M. Costle, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, 561 F.2d 983 (DC Cir. 1977).
9. forbidden under Title VII: www.justice.gov/crt/laws-enforced-employment-litigation-section.
10. “Sexual harassment” first: Enid Nemy, “Women Begin to Speak Out Against Sexual Harassment,” New York Times, August 19, 1975.
11. “is sufficiently pervasive”: Catharine McKinnon, Sexual Harassment of Working Women: A Case of Sexual Discrimination (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1979).
12. In January and April: Hearings before the Committee on Labor and Human Resources, United States Senate, Ninety-seventh Congress, first session, an examination on issues affecting women in our nation’s labor force, January 28 and April 21, 1981, by United States Congress.
13. One loud voice: Ibid.
14. As the legal: Debra A. Profio, “Ellison v. Brady: Finally, a Woman’s Perspective,” Women’s Law Journal, 1992.
15. Madeline, a TV broadcaster: Author interview, March 16, 2017.
16. A recent study: Jonathan Woetzel, Ann Madgavkar, Kweilin Ellingrud, Eric Labaye, Sandrine Devillard, Eric Kutcher, James Manyika, Richard Dobbs, and Mekala Krishman, How Advancing Women’s Equality Can Add $12 Trillion to Global Growth (McKinsey Global Institute, 2015).
17. In January 2015: EEOC Select Task Force on the Study of Harassment in the Workplace, Report of Co-Chairs Chai R. Feldblum and Victoria A. Lipnic, June 2016, www.eeoc.gov.
18. Women can experience: “Key Findings from a Survey of Women Fast Food Workers,” Hart Research Associates, October 5, 2016.
19. The EEOC defines: “Facts about Sexual Harassment,” EEOC. https://www.eeoc.gov/eeoc/publications/fs-sex.cfm.
20. For fifteen years: Author interview, February 27, 2017.
21. Susan, who spent: Author interview, March 6, 2017.
22. It took Karla Amezola: Veronica Villafane, “Estrella TV Fires Anchor Karla Amezola, Who Sued Her Boss for Sexual Harassment,” Forbes, March 2, 2017; author interview with Karla Amezola, April 14, 2017.
23. “HR is the KGB”: Author interview with Nancy Erika Smith, March 30, 2017.
24. Susan Fowler, an engineer: Susan Fowler, “Reflecting on One Very, Very Strange Year at Uber,” Susanfowler.com, February 19, 2017; also Subrat Patnalk, “Uber Hires Ex–U.S. Attorney General Holder to Probe Sexual Harassment,” Reuters, February 21, 2017.
25. Holder’s report: “Uber’s Report: Eric Holder’s Recommendations for Change,” New York Times, June 13, 2017.
26. As one example: Katie Benner, “Women in tech speak frankly on culture of harassment, New York Times, June 30, 2017.
27. In her quiet: “Thomas Second Hearing Day 1, Part 2.” C-Span, October 11, 1991, https://www.c-span.org/video/?22214-1/senator-specter-anita-hill-testimony.
28. “a little bit nutty”: David Brock, Blinded by the Right: The Conscience of an Ex-Conservative (New York: Crown, 2002).
29. Tailhook is an: Michael R. Gordon, “Pentagon Report Tells of Aviators’ Debauchery,” New York Times, April 24, 1993.
30. Missouri senator: Author interview with Senator Claire McCaskill, March 7, 2017.
31. The sweeping reforms: Ed O’Keefe, “Senate Easily Passes McCaskill’s Military Sexual Assault Bill,” Washington Post, March 10, 2014.
32. “My concern is”: Author interview with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, March 7, 2017; also Kirsten Gillibrand, “The Pentagon Deliberately Misled Congress on Sex Assault Cases. Do Lawmakers Care?,” Washington Post, May 26, 2016.
33. Sandra, who was: Author interview, March 3, 2017.
34. Still, assault and rape: Andrew R. Morral, Kristie L. Gore, Terry Schell, eds., Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment in the U.S. Military, vol. 1, Design of the 2014 RAND Military Workplace Study (RAND Corporation, 2014).
35. According to Lyndsay Ayer: “Rate of Suicide Among Female Veterans Climbs, VA Says,” NPR Morning Edition, April 25, 2017.
36. When I spoke with Elizabeth: Author interview, March 1, 2017.
37. As I learned: Author interviews with Senators Claire McCaskill and Kirsten Gillibrand, March 7, 2017.
38. In her 2014 book: Kirsten Gillibrand, Off the Sidelines: Speak Up, Be Fearless, and Change Your World (New York: Ballantine Books, 2014).
39. “If this hadn’t”: Author interview, April 16, 2017.
40. Sophia’s collapsing: Jason N. Houle, Jeremy Staff, Jeylan T. Mortimer, Christopher Uggen, and Amy Blackstone, “The Impact of Sexual Harassment on Depressive Symptoms During the Early Occupational Career,” Society and Mental Health Journal, August 31, 2011.
41. Donald Trump commented: Kristen Powers, “Trump Says He Hopes Ivanka Would Quit If She Got Harassed,” USA Today, August 1, 2016; also, Nick Gass, “Eric Trump: Ivanka wouldn’t allow herself to be subjected to sexual harassment,” Politico, August 2, 2016.
42. One of the strong: Author interview, March 2, 2017.
43. But discouragingly: Joan C. Williams and Kate Massinger, “How Women Are Harassed Out of Science,” The Atlantic, July 25, 2016.
44. One of those women: “Ex-USC Employee Says She Was Fired Over Sexual Harassment Complaint,” LosAngeles.cbslocal.com, October 5, 2016; author interview with Nathalie Gosset, March 13, 2017.
45. The National Bureau: David Neumark, Ian Burn, and Patrick Button, “Is It Harder for Older Workers to Find Jobs? New and Improved Evidence from a Field Experiment,” National Bureau of Economic Research, October 2015; also Margaret Kane, “Say What? ‘Young People Just Smarter,’” Cnet.com, March 28, 2007.
46. That’s what Claudia: Author interview, March 13, 2017.
47. According to a PBS: “55, Unemployed and Faking Normal: One Woman’s Story of Barely Scraping By,” PBS NewsHour, January 19, 2017.
48. Keep in mind that age: Anna MacSwain, “US Ranks Lower than Kazakhstan and Algeria on Gender Equality,” Guardian, October 11, 2016.
49. Juliana, now in: Author interview, June 15, 2017.
50. A large study: “Sexual Violence on College Campuses,” US Department of Justice, justice.gov.; also Kirsten Gillibrand, “Key to Ending Campus Sexual Assaults Is Transparency,” Roll Call, April 11, 2016.
51. Research by Cornell’s: “ILR and Hollaback! Release Largest Analysis of Street Harassment to Date,” ILR School, Cornell University, June 1, 2015.
52. series of short films produced by David Schwimmer: Peggy Truang, “David Schwimmer Launches New Campaign to Fight Sexual Harassment,” Cosmopolitan, April 3, 2017.
53. That’s exactly what happened: Alanna Vagianos, “Read the Powerful Letter Harvard Soccer Players Wrote to Their Sexist Classmates,” Huffington Post, October 31, 2016.
54. In one 2014 case: Aaron Taube, “Some States Are Finally Making It Illegal to Sexually Harass Unpaid Interns,” Business Insider, October 6, 2014.
55. “Document, document”: Author interview with Lisa Bloom, February 10, 2017.
56. Brianna, who is: Author interview, April 4, 2017.
57. A Pew Research: Maeve Duggan, “Online Harassment,” Pew Research Center, October 22, 2014.
58. I admire Martha Langelan’s book: Martha Langelan, Back Off! How to Confront and Stop Sexual Harassment and Harassers (New York: Fireside, 1993).
59. Sterling Jewelers… is a case: Susan Antilla, “Sterling Jewelers Suit Casts Light on Wider Policies Hurting Women,” New York Times, March 6, 2017; Drew Harwell, “Sterling Discrimination Case Highlights Differences Between Arbitration, Litigation,” Washington Post, March 1, 2017.
60. Naomi had been: Author interview, February 28, 2017.
61. After the principal: Author interview, February 28, 2017.
62. Zoe was a: Author interview, April 5, 2017.
63. “We scheduled a”: Author interview, March 3, 2017.
64. “I am still crying”: Author interview, March 6, 2017.
65. Jada’s boss was: Author interview, March 16, 2017.
66. “Powerful people say”: Author interview with Lisa Bloom, February 10, 2017.
67. study of fifty harassment settlements : Mina Kotkin, “Outing Outcomes: An Empirical Study of Confidential Employment Discrimination Settlements,” law2.wlu.edu/deptimages/Law%20Review/64-1%20Kotkin%20Article.pdf.
68. Rebecca, who filed: Author interview, March 2, 2017.
69. The EEOC’s 2016: EEOC Select Task Force on the Study of Harassment in the Workplace, Executive Summary and Recommendations, June 2016, www.eeoc.gov/eeoc/task_force/harassment/report_summary.cfm.
70. “Mandatory sexual harassment”: Author interview with Cliff Palefsky, April 4, 2017.
71. “It boils down”: Author interview with Jeffery Tobias Halter, May 1, 2017.
72. Until I wrote: Gretchen Carlson, Getting Real (New York: Viking, 2015).
73. The truth is, a modern woman: Marge Piercy, What Are Big Girls Made Of? Poems (New York: Knopf, 2007).
74. On October 7, 2016: David A. Fahrenthold, “Trump Recorded Having Extremely Lewd Conversation about Women in 2005,” Washington Post, October 8, 2016.
75. Those who believe: Author interview with Natasha Stoynoff, March 28, 2017.
76. The People feature: People, September 18, 2005.
77. In her October 2016: Natasha Stoynoff, “Physically Attacked by Donald Trump: A People Writer’s Own Harrowing Story,” People, October 12, 2016.
78. Heather McDonald is: Teresa Watanabe, “UC Regent Apologizes for ‘Inappropriate’ Comments about Women’s Breasts,” Los Angeles Times, November 2, 2016; author interview with Heather McDonald, March 6, 2017.
79. Tamra was a: Author interview, March 6, 2017.
80. But the high-profile: Michael S. Schmidt and Maria Newman, “Jury Awards $11.6 Million to Former Knicks Executive,” New York Times, October 7, 2007.
81. The “he said, she said”: D. Lisak, L. Gardinier, S. C. Nicksa, and A. M. Cote, “False Allegations of Sexual Assault: An Analysis of Ten Years of Reported Cases,” Sage Journals, December 16, 2010; Dara Lind, “What We Know about False Rape Allegations,” Vox, June 1, 2015.
82. Nancy French, a bestselling: Nancy French, “What It’s Like to Experience the 2016 Election as Both a Conservative and a Sex Abuse Survivor,” Washington Post, October 21, 2016.
83. When I spoke with Nancy: Author interview with Nancy French, April 12, 2017.
84. The purpose of Franken’s: The Arbitration Fairness Act of 2017, www.franken.senate.gov/files/documents/170307_Arbitration FairnessAct.pdf; “Taking ‘Forced’ Out of Arbitration,” The Employees Rights Advocacy Institute for Law and Policy, Employeerightsadvocacy.org.
85. Ask Jennifer Fultz: Bill Lueders, “Companies Bar Workers and Consumers from the Courts,” The Progressive, December 7, 2016.
86. “The idea is”: Author interview with Nancy Erika Smith, March 30, 2017.
87. “Think about it”: Author interview with Cliff Palefsky, April 10, 2017.
88. “The plaintiff has”: Ibid.
89. According to a 2011: Alexander Colvin, An Empirical Study of Employment Arbitration: Case Outcomes and Processes, ILR School, Cornell University, 2011; also Elizabeth Dias and Eliana Dockterman, “The Teeny, Tiny Fine Print That Can Allow Sexual Harassment Claims to Go Unheard,” Time.com, October 21, 2016.
90. “Today there is a false”: Author interview with Nancy Erika Smith, March 30, 2017.
91. We can find some good news: Kate Samuelson, “Hundreds Allege Sexual Harassment at the Parent Company of Kay Jewelers,” Fortune, February 28, 2017; also Theresa Avila, “Class-Action Lawsuit against Kay and Jared Jewelry Company Alleges Widespread Sexual Harassment,” New York, February 27, 2017.
92. But during his first: Mary Emily O’Hara, “Trump Pulls Back Obama-Era Protection for Women Workers,” NBC News, April 13, 2007.
93. “I don’t see these”: Jackson Katz, “Violence against Women: It’s a Men’s Issue,” TED, November 2012, www.ted.com/talks/jackson_katz_violence_against_women_it_s_a_men_s_issue.
94. I was struck: Jessica Bennett, “A Master’s Degree in… Masculinity?,” New York Times, August 8, 2015.
95. “I may be a little grayer”: Remarks of President Obama at the United States of Women Summit, June 14, 2016, Obamawhitehouse.archives.gov.
96. Jake Tapper credits: Author interview with Jake Tapper, April 7, 2017.
97. His interview on State of the Union: “CNN’s Jake Tapper Destroys Rudy Giuliani’s Argument that Trump’s Sexual Assault Comments are Normal,” Media Matters, October 9, 2016.
98. “A huge part”: Author interview with Paul Feig, April 7, 2017.
99. A few years: Yashar Ali, “A Message to Women from a Man: You Are Not ‘Crazy,’” The Current Conscience, June 9, 2012.
100. “I wanted to rebrand”: Author interview with Yashar Ali, April 7, 2017.
101. Matthew Dowd grew up: Author interview with Matthew Dowd, April 11, 2017.
102. Larry Wilmore stands: Author interview with Larry Wilmore, April 17, 2017.
103. On one segment: Lisa de Moraes, “Larry Wilmore Defines ‘Rapist’ for Bill Cosby,” Deadline Hollywood, July 28, 2015.
104. Another prowoman: Stand Up! with Pete Dominick, Sirius radio, April 4, 2017.
105. Later, I sat: Author interview with Pete Dominick, May 4, 2017.
106. W. Brad Johnson, PhD: W. Brad Johnson and David Smith, Athena Rising: How and Why Men Should Mentor Women (New York: Bibliomotion, 2016).
107. “The nature of”: Author interview with W. Brad Johnson and David Smith, May 4, 2017.
108. Kathleen Neville, a leader: Author interview with Kathleen Neville, April 19, 2017.
109. Vincent believes that men: Troy Vincent, “Standing Together with One Voice Against Domestic Violence,” NBC News, March 6, 2017.
110. John Shouldis’s New Jersey case: John Appezzato, “Former Teaneck Cop Awarded $4.1 Million in Harassment Suit,” Star-Ledger, December 19, 2008.
111. “A lot of us”: Author interview, March 21, 2017.
112. “cool fierceness”: Author interview with Bob Thurman, May 12, 2017.
113. Jeffery Tobias Halter: Author interview with Jeffery Tobias Halter, May 1, 2017.
114. Patricia’s case illustrates: Author interview, April 6, 2017.
115. It’s choppier, as: President Barack Obama’s statement in the Rose Garden, November 9, 2016.
116. Yet according to: Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN), www.RAINN.org.
117. According to a 2016 report: Francine D. Blau and Lawrence M. Kahn, “The Gender Wage Gap: Extent, Trends, and Explanations,” National Bureau of Economic Research, January 2016.
118. “My husband was”: Author interview, March 14, 2017.
119. In their book: Rosalind Barnett and Caryl Rivers, The New Soft War on Women: How the Myth of Female Ascendance Is Hurting Women, Men, and Our Economy (New York: TarcherPerigee, 2013).
120. William Goldman, the famous: William Goldman, Hype and Glory (New York: Random House, 1990).
121. “I asked the CEO”: Author interview, March 14, 2017.
122. In 2016, the Kellogg: WITW staff, “Survey Reveals the Names and Words Women Most Hate Being Called,” New York Times/Women in the World, September 28, 2016.
123. A New Zealand man: Molly McArdle, “This Google Chrome Extension Replaces ‘Political Correctness’ with Something More Accurate,” Huffington Post, August 10, 2015.
124. The whistleblower wore: Manuel Roig-Franzia, “She Says She Was Harassed by Superiors. Now She Protests Outside the TSA for Hours,” Washington Post, November 30, 2016; also, author interview with Alyssa Bermudez, March 1, 2017.
125. Have you seen Ashley Judd’s: Ashley Judd, “How Online Abuse of Women Has Spiraled out of Control,” TED, January 2017.
126. Another famous woman: Monica Lewinsky, “Shame and Survival,” Vanity Fair, June 2016.
127. It’s an easy out: Stephanie Pappas, “Men Who Blame Victim for Sexual Harassment Are Often Harassers,” LifeScience, April 11, 2011.
128. In fact, according: Candace Kruttschnitt, William D. Kalsbeck, and Carol C. House, Estimating the Incidence of Rape and Sexual Assault (Washington, DC: National Research Council, 2014).
129. “This was something I dreamed”: Author interview, April 4, 2017.
130. Robin Wright, known for her role: Laura Bradley, “Robin Wright Fought for Pay Equity on House of Cards,” Vanity Fair, May 18, 2016.
131. Debra Messing is another: Sara Boboltz, “Debra Messing Recalls Sexual Harassment ‘Power Play’ on Set with Director Alfonso Arau,” Huffington Post, February 9, 2017.
132. Jodi Norgaard is the founder: Gogosportsgirls.com; author interview with Jodi Norgaard, April 26, 2017.
133. A couple of years: Roo Ciambriello, “‘Like a Girl’ Is No Longer an Insult in Inspiring Ad from P&G’s Always,” Ad Week, June 26, 2014; also #LikeAGirl.
134. Recently, I read: Maggie Hendricks, “Jameis Winston Gets the Message Wrong When He Tells Fifth-Grade Girls to ‘Sit Down,’” USA Today, February 23, 2017.
135. A study by the German psychologist: Marina A. Pavlova, Susanna Weber, Elisabeth Simoes, and Alexander M. Sokolor, “Gender Stereotype Susceptibility,” University of Tubingen, December 17, 2014.
136. The roots of negative: Andrei Cimpian and Lin Bian, “Stereotypes about ‘Brilliance’ Affect Girls’ Interests as Early as Age 6, New Study Finds,” New York University, January 26, 2017.
137. “The genie is”: Author interview with Allison Havey, May 12, 2017.
138. Title IX statistics show: Titleix.info.
139. “Waiting to educate”: Kathleen Neville, “Addressing Social Misconduct in Schools, Sports and the Workplace: Bullying, Harassment, Discrimination and Harmful Interpersonal Behavior”; Exploring Innovative and Effective Solutions for Youth Awareness and Education, IDS 600 and 601 capstone project, Dr. Mustafa Gokcek, April 20, 2015.
140. The Good Men Project recently: Mark Greene, “A Manifesto: Relational Intelligence for Our Children,” Good Men Project, April 20, 2017; also Elizabeth J. Meyer, “The Danger of ‘Boys Will Be Boys’: Why This Phrase Should Be Banned from Our Vocabulary,” Psychology Today, March 14, 2014.
141. According to extensive surveys: Cyberbullying Research Center, cyberbullying.org.
142. Monica Lewinsky, whom I mentioned: Monica Lewinsky, “Meet the New Emoji Tool to Combat Cyberbullying,” Vanity Fair, February 6, 2016.
143. There are many good resources: Stopbullying.gov; Susan Strauss, Sexual Harassment and Bullying: A Guide to Keeping Kids Safe and Holding Schools Accountable (Lanham, MD: Rowan & Littlefield Publishers, 2011).
144. In 2015, Target: Hiroko Tabuchi, “Sweeping Away Gender-Specific Toys and Labels,” New York Times, October 27, 2015.
145. The comedian Pete Dominick: Author interview with Pete Dominick, May 4, 2017.
146. This is important: Author interview with Paul Feig, April 7, 2017.
147. Like many people: Bethany McLean, “The Backstory Behind Wall Street’s ‘Fearless Girl’ Statue,” The Atlantic, March 13, 2017; Lam Bourree, “Why People Are So Upset about Wall Street’s ‘Fearless Girl,’” The Atlantic, April 14, 2017; Nick Fugallo and Max Jaeger, “Pissed-Off Artist Adds Statue of Urinating Dog Next to ‘Fearless Girl,’” New York Post, May 29, 2017.
148. In a 2015 TimesTalk: Lady Gaga, Diane Warren, Kirby Dick, and Amy Ziering, “The Hunting Ground,” TimesTalk, December 10, 2015, timestalks.com/detail-event.php?event=the_hunting_ground.
149. “It’s not bigger”: Author interview, March 22, 2017.
150. I was quite: Letter to author, April 30, 2017.
151. A study by Jennifer L. Lawless: Jennifer L. Lawless and Richard L. Fox, “Girls Just Wanna Not Run: The Gender Gap in Young Americans’ Political Ambition,” Women & Politics Institute, March 2013.
152. For example, women gained: www.emergeamerica.org; www.runforsomething.net.
153. When W. Brad Johnson: W. Brad Johnson and David Smith, Athena Rising: How and Why Men Should Mentor Women (New York: Routledge, 2016).