“Buckle up, P.D.! Whistler, here we come.” Hoff backed out of my driveway. We were headed up to his family’s cabin for the August long weekend, six of us altogether.
“This is going to be a sick trip.” I put on my sunglasses. It was going to be pretty sweet sleeping with Kelly for the first time.
“You’re just keeping that seat warm,” Hoff warned me as he headed over to Kelly’s place. “Once we get Ada, she’s sitting there.”
“You’re killing me here, Hoff. Bros before hos,” I said. Of course I’d rather be in the back seat with Kelly, but I didn’t mind bugging him. “How come you’re kissing up like this?”
“Just started dating her,” he explained. “We’re still at that stage where you have to be all nice and shit.”
“You mean you haven’t slept with her yet,” I said.
“Yeah. Well, I figure if she agrees to go away for a weekend, I’m in.” He started laughing. “Literally!”
We pulled up to Kelly’s house, and she immediately came out. She looked cute in her jean shorts, white top, and ball cap. Hoff watched in the side mirror as Kelly went around to the back of the SUV to throw her bag in. “Dat ass. You’re a lucky man.”
“Fuck off,” I replied, just before the Kelly hopped in the back seat and slammed the door.
“Hi guys! Quick, let’s take off before my mom comes down to chat.”
Sure enough, Kelly’s mom was waving good-bye from the doorway. We waved at her as we pulled away.
“Whew. Last night, she wanted to have The Talk with me before I left. Talk about embarrassing.”
“Talk about closing the barn door after the horse is gone,” commented Hoff.
Kelly wrinkled her nose and changed the subject. “So, who else is coming?”
“Elliot Jackson, he’s on my hockey team. He and his girlfriend are coming, but they’re driving themselves. And we’re picking up Ada now,” Hoff explained.
“Ada? I thought your girlfriend’s name was Jamie,” Kelly said.
“Jamie’s history. Now it’s Ada.”
“What? I saw you with Jamie at Ryan’s party—like, two weeks ago?”
“You’ve gotta be fast to keep up with the Hoff, Kelly. I’m a man on the move.”
“I’m sorry, did you refer to yourself in the third person?” Kelly asked, and I laughed. She continued, “But the bigger question is how come she’s allowed to go to your cabin for the weekend if you’ve only been dating two weeks? Her parents must be pretty permissive.”
“I’m hoping it runs in the family,” Hoff replied.
Kelly shook her head. “Man, it’s like my parents are from Victorian times or something. Good thing my mom likes Phil so much.”
“You’ve sure got her fooled,” Hoff said to me. “I don’t get it, how come all the parents love you? It’s like, ‘Sure, come on in and defile my daughter.’ But when I meet some chick’s parents, I feel like they want to pull out a shotgun and make me sing falsetto.”
Kelly frowned; she hated hearing about my past girlfriends. Then she answered Hoff, “It’s because you act like a horny teenager who can’t wait to get into their daughter’s panties. Parents can sense that.”
“And Davidson’s not?”
“I don’t know about all the other girls. But he acts like a normal person with my parents. He makes conversation and everything.”
Hoff shrugged. “Well, he’s known them for years.”
Fifteen minutes later, we drove up a long driveway in the British Properties. At the end, there was a rundown ranch house. Hoff honked and waited, but nobody came out.
“Guess you’re going to have to be a gentleman and go get her,” I told him.
“Yeah. Maybe Mr. and Mrs. Permissive want to meet you and grill you. With a shotgun!” Kelly said, giggling.
Hoff groaned, got out of the car and walked up to the front door. I got in the back seat with Kelly and kissed her.
“Pretty exciting, eh?” I said.
“Our first weekend away together. Yeah, it is exciting.” Kelly smiled happily at me. “Of course, we did spend a weekend together at that hockey tournament in Sechelt.”
“Yes, we were twelve and you stayed in a room with some of the moms and I stayed in a room with some of the guys, so that was pretty much the same thing.”
“I was so mad that I didn’t get to stay in one of the team rooms,” she said.
“Well, I’ll make it up to you tonight. We can even sleep in the same bed.” I tickled her side, and she squirmed and laughed.
We waited a bit, and Kelly made an exasperated noise. “What’s taking her so long? I want to get going. Too bad he’s not still going out with Karen. Then this weekend would have been perfect.”
Just then Hoff returned, he had a red suitcase in one hand and Ada on the other. She was short, blonde, and a little over-dressed. He put her stuff in the back, opened the door for her, and then got in and did the intros. Ada seemed nice, nothing special though. She talked a lot. She talked pretty much the whole way up to Whistler.
“Oh my gosh, this road is so scary,” declared Ada. “Davey, be super-careful driving.”
The Sea to Sky Highway was a sweet drive, right by the ocean, but it was dangerous. There were only two lanes, and two kinds of drivers: slowpokes who crawled around every winding curve, and the regulars who knew the road like the back of their hands, speeded, tailgated, and passed like crazy. Hoff was one of the regulars. Ada made a nervous sigh.
Kelly didn’t mind though, she liked a little adrenaline. She was looking out the window at the view. I knew Hoff was a good driver; my only worry would be if he felt like he had to impress Ada by making some asshole move. I liked Hoff better when he wasn’t trying to scam some chick into bed.
We got up to Whistler in no time. Hoff’s cabin was a chalet-style house, not too far from the Village. Hoff and Ada went inside; he left me to unload the car so Kelly helped. We left most of the stuff in the living room. I could hear them negotiating upstairs.
“Daver, you said I’d have my own room,” she said, but in a flirty voice.
“Well sure, but the master bedroom has a better….” Their voices disappeared.
Kelly was looking around the living room. “It’s so nice here. I always think a cabin is going to be some rustic log shack, but this place is bigger than my house.”
“Yeah, Hoff’s dad is big into skiing, and I think he likes to entertain clients up here.” I took her hand. “Wanna see our room?” The place had four bedrooms, so I figured I’d take the one furthest from the master bedroom. I had no interest in hearing what Hoff did all night, although I suspected he wouldn’t mind spying on us. He had a weird streak of voyeurism.
Kelly nodded and grabbed her knapsack. “Duh. Why did you take so long to ask?”
The door to the master bedroom was closed, so I figured that Hoff had won that argument. We walked down the hall, and I opened the door to a sunny corner bedroom with a queen-sized bed. Kelly ran over and threw herself on the bed. She lay like a starfish on the big duvet.
“Ahhhh, so comfy.”
I jumped on the bed beside Kelly.
“Alone at last,” she said, putting her arms around my neck. She pulled my head down and kissed me. As we continued to make out, she snaked her hand underneath my t-shirt.
Suddenly, the door opened, and we sprang apart out of habit. Ada poked her head in. “Oops, sorry. Hey Phil, everyone’s here now. We’re getting ready to go to dinner, so come on.”
“Yeah, sure,” I told her. “We’ll be right down.”
Kelly dropped her head back on the pillow. “Is there no knocking on Planet Ada? Cripes, what if we were naked and doing it?”
“Even you can’t take your clothes off that fast,” I told her, sitting up on the bed and pulling down my t-shirt. Kelly didn’t like to waste time when it came to sex, probably because we never had enough.
“Hey, it’s a skill, okay? I thought you liked it.” She laughed and put her hair back into a ponytail. “If you were faster, we could have already been done.”
“Bullshit,” I told her. “I am never that fast.”
“So true,” she said, kissing me again. She lowered her voice, “I can’t wait for tonight with you, Phil.”
Crap, if she kept this up, I wouldn’t be able to hide my hard-on. I grabbed Kelly by the hand, pulling her up from the bed. “Come on, Sparky. Duty calls.”
She raised one eyebrow, “Aww, really? I’m ready to go to bed right now.”
I smacked her ass. “Don’t tease me. You’re going to pay for that later.”
“Promises, promises,” she said, and then took off downstairs. Elliot and his girlfriend were in the kitchen chatting with Hoff. I remembered meeting him before, but I didn’t know him that well.
“Hey, Phil,” he said, “This is Samira.” His girlfriend was a pretty brunette. I thought she was Persian.
I did the intros. “Elliot, Samira, this is Kelly.” She smiled and nodded at them.
Elliot stared at Kelly. “I know you,” he said. “Didn’t you used to date Nicklas Ericcson?”
“Uh yeah, but that was a while ago,” Kelly looked embarrassed now. “You play for North Van Triple A too, right?”
“Yeah, but that’s all done now. Hoff and I are going to play for U.B.C. next year.” That explained why they were hanging out more now.
“I know Nicklas Ericcson,” declared Ada. She stared at Kelly and added, “He has a new girlfriend now.”
“That’s great,” said Kelly. “So aren’t we all going out somewhere?”
We decided to go to a hamburger place that Hoff liked and walked down to the Village. Ada was one of those picky eaters who worried about calories; she ordered a salad and hardly ate it. The place was quiet, so we hung around after dinner. Apparently Ada figured that booze had no calories though, because she was putting back the drinks pretty good. She and Samira were talking about some people they both knew. Kelly was talking U.B.C. hockey with Elliot and me. Apparently his sister used to play for the women’s team, and he knew a lot of the gossip. The team was in a lot of turmoil because the coach had been fired.
Hoff was talking to the waitress, he knew her from a ski club or something. Then Ada noticed, got pissed, and started flirting with Elliot and me. When that didn’t work, she started up with the bartender. I had Ada typed now: she was a drama queen who wanted all the attention.
Evenings like this reminded me how easy it was to be with Kelly. She enjoyed her hamburger, didn’t get hammered, and never played stupid mind games. Afterwards, Ada wanted to go out to a club, but the rest of us weren’t really into it. We wandered around, looking for an outdoor concert someone had mentioned.
“Whistler’s supposed to be all exciting, but it’s kind of sleepy. Davey-poo, you said we’d have a fun weekend, but so far it’s been boring.”
Elliot explained, “Whistler’s a ski town. It’s way busier in the winter.”
Kelly piped up, “Um, I’m pretty tired and I think I’d like to go to bed now.” She squeezed my hand when she said that, and my cock perked up.
“Go to bed now?” Ada was incredulous. “It’s only 9:30! What are you, ten years old?”
“I’m tired too,” I said. “You guys can stay out. We’ll just see you back at the cabin.”
Ada was going to say something else, but Hoff interrupted her. “Or not see you. Keep the noise down, okay, Stud?” He tossed me the keys.
“Oh, I get it now,” Ada said. She gave me a once over and smirked. “Well, we’ll be out having fun too!”
Not as much fun as us.
“Race you to the house,” Kelly challenged me and we took off.
Once we got to the room, I stripped off in about two seconds flat and jumped into bed to wait. Kelly seemed to be taking ages in the bathroom. She finally poked her head out, and then her whole body. She was wearing an old hockey tournament t-shirt.
I couldn’t help laughing. “I think that’s the same thing you were wearing last time we spent a weekend together. You know, at that peewee hockey tourney.”
She flopped on the bed with her back turned to me. “I’m sorry. I know I look like a kid! I suck at girlfriend stuff.”
“Ah Kel, I’m pretty sure that what’s underneath this, is as hot as anything I can imagine.” I pushed the t-shirt up above her waist, and ran my hands over her warm skin. “Yeah, that ass is pretty much the hottest thing I’ve seen all day.”
Kelly turned to face me, finally smiling. “How come you always know exactly the right thing to say?”
I motioned impatiently, and she yanked the t-shirt off and straddled me. She looked so hot naked, the tan lines on her body highlighting the perfect parts only I got to see. I took a breast in each hand, and ran my thumbs in circles around them. I avoided her nipples but they began to pucker all by themselves. Kelly’s nipples were really sensitive.
“What are you doing? Touch them,” she groaned.
“I’m taking my time tonight.” I wanted to light her up and explore every fucking inch of her body. I finally started in on her nipples, tweaking each one up to a hard peak. She was breathing hard and her tits were quivering in my hands.
“God, Phil, it’s so—” Kelly’s voice was hoarse.
“So good, Kel?” I lifted up my head and started sucking her nipples, first one and then the other. I could actually feel her wetness on my stomach, as she began to wriggle with need.
“Please, Phil… let’s fuck,” she pleaded. “Really want you inside me!”
“When I’m ready,” I told her, but Kelly tried to force things. She reached back and started to stroke my cock. I pushed her hand away, flipped her under me, and kissed my way up her thighs. She kept making these really hot noises, and when I kissed between her legs, she cried out.
I tongued her clit and her body rose towards my mouth. I held apart her thighs and teased her with the tip of my tongue, making little circles around her sensitive nub and then probing it directly.
“Oh God, yes,” Kelly cried out. I tried to pull back because I wanted to get her even more worked up, but she squeezed her strong thighs around my neck, and pulled me closer. “No, don’t stop, Phil. Make me come,” she begged.
I sucked her clit hard, popping it in and out between my lips. Kelly tensed and then I could feel the tremors in her body as she came. As she relaxed, I moved up between her thighs, and pushed my cock into her. I stroked in and out, keeping everything slow and deliberate. It was tough, because she felt so good inside.
“Unnh, what are you doing?” Kelly gasped, “Don’t go so slow….”
She started lifting her hips and rocking, trying to force the pace. She was squeezing down on me, and I closed my eyes and let myself feel it all. As I went in and almost all the way out, Kelly was meeting me with each stroke. It felt fucking incredible.
“Fuck, Kel,” I grunted as we sped up. She was rubbing herself against me and began making those little sounds that meant she was coming. I was so close too, and I pushed a few more times and then froze, feeling the blood pumping through my head as I came deep inside her. I collapsed and kissed blindly at the parts of her closest to me. We lay there for a long time, until she slipped away to get cleaned up. I turned over onto my back and half-dozed.
Kelly got back into bed, snuggled next to me, and laid her head on my chest. I put my arm around her.
“I wonder why having sex makes me feel sleepy,” she asked.
“Well, you do go at it pretty hard,” I muttered. I was almost asleep myself.
“What, like too hard?” she asked. Sometimes she got weirdly insecure about sex, even when she could tell how fantastic it was for both of us.
“Kel, it’s not a competition. Sex is good all ways.” I felt her body relax against mine. I liked the feeling of her bare skin and her warm breath. Even better was the sensation of privacy, that we could be naked, alone, and safe. We were sleeping together for the first time and it felt so right.