All You Need


I woke up in the morning, kind of uncomfortable and cramped, and I realized it was because Kelly was in the bed with me. The sex part was great, but the actual sleeping part might take a little getting used to. If we did this regularly, we would need to get a bigger bed because I needed a good night’s sleep to function properly. On the other hand, I did have a morning erection, but it seemed rude to wake Kelly up so we could do it. Maybe if I moved around a bit.

She was sleeping pretty soundly. In fact, she was snoring slightly, which was cute. I was used to having roommates on the road who snored a lot louder. I snuck a peek under the sheet; I couldn’t get my fill of seeing her naked body. Then I looked down at Kelly, at her pretty face all relaxed. It was fantastic having her here with me. My teammates had pointed out our campus was full of hot chicks, and I could be getting some action closer to home. But getting with girls who might have hidden agendas or maybe even STDs was a bigger worry. Mostly my decisions were pretty good, but I tended to take people at face value. I got pranked a lot since I wasn’t naturally suspicious. And girls had been a mystery to me.

The fact that Kelly came here was great. She never said anything about her feelings, but I figured she showed things with her actions instead. Like at camp, I knew she liked me because she met me at the dock. And now, she had travelled for hours to be here with me.

In some ways Kelly and I were a lot alike. Of course, hockey was big for us, but it was more our personalities. We liked to be active, to be busy doing stuff. We both told the truth because we were lousy liars. And I could usually tell what she was thinking, which made me more comfortable. I had a lot of issues in my life, and I didn’t need my girlfriend to be one of them. She was straightforward, nice, and lots of fun. And speaking of fun, I was pretty sure Kelly was starting to wake up, she had turned over.

I checked the CD alarm clock. Lots of time before she had to get her bus.

“Morning, Kelly.” I kissed her shoulder.

“Unnh, Jimmy,” she growled and turned onto her back. She opened one eye. “Wasstime?”

“Eight-thirty.” I kissed her on the mouth.

“Too early.” She slung her arm over her eyes and turned her back to me. “You kept me awake half the night.”

“Didn’t hear you complaining.” I slipped an arm around her. I liked the way her tits looked squished under my arm.

Kelly wriggled closer to me, pressing her ass into me. “You’re right. I’m not complaining. In fact…” She snaked her hand between our bodies and stroked my cock. It was already hard, but she was making it even harder.

Since we were already naked, it didn’t take long to get going. I spread her legs enough to get my cock inside, and we did it in the spoon position. A quickie, but still great.

“How was that for a wake up call?” I asked her with a kiss on the neck.

“Um, amazing,” Kelly said. I could tell she was smiling even though her back was to me. “I’d like to get woken up like that every morning.”

“Yeah, me too.” I had both arms wrapped around her. “I kinda like this position. But if we sleep together regularly, I’m going to have to get a bigger bed.”

“I wouldn’t worry about it,” she replied. “I won’t be able to come back.”

“Why not?”

“I’ve got games every weekend. I only got to come because they were cancelled for once. So now we’ll have makeup games too.”

“Man, Kelly, everything has been great. Wouldn’t you like to do it again? Maybe you could miss one weekend.” Having had a taste of how good things could be made me want her here all the time.

She wriggled around to face me. “Are you serious? Why don’t you skip a game instead and come to Montreal?”

I scowled at her. “I can’t do that. The team needs me.”

“I rest my case.”

“Sorry, Kelly, you’re right. I shouldn’t have said that. It’s just hard not to see my girlfriend more often.” She wasn’t mad, was she? I kissed her on the forehead.

“Mmmhmm.” Kelly nestled her body into mine.

“We should talk about when we’re seeing each other,” I began.

“Yeah. At Christmas, right? When you come for the World Juniors.”

“Of course.” It wasn’t official yet, but it was a pretty sure thing. “But I meant after that.”

“After that?” Kelly looked up at me, puzzled. “Like spring break? Or are you going to work at Burt Iverson’s camp again?”

“I don’t really get a spring break, because hockey is still on. And next summer everything is going to be different for me.” Did she not remember this? We had talked about it enough. “I’ll be going to the Blackhawks camps, and I’m going to have a really busy summer.”

“Oh yeah,” Kelly said. “You and your five-year planner.” She kissed me to offset that remark, but it seemed vaguely insulting.

“It’s the way life is for me, I have to plan ahead. Anyway, I was thinking—maybe we can go on vacation, just the two of us. In early May, after school ends.” I hadn’t talked to anyone about this, but after all these years, I figured I deserved a little time off. Once I went pro, the work would really start.

“Sure,” said Kelly. “Where?”

“I was thinking Hawaii. Didn’t you say you really liked it there?”

“Yes, we went when I was twelve. But Jimmy, I can’t afford it. I don’t have a job lined up or anything. Maybe we can go camping.” She put her arms around my neck. “I like camping with you.”

“Kelly, I’ll be signing my entry contract once school is done.”

“That’s great,” she said. Kelly was kind of dozy this morning. She didn’t seem to get the importance of everything I was telling her.

“Once I sign my contract, I’ll have money. I can pay for our vacation.”

“That’s your money.” She was wide-awake now. “You can’t pay for me.”

“Why not? It’s a lot of money. It’s close to a million dollars.”

“No. No way. It’s not right. You worked hard to earn that money, and you should put it in the bank or give it to your parents. Not spend it on me.”

“But it’s what I want to do—go away with you.” I never thought that money would be an issue; I figured maybe her parents wouldn’t want us going away alone. “It’s a kind of celebration for me.”

Kelly didn’t even answer me this time. She only shook her head.

I didn’t understand why this was a problem for Kelly. Did I have to convince her how important she was to me? Okay, if that was what it took. I wrapped my arms around her. “Look, baby, we were just saying what a good time we had this weekend, right?” I kissed her until her body relaxed in my arms.

Kelly laughed. “No kidding. The sex has been off the charts.” She ran a finger between my pecs and followed up with a kiss on my nipple.

“No, it’s more than that. I want to talk to you while we’re together.” She heard the urgency in my voice and gave me her full attention. “It’s great going out with you. You understand everything I’m going through, and when we talk, I feel so much better when I’m worried or whatever. Having you here this weekend, it’s like you fit in so well here too. You’re so perfect.”

“I’m so not perfect,” she replied.

“You are perfect—for me. Kelly, I love you.”

Kelly’s eyes opened wide when I said this. Then instead of the sweet response I’d been hoping for, her whole face shut down. She pulled away from me, so our bodies weren’t even touching anymore. She shook her head once.


“I’m sorry, but really—you hardly know me. We’ve had a great time, but, c’mon.”

“That’s not true at all. We talk all the time.”

“On the phone. Jimmy, we’ve actually spent only two weeks together. This is crazy.”

She seemed to be recoiling, so I reached out and pulled her back. I held her body against mine.

“Stop. Why are you getting so upset?”

“Because this is nuts.”

Why would my caring about her cause such a reaction? I realized that commitment was scary for her. It was like this when I wanted us to go out long distance.

“Kelly, we’ve done the most intimate stuff people can do together, and I know it’s as intense for you as it is for me.”

“You can’t confuse sex with emotion.”

“I know you like to pretend you’re all tough and casual about sex. But we couldn’t connect the way we do without caring about each other.” I could see her considering this, maybe loosening up a little. “And I do know you. I watched you at camp, and I’ve talked to you for the past three months. I know you’re a good person. You’re kind—to kids, to older people, to strangers. My mom always told me to watch out for phonies, and I know you’re not a phony. You’re truthful.” I laughed a little. “Like right now.”

“That’s all sweet, but you’ve never seen me at my worst.”

“Haven’t I? What about what happened when Riley posted those photos? I saw someone who was stressed, then resourceful, and then forgiving.”

“Not true. It’s not like I forgave Riley. I didn’t want to get us into more trouble.”

“Yeah, well you didn’t report him to Trudy or Burt, did you? But, it all gets back to you underestimating me. You think I’m young and I can’t be for real. I get you, Kelly. Maybe something happened before, and you’ve got trust issues.” Her body stiffened, and I squeezed her tighter. “It’s okay, I don’t have to hear about it. I know you don’t like sharing that stuff. I get you, Kelly. You don’t have to say things out loud for me to understand them.”

I kissed her, real gentle, on the lips, and she started to relax a little. I wanted her to feel reassured and not panicked. “It’s okay, baby.”

Her only reaction to that was to expel a little puff of breath. She rested her head on my chest, and I kissed her hair. Maybe hers wasn’t the reaction I’d hoped for, but I could never predict what Kelly was going to say or do. She was elusive. But I was a patient guy. I knew she was the right girl for me, and nothing was going to shake that conviction. I was used to working for the really important things in my life.

Kelly finally looked up at me and smiled. “I’m sorry. It was a sweet thing for you to say, and I didn’t react very well. I was so surprised.” But she never said a word about how she felt.

“Don’t worry. I love you, and I’m going to keep saying it because I want to. Someday, you’ll trust me enough to admit how you feel. But I’m happy for us to be together, anyway we can be.”