
My thanks to Lieutenant Colonel (ret.) Shaul Dori; Ory Slonim, Special Consultant to the Prime Minister; Brigadier General Yigal Presler, Advisor to the Prime Minister on Anti-Terror Warfare; Colonel (res.) Ranan Gissin; Sergeant Major Didi Lehman; Yaakov “K”; Fred Pierce; Dr. Donald Drouin; Detective Tim Connelly, NYPD; “Arthur”; Erster Polizeihauptkommissar Bernd Pokojewski; Eric Sabbe, EKHK G. Haiber-Bundeskriminalamt; Dr. David Th. Schiller; Sergeant First Class Jerry Ginder; Major Robert Oles; “Mustaffa”; Claire Wachtel; and of course, the real Ruth.


This work was reviewed by the IDF Military Censor.