*Books which are highly recommended to the general reader are marked with an asterisk.
Ackroyd, Peter, The Life of Sir Thomas More, Doubleday, 1988; Shakespeare: The Biography, Chatto and Windus, 2005.
Acton, Harold, Three Extraordinary Ambassadors, Thames and Hudson, 1983.
*Alford, Stephen, The Watchers: a secret history of the reign of Elizabeth I, Allen Lane, 2012.
*Andrews, Sue, and Springall, Tony, Hadleigh and the Alabaster Family, Andrews, 2005.
Arber, Edward (ed), Captain John Smith of Willoughby: Works 1608-1631, Constable, 1895.
Ashton, Robert, James I by his Contemporaries, Hutchinson, 1969.
Barber, C.L., Shakespeare’s Festive Comedy, Princeton University Press, 1959.
Barber, R. and Barker, J., Tournaments, Boydell Press, 1989.
*Barbour, Philip L., The Three Worlds of Captain John Smith, Macmillan, 1964; The Complete Works of John Smith, 1580-1631 (three vols), University of North Carolina Press, 1985.
*Barrett, John, and Iredale, David, Discovering Old Handwriting, Shire Publications, 1995.
Bates, E.S., Touring in 1600, Constable and Houghton Mifflin, 1911.
Bond, Shelagh M. (ed), The Monuments of St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, published for the Dean and Canons, 1958.
Bossy, John, Giordano Bruno and the Embassy Affair, 1991; Under the Molehill: an Elizabethan Spy Story, Yale Note Bene, 2001.
Bracken, C.W., A History of Plymouth, Underhill, 1931.
Browne, Sir Thomas, Hydriotaphia or Urne-Burial, 1658.
Burke, Sir Bernard, Vicissitudes of Families, 1869.
Burton, Elizabeth, The Elizabethans at Home, Secker and Warburg, 1958.
*Burton, Robert, The Anatomy of Melancholy (first published 1621), New York Review Books, 2001.
*Carew, Richard, Survey of Cornwall (first published 1602) Tamar Books, 2000.
*Castiglione, Baldesar (trans Ball, George), The Book of the Courtier (first published 1528), Penguin, 1967.
Chynoweth, John, Tudor Cornwall, Tempus, 2002.
Coate, Mary, Cornwall in the Great Civil War, Bradford Barton, Truro, 1933.
Cockerham, Paul, Continuity and Change: Memorialisation in the Cornish Funeral Monument Industry 1497-1660, British Archaeological Reports British Series, 2006.
Cook, Judith, Dr Simon Forman, Chatto and Windus, 2001.
*Cressy, David, Bonfires and Bells, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1989; Birth, Marriage and Death: Ritual, religion and the life-cycle in Tudor and Stuart England, Oxford University Press, 1997.
Crowley, Roger, Constantinople: the Last Great Siege 1453, Faber and Faber, 2005.
*Cruickshank, C.G., Elizabeth’s Army, Oxford University Press, 1966.
*Dalrymple, William, From the Holy Mountain: A Journey in the Shadow of Byzantium, Flamingo, 1998.
Darvill, Giles, Little Sir Hal Killigrew, CRM and Dysllansow Truran, 1994.
Dent, Anthony, Horses in Shakespeare’s England, Anthony Dent, 1987.
Du Maurier, Daphne, Golden Lads: A Study of Anthony Bacon, Francis, and their friends, Victor Gollancz, 1975.
Dunkin, Edwin, Monumental Brasses of Cornwall, 1882.
*Dunne, Richard S., Sugar and Slaves: The Rise of the Planter Class in the English West Indies, University of North Carolina Press, 1972.
Elliott, J.H., Europe Divided, 1559-1598, Fontana, 1968.
*Evans, Helen C. (ed), Byzantium: Faith and Power, 1261-1557, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2004.
Finlay, George, History of Greece, Oxford, 1877.
Forbes-Lindsay, C.H., John Smith, Gentleman Adventurer, Lippincott, 1907.
*Fraser, Antonia, Mary Queen of Scots, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1969.
Gainsford, Thomas, The Glory of England, London, 1618.
Gant, John, Autobiography, London, 1833.
*Gauci, Charles A., and Mallat, Peter, The Palaeologos Family: A Genealogical Review, Publishers Enterprises Group, Malta, 1985.
Gibbon, Edward, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (first published 1776–88), Wordsworth edition, 1998.
Gilbert, C.S., The Historical Survey of the County of Cornwall, 1817.
Gomme, A.H. (ed), Jacobean Tragedies, Oxford University Press, 1969.
Grey, Charles, Pirates of the Eastern Seas (1618–1723), Sampson, Low, Marston, 1933.
Hadfield, Andrew (ed), Five Jacobean Tragedies, Wordsworth Classics, 2001.
Hammond, Peter, Dean Stanley of Westminster, Churchman Publishing, 1987.
*Handover, P.M., The Second Cecil: The Rise to Power 1563-1604 of Sir Robert Cecil, later first Earl of Salisbury, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1959.
Harrison, William, The Description of Britain, London, 1577.
*Haynes, Alan, The Elizabethan Secret Services, History Press, 1992.
*Head, Constance, Imperial Twilight: The Palaiologos Dynasty and the Decline of Byzantium, Nelson-Hall, Chicago, 1977.
*Herrin, Judith, Byzantium: The Surprising Life of a Medieval Empire, Penguin, 2007.
Hill, Christopher, The Century of Revolution, 1603-1714, Nelson, 1961.
*Hill, J.W.F., Tudor and Stuart Lincoln, Cambridge University Press, 1956.
Hodgett, Gerald A.J., Tudor Lincolnshire, History of Lincolnshire Committee, 1975.
*Holmes, Clive, Seventeenth Century Lincolnshire, History of Lincolnshire Committee, 1980.
Hoobler, Dorothy and Thomas, Captain John Smith: Jamestown and the Birth of the American Dream, John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey, 2006.
Hoyos, Sir Alexander, Barbados: A History from the Amerindians to Independence, Macmillan Caribbean, 1978.
Hutchens, Fortescue, The History of Cornwall, Penaluna, 1824.
Hutchinson, Robert, Elizabeth’s Spymaster, Phoenix, 2006.
*Hutton, Ronald, The Rise and Fall of Merry England: The Ritual Year, 1400-1700, Oxford University Press, 1994.
Iredale, Eric W., Sempringham and St Gilbert and the Gilbertines, Pointon, 1992.
Jardine, Lisa, The Awful End of Prince William the Silent, HarperCollins, 2005.
Jones, W.A.B., Hadleigh through the Ages, East Anglian Magazine Publishing, 1977.
Kendall, Alan, Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, Cassell, 1980.
Lacey, Robert, Robert, Earl of Essex, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1970.
Lack, William, Stuchfield, H. Martin, and Whittlemore, Philip, The Monumental Brasses of Cornwall, Monumental Brass Society, 1997 (update of Dunkin).
*Leigh Fermor, Patrick, The Traveller’s Tree, John Murray, 1950; Mani: Travels in the Southern Peloponnese, Murray, 1958; Roumeli: Travels in Northern Greece, Murray, 1966.
Lower, Mark Antony, The Curiosities of Heraldry, John Russell Smith, 1845.
Machiavelli, Niccolo (trans Bull, George), The Prince (first published 1532), Penguin, 1961.
Mijatovich, Chedomil, Constantine, the Last Emperor of the Greeks, Sampson Low, Marston, 1892.
Milton, Giles, Paradise Lost: Smyrna 1922, Sceptre, 2008.
Miola, Robert S., Shakespeare’s Reading, Oxford University Press, 2000.
Moule, Thomas, The English Counties Delineated: Cornwall, 1838.
*Nicholl, Charles, The Reckoning: The Murder of Christopher Marlowe, Jonathan Cape, 1992; The Lodger: Shakespeare on Silver Street, Allen Lane, 2007.
*Nicol, Donald M., The Immortal Emperor: The Life and Legend of Constantine Palaiologos, Last Emperor of the Romans, Cambridge University Press, 1992; The Byzantine Lady: Ten Portraits, 1250-1500, Cambridge, 1994.
*Norwich, John Julius, Byzantium (three vols), Viking, 1988–95.
*O’Conor, Norreys Jephson, Godes Peace and the Queenes: Vicissitudes of a House 1539-1615, Oxford University Press and Humphrey Milford, 1934.
Oldmixon, John, British Empire in America, 1708.
Parry, Charles Henry, A Memoir of Peregrine Bertie, 11th Lord Willoughby de Eresby, John Murray, 1838.
Picard, Liza, Elizabeth’s London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2003.
Pote, Joseph, The History and Antiquities of Windsor Castle, London, 1749.
Rogers, W.H., The Strife of the Roses and Days of the Tudors, James G. Commin, Exeter, 1890.
Ross, Josephine, The Winter Queen: The Story of Elizabeth Stuart, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1979.
Rowse, A.L., The Expansion of Elizabethan England, Macmillan, 1955.
*Runciman, Steven, The Fall of Constantinople, 1453, Cambridge University Press, 1965; Mistra, Thames and Hudson, 1980.
Savignon, André, With Plymouth Through Fire, Ouston, 1968.
Schomburgk, Sir Robert H., The History of Barbados, Longman, Brown, London, 1835.
*Shapiro, James, 1599: A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare, Faber and Faber, 2005.
Sidney, Sir Philip, Defence of Poesy, Macmillan’s English Literature Series, 1919 (first printed 1595 as An Apologie for Poetrie).
Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn, The Historical Memorials of Westminster Abbey, Longman, Brown, 1867.
Steane, J.B. (ed), Christopher Marlowe: The Complete Plays, Penguin English Library, 1969.
Stewart, Alan, Philip Sidney: A Double Life, Chatto and Windus, 2000.
*Stone, Lawrence, The Crisis of the Aristocracy, 1558-1641, Oxford University Press, 1965; The Family, Sex and Marriage in England, 1500-1800, Pelican, 1979.
Stow, John, A Survey of London written in the year 1598, Sutton Publishing, 2005.
Stoye, John, The Siege of Vienna, Collins, 1964.
*Strong, Sir Roy, Henry Prince of Wales, Thames and Hudson, 1986.
Stucley, John, Sir Bevill Grenville and his Times, Phillimore, 1983.
*Tattersfield, Nigel, The Forgotten Trade, Jonathan Cape, 1991.
Thomas, Keith, Religion and the Decline of Magic, Penguin University Books, 1973.
*Tindal Hart, A., The Man in the Pew, 1558-1660, John Baker, 1966.
Tinniswood, Adrian, Pirates of Barbary, Jonathan Cape, 2010.
Vandercook, John W., Caribee Cruise: A Book of the West Indies, Reynal and Hitchcock, New York, 1938.
Wedgwood, C.V., The Thirty Years War, Jonathan Cape, 1938.
Weever, John, Ancient Funerall Monuments within the United Monarchie of Great Britain, Thomas Harper, 1631.
West, Jane, The Brave Lord Willoughby, Pentland Press, 1998.
Whetter, James, Cornwall in the 17th Century: A Study in Economic History, Lyfrow Trelysen, Gorran, 1974; Cornish Weather and Cornish People in the 17th Century, Lyfrow Trelysen, Gorran, 1991.
Young, Alan, Tudor and Jacobean Tournaments, George Philip, 1987.
Young, Peter, Edgehill 1642: The Campaign and the Battle, Roundwood Press, 1967.
Adams, Canon John H., Theodore Palaeologus, Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall, Vol. VI, new series, 1971; Landulph Church, Billing and Sons, Guildford, no date; Theodore Palaeologus and his Family, typescript, no date.
Alabaster, John S., The Alabaster Chronicle, Journal of the Alabaster Society, No. 21, 2003; No 26, 2006.
Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain, Year Book 2008.
Avery, Tracey, Tattershall Castle, The National Trust, 1997.
Badham, Sally, The Monumental Brasses of the Collegiate Church of the Holy Trinity, Tattershall, Tattershall Parochial Church Council, 2004.
Barrett, Andrew Mark, A History of the Ancient Parish Church of St Leonard and St Dilph, Landulph, privately printed, 2000.
Bierbrier, M.L., The Palaeologus Family: Fact and Fiction, The Genealogist 9, 1988.
Bradfield, Henry, The Last of the Greeks; or, Ferdinando Paleologus, Gentlemen’s Magazine, Vol 19, 1843.
Chambers, W. and R. (ed), The Last of the Palaeologi, Chambers’ Edinburgh Journal, new series No. 419, 1852.
Cope-Faulkner, Paul, Sempringham: Village to Priory to Mansion, English Heritage, 2011.
Davison, Frank and Dorothy, A Guide to St John’s Parish Church, Cole’s Printery, Barbados, 2006.
Done, Roy (updated by Dudley, John), A Guide to the Collegiate Church of the Holy Trinity of Tattershall, Lincolnshire, Tattershall Parochial Church Council, 2005.
Harris, Jonathan, A worthless prince? Andreas Palaeologos in Rome 1464-1502, internet article (Hellenic Institute, Royal Holloway University of London). (https://repository.royalholloway.ac.uk)
Iredale, Eric W., Sempringham and Saint Gilbert and the Gilbertines, Pointon, 1992.
Isom-Verhaaren, Christine, Shifting Identities: foreign state servants in France and the Ottoman Empire, Journal of Early Modern History, Vol. 8, 2004.
Jago Arundell, Revd F.V., Some Notices on Landulph Church, 1840.
Mallat, Peter, The Palaiologos Family after 1453: the destiny of an imperial family, The Genealogist 2, 1981; A Famous ‘Emperor in Exile’: Thomas Palaiologos and his descendants, The Genealogist 6, 1985.
Ronchey, Silvia, Orthodoxy on Sale: the Last Byzantine and the Lost Crusade, internet article (University of Siena).
Round, Stonehouse and Woodward, St James, Spilsby: History and Guide, 2010.
Towson, John Thomas, A Visit to the Tomb of Theodoro Paleologus, Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, May 1857.
Williams, Sally, Grimsthorpe Castle, Grimsthorpe Castle and Drummond Castle Trust, revised edition 2003.
Wilson, Heath (trans), The Manuscripts of Henry Duncan Skrine: Salvetti Correspondence, Historical Manuscripts Commission, 11th Report, Appendix, Part 1, 1887.
Drake, Nathan, ‘Mary of Hadleigh’, a ballad printed in Winter Nights or Fireside Lucubrations, Longman, Rees, Orme and Brown, London, 1820.
Drury, Lt Col W.P., The Emperor’s Ring, short story adapted from his play of the same name, in All the King’s Men, Rich and Cowan, 1933.
Goddard, Robert, Days without Number, Bantam Press, 2003.
Harrison, M. John, The Course of the Heart, Gollancz, 1992.
Quiller Couch, Sir Arthur, The Mystery of Joseph Laquedem, novella published in Old Fires and Profitable Ghosts, Scribner’s, London, 1900; Sir John Constantine, Smith, Elder, London, 1906.
Stevenson, Jane, The Pretender, Jonathan Cape, 2002; The Empress of the Last Days, Houghton Mifflin, Boston and New York, 2004.