Dear Friends,

It’s an honor and a pleasure to write for you. Many of you found me because of my connection to my great friend, Lee Child, and the spin off books I’m writing on The Hunt for Jack Reacher series. This collection is especially for you.

Like many authors working today, both Lee and I publish ebooks more frequently than “tree” books. Many readers enjoy tree books and also collect them. So when readers asked for a collection of my novellas and also asked me to publish them in print as well as electronic versions, I was thrilled to oblige.

What I’ve packaged for you here, never before collected together in electronic form and never before in print, are five exciting short reads. Three are Hunt for Jack Reacher Series tales and two are Hunt for Justice Series shorts.

Why combine this particular set of stories, you might wonder. Two reasons. First, because you asked me to. And second, because these five short books definitely fit together. When you read them, you’ll see why. No spoilers here from me!

I hope you enjoy these collected tales as much as I enjoyed writing them for you.

If you love this collection, please leave a review at the retailer where you bought the book and anywhere else you think readers might see it. Your reviews really help other readers to decide whether or not to give my books a chance.

Now sit back in your easy chair with your favorite beverage close at hand and dive in while I get back to work on more new books especially for you, the best readers in the world. One of these days, I hope to meet you and say thank you in person. Until then—

Caffeinate and Carry On!



p.s. I hope you’re on my email list, where we let you know about new books, opportunities, contests, giveaways, and, well everything first and exclusively. I certainly don’t want to leave you out! (And don’t worry—I’ll never, ever send you any spam. If it’s email from me, you can be sure it’s got something terrific to offer.) If you’re not signed up and you’d like to be, you can do that here: