My dream is that every woman, everywhere, will know the joy of a truly safe, comfortable and
satisfying birthing for herself and her baby.
Marie F. Mongan
Preparing to welcome a baby is a life-changing experience, not just through pregnancy and birth, but for the rest of your lives. HypnoBirthing offers a remarkably simple, relaxed approach to this most important transition, as you step into your role as parents and, together, become a family.
This edition of HypnoBirthing: The Mongan Method is an expanded version of my earlier books used by parents as they prepare for gentle birth. It is designed especially to serve the 95 percent of families whose pregnancies fall into the normal, low- or no-risk categories. If you are part of this vast majority, HypnoBirthing will teach you techniques for relaxation and visualization, along with physical exercises and a sound nutritional guide that will help you to ease through a happy, healthy pregnancy and childbirth.
If you have not fully embraced the concept of normal, natural birth as your choice, this book will provide an opportunity for you to explore its theories and learn more about how developing a calm approach to pregnancy and birth will enable you to prepare for a safer, easier, more comfortable and more joyful birthing.
Understanding the origin of many of the beliefs and myths surrounding birth that we, as a culture, have come to accept can assist you in making some of the decisions you will face in preparing for this most important time in your lives. This book will introduce you to ways in which you can connect with your pre-born baby and build a better understanding of your baby as a conscious little person, who is fully able to interact with you, even before birth. You can learn how to prepare your mind and your body in such a way that you will be able to achieve a happier birthing regardless of your present intent.
For those of you who have already determined that you are committed to bringing your baby into the world with HypnoBirthing, this book serves as a textbook, used in conjunction with the instruction you will receive in a series of HypnoBirthing childbirth education classes taught by certified practitioners affiliated with the HypnoBirthing Institute. This book outlines the philosophy and many of the techniques used by HypnoBirthing families. You will gain much information and insight from reading this book. However, the comprehensive instruction and discussions covering specific methods, scripts and demonstrations provided by your HypnoBirthing practitioner during classes, and even during your birthing, will prove to be invaluable.
The content of this program is not intended to replace the advice and care of a health-care provider. You should always seek the advice of a qualified professional caregiver for all pregnancy-related matters.
For information on HypnoBirthing classes in your area or for practitioner certification workshops, please contact:
HypnoBirthing Institute
or visit our Web site at