Grazie mille to the players, coaches, parents, and support staff at U.S. Sinigo for giving me a window on the world of Italian soccer. Another thousand thanks to Marina, Tina, and Mara for their additional insights to the culture of the South Tyrol. This project could not have been completed without the help of Gretchen, Sara, and Calvin Nitz—my able team of in-house research assistants—or my husband Kurt who gave me encouragement, time to write, and the chance to live in the Alto Adige for three years. The generosity of other writers helped me over the rough spots. Jeanie, Debbi, Terrie, Pat, Tovah, and Julia followed Irene every step of the way. Darcy and Terrie talked me through the ending one night in Arkansas. Stephanie, Donna, and Sue checked out the big flick issues. Erin, Vicki, and Sondy provided unrelenting support and key insights into the writing process. Gary taught me about generating conflict. Isi, Dorothy, and Lisa helped me off the ground at the beginning of my writing journey. And thanks finally to my editor, Lisa Banim, who asked, “Why don’t you send me what you’ve got?”