
acai berries, 176

acidophilus, 250

acne, 2345

Actinobacter, 69

Agapakis, Christina, 589

agave syrup, 153

Akkermansia, 174

alcohol, 21, 73, 166, 169, 197, 211, 21423

alkaline diets, 200

allergies, 202, 2412, 2508; and hygiene hypothesis, 2568

almond milk, 138

almonds, 83

Alzheimer’s disease, 130, 227

American Gut Project, 19, 37, 119, 220, 241, 265

Amish, 56, 2578

amylase, 160, 1914, 217

anabolic steroids, 125

Anogia people, 56

antibiotic-induced disease, 62

antibiotics, 69, 120, 233, 23350, 270, 272

antioxidants, 367

ApoB protein, 41

APOC3 gene, 56

appendix, 187

aquagenic urticaria, 254

arsenic, 4, 270

arterial plaque, 83, 122

arthritis, 4, 8, 42, 84, 120, 169, 185

see also rheumatoid arthritis

artichokes, 1834, 187, 250

aspartame, 199201

asthma, 228, 241, 2568

atherosclerosis, 122

Atkins diet, 3, 45, 10811, 193

attention disorders, 42

Australia, rise in allergies, 2545

Australian aborigines, 1267

Australopithecus, 27, 118

autism, 205

auto-immune disease, 108, 117, 120, 16870, 263

auto-immune reaction, 148

avocados, 74

Avon Longitudinal Study, 244

bacteria, 1415, 51, 66

see also gut microbes

Bacteroidetes, 51, 66, 69, 945, 98, 123, 136, 1478, 201, 212, 248, 265

Bacteroidetes thetaiotaomicron, 133

bad breath, 109, 111

baldness, 84

bananas, 1834, 254

Banting, William, 107, 109

Bedford, Michael, 209

beer, 191, 219

beetroot, 176

berberine, 102

beriberi, 224

berries, 83, 207, 219

best-before dates, 25961

beta-carotene, 226

bifidobacteria, 62, 64, 66, 67 112, 120, 141, 207, 220, 237, 250; C-section babies and, 241; junk-food diet and, 94, 967; prebiotic diet and, 1889

Big Macs, 901, 935, 169

bile salts, 63, 94, 1601

biofilms, 158, 187

biotin, 225

birth defects, 2278

bisphenol (BPA), 132

Blaser, Marty, 2434, 247

blood pressure, 2, 545, 723, 81, 117, 122, 138, 158, 182, 207

blueberries, 176

body mass index (BMI), 6, 11

body-builders, 125

Bouchard, Dr Claude, 24

brain, 389, 67, 119, 199; and gut microbes, 678, 76, 248

brain–gut axis, 678

Bray, George, 161

bread, as main source of fibre, 184

breakfast, importance of, 1745

breakfast cereals, 150, 152, 175

breast cancer, 4, 130, 228

breast milk, 1617, 140, 148, 183, 237, 255; antibiotics in, 238, 248

Brie de Meaux, 50

British Gut Project, 19, 188, 265

broccoli, 30, 183, 187, 2278

brucellosis, 146

Brunswick stew, 55

Burkitt, Dennis, 1801

butter, 43, 534, 86

butyrate, 36, 98, 113, 189, 202, 208, 212

cabbage soup diet, 193

cachexins, 252

caecum, 187

caesarean sections, 23841, 245, 250, 272

caffeine, 2045, 20910

calcium, 59, 134, 138, 140, 142, 146, 229

Caloric Restriction (CR), 172

calories, 213, 39

Campbell, Colin, 445, 1389

campylobacter, 128, 259

cancer, 124, 1302, 168, 1801, 185, 1989, 202, 204, 211, 214, 219; low-dose anti-cancer drugs and, 270; vitamins and, 2245, 227, 229, 231

see also breast cancer; colon cancer; liver cancer; pancreatic cancer; prostate cancer

candida, 136

canola oil, 42, 74

Carasso, Isaac, 60

carbohydrates, types of, 166

caribou livers, 76

carotene, 177, 225

casein, 139, 142

celeriac, 250

cephalosporins, 236, 238

Chain, Ernest, 233

Charles I, King, 72

cheese, 4760, 71, 73, 77, 84, 88, 140, 1456, 177, 259, 263, 270

cheese mites, 49

Chicken Kiev, 184

chicory, 1834, 187, 250

chimpanzees, 118

China, 1025, 217; C-section rates, 238; and lactase gene mutation, 141

China Study, 445, 73, 1389

Chinese Gutter Oil, 85

Chinese herbs, 1012

Chlorella, 176

chlorogenic acid, 212

chocolate, 2059, 263

cholesterol, 401, 445, 47, 53, 75, 182, 185, 208, 252; and food labelling, 43; levels in Crete, 556; reduction with vegetarian diet, 724

see also hypercholesterolaemia

choline, 122

Christensenellaceae, 201

Clinton, Bill, 45

Clostridium difficile, 62, 2367, 2667

cocoa, 2049, 21113, 263

cocoa nuts, 83

coconut oil, 43

coeliac disease, 1901, 241

coffee, 204, 21013

colds, 61, 185, 226

colon cancer, 181, 186, 222

colonoscopy, 1867, 264, 2667

colony-forming units (CFUs), 71

Comté cheese, 489

constipation, 51, 69, 109, 111, 181, 254

cooking, 38, 118, 192

Coptis chinensis, 102

cortisol, 70, 111, 176

corynebacteria, 241

cotton-seed oil, 86

Crete, 556

Crisco oil, 867

Cross, Joe, 16971

Cuba, 127, 155

Daly, John, 1978

dandelion leaves, 183, 187

Danone, 60

Davis, William, 18990

de Gaulle, Charles, 47

Delbrueckii bulgaricus, 61

dementia, 130, 219

dental plaque, 14, 158

depression, 678, 92, 165, 2046, 215, 229, 258

detoxing, 171

diabetes, 4, 78, 36, 89, 162, 182, 199, 202, 207, 228; berberine treatment and, 102; carnitine treatment and, 125; junk-food diet and, 98, 100; Mediterranean diet and, 82, 84; paleo diet and, 1267

diet drinks, 1979, 202

digestive system and process, 1601

Dominguez-Bello, Maria, 242

dopamine, 92

drugs, prescribed, 260

Dukan diet, 3

dumplings, Chinese, 85

eczema, 256

eggs, 43, 73, 117, 177, 229, 252; fake, 85

Ehrlich, Dusko, 112

Ehrlich, Paul, 59

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 44

Elinav, Eran, 201

endotoxins, 96, 99100

energy drinks, 198, 20910

Enterobacter, 99, 106

epigenetic changes, 67, 82, 1312, 141, 195, 219, 225, 228

Epoisse cheese, 50

Escherichia coli, 13, 83, 120, 146

exercise, 25, 304, 35, 368

Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, 103, 112, 166

fast food, see junk food

fasting, 3, 19, 67, 1726, 1746, 264, 26871

fats, 405; anti-fat campaigns, 435

see also saturated fat; unsaturated fat

fatty liver, 89, 162

fibre, 1802, 18991, 212

fibromyalgia, 229

fidgeting, 31, 35

Finnish Twin Registry, 221

Firmicutes, 51, 945, 194, 207, 265

fish, 1234, 128, 22930

fish allergies, 253

fish farming, 2467

fish oils, 423, 124, 2267

flavonoids, 2067, 209, 219

Fleming, Alexander, 233

Florey, Howard, 233

fluoride, 1589

FODMAP diet, 1956

folate, 11617, 225, 2278

folic acid, 59, 226, 228

food industrialisation, beginnings of, 86

food intolerance, 254

food labelling, 22, 39, 41, 43, 150, 152, 154, 181, 215, 233

food poisoning, 118, 146

food subsidies, 4

France, antibiotic use, 249; cheese consumption, 47; mortality statistics, 46, 54; vegetarianism in, 116

Franco, General Francisco, 77, 173

free radicals, 36

Freelee the Banana Girl, 168

fructans, 195

fructose metabolism, 1613

fruit, 74, 83, 117, 168, 176, 1834, 187, 196, 207, 219, 250, 254

fruit juices, 150, 152

fruitarians, 1689

Full and Slim, 125

fungi, 15, 18, 4850, 106, 1367, 221, 259

Funk, Casimir, 224

galacto-oligosaccharide (GOS), 143, 183

Gandhi, Mahatma, 169

gardening, 32, 273

garlic, 25, 30, 83, 177, 1835, 187, 1956

gastric bands, 125, 197

gastric bypass surgery, 9, 268

Ge Hong, 101

General Foods, 87

genistein, 130

ghee, 88

GI diet, 3

Gibson, Mel, 21516

gin, 2201

GLP-1 hormone, 200

gluten, 1901, 257

glycaemic index (GI), 23

GM crops, 272

Goldacre, Henrietta (cat), 10

Gordon, Jeff, 64, 97, 103

gout, 111

Gulf States, 7, 27

gut hormones, 678

gut microbes, 19, 368, 512, 657, 823, 945, 978, 1056, 11213, 123, 1656, 1734, 178, 2201, 231, 2401; and allergies, 2556; and antibiotic use, 2489; brain and, 678, 76, 248; and C-sections, 2401

Hadza tribe, 11920, 266

heart attacks, 36, 40, 44, 54, 72, 81, 122, 165, 169, 218

heart disease, 41, 445, 524, 567, 85, 87, 1213, 125, 131, 158, 182, 204, 206, 211, 21415, 21719, 2269, 229; and French paradox, 467, 50, 54, 218; Mediterranean diet and, 802, 84, 168; paleo diet and, 126; rates in Crete, 556, 78; risk factors, 32, 356; risk reduction, 723

height, 1446, 1478, 2423

Helicobacter pylori, 83

Henrietta Maria, Queen, 72

hepatitis B, 102

hibernation, 1734

high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), 155


Homo erectus, 118

homocysteine, 11617

horizontal gene transfer, 1334

hormesis, 2701

hormone replacement treatment (HRT), 204

Huangdi Neijing, 104

hunter-gatherers, 267, 75, 108, 11820, 126, 128, 159, 266

hydrogenation, 86

hygiene, obsession with, 2568, 272

hypercholesterolaemia, 45, 63

hypo-cuisson methods, 167

hypothalamus, 199

IGF-1 hormone, 1723

immune-deficient patients, 94

insulin, 223, 545, 97, 101, 106, 112, 1602, 194; prebiotic diet and, 1889; sweeteners and, 2001

Inuits, 76

inulin, 183, 1878, 219

iodine, 132, 134

iron, 116

irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), 689, 187, 195; prebiotic diet and, 26870

isoflavones, 1302

Janssen, Dan, 545, 57

Japan, 217; fish-eating and longevity, 124; heart disease rates, 44, 78; obesity rates, 7; seaweed consumption, 1325; soy consumption, 129

Jobs, Steve, 168

juicing, 16971, 178, 264; and tooth decay, 177

junk food, 8997, 131; and gut microbes, 945; increased consumption in China, 1045; and inflammatory response, 957

Kalahari bushmen, 180

Kaprio, Jaako, 221

Kazakhstan, 139

Kellogg, John Harvey, 76

ketogenic diets, 110

Keys, Ancel, 44, 52, 556, 78, 156

KFC, 87, 90

Kingsolver, Barbara, 263

Knight, Rob, 51, 220, 2412

Kraft Food, 57, 209

K-rations, 44

Kroc, Ray, 90

lactase gene mutation, 1403, 1446

lactic acid, 60, 158

lactobacilli, 49, 52, 603, 66, 67, 70, 82, 88, 97, 112, 136, 1401, 166, 207, 248, 258; C-section babies and, 241; and junk-food diets, 96; protect against tooth decay, 159

Lactobacillus casei Shirota, 60

Lactobacillus reuteri, 63

lactose intolerance, 138, 1413

Landsfeld, Countess of, 175

lard, 43, 86

Lautropia, 94

laxatives, 181, 186, 269

L-carnitine, 1225

Leach, Jeff, 119, 2667

Leeuwenhoek, Anton, 1314

Leonardo da Vinci, 169

leptin, 248

leukaemia, 228

Ley, Ruth, 656

Liping Zhao, 99100, 1023, 105, 269

lipoproteins (HDL and LDL), 401, 56, 734, 10910, 208

listeriosis, 146

liver cancer, 139

liver disease, 89

Lucozade, 152

Lustig, Robert, 149

lutein, 231

lycopene, 168

Mac Twins (Alana and Lisa), 2335

McDonald’s, 85, 87, 90, 923, 105

macular degeneration, 227, 231

malaria, 248

margarines, 86

Masai, 57, 127, 141

meat, 737, 11314, 1213, 1278, 263, 270; antibiotics in production of, 249; decline in consumption of, 108; and L-carnitine, 1223; saturated and unsaturated fat in, 745

Médecins sans Frontières, 260

Mediterranean diet, 804, 106, 168, 196, 221, 263

melanoma, 230

Meta-Hit project, 112

Metchnikoff, Elie, 5960

Methanobrevibacter, 113

mice, sterile (germ-free), 1718, 63, 70, 96100, 201, 248

microbiome, see gut microbes

milk, 54, 57, 60, 125, 13848; antibiotics in, 247; contaminated, 85; correlation with height, 1446; and gene mutation, 1403, 1912, 195; pasteurisation, 1467

milk allergies, 252, 257

Mimolette cheese, 49

monkeys, 38, 192

monosodium glutamate (MSG), 29, 135, 202

Montignac diet, 3

Mosley, Michael, 172

mosquitoes, 58, 248

multiple sclerosis (MS), 229

mushrooms, 135, 229

myoglobin, 75

National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE), 87

Native Americans, 76, 216

niacin, 225

nickel allergy, 254

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 270

nitric oxide levels, 176

Nixon, Richard M., 90, 155

nut allergies, 2512, 258

nuts, 74, 813, 177, 183, 187, 196, 263, 265, 270

oat bran, 182

obesity, 4, 78, 12, 258, 36, 243, 255; and antibiotic use, 2435, 2489; manual workers and, 33; and preference for sugar, 1534

obesity (FTO) gene, 194

oestrogen receptors, 131

oligofructose, 183

olive oil, 42, 47, 74, 7784, 177, 196, 259, 263, 270; extra virgin, 79, 824, 188

omega 3 fats, 42, 124, 226

omega 6 fat, 42, 226

osteoporosis, 33, 130, 146, 22931

O’Toole, Paul, 165

Pacific Islanders, 267

paleo diet, 3, 108, 11720, 1267, 1678

palm oil 43

pancreas, 199

pancreatic cancer, 1301, 204

parathyroid hormone, 231

pasta, 160, 183, 194, 196, 260, 263

peanuts, 2525, 257

penicillin, 233

pesticides, 120, 272

pets, keeping, 258

phytates, 131

pickles, 91, 259

pizza, 545, 578, 77, 84, 191

Pollan, Michael, 262, 265

polychlorinated biphenyls (BCPs), 124

polyphenols, 80, 823, 134, 184, 1956, 2069, 212, 219, 2212, 228, 252

pomegranates, 176

potatoes, and digestion of starch, 1945

Pottenger, Francis, 147

Prader-Willi syndrome, 101

prebiotic diet, 26970

prebiotics, 99, 1013, 143, 181, 1834, 1869, 191, 219, 237, 250

PREDIMED study, 813, 252

pregnant women, 98, 2278, 255

preservatives, 202

Prevotella, 95, 120, 123, 1478, 212, 220, 248, 257

Price, Weston, 76, 122

probiotics, 616, 6970, 96, 205, 258, 273; and candida infections, 136; and food allergies, 258; and junk food diet, 88; protect against tooth decay, 159

processed foods, 4, 19, 74, 87, 91, 106, 128, 1301, 191, 224, 264, 270; and ‘added vitamins’, 231; and preservatives, 202

see also junk food

prostate cancer, 130, 227

pseudo-membranous colitis, 2367

PYY hormone, 248

quinoa, 177

quorn, 137, 190

rats, brain activity and junk food, 912

raw-food movement, 1678

ready-meals, introduction of, 184

red wine, 47, 50, 73, 83, 196, 21821

religion, 114, 173

restrictive diets, 19, 1901, 268

resveratrol, 21922

rheumatoid arthritis, 147, 234, 254

rickets, 225

Roederer, Mario, 66

Roquefort cheese, 50

Runner’s World magazine, 34

salmonella, 68, 128, 259

salt, 73, 87, 91, 95, 106, 135

Sanderson, Jeremy, 186

saturated fat, 4661, 71, 745, 138, 148; and French paradox, 467, 50, 54

sauerkraut, 91

sausages, 75, 121

scurvy, 93, 225

seaweed, 1325, 137, 177

selenium, 135

Selfmade exhibition, 58

serotonin, 67, 205

Seven Countries study, 44, 55

Seventh Day Adventists, 11415, 125

Sheiham, Aubrey, 158

Shirota, Minoru, 60

shotgun meta-genomics, 112

shrimps, 254

sofrito, 83

soups, 178

South Beach diet, 3

soy milk, 1302, 138, 14950, 239

soy protein, 12932, 190

Speakman, John, 27

spina bifida, 227

spinach, 1778

Spirulina, 1767, 179

sports drinks, 162

Spurlock, Morgan, 92, 94

staphylococci, 241

starch, 166, 1912, 194; resistant, 183, 192

statins, 53, 89

Steves, Claire, 165

stevia leaf, 203

stool transplants, 2668

Strachan, David, 256

Streptococcus mutans, 1589

stroke, 41, 72, 229; Mediterranean diet and, 801; vegetarian diet and, 115

Subway, 90

Sucralose, 199201

sugar, 4, 14963; fructose metabolism, 1613; genetic preference for, 1534; replacement for sweeteners, 2023; and tooth decay, 152, 15760

sunshine, 22930

superfoods, 1769

supertasters, 2930

sushi, 1323, 135, 235

sweeteners, artificial, 198203

synbiotics, 183

taste genes, 2930, 185, 212

Tate & Lyle, 1556

tea, 83, 210, 212

testosterone, 84

tetracycline, 260

Thatcher, Margaret, 90, 138

thiamine, 61

thyroid levels, 111

TLR5 immune receptor, 1056

tobacco companies, 87

TOFIs (thin outside, fat inside), 162

tofu, 12930

tomatoes, 117, 168, 196, 254

tooth decay, 83, 152, 15760, 177

trans fats, 43, 868, 106

Treg cells (T-regulatory cells), 66, 68, 96, 165, 2578

trimethylamine (TMA) and TMAO, 1224

tryptophan, 205

tuberculosis, 146

turmeric, 83

Turnbaugh, Peter, 52

twin studies, and acne, 234; and aggressive behaviour, 216; and allergies, 254, 257; and amylase gene, 1924; and bone strength, 230; and C-sections, 240; and chocolate consumption, 207; and chocolate preference, 206; and circadian rhythms, 175; and depression, 67; and exercise habits, 312; and food preferences, 30, 154; and fussy eating, 178; and garlic eating, 185; and gut microbes, 19, 657, 978, 166; and height, 1478; and lactose intolerance, 1423; and mosquito bites, 58; and per cent heritability, 656; and preference for coffee, 212; and religious belief, 115, 216; and vegetarianism, 11415; and weight gain, 6, 1112, 245

United Kingdom, antibiotic use, 235; decline in meat-eating, 108; dental extractions, 160; dietary fibre consumption, 181, 184; incidence of coeliac disease, 190; lactose intolerance rates, 142; obesity rates, 7, 12; soy consumption, 129; sugar consumption, 151, 1556; vegetarianism, 11416

United States, antibiotic use, 235, 244; average height, 1456; cheese consumption, 58, 145; childhood allergies, 257; corn-sugar industry, 1545; dietary fibre consumption, 181, 184; incidence of coeliac disease, 190; industrial farming, 2456, 258; lactose intolerance rates, 142; meat consumption, 75; obesity rates, 7, 28, 243; rate of C-sections, 238; soy consumption, 129; spending on fast food, 901; sugar consumption, 155, 161; vegetarianism, 11415

US Department of Agriculture, 49, 58, 246

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 49, 63, 86, 181, 189, 200

unsaturated fat, 745

uric acid, 109

urticaria, 16970

vaginal inoculation, 242, 245

vaginal microbes, 2402

vegetable shortening, 86

vegetables, 25, 30, 74, 83, 1778, 1835, 187, 1956, 2278, 250

vegetarianism (and vegans), 45, 734, 95, 107, 11317, 123, 128, 225, 247

viruses, 18, 235, 249

visceral fat, 22, 24, 60, 97, 104, 112, 162

vitamin A, 2256

vitamin B, 135, 2246

vitamin B12, 59, 11617, 137, 177, 225, 231

vitamin C, 76, 1512, 157, 225

vitamin D, 135, 140, 142, 146, 225, 22931

vitamin E, 226

vitamin K, 177

vitamin supplements, 22432

walking, 31

walnuts, 85, 252

water, bottled, 215, 247

weight gain, genetic factors in, 245

Whelan, Kevin, 183

whey protein, 60

white cells, 59

WTP diet, 1001

Yakult, 60

Yanomami tribe, 11920

yeasts, 489, 52, 130, 136, 219

yoghurt, 5965, 701, 84, 91, 120, 140, 150, 177, 259, 263, 270; as breath freshener, 185; drinks, 250; enemas, 76; and junk food diet, 88; sugar in, 59, 64, 150; as treatment for candida, 136

Yudkin, John, 156, 161

zeaxanthin, 231

Zeffini, Ele, 56

Zhou Hou Bei Ji Fang, 102

zinc, 116, 226

zobellia, 133