The Spirits who chose to create and occupy (part-time) flesh bodies, so that they might experience the pleasures of the senses, by losing the sixth sense, also lost touch with their minds and souls, and consequently lost control of both the physical and astral "puppet bodies" they once divinely manipulated with the wisdom of Love and Light — breaking the line of communication between the world in


which the Spirit dwells and the world of matter where the physical body dwells, with its superimposed astral body "spacecraft."

When the mind and the soul once more communicate with the Spirit, acting as intermediaries, then the Spirit may once more guide the physical and astral bodies in manifesting the magic and miracles of the beginning "faerie tale" world on Earth, of which the faerie tales of old are a transparent image, a faint echo.

Each mind and soul at last became so emeshed in the vicarious pleasures of the five physical senses experienced through the material body, they no longer remembered that the astral body possessed a sixth sense, giving them a round-trip ticket between "Heaven" and "Earth," with no cancellation date.

„ The real and actual presence of the Spirit was likewise forgotten; the vital communication with Him or Her cut off. Another revealing Lexigram to spiral your thoughts: the word COMMUNICATION contains the word COMMUNION — and both words contain UNION. Instead of the original intent to keep "one foot in Heaven, and one foot on Earth," both "feet" (symbolically) became firmly planted on Earth. The only traveling between here and other levels the majority of Earth-lings do presently is through the dangerously deceptive hegiras of hallucinatory drugs — in trance — or during sleep. None of these trips are satisfactory because they're followed by spiritual amnesia, as the astral experiences called dreams are distorted through the "scrambling device" in the brain, much like the one on the President's telephone. Just as "it wouldn't be-much fun to visit Europe and remember nothing when you return. You can't even bring back postcards or photographs as souvenirs of your astral travels. Perhaps an occasional nightmare, but that's hardly ideal.

Yet, without sleep the physical body would die. It's literally kept alive, refueled and refreshed by these hazy astral trips to your "Heaven home." Not all trips are to the higher dimension of your Spirit. Some are to different levels of awareness. You might call it time traveling, as your astral body is transported, on its silver cord, to the experiences of


flesh body


Third Eye


The "circle" is symbolic only. Your Overself of Higher Self is, in

appearence, exactly like your physical body, which was created in its image, except for one difference, which need not yet concern you.

Past, Present and Future incarnations, which exist simultaneously in the relativity of time and space. Such trips are the source of the flashes everyone periodically feels that "this has happened before." You may have visited next Friday during your sleep last Thursday.

Unfortunately, each return to this world takes a heavy toll on the dense body, because of a lack of communication with your Higher Self (the puppeteer). Consequently, your physical body needs a re-charge of its battery every twenty-four hours or so. But even these periodic sleep charges can't halt its gradual deterioration due to gravity. Physical gravity and mental gravity. Take charge of the latter, and you can control the former. More about the "gravity" of the subject of gravity a


little later. Understanding it is an urgent necessity for those who choose to live, and not to die. Well return to it.

Ultimately, the human body is an energy system. Anyone can learn to de-materialize and re-materialize the human form by mastering the nature of the body as light. Even though, in your present state of forgetfulness of your divine powers, you use only your astral body on these trips to the higher dimension — and other levels of past, present and future, it's possible to travel there and back, taking along both your astral and physical body, once you get the hang of it. Metaphysician Analee Skarin has written that "death is the dreary back door into other worlds, but there is a great front door for those who overcome" — (who overcome gravity). The door between the higher dimension of "Heaven" and Earth can swing both ways for immortals who realize their potential of eternal life. On a microcosm level, wouldn't it be dreadfully dreary and a bit of a bother if, every time a friend or loved one went to visit Disneyland or Aunt Ethel, they never returned ? It's ever so much nicer all the way round for everyone when all such visiting consists of round trips, whether astral or physical, don't you agree ?

We'll discuss the how-to-do-it aspect of eternal life and physical immortality shortly, but now we need to further discuss the concept in general, at least those readers who are still in shock from the very idea of it need further discussion, so they can apply some logic to measure its truth. There is logic to it, yes, there is, as you'll soon see, enough I trust, to satisfy even a biologist or a physicist. First, however, you must be convinced that it's attainable, that you already possess immortal life. You've only forgotten that you do. I'll try my best to accomplish this. But I'm only a channel for a message from a higher level of awareness, and all I can do is plant the seeds. Your own Free Will controls whether or not they blossom and bear fruit.

Physical death is unnatural. Neither is it a free trip to Heaven, as most religions would have you believe, because its consequence is repeated rebirth into flesh bodies, until you're enlightened to


truth. "Seek the truth, and it shall set you free." This counsel from the Avatar-Adept, Jesus, cannot be repeated too frequently. The people of his time could not and would not have comprehended the whole truth at their stage of evolvement, so it was necessary to impart wisdom to them in parable form, many of which seem like mystical riddles, which is, more or less, what they are.

Eternal life is natural, a truth which always was, is now and ever shall be. You are now and always have been in harmony with it, but youVe been programmed to believe you're not, and this false belief causes you to gradually destroy your body, a body intended to survive as long as the Earth survives.

The difference between one person and another — between, for instance, a mortal and an immortal — is what they think about. Whatever thoughts and ideas are in the mind have the power to produce direct results in the body. The body is totally obedient to the ideas and thoughts in the mind. Therefore, what you think about habitually will become dominant, and possess the greatest power to control your body.

What most people think about habitually, after a certain illusion-ary chronological number called "age," is death. And so, the body I obeys, becomes ill and dies.

Those of you who have taken these remarks about physical im-mortality seriously may be wondering, "How does this affect the law of :| Karma ?" An excellent question.

Whether you decide to allow your present physical body to live or die, you cannot escape the law of Karma — but don't forget that j you experience karmic rewards, as well as karmic retribution. Also remember that there are ways to dilute or even negate the latter. (See I Chapter 4, "Deja Vu.")

To choose eternal life in your present flesh body does not remove your Karma. But you would be paying (and receiving) it anyway, so J



nothing will change there, except that the very act of choosing not to die, the very realization that death is not a necessity, will negate a great deal of the unpleasant Karma of past incarnations.

The supreme demonstration of this is the incident of the two criminals who were crucified with the Nazarene. Translating that incident into modern idiom, one of the criminals began to sarcastically taunt Jesus as he hung on the cross in agony, reminding him that he was supposed to be "the son of God," therefore why didn't he call on his omnipotent Father to miraculously rescue all three of them ? The other criminal quickly spoke up in defense of Jesus, saying, in so many words, "Leave him alone. We deserve to be here, because we have committed great sins. He is innocent, and should not be questioned." Whereupon the Nazarene turned to the second man who spoke, and said, "Verily, verily, this day thou shalt be with me in Heaven."

I'm aware that most translations use the word Paradise instead of "Heaven," but I happen to believe Jesus used the latter term. Fve always mistrusted the word PARADISE, since it contains the words RAPE and DIE (albeit also ARISE), whereas HEAVEN Lexigrams into HAVEN and EVE (there's a reason for that, but it doesn't belong in this book) — also EVEN — and Heaven is where everything is balanced evenly (harmoniously).

The word Heaven, a.k.a. paradise, is synonymous with enlightenment. (Even though lower-case paradise is suspect.) Metaphysicians translate this crucifixion incident as allegorical to the "spontaneous remission" of Karma. In other words, the very act of faith demonstrated by the second criminal — complete faith in a man who was despised by all, deserted by his few friends, apparently possessing no power, and who appeared to .be impotent to save others or himself — was an act of faith so powerful, so pulsating with conviction and innocence in the face of all contrary evidence, that it balanced the man's karmic scales, allowing that particular physical


body to die totally free of the chains of Karma (until and unless in a future incarnation he created new Karma for himself)-

It's certainly fair to assume that anyone who dares to face friends, relatives and the world today with an outspoken, unashamed and confident belief in physical immortality, despite all the vast programming otherwise, is demonstrating an act of faith of equal weight in the karmic scales as that of the man crucified with Jesus.

The danger of creating new negative Karma (becoming a fallen angel) is always there for the man or woman who chooses (again) immortality, as it was when your Spirit originally chose to spend part-time in a physical, flesh body. Nothing has changed there.either, except that choosing eternal life gives one a new slate and a new oppor-tunity to also choose not to create new negative Karma.

Ask yourself this: Is not a person more likely to create new nega- | r tive Karma when he or she is still suffering from spiritual amnesia of V past incarnations — cannot recall what transgression brought on present "bad luck" — and can't become too interested in a hazy, dim, 1 uncertain future incarnation when present negative acts must be , atoned for and balanced ? Isn't that person's attitude likely to be P ^ho cares" ?

Conversely, however, when a person has demonstrated the great act of faith of totally believing and practicing physical immortality, J * knowing, therefore, that he or she is now under the law of "instant" i Karma — and that the karmic scales will be balanced, not in some misty future life, but in this very present and continuing life, with total i recall, the karmic retribution occurring to this present identify and L flesh body — would that person not be far less likely to create new negative Karma, and be far more likely to earnestly attempt to create new positive Karma ? Too many books on Karma neglect to teach that there is both positive and negative karmic cause and effect.

Therefore, when physical immortality has been chosen and achieved by more and more Earthlings the negative behavior causing


Earth's unhappiness will gradually and finally cease. The pollution of the planet will stop when those responsible for it become immortal, and realize that it's themselves, not "future generations," who will inherit the wasteland caused by nuclear madness and other forms of destruction of the water and air in our environment.

We fear acid rain and the holes being torn in the Earth's ozone layer, endangered species and a multitude of acts of violence and cruelty to Mother Earth and her creatures. Yet-, the belief that death is inevitable — that death is beyond an individual's control — is still the biggest killer of all. The belief that "God" is out there somewhere, but not on Earth, and not within the flesh body. Fortunately, this belief is gradually being replaced by the dawning awareness that each man and each woman is God to his or her own body. Immortals clearly have the greatest motivation for ecology — for sanity in politics — for technology that helps, but doesn't kill — for universal prosperity.

' Immortal humans also have all the Earth time they need to master body, purification techniques, including the mastery of eating habits and sleep with conscious recall of astral experience. What I mean by the mastery of eating habits is explained in Chapter 4. Improper eating and lack of control over sleep are barriers to total awareness.

Many people have no desire to conquer death and live forever because they image themselves living in ill and aged bodies, but this is in direct contradiction to the real meaning of physical immortality.

Your body was gloriously designed by your Spirit, as your Spirit's body was gloriously designed by your Creators, to be eternal. Your flesh body is a self-sustaining electromagnetic battery, forever capable of being recharged with energy, continually improved and transmuted into perfection through the process of cell regeneration. And it all begins in your mind.

Through the process of cell regeneration you can accomplish either (a) age prevention — or (b) age reversal, if necessary — and free your material body of all disease and imperfection. Don't look to the


medical profession. Look to. yourself. "Physician, heal thyself." The choice is yours and yours alone, whether you're eighteen or eighty by illusionary chronological measurement. If you're eighteen, you must learn how to prevent aging, in order to conquer disease and death. If you're eighty, you must learn how to reverse aging, in order to conquer disease and death. These are simply polarities of the same magic.

The eternal and suppressed, long-buried truth is that you may exist within your present body, and continually improve it, for as many centuries or eons as you desire — all the way to eternity or forever — healthy, youthful and fully functioning, projecting and actually being whatever chronological "age" you wish, based on the human concept of these impotent "numbers." Some Master Avatars and Adepti who have become physically immortal deliberately choose to project and be, for however long or brief a period as they may prefer — the present "image" of the illusionary chronological age of forty, fifty or sixty, in order to be believed by those still mortal to be worthy of respect, so that they may successfully teach. (It's difficult to possess several doctorates and master's degrees and appear to be twenty or thirty.) However, in the final analysis, each newly immortal man or woman may choose to project and be any chronological "age" seen individually as ideal, switching the numbers around at his or her option, from "time" to "time." Rather like pressing the control switches on your washer from hot to cold to warm, whichever suits your current needs.

Whether you choose to believe it or not (I believe it, because I have impeccable cause to do so) — there are many among you who are already immortals. And before they became so, they were no different from you ... or me. One of the problems of achieving eternal life in the same physical body while so many millions of mortals have not been thus enlightened, they tell me ... is the problem of the programming of chronological age.

These Avatars and Adepti are forced, therefore, to pretend to "die" at whatever chronological age any current time period "requires"


based on the "life span" then expected of them. He or she simply disappears, and is presumed dead, with the body never found, or never actually identified. Then the Avatar turns up in a different part of the world, with a new identity, a new birth date and a few friends (other Avatars) to substantiate the false birth date, when necessary. It's really quite a bother, they claim, and one can see why. It will be much easier when immortality catches on.

Just imagine what happens when a true Adept (immortal) announces to someone who asks his or her age, Tm six hundred years old, going on seven hundred, as calculated by your erroneous Earth Time." (Or two thousand, going on three thousand, as the case may be.) What happens depends on the period of history. During one time period, such a person would have been labeled a witch or a warlock, and burned at the stake. During a later time period, such an answer would have condemned the Avatar to an insane asylum. Today, in the Aquarian Age ? Well, we're gaining ground. Such an answer to an age inquiry presently wouldn't result in being burned at the stake or committed to the funny house. But it probably would result in the loss of a certain degree of credibility, eliciting such whispers as: "George is obviously a most brilliant person, quite intellectual really, but a little . . . well, you know . . . weird. I don't think he's playing with a full deck." Or words to that effect.

Since credibility is needed for teaching truth and for other missions of immortals, that's not the ideal type of response an Avatar 'desires, even though it's an undeniable improvement over yesterday's witch burnings and asylums. Whether one is immortal or mortal, it takes courage to face a loss of respect and credibility.

By the way, did you know that, among the many "crimes" women (and a few men) were accused and found guilty of during the shameful witch burnings in Salem and other places, mostly by the Catholic Church, a large percentage included the "crime" of agelessness ? Many witches went up in flames because their neighbors swore under oath as to their birth dates, yet they looked and



behaved many decades younger than their dates of birth indicated most interesting bit of history, strongly suggesting that many of these "witches" were immortals.

No wonder that the secret knowledge of age reversal and physical immortality was buried even deeper around that time period. Most enlightened ones, not possessing the financial means to pop up in Europe or somewhere with a new identity, chose the unpleasant path of aging and death to being tied up to a stake and having their bodies set afire. That's one of the most painful deaths imaginable. Poor Joan of Arc was turned into a human torch simply because she honestly revealed her powers of clairaudience. Even today, "hearing voices" can get you a sanity hearing if you're careless about the people in whom you confide. Shhh ! Silence is, indeed, under certain circumstances — golden.

I'll interject here a personal incident, based on a commitment test of spiritual honesty I've been taught is necessary to the complete achievement of immortality. Two or three Earth years ago, I was interviewed by a Capricorn reporter from a Denver newspaper. The article about me closed with these words: "Goodman was asked her age, but refused to answer, based on her explanation that any discussion of chronological age is against her spiritual beliefs. However, when pressed, she finally admitted to being four hundred."

I'm still trying to figure out if the reporter wrote that with a straight face or with his tongue in his cheek. Since he was a Capricorn (the astrological sign of reverse aging), it may have been the former. I doubt if I would have been so courageous in Salem. As an Aries all through the past four hundred years, I have a very low pain threshold, and I'm a shameful coward about burns. Not only would a flaming torch have intimidated me into projecting four hundred years of wrinkles, an asylum would have been an even more frightening alternative, with everyone claiming he or she was Napoleon or Josephine. I must digress for a moment, because I'm reminded of an old joke with a hidden meaning related to these matters.


A man in an asylum was always strutting around with one hand thrust in his nightshirt, wearing a hat with a feather, and shouting to everyone within earshot, "I am Napoleon Bonaparte ! I am Napoleon ! And I won the battle of Waterloo ! The history books lie !" One day, as he was thus proclaiming his message, an elderly man sitting on the floor in the corner rose up and asked, "Who told you that you are Napoleon ?" "God told me !" came the offended "Napoleon's" reply. Then, from another corner of the room, a man with a white beard stood up, and, with great dignity, announced in a ringing voice, "I did not !"

The Denver newspaper interview incident has a moral. This is one of the steps in the how-to-do-it process of achieving eternal life. To question the necessity of the deathist theology, whether seriously or with a sense of humor, is a blow against death. Some of you braver ones — even if you're still a high-school or college student — when casually asked your age, might reply, "Two hundred next May" — or "seven hundred last February." Then give the questioner a steady, laser-beam, mysterious, Scorpio-like gaze. You'll be surprised at the varietyof responses. It's fascinating. Try it. As for myself, I confess that I lied to the reporter. 1 won't be four hundred for another one hundred and thirty-two Earth years yet.

Still, even sans witch burning and psychiatric commitment, Avatars today must continue to "die" and start all over with a new name and identity somewhere else after a "reasonable period" in the same body and its original identity, in a deception oddly similar to that practiced by those in the Government Witness Relocation program.

You might find this information I've been given helpful someday. You can't judge a female Avatar or Guru (immortal) by her motherhood. It's both natural and possible to conceive and bear a child even when one is several hundred years old, by Earth time. The Karma of menstruation has nothing to do with pregnancy, even in this imperfectly (at present) formed physical body. Someday medicine will discover this truth — well, actually, they already have discovered


it. They just don't believe it yet, and aren't quite ready yet to announce the discovery. Female children of nine, ten and eleven years of chronologically measured age have, within the past decade, become pregnant and delivered.infants, before ever having their first lunar period. And this is not a rumor from sensationalist magazines. It's a medically witnessed fact. Remember the law of polarity. If one may conceive and bear a child before the menstrual periods begin, one may do the same after they have ceased. Sarah did. Abraham didn't want to believe it either, but he finally had to, when he saw it with his own eyes. There are many such miracles waiting around the corner, like shooting stars, to amaze you in the Aquarian Age.

And so . . . just because that woman down the street gave birth to twins last month, don't be too certain that she's not an immortal. Not even if she shows you her birth certificate.

A postscript to the foregoing paragraph: When astro-biology birth control catches on, medical science will be forced to take a second look at the "old wives' tale" of the connection between female lunar periods and conception, since Dr. Jonas, of Czechoslovakia, has already proven, through careful research with thousands of women, that some women can conceive only during their menstrual periods. As for giving birth after the menstrual cycle has ceased (after ancient Karma has been balanced), it's far more common than most people realize — women giving birth (over the past century,"in fact) at ages ranging from fifty to sixty. Records are available. When it happens today the confused medical profession calls them "menopausal babies." Here's a friendly, not ominous warning regarding all this.

A number of conscientious objectors in the sixties chose to adopt the name, identity, birth certificate,, school records and so forth, of an actual person, a mortal who had submitted to death, using the dead person's identity. Secret agents in the CIA and the KGB are known to do likewise, from time to time. The same procedure is occasionally chosen by some Avatars and Gurus who need, for reasons already


explained, a new identity. So . . . how well do you really know that wise friend who's been enlightening you regarding various New Age ideas and ideals ? Remember the biblical warning that one may "entertain angels unawares."

You'll recall what was written in the chapter "Gurus, Ghosts, and Avatars," concerning the Adept known as St. Germain (or the Comte de St. Germain) who was, according to metaphysicians of high credibility, also Shakespeare, Francis Bacon and Isaac Newton. You may have wondered how that could be, since all three men lived during the same "life span" period of history. Remember what I said a few pages back on the subject of cloning? I said that scientific and involuntary cloning by mortals is an extremely negative research, but that the Spirit of an enlightened Avatar may —just as was done "in the beginning" — clone himself or herself for various cosmic causes of spiritual intent. Consequently, an Adept who has become a completely illuminated immortal may "overshadow" more than one flesh body (or physical identity) simultaneously, with the Adept's Spirit watching over and controlling several material bodies at the same time. This can be accomplished by the takeover of a body born in the usual Earth manner — or by actually creating from the ethers a physical body. A Spirit, mind and soul may not be.created in this manner, but a flesh body, complete with brain and all the necessary physical parts may be so created, under the guidance of an Overself— the "puppeteer," who in this manner manipulates the strings of several "puppets" at once. See once again the drawing on Page 116.

Let's return to the problem of programmed chronological age images confronting both immortals and would-be immortals. Note that the words mature and maturing are not synonyms for age and aging. The former is necessary and desirable for a human body, the latter is neither necessary nor desirable.

What causes the process we call aging ? You've been falsely programmed to believe that it's caused by a chronological count of how many "years old" you are — your "birthday count." Not true.


This GIGO (garbage in — garbage out) programming of the computer brain insinuates that the man-made and inaccurate calendar — and the illusion of Time — are the stem "gods" that cause the human body to age. Again, we're referring to the negative phenomenon of aging, not maturing. It takes eighteen to twenty-one years for a body to mature.

Using this time-calendar yardstick is the same as saying a person ages because of how many sunrises and sunsets that person has observed or "lived through." How can something so obviously untrue be accepted ? Why ask the question ? I know the answer. Post-hypnotic suggestion and centuries of false programming. What happens when you "live through" or watch two or three sunsets or sunrises .. . or several thousand of them ? Nothing. Not a thing. They haven't the slightest effect on your body. To be precise, it's not sunrise and sunset anyway. It's earthrise and earthset. But science has so many things upside down and backward, I suppose it's to be expected that their terminology for the Earth's trips around the Sun would be the same. You can toss holier-than-thou astronomers into the bucket too.

Time is an illusion. It allows humans to measure it because .of the stark comparison between light and dark. That's the only "beginning and end" there is to measure. But when there was no darkness on Earth — before the "fall," and before this planet's second Sun exploded, causing the Earth to spin around the remaining Sun like a billiard ball hit sharply with a cue stick — there was no Time. Does it really deserve a capital letter7 Yes, I suppose it does, since it makes such an impression on everyone.

»A question to ask the wise elf of your S-elf: If the light outside were to remain exactly as it is now —assuming you're reading this in the daytime — and never changed in the least — how would you measure or refer to Time ? You couldn't refer to "last night" or "yesterday morning" or "last week" or "next month," because there would be no calendars, no clocks. When would you begin to set the clocks ?JUThere would be no when. Only the present. Only now. An


Eternal Now. Really think deeply about it. Neither plants nor people would need to "begin or end" (die). They would simply just be.

How would you measure Time if you were locked in a room with continual artificial light — or continual darkness ? With a clock ?JU(In the latter case, with a visible-in-the-dark face ?) Well, yes. But those clocks would have been set, — started — in a world of dark and light, the only measurement of Time there is. The dark and light periods of the presence and the absence of the Sun also created the season of the illusionary calendar year.

And so, Time is the Great Deceiver. The Great Imposter. Therefore, to accuse what is not even real of being the enemy that causes the process of aging is foolishly illogical.

However, the aging process, regrettably, does exist. There's no denying it. You see it everywhere — in the reincarnations of trees and flowers, after they "age and die." You see it in your "older" relatives and friends. And, after the illusionary chronological calendar "age" of thirty or so illusionary "years" of 365 sunrises and sunsets each, you may begin to believe you see it in your mirror. If you believe you see it, you will. Swiftly. Your face and body will meekly acquiesce and obey the image of your Creator Mind.

Yes, the aging process does exist, an end product of the deathist programming. But the enemy that causes aging is not make-believe birthdays. It's gravity. Italics may not be sufficient. Let's give it capitals and bold face, so you won't forget the true identity of the enemy that causes the aging process. GRAVITY. You'll see shortly why you mustn't forget what I mentioned earlier: that there are two kinds of gravity — the gravity of the physical, material world — and mental gravity.

Physical gravity began when the Earth started that billiard ball spin around the remaining Sun, after being sharply struck on one side, while it was not spinning, by the exploding other Sun (creating animal, plant and human mutation — dinosaurs and the like). And so,


Time and Gravity began simultaneously. (I'll be writing about more of these "twelfth night secrets" later, at the allotted time).

While we're on the subject of the exploding Sun is a good "time" to meditate on the purpose of the Moon. Our Moon is what remains of our eons-ago second Sun. Francis of Assisi often referred to Brother Sun and Sister Moon. His sexual definition was right, but these Luminaries are more correctly defined as Father Sun and Mother Moon. (The Moon rules the astrological sign of Cancer, which represents the eternal essence of maternity.) What a lovely "angel of a thought," to conceive of the infinite compassion of our Mother Who art in Heaven, when her "child," this Eden Heaven now called Earth, suffered such indescribable horror. Mystics have channeled that She charged the pock-marked, dusty, burned-out Sun with Her gentler light (He is Love — She is Light), and divinely ordained its appearance as the Moon, above the now-in-darkness Earth, to light the night sky each time the remaining Sun disappears from sight ... as Her promise for tomorrow.

How sad that the patriarchal theology has even entered the realm of Father Sun and Mother Moon by seeding repeated references to "the Man in the Moon," when it is not His face, but a faint echo of Her tender, maternal and nurturing image on the surface of the Moon, as gazed upon from Earth, which is seen mystically by the Third Eye — and even with physical vision, when one meditates and tries.

This is all symbolism, of course, but with an eternal message for the "fallen angels" of Heaven, here on Earth. Everyone to whom I've pointed it out succeeds in seeing it clearly after trying several times, most of them on the first try. If you'd like to try it yourself, when the Moon is full — or near full — when it is round in shape, not crescent — here is what to look for. The supremely feminine, cameolike face is seen in profile, facing toward the left, in appearance the features very much like those you've seen in a cameo ring or brooch, with the hair piled high on the head, in what might be called, for the purpose, of recognition, a sort of Gibson girl style. Once the image springs into


clarity for you, it's unmistakably the facing-toward-the-left profile of a woman of "unearthly" beauty and sadness. Do write and tell me when you've discovered it, won't you ? It's a moving experience, and once you've seen it clearly, you will always see it clearly, each night when you look up into the sky.

To some Cancerians I know, and to others also, when Her image suddenly manifests into vision, the sight brings tears, from a fragment of soul memory of the profound sadness any mother so very long forgotten by the children she deeply loves . . . must feel in her heart.




Back to gravity . . .

Remember when you were a small child in school, and the teacher held up an orange or an apple, representing the Earth, and you wondered, in your innocence, why the" people on the bottom of the orange didn't fall off into space ? When you raised your hand, troubled, to ask, the teacher replied with one word: "Gravity." Tons of it keep your feet (both of them, unfortunately) planted firmly on the ground.


Gravity presses down on your mind, your face, your body and all of its organs with a "heavy hand." After enough of such pressure your mind submits even more meekly to the deathist theology. The skin on your face begins to sag, your body organs press downward and become tired. That's what physical gravity does. Mental gravity finishes off the process with images. Images all around you, from when you were a tiny tot, multiplying themselves every illusionary year of your life — Images of the elderly — the sick and the old. Within your own family. Friends and neighbors born in an earlier illusionary chronological year than you. The nursing homes on television and in film. White-haired film stars who used to project such glamorous youth and vitality on the screen, now with hanging jowls and a thousand wrinkles. Images . . images ... images of aging... ugliness ...

helplessness . . . eyesight going, going, gone impaired hearing

. . . calcified bones . . . images of the elderly walking with canes ... or confined to wheel chairs . . . even drooling . . . senility . . . senility.

You know who Set is, don't you ? Set, a.k.a. Seth, a.k.a. Satan, a.k.a. the demons of darkness, a.k.a. the dark forces. Well, the word SENILITY contains the words SET LIES.

To see what mental gravity does, when blended with physical gravity, look in the mirror. Frown. Think of something that makes you angry or worried or annoyed. Frown again. See how your features drop in a downward direction ? Now look in the mirror again and smile. Pretend you've just seen someone you love who has returned after a long time. Think about it vividly, then smile and call out, "Well, HI there !" See how all your features form themselves in upward curves ? Including the lines around your mouth, your eyebrows, your whole face.

Fully aware of what physical gravity does to the face, body and all the body's organs, some Yogis choose to spend an hour or more each day standing on their heads — to reverse gravity. Physical gravity, that is. It's really dreadfully hard work, makes you dizzy besides — and it doesn't do all that much reversing. It barely makes a dent in the rest


of the ninety-nine percent of the "time" the Yogis are walking around upright, submitting to those tons of physical gravity. That's not how you "reverse gravity." There's a much easier and far more effective way.

The more than 42 billion electric cells in your brain have a power immeasurably stronger than gravity, when they are controlled and guided by your Mind. You just proved it by looking in the mirror — if you did as I suggested. Did you ? If not, please do it now. All right, are you back ? Then think about this: Mental Gravity (let's give it caps; it deserves them) — Mental Gravity, in both directions, is what you were using to manifest those instant results in the mirror.

Could mere physical gravity do that — instantly ? Of course not. No way could it do that. So, you see, physical gravity is a lightweight, compared to the power of Mental Gravity. This isn't merely a mystical, esoteric statement. It's the absolute, measurable truth. Another truth even a physics professor can't deny is that physical gravity cannot reverse itself, never mind how many tons of pressure it contains. This alone should expose it for the weakling it is. But Mental Gravity can do so, as we shall see. (We're going to cap those two words from now on.)

The way to reverse physical gravity, the silent, sneaky enemy that causes aging, is to seriously and consciously guide and control those more than 42 billion electric cells in your brain with the infinitely greater power of your Mind. Mental Gravity. Up until now, it's been working in a misguided partnership with physical gravity, thanks to the age programming that began when you were a child. Break off that relationship. When you do you will eventually, and most certainly, be able to use Mental Gravity to reverse physical gravity, without head stands yet ! — for the very simple reason that the former is literally stronger and more powerful than the latter when you allow it to be, and don't hold it back. It can't be accomplished overnight. All those GIGO weeds must be pulled out by the roots and your computer brain re-programmed. It takes lots of practice, but doesn't every-


thing ? It even takes lots of practice to become a liar, addicted to drugs or alcohol, forgetful, suspicious and fearful. Everything takes practice, from racial prejudice and male chauvinism to mistrust between nations. Right ? Right.

The pull of gravity, like everything else, without exception, is polarized. It works up and down, vertically. You've heard that "what goes up must come down," correct ? Do you know what that endlessly repeated saying means ? It's paying homage to the power of physical gravity. But have you ever heard that "what comes down can go up" ? No, you haven't. Because that saying applies to the well-kept secret that Mental Gravity can control physical gravity.

What is the phenomenon of levitation but the reversal of gravity ? And who levitates ? Saints do. Spiritually enlightened men and women do. Francis of Assisi, among a number of other holy ones, was seen frequently levitating several feet above the ground while saying his prayers, by witnesses of impeccable credibility and integrity. A couple of Yogis from India toured America in 1986 (and may still be here as you read this) — demonstrating levitation before crowds of hundreds. One of America's most popular magazines ran a feature story on these two men, including photographs taken of them sitting in the lotus position, arms crossed, several feet in the air. The article stated that they could remain there for a half a minute to a minute, and that they were practicing to be able to achieve an hour or more in the air.

In direct polarity are those possessed by "Satan" (dark forces of negativity), who also levitate, as in William Peter Blatty's book The Exorcist, and the film of the same name, based on many such true incidents of possessed people levitating, witnessed by both reputable priests of the Roman Church and medical doctors. Yes, observed levitating. Reversing gravity. Remember that all magic works both ways. The great power of the Mind may be used as curse or blessing, just as fire can be a faithful friend or a cruel master.

Currently it requires about one hundred years of illusionary


Earth Time for physical gravity to cause the features and body organs to fall and objectify "old age." It would take even longer, if it were not helped by the booster of Mental Gravity, which can work in both directions. Mental Gravity is capable not only of hastening the down direction of physical gravity, but also of reversing the downward direction to upward, either instantly or gradually, whichever speed is chosen by your Mind — another proof of its superiority over the physical gravity that "keeps people from falling off the bottom of the orange," and simultaneously causes aging. We know for certain, from scientific evidence, that Mental Gravity can cause physical levitation of the body. Possessing the awesome power of gravity reversal, and not using it, is like owning a car, and keeping it in the garage — or like owning a magic wand, and keeping it in a trunk in the attic. Such a waste.

The reason physical gravity has been able to get away with it for so many hundreds of thousands of years is that, as already pointed out, Mental Gravity has been its willing co-worker. Once more, break off that relationship ! You don't need to stand on your head like the Yogis. All you have to do is use your head for something besides getting headaches and a garden for your hair to grow in — on ? Whatever.

. At some time during the sixties and the seventies, medical science discovered an odd and fascinating, yet very sad (they think) phenomenon. A disease called Progeria — premature aging. In a bizarre heralding of the Aquarian Age, popping up here and there, like some strange Uranian flowers from another galaxy, were young children, from six to twelve years old, or thereabouts, who aged with breathtaking speed, right before the eyes of their shocked doctors. Like watching a plant grow with speed photography, a process requiring weeks or months, happening before your eyes in seconds. You've seen such camera work on various Nature programs and specials on television.

These children, within a few swift years, age all the way from six or twelve to eighty or a hundred years old. They suffer all the known


geriatric diseases of senility, everything from arthritis and rheumatism to calcified bones, loss of hair, teeth, sight and hearing. They resemble little old men and women, septuagenarians, octogenarians . . . and older. Some appear to be past one hundred. Toothless, horribly wrinkled, nearly deaf and blind. Pathetic youngsters.

Pathetic? Don't be so certain. One of the strangest things about these Aquarian Age medical marvels is their dispositions. Doctors and nurses who care for them are amazed and at a loss for words to describe the lack of any negative response to this premature aging the children are suffering. Their dispositions remain cheerful, they are completely uncomplaining, they're unusually bright and alert, and they smile a lot. The medical people just can't figure it out. They behave almost like . . . well, almost like . . . miniature saints.

That's understandable. Indeed. Because ... these children are illuminated Spirits, who have chosen to manifest these particular flesh bodies to demonstrate the Great Truth of the golden Age of Aquarius to the medical profession — and to men and women everywhere. They have a mission ... but thus far it is failing, and can use your help.

They are here to teach a glorious lesson, the first magical step toward the realization of the miracle of physical immortality. They are objectifying in their flesh bodies the mighty Law of Polarity, the law 'Earth scientists and physicists know well and respectfully genuflect to, but too often fail to, recognize.

These gentle children are here to bring an Easter message to Christians, Buddhists, Jews and those of all other Earth religions. They are saying silently and eloquently, through their poor, afflicted flesh bodies: "Look at us ! Look at us, please ! Don't you see ? We are living, visible proof, undeniable evidence of the polarity law of physical gravity. Look ! See ? Think. Hear us with your inner ears.


See us with your Third Eyes, as well as with your physical hearing and sight."

They are saying, with such love and sacrifice: "See me ? Ifl am nine years old, by your illusionary chronological Earth age measurement standards — yet I look and feel and project your image of ninety years old — then, by your own polarity law of physics, it is equally possible for one who is ninety years old by your false calendar to look and feel and literally project your image of nine years old — or any other illusionary double number. If nine can be ninety, then ninety can be nine. If seven can be sixty, then sixty can be seventeen, in the higher dimension mathematics. See us ? We are living, tangible proof of this ! What other proof could you possibly need than this evidence you see before you with your own eyes ? Perhaps if you opened your Third Eyes "

But does medical science really look and listen ? No. They concentrate on trying to treat this new Aquarian Age "disease" of premature aging — on trying to analyze what flesh body functions went wrong to cause it — ignoring the irrefutable truth it is proving undeniably, without equivocation: that physical gravity is reversible, and i contains polarity, as does everything in this world, hot and cold, dark and light, up and down, backward and forward ... and on ... and on . . . and on into infinity. All of you, look and listen.

I have a suggestion to make to clergymen and religious leaders everywhere, "for the love of Jesus," "the love of Moses," "the love of Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna and all the rest. Take all of those wide-eyed, trusting millions in your auditoriums, television audiences, churches and synagogues, and lead them to the new Lourdes. Tell them to kneel before the Easter altar of these children of the New Age, thanking them and gratefully blessing them for the shining message of truth, simplicity, love, innocence and eternity, the message of Pax et


Bonum they are trying to communicate to all Earthlings through their patient and cheerful suffering. Nurses and physicians, realize that you may be "entertaining Angels unawares."

Amen . . . Awomen

How many of you have noticed the paranoid, near-pathological and fanatic fixation on illusionary chronological "age" of certain magazines ?

I won't list them by name, but you know which ones they are.

The publishers, editors and staff writers of these magazines seem absolutely incapable of presenting any story at all, about anyone at all, without dropping "numbers" every paragraph or so. Their hypnotic fixation on this is very much like a hypnotized person who has been told to hold his arm in the air, that it is made of cement, and can't be lowered. That arm stays there, exactly as though it were actually made of cement, until "permission" is given by the hypnotist to lower it.

For example: Actress Jane Marshall, 32, and her husband, stockbroker Peter Thomas, 31, were seen yesterday at a White House luncheon with the President, 77, and the First Lady, 69. They took along their children, Toby, 17, Helen, 12 — and their adorable twins, 16 and 16 and 5 minutes. Or . . . Prime Minister Osgood, 72, met today with Premier Zhivago, 75, and his wife, Elsa, 68. They enjoyed a lavish banquet, along with other notable guests, such as film star Robert Hemmingway, 47, industrialist Anthony Perles, 51 and Olympic champion, Heidi Armstrong, 23, who came with Broadway producer, Hymie Castor, 64.

Now, 1 ask you, is this urgent information you're seeking as readers about all these people ? 1 certainly hope not. Otherwise, you're in trouble. 1 mean, who cares, for God's sake ?

Are they, perhaps, attempting to help their readers image the person they're writing about, believing that these numbers will best


help in imaging them ? Then wouldn't the images be more clarified by writing: "Actress Jane Marshall, 5' 2", 118 lbs., and her husband, stockbroker Peter Thomas, blue eyes, black hair, were seen yesterday at a White House luncheon with President Ronald Reagan, of Irish , ethnic stock, with dark-brown-hair- reporters-have-repeatedly-failed to-prove-is-dyed-by-stealing-samples-of-it-from-the-floor-of-the-barber-shop-where-he-gets-his-hair-cut (now that is an interesting and informative piece of news, which happens to be true) — and his wife, Nancy, a blue-eyed Cancerian. Marshall and Thomas took along their children, Capricorn Toby, a law student, Helen, in nurse's training — and their adorable Gemini twins, 5' 3" and 5' 3", one with brown eyes and one with green eyes.

When two public figures fall in love, especially actors and actresses who have ignored the numbers lottery, these magazines have a real field day. Susan Astor, 32, plans a New Year's Day wedding to Oscar winner Charles Murphy, seven years her senior, and . . . WAIT ! HOLD THE PRESSES ! The magazine editors forgot that, according to the months they were born,.on New Year's Day Murphy will, for three months into the new year, actually be EIGHT years her senior, not seven. Wow ! Good thing we caught that goof in time ! Our readers would never have forgiven us. Or. . . Academy Award nominee Jerry Cranshaw, 21, has announced in a press conference that he's been living in Paris with his leading lady in Here Come the Clowns, Pamela Richards, who, at 23 is two years older than Cranshaw. Laurie Adams, 19, has confessed that she and Andrew Nottingham, 44, were secretly married in London last year. . .

The writers of these magazines are compelled and driven to remark upon the numbers imbalance between lovers and mates, whether the disparity in numbers between them amounts to thirty years, twenty years, ten years, five years — or only one or two years, which is about as silly as you can get. Even thirty years' difference is meaningless when you realize the illusion of the calendar abacus. But one or two years ? Good grief. Charlie Brown, do you realize that Lucy (I believe) came along a year or so before your appearance in the


comics. Holy Moses ! That means she's a year or two older than you. And how old are you, Charlie ? Certainly old enough to stop talking to your Aquarian dog, Snoopy, as if he were a real person. For shame, Charlie. Act your age. Does someone, perchance, know where an illustrated book might be obtained, detailing, with posed models, exactly how one should "act" in order to "act" one's age at 17, 33, 20, 23, 56, 42, 87, 35, 64, 19 . . . etc. . . etc. ?

Language is a reliable reflection of brain programming. Think about this. Don't just flip it through your mind, but think about it. When a child displays or demonstrates a thought process or beTiavior usually attributed to maturity, everyone pats him on the head approvingly. It's considered very good form for a child to behave like an adult. Good little boy. Good little girl. Mama and Papa are proud of you.

But when an adult behaves like a child, everyone frowns, and says "Act your age." Meditate on the verb used. "Act." Think about it a little longer. The common usage of the verb "act" in this manner is most revealing. "Act your age," says quite clearly that the person society observes behaving in a carefree, childlike manner should become an actor or actress, and ACT (a make-believe profession, right?) . . and act out whatever particular image the Director (Society) has of any j double number. But you are the Producer of this drama of your life, and you can fire the lower case director whenever you choose, without severance pay. You're Cecil B. DeMille. Sack the cowardly custard !

Can't a person simply be his (or her) age — just be whatever it really means ? Yes. Must a person actually act in order to project what society dictates as the image ? No. You know what ? It proves that the subconscious minds of those who say "act your age" are basically and wisely "with it." The subconscious mind knows that what is being requested in such a command needs to be pretended or acted out to be successful. What if one has no acting talent ? Then how would such a one "act" his or her age ? They don't give out Academy Awards for it, do they ? Even if they did, is an "Oscar" really worth


it ? And so, if there ever is such a book, with illustrations explaining how to "act one's age," it would have to be published in Hollywood.

Now, look, let's get serious. What does all this pathological chronological behavior mean ? It means that these magazine people believe that everyone holds a sharp, clear and precise image of each double number in the numerical system. Dare I say it's a myth ? Yes, I shall dare, because, to give but one of hundreds of examples, one day last month I was having lunch with two unenlightened, follow-the-leader-type business people. One of them asked me the age of my attorney. "How old is he ?" I replied that I thought he was thirty-four, in violation of my usual refusal to discuss illusionary numbers, since the question took me by surprise.

"Thirty-four ?? !!" one of them exclaimed, apparently nearly in a state of shock. "I could have sworn he was at least thirty-seven, if not thirty-eight." This was just too much for me. I asked the waiter for a sheet of paper and a pen, which I then offered to my two luncheon companions, asking them, "Would you mind drawing three faces for me, please — one of them age thirty-four — one age thirty-seven — and one age thirty-eight ? I'm genuinely curious and interested in learning your system." For a few moments they doodled with the pen on the paper, by turns, then stared at me, as one of them asked, "What system ?"

"Your system of differentiating between thirty-four, thirty-seven and thirty-eight," I replied. "I mean, seriously, is there an extra wrinkle or wart or something, somewhere, that people can spot if they look hard ? It would be a big help to, say, for instance, private investigators, when they don't have fingerprints or anything like that, but they do have the birth data, to help them decide if the guy in the red Volvo is the criminal they're looking for, or just an innocent citizen."

They weren't sure if I was being serious or funny, but I was being very serious. I really would like to know. People don't have rings to count, like trees, do they ? If so, I must have been asleep in high-


school biology class. I've asked literally more than a hundred people this sort of question, and not a single one of them has been able to answer — or to draw their number images.

Obviously, anyone can come close to winning the chronological Wheel of Fortune when they're choosing between a twelve-year-old and an eighty-year-old — or even between a twenty-year-old and a seventy-year-old (assuming they aren't dealing with an enlightened mortal, on the way to becoming immortal, who has mastered the first courses in cell regeneration). But.. . today's "sheep" believe they can tell the difference between twenty-three and twenty-six — forty and forty-three — sixty and sixty-seven. They actually believe that. It boggles the mind. What is amusing is that each one of the guessers has a totally individual and differing image of each of those numbers — yet are helpless to either draw or describe them. I guess that's because their images were programmed into their computer brains without a Code Key.

This chapter is about destroying the deathist illusion with the enlightenment of physical immortality, through cell regeneration.

What exactly is cell regeneration ? Just that. The regeneration of the cells of the rechargable battery of your physical body, which has been called "the temple of the soul," but which is also the material, flesh temple of other equally invisible and vital parts of the you-of-you. It will be easier to picture in your mind if you realize that the process is related to the spiral mystery.

The spiral is the basic principle of Nature's laws, and can be observed anywhere you look. The spiral of the conch shell. Spiral tendrils of ivy and other plants wind around porch railings and fences. Flowers form themselves in a spiral, leaves are coiled in spiral form before they miraculously unfold. Plants, grass and flowers shoot in spiral growth to literally screw their way through the hard surface of the ground, when spring calls to them. There is spiral movement in the Yin-Yang forces of the Hexagrams of the I-Ching.


Linus Pauling, Nobel Prize-winning discoverer of the magic of Vitamin C, also discovered what scientists have labeled polarized molecules. Pauling observed that the strings forming the structure of the molecule have a spiral motif, with the joining units linked to form a helix in the shape of a loosely coiled spring, much like a spiral staircase with each step made from a different grained wood. These molecular units of matter are unsymmetrical, like a pair of gloves or sandals possessing two forms which are mirror images of each other. All spirals of living matter twine around in the same direction — although everything would work equally well the other way around. This is important to cell regeneration, as we shall soon see.

u We are all built of right-handed corkscrews," stated another Nobel Prize-winner, Sir Laurence Bragg.

The spiral mysteriously seems to possess some subtle quality of its own. Wind a piece of copper wire into a spiral and it magically acquires properties it did not previously possess. The spiral used mechanically makes it possible to penetrate wood and iron. In the science of electronics, John Nelson, of RCA Laboratories, told me when 1 worked for NBC that the spiral is used to convert radio waves into electrical impulses.

Your doctor can tell you that the spiral is discerned in many organs of the human body, and many of the body's functions operate through spiral movement. It is of more than passing significance that all of Earth's "creatures," beginning with the tiny amoeba, all the way to men aftd women, when they move without any means of stimulation, will be invisibly urged to take a spiral path. The horns of a Ram, all horns — are spiral. The umbilical cord is a spiral. Thumb prints are spiral. So is your humerus, the pelvis and likewise your sweat glands. The spiral appears in cell division — and even in astrology's mathematics a logarithmic spiral occurs. Of course, astronomers and mathematicians use logarithms too. But they may not be as sensitive to the meaning as esoteric astrologers with a mystical leaning and a respect for the illumination of intuition.


Lakhovsky, in his book The Secrets of Life drew an analogy between the spiral formation found in all living cells — and the coil in an electric current. Nikola Tesla, of course, with his alternating current discovery, knew this, even as a child. Lakhovsky further suggested that, just as in an electrical oscillating circuit, radiations are emitted through the functioning of a spiral of wire, increasing its capacity — "in the living cell, radiations are emitted in a like manner."

Now, let's travel back, in a spiral trip, to an important statement a few paragraphs ago. All spirals of living matter twine around in the same direction — although everything would work equally well the other way around.

I clearly remember John Nelson, in the NBC cafeteria, telling me that "because the spiral is used to convert radio waves into electricah impulses, it is evident that the capacity exists to move from one level to another — or from one vibration to another."

Here is a rather clumsy drawing to help you comprehend the spiral mystery, and how it relates to cell regeneration.


Do you see the tiny star ? It marks the beginning of your flesh life, therefore the beginning of the life of each cell in your body, as it spirals in a right-handed direction toward the programmed brain's expectation of aging and death, brought on in a material sense by physical gravity, assisted by Mental Gravity.

Now, do you see the black dot ? It represents where your cells are on their spiral trip at this moment, while you're reading these words. Never mind if you are nineteen or ninety or more. (The higher your illusionary chronological number, the more spirals, of course.)


Look at the black dot; picture that you are looking at the black dot of every cell in your body. Then intensely, vividly, use your Mental Gravity to image the spiral turning in the opposite direction. Draw it —* all the way back, not to the initial tiny star (after all, you don't want to return to your crib or the hospital delivery room) — but to whatever point along the way represents whatever present image you may have of whatever illusionary chronological year, and will it to stop right there — until and unless you give each cell a new command. Don't just think about it. Do it.

You will have begun the process of cell regeneration.

Repeat these three statements aloud, until you have memorized them.

"All spirals of living matter twine around in the same direction — although everything would work equally well the other way around" LINUS PAULING

"We are all built of right-handed corkscrews"


"Because the spiral is used to convert radio waves into electrical impulses, it is evident that the capacity exists to move from one level to another — or from one vibration to another." JOHN NELSON

Keep imaging, keep repeating these sentences aloud, and finally your sleepy, drugged, falsely programmed brain will register it, and re-program itself. It truly will.

Despite all those blind spots we've discussed in earlier chapters, medical science still manages to make some marvelous discoveries from time to time. One of them is the discovery that every cell in the human body replaces itself over a period of seven years. Except for the human brain cells, a most important exception for you to remember. (Alcohol burns out brain cells, and even though you have over 42 billion of them, becoming magic requires as many as you can keep healthy.)


Meanwhile, think about this seven-year cycle. There's not a cell in your body (other than in the brain) — not a hair on your head or on your body, not a fingernail or toenail you possess right now that was there seven years ago. You are, therefore, in a cellular sense, a brand-new person every seven years, commencing with your birth. If a body organ has a defect, the defect will remain (until you cure or heal it yourself), but the cells making up the organ will be new.

Moreover, many humans have been found in Russia and elsewhere who possess the roots for a third and even a fourth set of teeth. (You've already gone through two sets — your baby teeth and your "second" teeth.) Unfortunately, these extra roots don't get to grow into teeth because the death urge chokes the body's battery and kills it before they get a chance to manifest. More waste. Obviously, your body can produce the roots for as many sets of teeth as you need, in perpetuity, which will certainly save a lot of dental bills when you become immortal.

Why does your body do all this ? It's your life urge again, desperately trying to keep you alive, giving you new opportunities every seven years to begin your immortality. The life urge is so strong, so insistent in man and woman, you'd think it would win -an easy victory. It would, except for the ever increasing physical gravity and mental gravity combining to defeat its repeated attempts to make you immortal.

What is the difference between "old cells" which have run their right-handed screwdriver spiral to an end — and new cells — regarding the process of cell reversal we just discussed ? Not much. As you gradually reverse the spiral of each cell in your body, stopping at whatever point (chronological "age" image) you've chosen between the black dot and the tiny star in the previous drawing, no new cell will be needed to replace the cell thus freshly regenerated. The only reason for the replacement is that your double gravity pull wears out the cells. Eventually, you won't need more of them, because you'll be keeping those you have in perfect condition.


Does this spiral your mind into a revelation ? It should, because it means that all cells spiral because of the illusion of Time. Your cells did not so spiral when your body was on Earth with two Suns, and was not spinning (causing gravity). Neither did plants and flowers spiral. They simply were. The reason they screw themselves through the ground now in a spiral is a demonstration of their own life urge, imitating your body's life urge. When you have recognized Time for the imposter it is the cells of your body will no longer spiral and need to be reversed — although their general shape will still be spiral, symbolic of the "serpent circle of eternity."

Until the cell regeneration cycle is completed, while it's still in progress, when you image a new cell image it stopping its right-handed spiral at the same point in the drawing you've imaged your old cells to stop, when they're spiraling in a reverse direction. You needn't keep count of all your old and new cells with a Chinese abacus to do this. Just give the dual order applying to both kinds of cells, and your body will take care of the details. Ordain your powerful Mind to program your computer brain with this command, then trust your body's wisdom to comply.

Now . . . isn't it fortunate that your brain cells don't need to be replaced every seven years, and don't die (unless you kill them) ? And now do you see why you have so many, and why you haven't yet begun to use ninety percent of them ? They're going to be needed when cell regeneration becomes the rule, until immortality is achieved. There is good cause for these extra "chips" in the computer brain, waiting to be activated for the big task of eternal life.

Here are the first eleven steps along the path toward physical immortality. When you've mastered them your cell regeneration will have commenced," and you'll be able to walk the rest of the way yourself, guided by your own Higher Elf.

1. Know the truth. Don't hope it's true. Don't have faith that it's true. Don't believe that it's true. KNOW it. Your ability to


achieve physical immortality is real. You already possess it. This is the most difficult of all the steps along the way to master, yet the most necessary. Without it, the others mean nothing, and will accomplish nothing.


Then you will have WON

2. Image the spirals of your cells turning in the opposite direction, and repeat aloud: / am immortal, and I now ordain my body to demonstrate this, each morning and each night of your- eternal life. Boost and assist your cell regeneration by taking 1,000 mgms of PABA (para-amino-benzoic acid), 5,000 mgms of Vitamin C and 2,000 mgms of d'alpha tocopherol-Vitamin E every day, and use moisturizers all over your body, not just on your face. Get lots of fresh air, especially while you sleep. Instead of cars, buses and cabs, walk as much as you possibly can. Drink at least two full 8-ounce glasses of unsweetened grape juice every day of your immortal life. (Red grape juice tastes better, and the plumpies need it also, but blue grape juice is an equally potent cell stimulator.) Eating grapes is fine, but you still need the grape juice. You'll see the difference in the skin on your face within one week, or sooner. Four glasses a day are not too many, but at least two. Step 2 contains all the cosmetology you need. Vitamins B-12 and B-Complex are not priorities, but will help.

3. Don't be ashamed of your new enlightenment. Talk about it to every person you meet. Friends, relatives and business associates. Ignore their ridicule. Out of every ten people who ridicule you, there will be one or two who will believe you. Then, when you're 500 or 600 years young, you'll have a few people you know to pal around and hang out with you.

4. If you're a woman, when you become pregnant for the first time, J or the next time, try to have your infant delivered under water to ' avoid the birth trauma that results in a continuing pattern of im- ]


proper breathing. There are more people around who can do this than you may realize. Search for them. If you're a man, support your wife in this maternal wisdom.

5. Stop drinking. A little wine, very occasionally, nothing else. No drugs, quite naturally. And, alas ! Stop smoking as soon as you feel you can without serious emotional trauma. Substitute something for smoking. Like . . . sexual union with the person you really love .. . smelling flowers . .. Ferris wheel rides . .. listening to symphonies . . . making a few baby miracles for someone who needs some magic . . . swimming . . . singing . .. taking a shower . . . running with your dog or dogs . . .

6. No sexual promiscuity. It short-circuits your soul. No unnatural sexual union — and don't pretend you don't know why. Any behavior in opposition to Nature's laws is the enemy of the natural process of physical immortality. No pornography. It sets up images that block the discovery of your own Twin Self, through the law of magnetic attraction. And you cannot become a full immortal until you have achieved union with the missing half of your Spirit, of the you-of-you. Just the decision to become immortal in itself guarantees that you'll find each other, at some point along the path. Isn't that what you've been secretly searching for and aching for all of your life anyway ? Face that truth. However many sexual partners you may have had — or are having now — you're still empty, still lonely, and you always will be until that miracle manifests. If you've practiced negative sexual behavior in the past, forgive yourself completely, then forget it. The true "confessional" is within.

. Likewise, forgive your enemies. "Do good to all those who harm you and say all manner of evil against you." Being kind to those who are kind to you doesn't cause your cells to spiral in a reverse direction. Being kind to those who hurt you through word or action does. Give away half your money to friends and strangers equally. Read the "Deja Vu" chapter and the "Labors of Love and


the Money Mystique" chapter, until you've memorized what they say — then do what they say. The counsel given within them is not from me, but from those who are many cosmic light years beyond me in illumination. Stop clinging to material possessions. Let go. Be generous with, give freely of your time and money.

8. Firmly and permanently reject all fear about every aspect of your life: fear of flying, fear of accident, fear of poverty, fear of loneliness — all jear. Including fear for friends and loved ones who are ill. Stop expecting them to die.

9. Become a vegetarian in the way outlined in the "Apple a Day" chapter. Do not kill any living creature for any reason. Hunters and fishermen cannot achieve eternal life, are not candidates for physical immortality. I'm truly sorry about that, because some of the dearest and most enlightened people I know are fishermen or fisherwomen, with only this one blind spot keeping them back. To repeat, do not kill for any reason. Learn karate and other Oriental self-defense arts if you must, but do not kill. You must not remove any person's or creature's Free Will choice to live or to die.

Not killing is so basic, it shouldn't even need to be mentioned. If you have formerly killed u in the line of duty," with the mistaken notion of "patriotism," forgive yourself and cleanse yourself. There's never a real reason for killing anything or anybody. There is always a way to solve a "dangerous," existential situation where your murder or another person's murder is threatened, without killing the aggressor. There is always a way to prevent the death of one person without killing another. Wounding an arm, hand, foot or leg is not desirable, but is better than killing.

10. Fast one day a week, every week in the year, drinking only fruit juice, and when you can handle it, only fresh spring water — no


fruit juice. Work up to fasting in this manner one week out of every month. It purifies both your mind and your body. Jesus fasted, and look at all the miracles he manifested. So did Francis of Assisi, and he was able to converse with birds and wolves and other creatures in their own language.

11. The number 11 is a Master Number in numerology, as youVe already learned in Chapter 5. Therefore, it's appropriate that the eleventh step in becoming an immortal (synonymous with becoming a Master) is numbered in this way, not by my own design, but by the harmonics and synchronicity of the Universe. It doesn't matter whether you are fourteen or forty when you read this step — or eighty or ninety illusionary chronological years. Memorize it, even if you're a teenager, memorize it — because it's of urgent importance to anyone seriously intending to achieve cell regeneration and either the prevention of aging or the reversal of it — and to conquer death.

By now, do you realize that the most basic step in achieving immortality is to know that, in reality, there is no time ? Do you understand that it's your false belief in the power of time that blocks your cell regeneration ? Do you know now that time is your enemy — that if you allow it even the smallest acceptance in your mind, you cannot become immortal and your cells will not regenerate ? Good. Now consider the word RETIREMENT It lexigrams into RE-TIME. Webster thus defines the word RE: "to appear over again ... to renew." And that's just what happens when you retire, either because your employer has silly rules about a forced retirement age, or because you believe yourself that it's necessary and desirable at a certain illusionary chronological age. In other words, when you accept RETIREMENT, Time "reappears over again anew" — it returns to master you again. Retirement is the most powerful of all the influences causing unnecessary aging, and even death.

Retirement is a huge mistake. Take a year or two to goof off when you want to relax or travel, but no more than a year or two at a


time. Permanent retirement is an unsuspected, deadly killer. It will kill you as surely as a shot from a rifle — it just takes a little bit longer to die. It destroys completely your life urges.

Retirement is comprised of two pure ingredients: pure laziness and pure fear. It's a false dream of lazy days, with nothing to do but sleep and play — a false fear that you're "too old" to be of any value — that you only have u a few years left" and you have to desperately do nothing to enjoy them, to make the most of them.

Retirement doesn't make "the most" of anything. It makes "the worst" of everything.

What keeps the juices of your life urges flowing, what keeps your mind recharging your body, is your career, profession, job or work. Being needed by whomever for whatever. Giving out to the world what only you have to offer it. Andthe world still needs you — more than ever now.

If you haven't yet retired — don't. Take a couple of years leave of absence, get all that playtime and travel time out of you, then return to your work, which you're becoming more superbly capable of executing every year of your immortal life. If you're in a profession where you are your own boss, working for yourself, the decision is yours. Be grateful for that. If you work for an employer who insists that you retire, do it if you must. Then get another job. You say that's nearly impossible "at your age" ? It won't be as easy as when you were a chronologically illusionary twenty-one, but if you try, you'll be surprised.

If you genuinely, sincerely and seriously try, and can't find orthodox employment, then create a new career or profession for yourself. There are so many thousands of ideas and concepts along this line, I have no intention of listing any of them here. Use your own imagina- j tion. That's what it's for.

Be a consultant to someone. Your wisdom is needed. In a few .


years you'll be able to plunge into the job market again, because immortality will have begun to be dimly realized by many more people than before this book was published. You'll see. Besides, if you forget that fear-based "Big Brother" Social Security number, and righteously "lie" (tell the real truth) about your age, the way you're going to look soon, no one will know the difference.

You don't need a birth certificate to get a good job, and certainly not to begin a new career. Avoid retirement playgrounds like poison, because that's exactly what they are.

I've tried for years to convince a retired person very close to me, whom I love dearly, that his retirement to one of these places was a subconscious death wish that would bring about just that — his death.

He wouldn't listen. I offered him a number of responsibilities I knew he could handle better than anyone else I'd ever met, better than people half his illusionary chronological age. He kept responding with, "I'm too old. I can't handle it. Why, do you realize how old I am T

Men and women of a certain "age" love asking that question. They revel in it. They brag about it, as if it were a badge of honor. It's not. It's a badge of disgrace, of surrender to the programmed deathist lies. Yet it contains a trace of wistfulness, implying "isn't it wonderful that I've made it to this number, and I'm still here ?" It would be more wonderful if you made it to that number and thousands of years beyond it.

The person I referred to just now will read this book, and I pray that he gets the message. It's a last resort. Both he and a woman I also love dearly look and behave and think about thirty years "younger" than the age they keep bragging about. I HAVE ORDAINED that they wake up, look in the mirror — and get moving. Likewise with another woman I dearly love, who only needs part of this message, because she's always secretly believed what this chapter is saying, but was


afraid everyone would think she was crackers if she dared to express it. She's a Pisces. My message to her is: Come on, express it. It's time. No one will laugh at you. The mission of this book is to prepare people for the miracle you've known about inside yourself all along — and it will accomplish its mission. Nothing can prevent its seeds from sprouting because it's been ordained by our Creators. You don't need to be afraid anymore. Go for it ! I have a job for you to do, beginning in a few months, so get ready to start to work. Also, you'll be moving to another state within the year— like those other two people. That's a white witch prediction for the future, and three promises for tomorrow.

These are the 11 steps for achieving gradual physical immortality through cell regeneration. Step 4 is not an absolute necessity, but it will help the "flesh of your flesh, bone of your bone" to begin becoming an immortal at birth.

If you can change, for instance, your programmed belief in poverty, you can also change your belief in aging and death. If you can control the physical effect of gravity in only one small area of your life, you can do it in all other areas. I know a man who has requested that 1 not make his name public. His bones, in particular, those in his back, had calcified, and he was told by doctors that he would never walk again. He firmly committed himself to immortality, and began to practice all the steps of cell regeneration. It took five and a half years, but his bones gradually began to soften, to de-calcify. It may be ten years or so longer until they have returned to the perfect condition they were in his youth, but what is ten years to an immortal ? He is now walking without pain.

If you have a physical handicap, overcoming it to any degree at • all will give you the evidence you need to conquer aging and death. Developing an athletic ability often helps greatly. Learning to help and heal others will help enormously.. Each negative attitude and * habit you overcome, however small, will strengthen your belief in your personal spiritual, mental and physical powers, and allow you to


establish effective communication with your own Spirit, who possesses all power for all purposes.

Bob Wieland, a Viet Nam vet, lost both of his legs when he stepped on a land mine. As he says, "My legs went one way — and my life went another." In 1982, Wheeler decided to "walk" from California to Washington, D.C., wheeling himself along highways and roads with a "scooter," the stumps of his legs protected by thick bandages. It took him three years, eight months and six days to complete the 2,764-mile "walk." But he made it to his destination, the Viet Nam War Memorial in Washington, bearing the name of his buddy, a soldier who was killed beside him when a mortar went off. Bob Wieland is clearly a candidate for physical immortality, even though he -doesn't realize it yet. He's also a candidate for the miracle of growing both legs back, good as new.

Notice that Wieland's courageous "walk" across the country, in taking 3 years, 8 months and 6 days, adds to 17 — and the 2,764 miles he covered add to 19, making the Compound Numbers of his trip 17 and 19. Look up their meanings in the numerology chapter.

There are a multitude of ways you can tell that cell regeneration has started in your body. The skin becomes clear, the breath becomes sweet, the odors of elimination begin of diminish. Your tongue will gradually become pink and soft, sans rough bumps. Your eyes will sparkle and your voice will take on a subtle but detectable musical tone. Your emotions will grow ever mote easy to control. You will begin to recall your "dreams" (astral travels) clearly. You'll require less sleep. If you have lines in your face, they will slowly but surely become invisible.

According to Gurus, and I have no reason to doubt it, there's a strange chemical reaction in the body when the cells begin to reverse their spirals, perhaps five to seven calendar years after the process has begun, occurring at uncertain intervals. It varies. An odor. It's been compared to the unpleasant but not unbearable odor of an athlete's


tennis shoes, after extreme exercise. Pungent, somewhat sour, and quite strong. Distinctive. It's also been compared to the musty odor detected when an air conditioner in, say, a large 747 type plane, is turned on, after having been shut off for several hours. Perhaps it's related to oxygen, since cells do contain oxygen, which may be changed in some way, as the spiral reverses. It's unmistakable, and it's said that there's a reliable way to identify it. If you sniff your skin or any part of your body to locate the source, it becomes apparent that the strange odor is not coming from there. No one else can even detect it. Others will swear there is no odor, should you ask them, as they gingerly smell your hair and skin. They'll think you're joking, but you'll be serious. Finally it will dawn on you that the odor you smell so strongly is coming from within your body, not from without, and that you're aware of it through the olfactory or cranial nerves, transmitting the odor to the forebrain and mucous membranes in the upper pan of the nose. This is why no one else can detect the slightest hint of it from being close to you. Only you can smell it. Perhaps some biologist, chemist or physicist whose mind is open to cell regeneration could define its origin. You shouldn't be overly concerned with it, because it's a sure sign that your cells are reversing their spirals. And "even this shall pass away."


I have a memory. A deep, deep memory, and recurrent. From my childhood. I trust that people of the Hebrew and other religions can relate to it, even though it's founded in the Christian celebration of Easter. When I was small I used to look at "elderly people," now called "senior citizens," and think about growing up to look and behave and feel like them myself someday. Did you ? t That day seemed | far away in a misty future time, but it still troubled me. Did it trouble I you too ?

Then, when I became a little older, 1 made a private decision, a j


secret pact with myself. That could never, never happen to me. And that was that. Period. Did you make a secret pact like that with yourself too ?

. And ... Easter Sunday. I was so ... ambivalent about it. On the one hand, it filled me with bursting balloons of happy. On the other hand (I sound like an afflicted Libra) — it puzzled my twelve-year-old mind. On the happiness side, there was the delicate scent of the lilies around the altar . . . and the heavy, rich scent of all the other Easter flowers everyone wore pinned to their dresses or suits. The spanking-clean and brand-new white gloves, white anklets and shiny new, black patent Mary Jane shoes, the rustling silk of a pink (one year, daffodil yellow) dress, the creamy straw bonnet, trailing rosy velvet ribbons. And the Easter bunny basket, stuffed with jelly beans and chocolate goodies, colored eggs, and maybe a surprise, like a charm bracelet to wear with my new clothes to church. The angel music of the choir... and the pounding, echoing chords of the organ . . . blended with the dizzying, heavenly scent of spring outside, the warm breezes and budding green leaves on the trees . . . the tulips lining the walk to the church door.

It all made me certain that I could actually fly, if I'd only make the effort, and my heart swelled with a thrilling joy impossible to fully describe, when the choir and everyone else, including me, sang those magical lyrics, punctuated by Alleluias . . . Christ, the Lord, is risen today . . . sons of men and angels say . . . born like him, like him we rise ! Join the triumph of the skies ! . . . Where, 0 death is now thy sting ?. .. Alleluia ! Alleluia ! Alleluia k . . with the rolling waves of the organ music blending with the flickering candles, the holy scents and flower fragrances all around ... I felt an overwhelming, overpowering joy tingling from head to toe !

But ... on the puzzlement side, I kept wondering . . . if Jesus was the Son of God, then why wasn't there a Daughter of God ? And I wondered why everyone was so happy about Easter, if it only meant


that just one man could experience such sky-rocket magic, and none of the rest of us would ever have a chance to know such a miracle. Especially me.

But my puzzlement faded away as soon as I returned home from church and buried my nose in the hyacinths my mother filled the house with every Easter. There is no way to express this. You'll just have to press your own nose deeply into a hyacinth's blossoms ... and inhale. Or have you already noticed yourself that something about this particular spring flower's fragrance makes your heart soar up to join your Spirit ? It makes you know that Easter is truth for everyone, as your entire being is flooded with the mystery of this knowing. Not even logical, metaphysical, intellectual and personally tangible evidence of cell regeneration brings such certainty.

The "sense of smell" is surely the strongest of the other five. It leads you so swiftly into at least momentarily possessing the sixth sense. Rain on the grass . . . lilacs drenched with dew ... the scent of spring in the air . . . the cold, clean smell of falling snow . . . damp earth ... can float your astral into a higher dimension for fleeting moments. So, when your new commitment to physical immortality wavers briefly, go out and smell a hyacinth ... or walk in the rain. Re-spiral yourself!

There are three kinds of immortals. Those who became so hundreds or thousands of years ago, and communicate it to a chosen few apostles in a subtle manner. Those who became so equally long ago, but who choose to pretend they are still pilgrims, so that they may empathize with others newly initiated to truth. And those who have just learned the secret, and are delighted with the evidence they can share with others. It's not always easy to make the distinction.

Nadine Star, an "elderly" resident of Louisville, Kentucky, wrote these words: "If I had my life to live over, I would like to make more mistakes." (She means behavior society labels as mistakes.) "Next time, I'd relax. I'd start barefoot earlier in the spring, and stay that


way later in the fall. I would ride more merry-go-rounds. I would pick more daisies."

Nadine is clearly a candidate for cell regeneration, and doesn't quite realize it yet. Perhaps she will soon. Then she won't need to "live her life over." She can just go right on living it, improving it in all those ways she wrote about, and amazing everyone by growing magically younger. . . and younger. . . and younger. . . until people say, "Who is that lovely young girl out there running through the daisy fields ? It looks like Nadine Star, but it can't be. Maybe it's her granddaughter. She sure takes after Nadine, doesn't she ?"

Those who teach immortality do not deny or reject reincarnation as a choice each person has a divine right to make. One of them said to me, "I can't understand why anyone would not prefer staying alive and helping to change the world to the traditional and popular practice of using up bodies and disposing of them as trash. They are going to survive flesh death anyway, and continue to reincarnate until they become illuminated and initiated, so why not just stay around in the same body, maintaining the same appearance — or improving it ?" I had to agree with his logic.

Physical death will always be available, but it is and always has been a matter of personal choice. Your body is an energy system, capable of infinite improvement and perfection. It may be difficult to conceive of your own self as the source of all healing, but to believe anything else is to accuse the Creators of your Spirit of doing a poor job. Just as your Spirit created your first incarnated physical body in His or Her own image, so did your Creators manifest your Spirit's in Their own image. This chapter is not an attempt to deprive you of the right to die, only an attempt to cause you to wonder about the sense of it — by using your sixth sense.

Look at it this way. Your flesh body does not have the power to destroy itself. It is only Mental Gravity, used in its reverse direction, that has the power — and you control your Mental Gravity with your


Mind. Your Mind survives the death of your body, whether you want to believe it or not. Not believing in Universal Law hasn't yet stopped it from working. When you think about it you have to be innately.

immortal in order to kill yourself.

When you decide to allow your body to outlive your programmed death urge you'll see many a miracle. The deathist theology can last only as long as you cling to it. The moment you let go of it — all the way — you'll be startled to see yourself manifesting love, wisdom, giving, forgiveness, confidence, joy, peace and physical health. You'll be able to actually feel these qualities expanding within you, with little or no effort.

Julian Davis, the former Cripple Creek gold-miner to whom I dedicated my verse about the town in the beginning of this book, was in his seventies when we met. All of his life until then he was a hunter, and drank everyone in the local bars under the table, night after night. He was a brilliant student of miracles; all he needed was to be told, and after we'd talked for a time, he vowed he would never again hunt deer or take a drink of whisky. He never did. Unexpectedly, then, he discovered he was a poet, and wrote a delightful book of poems, which was published and sold all through Colorado. He was designed to be an immortal, and would have made it if he had learned about it just a few years earlier. When he returns in his next flesh body he'll breeze right through it,- becoming an immortal before he even reaches his teens. Cell regeneration and reversing gravity isn't difficult, but it's always a mite easier to prevent it than to turn it around later. You chronologically "young" readers had best remember that. You chronologically "older" readers, don't be concerned. The process of regenerating your cells and reversing their spirals carries its own kind of excitement and magic. It doesn't matter when you conquer the myth of aging, before or after, as long as you conquer it.

I remember one morning when Julian stopped by my little, slip-ping-off-the-time-track, haunted house on Carr Avenue, to have some tea and a slice of blueberry pie. He'd just returned from the funeral of

an old friend and was depressed, a rare state of mind for him. Shaking his head sadly, as he sipped his Red Zinger tea, his favorite brand, Julian said, "He was only eighty-nine, can you believe that, girl ? They sure are takin' em young these days." Right, Julian. They sure are.

Another Cripple Creeker, my neighbor, schoolteacher Ruth Cook, is a Pisces. (So, by the way, was Julian.) I taught Ruth how to "image" a parking spot in the Springs at the Mall on crowded days, by ordaining it of her Higher Self (you must always add the words, "under grace, with no inconvenience to anyone"). She quite probably could have managed it herself, without my instruction, since she was born with esoteric magic in her very pores, as most Pisces Fish are.

One winter night, sitting by the Ben Franklin and talking over a cup of coffee, I was slightly wavering in my own magic, and asked Ruth if she believed in the certainty of someone's eventual return to Colorado, a return representing a personal miracle to me. I will always remember her answer. "Well, I should certainly hope so," she said. "With the power of all that faith you've been demonstrating for so many years, if it didn't happen, I'd never be able to get my 'park' at the Mall on a weekend."

What Ruth was expressing was an eternal truth, humorously, but very wisely. Should you believe in physical immortality ? All such wonders are irrevocably linked, and cannot be separated. If physical immortality isn't real, Ruth could never get her "park" at the Mall, for goodness' sake ! (And it never fails to manifest for her, smack on the spot, every time.)

One bitter cold winter morning in the mountains, when everyone was weary of snow and ice, snow and ice, snow and ice, including me — I entered the Cripple Creek Market, stomping the snow from my boots, blowing on my frozen fingers . . . and saw a familiar leprechaun. Pokey, they called him. He worked in the small grocery store, commuting each day from the magical "twilight zone" of neigh-


boring Victor. Walking up to him as he was sweeping the floor, I said in an exasperated tone, "Pokey, it seems like it's been winter forever. It's already the end of April. Will spring ever come ?"

Pokey went right on sweeping, glanced up at me, flashed his elf grin, and spoke just two words. "Always does." '

They reached deep inside me, those two simple words. Yes, I thought. Spring always comes. With all the broken promises in the world, it's good to know that spring is an eternally unbroken promise. Like the Moon's nightly promise of sunrise . . . rainbows after a storm . . . and the Easter hyacinths of physical immortality.


Children and grown-ups. Polarities. Adults have lost their awareness of their divinity, and are afraid to admit the truth, which is that children are more divine and wiser than they are. All children could become immortals in a twinkling, if it weren't for the adults around them with their deathist mentality, who can't unravel the parental disapproval syndrome, causing the children's Third Eyes to solidify into stone. Now the children of the world are being physically and sexually abused, their innocence murdered.

Facing the opposite polarity, the tragedy of nursing homes is that the "senior citizens" are forced to die right in the middle of their youthing process of cell regeneration, from the gloom and doom surrounding them. Meditate on the term "second childhood" Really think about what it means. A second chance to be a child. A second chance to begin cell regeneration and eternal life. What society calls "second childhood" is a natural form of primal therapy. It's the Mind and body's final attempt to allow the life urge to conquer the programmed death urge — a trembling and miraculous process of rediscovering the child within. If "senior citizens" in their "second childhood" could be left alone, away from deathist environments and people, encouraged instead of ridiculed and rejected, they would


swiftly begin to master their bodies, experience cell regeneration and return to their youth. That's the next step. But they're stopped before they can take the next step. The Spirit is calling them with this one last chance to recognize the truth of eternal life. Society drowns out the voice, and the elderly surrender.

Some continue to fight the death urges around them by moving into retirement "playgrounds" instead of nursing homes. For a while they hop about merrily, dancing, biking, jogging, swimming, taking great strides toward regeneration and mastery of the body — reversal of gravity. Then, gradually, as they watch ambulances and morticians' wagons can away the dead and dying all around them, they give up. They would rather die than continue to suppress the child within them, demanding to be heard. Suppressing natural immortality is so very un-natural, so painful — and takes so much effort.

It's time to start loving and respecting the "senior citizens," to make it socially acceptable for them to heal themselves — and to demonstrate their miraculous return to a second childhood, allowing it to progress, as intended, to cell regeneration in the body. There are three kind of humans presently on this Earth. Children, the wise ones. Adults, the confused and blind ones. And the elderly, cruelly stifled in their expression of gravity reversal and cell regeneration called "second childhood" — blocked right in the middle of the Spirit's rebuilding program to give them mastery of the body and a return to youth by the death urges all around them. By their own death, urges, too, just as they were about to be replaced by a new and powerful life urge. What a tragic waste.

When society permits its "elderly senior citizens" to act like children their cell regeneration process will begin, gravity will be reversed, and they will gradually begin "youthing" themselves back to the appearance and physical health they originally enjoyed. Then the magic of "the fountain of youth" will become ordinary. Ponce de Leon was looking in the wrong place. The fountain of youth was gushing within him all during his search. He was looking in Florida, wasn't


he ? Odd, isn't it, that so many "senior citizens," secretly feeling these strange new Life Urges are magnetized to Florida, perhaps subconsciously following Ponce. Unless they recognize the truth of their own immortality, their own ability to achieve mastery over the body, they'll be as disappointed in their quest as he was. The fountain of youth is not in Florida or Palm Springs. The fountain of youth is within. Remember this. The easiest times to conquer death, to become an immortal are in childhood — and in "old age."

Our Creators' love for the world will allow the Earth to survive, even" though present world leaders seem determined to annihilate it. The world doesn't need to be saved. The question is whether or not humans are finally willing to open their Third Eyes, use their sixth sense — and save themselves. After all, this is the Aquarian Age and, in astrology, the sign of Aquarius rules and represents "second childhood." That's encouraging and, hopefully, prophetic.

I have two friends, a married couple living in Santa Barbara, California, who realize that they are immortals, and who have been experimenting with the often amusing false images of chronological age. Most people believe this husband and wife are around twenty-one to twenty-three years old, and invite them to frequent college affairs. Then they meet the couple's twenty-five-year-old son, their thirty-year-old daughter, and her new baby, and they go into a state of shock. These two people won't discuss their chronological age with anyone (not even me) because they don't want to submit themselves to the myth that aging is necessary, knowing full well that unenlightened mortals have individual images of all the double nurftbers, • and are capable of powerfully projecting those images when they hear or see a "number," which can have a temporary but most damaging effect on the person they "see" as whatever chronological age. It can cause the cells to spiral back in a different.direction for a brief time, and actually cause physical "aging" to manifest once more. Its not worth it. Consequently my friends let everyone guess away, as much as they like.


The wife — we'll call her Melanie — is always amused when she takes her baby elf daughter (granddaughter, but that term has such false images graven into it) — when she takes her elf child for a walk. People never fail to stop to admire the infant, and ask my friend, a Is this your first baby ?" However, when she goes to a movie in town with her daughter, and the latter happens to call her "Mom" while they're buying tickets, my friend is inevitably asked, "Do you want a senior citizen ticket ?"

One weekend when Melanie and her husband were in Los Angeles they went to a theatre in Westwood and were asked, when they bought their tickets, if they had their UCLA "student passes."

The power of a self-hypnotized human mind is an awesome thing when it's investigated in this way. People really do actually see what they believe they see.

Another friend, who lives in Boulder, Colorado — another immortal — has been experimenting with the aging myth. When he was thirty-two he decided to reverse the spirals of his cells, regenerate them, and become twenty-four again — physically. His identification was so intense and powerful, he told me, that he even got "keyed in," as he expressed it, to some of the emotional and financial hang-ups he had when he was that "age." It took some practice and some effort to toss them away. But he succeeded. He wrote to me last month to share with me an amusing but troubling experience.

He went to a finance company for a loan to. buy a house. With-. out thinking, he filled out the credit application with his real age of twenty-four. The credit manager looked at him suspiciously, and challenged his age. "You don't look twenty-four," he told my friend. "You probably aren't even twenty-one yet, are you ?" Having no proof of his age with him, my friend didn't know how to respond. Then the credit manager noticed that the loan applicant had a college degree and seven years' work experience. (It's hard to remember all the de-


tails when you're youthing yourself.) At this point, the man behind the desk became genuinely angry, told my friend that he was lying, and flatly refused the loan. In his letter, my Colorado immortal friend said, "I guess he thought I was a bad risk, being such a "liar." I thought the whole situation was rather humorous, but it sure reminded me once again of three things: how incredibly people's minds can be programmed regarding the myth of age — how swiftly cell regeneration works, making it necessary to stop before it goes too far (!) — and the problems being an immortal creates in a practical and financial situation."

Physical immortality is a truth whose time has come in the Aquarian Age. Those who seek it need not cpncern themselves with the overpopulation problem it only seems to create, because, as I mentioned earlier, by the time they have achieved the beginning mastery of their bodies, they'll understand what must be done next. It will be revealed to them "when the student is ready." And they will smile when they discover the very simplicity of the answer.

If you accept that this is the Golden Age when death will be conquered — if you'd like to make a dent in the power of death in the history of the world, there are several things you can do.

You can spread the truth courageously. The more swiftly erroneous mass thinking about death is changed, the sooner eternal life will become commonplace. Every person who questions the inevitability of death — whether seriously or even humorously (a sense of humor is pan of the sixth sense) — weakens its power. Spreading the truth of physical immortality through thought transformation and the resulting cell regeneration will save your own life and the lives of those you love, while you'll also be helping to save the environment and to prevent the "natural" disasters predicted for the Earth. It's the most effective method you can use to stop war and violence. The mass subconscious, falsely programmed death urge is the primordial cause of earthquakes, flood, drought, nuclear mistrust — and even the shattering of personal relationships, the destruction of human love.


If there are, for instance, enough immortal-minded men 'and women practicing truth, simplicity and love — in time — California will stay above the water. Each person who clings to the death urge, who is dedicated to the necessity of death, is voting for disaster. The purpose of prophecies of doom is to warn us, so that we may then have a chance to use our wisdom to prevent disaster.

You can do other things also. You can begin your own physical immortality simply by changing each negative and fearful belief into a positive one — one thought at a time. Use the always successful ordaining or affirmation technique (communication with your Overself Spirit). Instead of fearing and believing you might die of a disease or be killed in an accident at any moment, simply affirm and ordain aloud: "I am completely in control of the fate of my physical body. Nothing can harm me without my consent, and I do not choose to give my consent. I choose to live."

When you begin to genuinely question death the death urge programmed into you starts to crumble. Realize how difficult it actually is to destroy your body. When you pay attention to your suppressed life urge it warns you again and again of imminent danger before a fatal accident. There's a tremendous margin of safety in the Universe, and you can tap into it through your sixth sense, which connects you to your Spirit —your Higher Self.

Even so-called "fatal" illnesses take a long time to kill, giving you plenty of warning to change and transform your thoughts — to lose you* death urge. Over ninety percent of all suicide attempts are unsuccessful. Your suppressed life.urge is trying to make you immortal right now, if you would only listen to it. Pay attention to the messages flashed into your Mind by your Overself — and the messages from your own body, as every cell composing it struggles to live. Honor and act on these messages. All pain is firmly anchored in fear and negative thoughts, and if you throw them firmly out of your consciousness, you can live forever. Try it. If you prefer your old death urges, you can always change your mind.


"There are many roads to Rome." That oft-repeated saying has multiple meanings. Using oversimplification, it's the same as saying that everyone begins the journey in New York, and everyone will reach the final destination of Los Angeles, regardless of the mode of travel or ,the speed of travel chosen. Or the other way around, from Los Angeles to New York, if you prefer. It's only allegorical. The point is that different people achieve the same goal by using^a myriad of road maps and esoteric pathways through the woods.

Everyone even slightly interested in pursuing the goal of immortality — and, in particular, those of you who are sufficiently evolved to be aware of the higher occult mysteries — will want to read The Lion Path: U A Manual of the Short Path to Regeneration in Our Times," I written by the brilliant metaphysician, Musaios, containing ancient I astrological and astronomical disciplines and regimens for achieving immortality swiftly. A short path it may be, but a complicated one, j despite the fact that its author presents the formulas with unwonted crystal clarity, relative to such profound mysteries.

I warn you that The Lion Path is fathoms deep, although it will be j easily comprehended by the already illuminated, especially those who ] are educated in the studies of astronomy, astrology and mythology, i To them, it will be a sheer delight, as they discover its never-before- ] revealed Egyptian secrets of regeneration and immortality. This is a book urgently needed in our Time. It's an incomparably valuable-guide for Initiates desirous of mastering the ancient disciplines for the purpose of quickly joining the ranks of the Masters now upon the Earth in their mission to save the planet from a premature and unnecessary Gotterdammerung. Metaphysical beginners, however, may have some difficulty in comprehending this fine work, prepared by one of the world's true Masters and Meta-Magicians.

If you're among these, you needn't trouble yourself with such strict disciplines as the book details. They're not necessary to become


immortal. You would be wise to add The Lion Path to your library now for that day when "the student is ready," but you needn't immediately involve yourself with its prismatic pathways until that time comes — and when it does, you'll know it.

Meanwhile, you may successfully follow the slower, easier and simpler path of the eleven steps outlined in this chapter. They will give you the needed and necessary mastery over your body to begin cell regeneration, and will make you an immortal as surely as the more complex path. To repeat: There are many roads to Rome.

Not everyone is destined or designed to be a leader at History's Twilight Hour. The "ordinary" happiness and love you'll experience and project as you become an immortal in the ways described in this chapter are of equal value to the rescue of Earth during these troubled times, which will begin in 1988. The Higher Masters are aware of this — even Musaios himself. Still, The Lion Path should be in your library, since one never knows when one might "entertain angels unawares." The book is published by the Golden Sceptre Publishing Company, and you may learn how to order a copy in the "Pilgrim's Progress" section on Page 601.

How do you begin preparing yourself for taking the steps toward cell regeneration outlined here ?

Spend as much time with children as you can. They are the wise ones. Talk with them, not down to them. You'll learn much more than you guess, if you really listen to them. The truth of this is summarized in the following brief excerpt from the Prologue to Gooberz. (The text of Gooberz is in story form, unlike the Prologue, with plot progression, dialogue and such. The Prologue is intended only to seed the mind before the narrative begins.)

SSshhhh ! Listen to the children. They know.


all children's hearts contain the Serpent wisdom

of coiled and spiral secrets

never dreamed of nor suspected

by those who do believe the wells of childish minds are shallow

and thus careless, then may overlook some ancient mystery

lying silent, fallow

sleeping there unseen, invisible . . .beyond the ken of all those


that children meditate and dwell on things O ! never told

when their thoughts are brushed with fleeting gold

by passing angels, rustling silken wings, and murmuring low

above these softer forms of clay too recently exiled from Heaven to pass judgement . . . and so who harken with still open souls as yet not sealed by the ponderous gravity of Earth experience

only later, after trials of torment and temptation

are the doors to Truth slammed shut, and firmly locked

by the flesh inheritance of fixed opinion, engraved while in the


then do such shining Spirits become the self-imprisoned, final


of the Body Temple's narrow, echoing tomb

crumbled from a promised alabaster-. .. into a common dust


I saved my favorite Lexigram for this final chapter. Of all the mysteries contained in the lexigramming of English words, using the Anglo-Saxon, druid-protected alphabet, this one is, to me, the most profound. The only word that doesn't rhyme with any other. The fruit my grade-school teacher used to demonstrate gravity. Orange.



One of my personal and dearest Gurus told me that immortals have a secret greeting among themselves. When an Avatar recognizes another Adept they exchange two simple gifts, bearing a silent, coded message. They give one another, he said . . . a, hyacinth . . . and an orange.

I'll share with you his parting words to me, before he "disappeared" the most recent time (although 1 know hell manifest again soon, in his usual sneaky way). "Regarding physical immortality," he said, 'before miraculous revelation may be received, there must first be a confident and unswerving knowing. Then comes initiation. There is no way, in Heaven or on Earth, that this divine order may be reversed." He paused. Then he smiled, and as I closed my eyes, he. placed his hand gently on my head, and repeated these words, first uttered 2,000 years ago. "O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt ?"

I believe it was he who spoke those words (in English or Hebrew ?). Or. .. is it possible that I experienced a trembling moment of clairaudience ? I must remember to ask him when he returns.

The Los Angeles affiliate of the ABC television network is KABC After every news broadcast the station flashes on the screen a 13-word, inspired message. Please look up the meaning of 13 in the numerology chapter. As I sit here typing the last page of this book, perhaps through the pulsing synchronicity of the Universe, I can see, to my left, the television screen, with the picture on, but the sound off, a habit of mine while I'm working and feeling an author's loneliness. The KABC message is twinkling at me, silently, a star sign code.

We bring you the world as it is Imagine what it could be



remarks from the author

to her readers

on the subjects of astrobiology and Gooberz

for all of you who have written, including

those who have been so patiently waiting

for Gooberz

Because I chose to quote from my forthcoming book about reincarnation, Gooberz, within the pages of my last book, Love Signs, I have received over the past seven years more than a thousand letters from you, from all over the world, telling me you've been unable to locate Gooberz through my publishers or the bookstores, and asking me how you can obtain a copy. Your confusion is justified, since a footnote at the bottom of each Love Signs page quoting from Gooberz informs you that this book "will soon be published by Harper & Row."

According to a friend of mine who works for a firm handling mass surveys for politicians and major market products, such letters are estimated to represent less than one percent of the number of people who feel the same way, but who don't take the time to write about it.

Based on these statistics (and the postmarks), there must be well over a million of you everywhere from America to India to Europe,


who have been trying to find Gooberz. So I'm taking this way to thank each of you who have written to inquire about it — as well as those of you who have written to me about many other matters over the years, among them inquiries about my missing daughter, Sally — and the astro-biology birth control method I mentioned in the section of Love Signs called "A Time to Embrace."

First Fd like to respond to your concern about Sally, then to your questions about astro-biology — and finally — explain why you haven't yet been able to locate Gooberz.

Concerning your many hundreds of sympathetic and much appreciated inquiries about *Sally, a book about her disappearance is currently being planned, to be called either Spider Line or Forget Me Not, to be written by David Sikes, one of the government agents who conducted the investigation, and a co-author.; Sally is still missing, and I've been told by concerned friends in the Justice Department and other government agencies that the publication of a book about her disappearance is what will lead to her recovery. I'm absolutely certain that well find her.

To all of you who have written that you're praying for her return, I send my heartfelt thanks. 1 keep all of your letters in two large baskets in the small chapel in my Cripple Creek home, near the altar. Sally's pictures are on the altar, and six candles, burning constantly for her. Each time I receive a new letter from one of you, I place the latest letter on the altar near one of her photographs, until the next one arrives, then I place it in the basket with the others. And so, your I letters are read and re-read, treasured and kept, and every single one j spends time performing its magic on the little altar. Some of them are tear-stained. They've all moved me deeply.

I am so grateful for your letters and your prayers. The magnetic

* As with Gooberz, Linda's readers have written about Sally because of her I "Open Letter to Sally," printed in her last book. Love Signs. R. A. Brewer, consulting editor.


energy of the power of the love they contain will soon manifest the miracle of Sally's return. Please know this. And please continue to keep the faith with me, as you've been doing from all over the world (even Iceland and Poland) for so many long and weary years of waiting. It has meant . . . and will mean . . . much more than you may realize.

* * * * * *.

As for your inquiries about the astro-biology birth control described in Love Signs, the anticipated author of that book, "R.C," has decided not to write it after all. Instead, I am planning to bring out a small, hand-held astrological computer-calculator, tentatively to be called RAHRAM, accompanied by a small book, which will allow you to calculate your own individual ovulatiQn periods yourself. Meanwhile, a word of caution: If you try to obtain your astro-biology dates from an astrologer, should the astrologer not give you a full ten-day period of celibacy each month, within which is your exact and individual ovulation period, you will not get the one hundred percent reliability I promised you. It relates to the life of the spermatozoa and other factors, and is not something to be taken lightly. Make sure that any astrologer whose help you may seek knows what he or she is doing.

I've kept all your letters, and 1 will soon use them to convince a particular computer company to underwrite RAHRAM, so send me — and this urgent project — the blessing of lots of white light and energy. I've ordained it to be available within perhaps twenty-four months subsequent to the publication of this book, but I need your help. Your letters are a powerful persuasion for those who control the financial funding for Such projects.

: And now, regarding Gooberz, since you've all told me that you've


received no response to your written inquiries from either my publishers or the bookstores, leaving you puzzled and frustrated, I feel it's my responsibility to explain. Seven years is a long time to wait. You deserve the truth, so, as complicated as it is, I'll share it with you. It's more than a touch unusual, but I guess you're accustomed to the unusual from me by now. I wish I led a nice, normal life, but does anyone, really, these days ?

I assume you've already read the Preface to this book; otherwise you won't understand what I'm about to relate.

The turbaned one was correct in all of his prognostications. As you learned in the Preface, I went on my learning retreat "to the mountains," as he foretold, kept a diary of my experiences, and have used it as a basis for this book.

At the end of the year of my retreat to the mountains of Colorado, I returned to California, also as he foretold, and on December 7, 1970, Pearl Harbor Day, in Pickwick Bookstore, on Hollywood Boulevard (now called B. Dalton Bookstore), I met the man he predicted I would meet, right on schedule.

Approximately a year later, I sat down and wrote a book about that experience, including the experiences of other men and women I know, and called it Gooberz. When it was completed I put it away as too intimate to share with the public and book reviewers. It was channeled, manifested through what has been called "automatic writing," which I once believed had to be accomplished with pen or pencil and paper. I now realize that the same process can occur while using a typewriter. Channeled, automatic writing is a most disturbing expe rience, 1 can assure you — something like suffering daily amnesia.

I wasn't quite sure, when it was completed, just what kind of a "literary brain child" this strange book was. Gooberz eluded description,, and came out of the typewriter in a completely unconventional style. Regardless of my decision to never publish it, I was persuaded to allow a number of people to read the manuscript. Some of them


were married couples, many were college students reaching out for something they could use as a guide to help them measure love and analyze their relationships in a deeper sense. There were some who requested to read the manuscript because it's very much about the experience of death and bereavement, as much so as about love and sex — men and women who had just experienced the agony of losing someone close to them, and didn't feel like continuing to live themselves. Others read it to quench their thirst about mystical mysteries, from reincarnation to . . . well a variety of occult secrets. They were not disappointed.

1 was genuinely and unexpectedly amazed by the responses of everyone who read the manuscript version of Gooberz. It seemed to possess a life of its own, completely separate from me or my control. In the strangest way, it appeared to contain some power, to vibrate to some indefinable energy. Several couples who read it after they had separated or divorced, were reunited, three couples married — and two couples actually re-married. Those who had suffered agonizing bereavements, who had been crushed and shattered by death, found, not only consolation, but a certain miracle that transformed their grief into unexpected joy and excited anticipation. (I can't explain here why, but when you read the book, you'll understand.)

At some point in time, observing what kept happening in the lives of people who had read the manuscript, I was forced to realize that Gooberz didn't belong to me. It belonged to Higher Forces over which I had little or no control. One male college student who read it described it in an odd way. He called it "everyone's personal biography," an unusual description coming from a man, since the book is obviously written from a woman's viewpoint ahd experience.

That's one of the inexplicable facets of Gooberz. It has this diffi-cult-to-analyze chameleon quality, so that, whoever is reading it, at some early point along the way, kind of "locks in" to the plot, as one person said, and from that point on, whether the reader is male or female, the story becomes, not the author's, but the very personal


history of his or her intimate relationship with someone. I've even had some readers of the manuscript ask, "Were you looking in our bedroom window ? Did you tape record our conversations and phone calls ? How could you possibly know the exact words we said to each other when we met... when we fought... when we parted .. . and so on ?"

Well, of course, I didn't know. How could I ! Yet, in that strange chameleon way, the experiences in Gooberz, whether related to childhood, maturity, death, a love affair or marriage — seem to allow the people reading it to translate them into their own experiences. I can't explain it. So I guess I should stop trying. I only know that's the way it is — that's what happens. I suppose it's somehow connected with the way it was written, in the sense of it having been channeled by Higher Forces, who evidently know the alchemy of causing words on a page to change their meaning for each individual who reads them. I've been told that the book is "multi-layered," that what one reader sees between-the-lines, another misses, yet sees a different message the first one misses ... in each instance what is seen applying to a particular individual.

Despite my growing awareness that I had no control over the book I had more or less involuntarily-channeled, I continued to try to exercise control over it anyway. I placed it firmly on a closet shelf, returned to the haunted suite at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, and commenced work on Love Signs, a book I had already contracted to write. (Gooberz was "put away forever" and this book, Star Signs, was still in the form of my Colorado diary — see Preface.)

Unexpectedly, when Love Signs was nearly completed, I felt a sudden urge to quote from Gooberz in this astrological compatibility book, when I felt some of its passages were appropriate. You certainly had every right, then, when Gooberz failed to appear in the bookstores several years later, to write and inquire what happened to it.

This, essentially, is what happened. One of the messages the


turbaned Guru you read about in my Preface to this book had given on that New Year's Day of 1970, at some eternal point during our fast-forward-speed discussion of cabbages and kings and other odd, assorted esoteric things — was a message I found to be distinctly uncomfortable, so I erased it from my mind at the time. Shortly after Love Signs was completed and published (although the events actually began a few years earlier), his words came back to me . . . only too clearly.

"On the level of your Higher Self," he had said, u you have chosen in this incarnation what is called by the Masters the thunderbolt path of accelerated Karma, often chosen by those about to be initiated, at the time of approaching Earth cataclysm."

He then explained that this was for the purpose of paying off karmic debts swiftly, more or less in bunches, so that one may move along with one's mission on Earth, sans the burden of the chains of Karma for too many lifetimes postponed. I recall thinking it would be something like cramming for a test in college, when you've goofed off for several semesters and now it's nitty gritty time. I've explained this in more detail in Chapter 4, "Deja Vu."

If ever truth was spoken, that prognostication was surely it. There have been numerous and repeated occasions to remember his words over these past eons ... has it really been sixteen years ? Seems like sixty. The thunderbolt path of accelerated Karma indeed — with, I might add, several bolts of lightning thrown in for good measure to punctuate the earthquaking events in every sphere of my life, from emotional to health, to financial to professional . . . and spiritual. . . perhaps especially the latter, since my faith was severely shaken. I realized, dimly, that 1 was experiencing what many of you have also suffered, judging from your letters: a great soul test of worthiness. By the way, 1 read all your letters carefully, and wish so very much I could answer them personally, but it's simply impossible. • Instead, I try to answer all but the most personal and specific questions through the


books I write, and I trust this necessary alternative has been — and is —helpful to you.

Even though I was, as I said, dimly aware of the reason for what I was experiencing, such awareness, as I'm sure you've also discovered, doesn't make it any easier to bear, never mind what you're told by religious zealots who aren't always capable of practicing what they preach. What did make it bearable was trying, as I did constantly, to' hang on tightly to my childhood faith in magic and miracles — no matter how great the mistakes, how muddled the tangle, how hopeless the outlook.

I don't know what my grades were at the end of my personal soul test, since one isn't given a report card for these things, but I assume that I passed, because I'm still here. I may not have made A plus every single time, but I tried, and as my Irish elf mother used to say of trying . . . u the angels can do no more."

Early in 1980, after Love Signs had been published with its quotes from Gooberz announcing that it would be available to you soon — right in the middle of the upside-down world I was living in, while I was thunderbolting down the path of some of that very heavy "accelerated Karma," out of the blue I received a phone call from the tur- j baned one. The stranger.

This time he offered me his name. It was Nathaniel, he said, but he preferred to be called Nahtan. Somehow, tie had located me and learned my unlisted telephone number. I let it pass. Who questionssj Avatars ? One must "save face" for them at all times, and not press too | dt many questions. They'll just avoid answering anyway, so it's a waste*! of energy to probe, as I've discovered with more than one of them.

Nahtan told me he had enjoyed reading Love Signs, gave me a'L much welcomed and needed little pat on the head for living up to my j ^ spiritual responsibility by writing it — then said he was disturbed by J *,. the indication in it that Gooberz would be my next published book. J fa

He reminded me of the counsel he had given me on that New Year's Day in 1970 regarding the order of publication of Gooberz and the book about my experiences in the mountains, saying . . .

"The book Gooberz has a mind of its own, and I'm sure you've already discovered thau It will be published when it wants to'be — not when either you or a publisher want it to be — neither before nor beyond its allotted time." His tone was quite emphatic, even stern. "This book will select its own timing synchronized to the harmonics of the Universe.* As I advised you nine years ago, you must first write and publish the book based on the diary you kept in Colorado, and I believe you should call it Star Signs . . ." (he was even dictating the title, and I bristled, but remained silent) "... the book about what you learned during your mountain retreat, before you met the man about whom Gooberz was written, which, by the way, I assume you did, at the time ordained."

"Yes, I met him," I replied, "just as you predicted I would. Everything happened right on schedule. But I wrote this book about it, called Gooberz, as you know from reading Love Signs, and I really feel that, because it's been promised to my readers in the book which is out now, I should certainly keep ..."

He interrupted me quickly. "No. Your thinking about this is in error."

"But... what will my readers think of me, when I promised them i! that it would ..."

"They will understand. They will wait. It's now time for you to share with them what you learned in Colorado in 1970 for those who are searching for the many magics of understanding themselves and others you discovered while you were there. Then, after Star Signs is published, it will be time to share Gooberz with your readers, because they will be better prepared to comprehend its message."


I still remember my shock at hearing his compelling voice over the wires. I suppose I'd imagined that one so . . . ethereal. . . would not use ordinary mechanical devices like telephones. When I mentioned this to him, he laughed heartily (even his laughter had a British accent) and said, "Actually, you and I do not need a telephone to communicate. But since you are not yet aware of this, that is, you don't believe it yet, which is the same thing, I reached you today through your present level of understanding such things. Try to remember, however, in the future, that you may always contact me without the instrument, any time you wish, simply by using the electromagnetic energy of intense desire. I will hear and answer you as surely as I have today."

After this unexpected and bossy message from the stranger I began to feel like a puppet or a marionette, with my strings being pulled first in one direction, then another, by very dictatorial Higher Forces. Aries Rams do not accept gracefully such manipulation, even from Divine Will. Nevertheless, I obediently agreed to first write and release Star Signs, to be published before Gooberz.

Soon after the conversation with Nahtan, your letters started to J pour in from all over the world, asking, "Where is Gooberz ?" — even some telegrams, stating just those three words ! This is the first chance I've had to answer each of you.

Druid Honor, the foregoing is essentially the entire truth concerning why you have been unable to find Gooberz. You've no idea what a relief it is to finally share this literary trauma with you at last. Again, I apologize to you foT the long delay, and once more thank you for your letters, your patience and your faith.

Now you know the book's past, what about its future ?

Since I've obeyed Nahtan, completed Star Signs, and released it for publication, 1 can turn my full attention to Gooberz. I'm-confident that it will be winging into the bookstores before 1988 ends.


Keep those cards and letters coming, but this time mail them directly to me. Linda Goodman — c/o the Postmaster — Cripple Creek, Colorado — Zip: 80813. If we remain united, we shall overcome !

As for those of you who have written that you've been recently unable to locate a hardcover copy of Love Signs please be patient a short while longer. Love Signs will be available in a new hardcover edition soon.

Returning to Gooberz in closing, the "allotted time" of its "birth" foretold by the turbaned one will be the manifestation of your miracle, through your letters of inquiry and concern. That's the way the Universal Law of Image-Ordain-Manifest works.

All that electromagnetic energy projected by so many of your minds has already made a powerful impression on the ethers, which will materialize Gooberz and "matter it" into the bookstores soon.

1 assume you've already read and mastered the "Mind-Matter" lesson in Chapter 8. The perfectly marvelous thing is that you were creating the magic of materializing Gooberz (in a large sense, your own personal biography of your quest for love) even before you read this book or that chapter — before you consciously realized that you knew the formula for such magic !

Do you see the wonderful thing this proves ? It proves that you are already magical, and have been since you were born . . . that everything in this present book you were subconsciously aware of, before you even turned the first page ! Because, as I've told you, you are all gods and goddesses, possessing great powers you have too long forgotten.

Concerning Gooberz, you "minded" very much, and so it shall soon "matter" !


Now that you know the code, what are you waiting for ? There must be many other miracles you've been dreaming about. Stop dreaming and go right ahead . . . manifest them ! , :

Abracadabra ! .

^^Z^^^y txu^Ab^&^^J



For The Pilgrim's Progress



ver the years, I've received such a blizzard of letters asking me to recommend books for the fledgling astrologer and the occult beginner, I'm offering here some suggestions for further study — these all being either my past and current personal astrological

"bibles" — or books that have expanded my own awareness in the

myriad metaphysical fields, at various times.

There are many hundreds of astrology textbooks published, most of them repetitious, some of them of no help whatsoever — and only a very few of them of any real value to the serious, esoteric professional. One can waste a good deal of money, since astrology books are so expensive, using the slow process of trial and error. I don't claim that these are the only valid textbooks. There are a number of other fine ones. But these, in my own opinion, constitute a required library for the sincere student of astrology. They are basic. After these books have been acquired, others may be added according to personal preference.

Also, in answer to those many who have written to ask, I use the


Equal House system of the ancients in calculating a horoscope myself, having tested and found the modern Placidian system not nearly so dependable or revealing. In my own experience, the Placidian "intercepted houses," which claim to give more depth to astrological interpretation of the nativity, only serve to cloud the issues and to create ambivalence. Human nature is strange. People always tend to lean toward the more "complicated" methods in any field, rejecting the simplistic — when the fact is that "truth" invariably is hidden within simplicity. To each his own, of course. And to each her own. The catholic-minded student should learn all the common systems, and then decide for himself or herself. I merely state here my personal faith in the decided superiority of the Equal House system of the an- J cients for those who have inquired, and who have expressed an interest in my private preference. For me, the Placidian system results in many inaccuracies of interpretation. But if it works for you, by all 1 means use it. The very finest technical explanation of why the Equal ] House system is the more accurate and reliable is contained in the front section of Sydney Omarr's excellent book, My World oj Astrology. 11

The following astrology textbooks are listed in order of importance to the novice in the beginning stages of learning to calculate a nativity (natal chart or horoscope). If possible, it's desirable to purchase at the stan all the books listed. If you can afford only a few at a rime, my recommendation is that they be purchased in the order in which they're given here.

In answer to the many requests for recommended reading in the |* entire occult or esoteric-spiritual field (supplementary to astrology it self) I've also listed here the books I've personally found the mostj| inspiring and enlightening for the beginner. This is by no means a complete list. There are many others. But these are the ones that bestow a more comprehensive "awakening," and which I therefore believe should be read first. This second list of recommended books is not given in any particular order of importance. If 1 were pressed to advise which of the books among these should constitute the initial introduction to these matters, I would say There Is a River, by Thomas

. ■

Sugrue, because this book is a sound general preparation for the wisdom to be found in all the others and holds the reader's interest completely, whether a believer or a disbeliever. It is a good place to begin.

Not all but some titles are annotated for the reader's greater (convenience.


Ephemeriden 1890-1950 (Zurich), calculated for noon GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)


The Complete Planetary Ephemeris, calculated for midnight GMT for 1950 to 2,000 a.d.

If the Zurich ephemeris is used, the student will also need Die Deutsche Ephemeride (calculated for midnight GMT) for any ten-year period after 1950, such as the current one for the years 1980 through 1990, inclusive.

The Rosicrucian Tables oj Houses

This contains, in addition to the necessary information for locating the Ascendent and MidHeaven of a nativity, a surprisingly comprehensive listing of the latitudes and longitudes of both American and foreign cities. (When such a list contains Cripple Creek, Colorado — thaCs comprehensive!)