Time in the U.S.A. Compiled by Doris Chase Doan.
This is a "must" for accurate calculation and for birth hour rectification. It contains the very necessary Daylight Saving Time information, which cannot be found in any other book. This is the best book of its kind — and since a chart is not accurate if you don't know the facts about DST in various places at various times, it is vital. For many decades in the U.S.A., each state and town and city has had an individual rule about DST, rather like the Mad Hatter's Tea Party. The
only time the entire nation was on DST simultaneously was during tha years of World War II, when it was called War Time — and it lastecl consecutively all year long, every year, during .the period of the warj Time in the USA. explains War Time, gives the period when it was in effect — and also gives the DST of other years for different hamlets! cities and towns within the States, for which there is considerably variation.
My World of Astrology, by Sydney Omarr. New York: Fleet Publishii Company, 1965.
No published astrological textbook so clearly and definitive; demonstrates the CORRECT WAY to cast a chart. All other written on the subject are to some degree confusing and misleadir Sydney's book is the only one that explains (or at least the only i that makes it CLEAR to a beginner) the urgent importance of the ] tion of the SUN in a horoscope. The Sun- must fall at the right "Tin in the chart. Otherwise, you can be sure that you've either mad mistake in your math calculations — or that no baby could have I born on that particular day, month and year — at that particular tin in that particular longitude-latitude.
This constitutes the greatest proof of the validity of astrology, also an enormous help in the rectification of the true birth (Mother's memory and the Nurse's accuracy are both less than ide
The World-Breath has definite and periodic pulsations — a j tole and diastole action — whereby birth is controlled. Nature's i finite periodicity may not be altered nor disputed. Births may place in respect to any single locality and date only at intervals that arrj in accordance with certain Lunar motion. Only particular conditions involving the World-Breath permit birth to occur in a given location* j at a specific moment in Time. Repeatedly, I and others have challenged sceptical astronomers and scientists to allow us to prove this profound proof of the holiness of astrology — to no avail. Omarr 1 !' book also contains fascinating accounts of the author's several sue-1 cessful debates with various "erudite" critics of astrology — and I] wealth of other assorted natal and esoteric information.
The Manual oj Astrology, by Sepharial. London: W. Foulsham and Company, Ltd., 1962.
Perhaps the one book I would place at the very top of the list of absolutely indispensable interpretive textbooks. This book alone can make anyone who has a natural aptitude for such work a competent astrologer of natal science.
The Complete Method of Prediction, by Robert de Luce. New York: ASI Publishers, Inc. 127 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016, 1978.
An exceptional and extraordinary interpretive guide on a level with the Sepharial textbook. In particular, this is a fine book regarding transits and progressions in predictive work; whereas the Sepharial book is more helpful concerning the interpretation of the natal horoscope (character and potential, etc.).
Heaven Knows What, by Grant Lewi. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, P.O. Box 3383, St. Paul, MN. 55165, 1962.
A classic, and deservedly so. This book can bring a quick comprehension of astrology to even the amateur, and is written in Gemini Lewi's wonderfully readable and witty style, without his sacrifice of a single thread of the scientific foundation of astrology. Lewi was a mathematical genius, as well as a fine creative writer, a rare combination. This book is concerned mainly with character analysis and potential, on the basis of the Luminary (Sun-Moon) positions and other planetary aspects in the birth chart — and the reader doesn't have to know how to calculate a horoscope to find it useful and amazingly reliable as a measurement of character and personality on the basis of more than the Sun Sign alone. Charts in the back allow the reader to look up the natal aspects of any birthday. But caution should be used in relation, to the Moon Sign. It's best to have this particular position calculated exactly.
Astrology for the Millions, by Grant Lewi. St. Paul, MN.: Llewellyn Publications, P.O. Box 3383, Saint Paul, MN. 55165, 1975.
The same kind of classic as the above book, except that this one deals mostly with the predictive facet of astrology for the amateur and
professional alike. Both books contain a wealth of additional reading material regarding the entire field of astrology, easily understood by those who know nothing about this art and science whatsoever — and are useful as well for the serious student of astrology.
Astrology and the Human Sex Life, by Vivian Robson. London: W. Foulsham and Company, Ltd., 1963.
An excellent book for the purpose of comparing two horoscopes in detailed compatibility work.
How to Handle Your Human Relations, by Lois Haines Sargent. Washington, D.C.: American Federation of Astrologers, 1958.
A most reliable guide concerning compatibility aspects between horoscopes, on the same level as the above book but not quite so in-depth regarding this particular branch of astrology.
Aspects, by Charles Carter. London. L. N. Fowler & Co. Ltd.
Any book at all by Alan Leo.
Any book at all by Manly P. Hall
The Dictionary of Astrology, by James Wilson. New York: Samuel Weiser Publications, 1974.
This is an indispensable book for the student who intends to make a serious study of astrology — or to become a professional astrologer. A really urgent guide for all manner of astrological terminologies and methods.
Horary Astrology, by Robert de Luce.
Horary Astrology, by Geraldine Davis. N. Hollywood, CA.: Symbols and Signs, P.O. Box 4536 N. Hollywood, CA. 91607.
Linda Goodmans Sun Signs. New York: Taplinger, 1968.
Linda Goodman's Love Signs. New York: Harper & Row, 1978.
Any good Pluto ephemeris.
Showing the "movements" or the sign positions of the planet Pluto over the years — and giving an interpretation of Pluto's natal aspects in the birth horoscope (potential) as well as the meaning of Pluto's transiting and progressed aspects in predictive work. The German books concerning Pluto are the most definitive and reliable.
The Technique of Prediction, by Ronald Carlyle Davison. London: L. N. Fowler & Co., Ltd., 1971.
One of the finest textbooks available concerning the interpretation of transiting planets and progressions.
Lectures on Medical Astrology, by Davidson, M.D.
You'll be extremely fortunate to locate and possess this series of lectures by Dr. Davison on Medical Astrology. It is not easily available. At one time it was printed by astrologer Charles Jayne, of New York. This is, without question, the most accurate, perceptive and comprehensive study of medical astrology thus far published, to my knowledge.
Any book by Margaret Hone.
Any book by or about Evangeline Adams.
The Astrology Annual Reference Booh. N. Hollywood, CA.: Symbols and Signs P.O. Box 4536, N. Hollywood, CA. 91607.
This reference guide has been compiled with loving care and rare integrity as a quick and easy, reliable source for a multitude of purposes, and is republished and re-created every year — with many new astrological concepts for study, which the editors neither endorse not condemn but offer for consideration and research.
Reincarnation in World Thought, edited by S. L. Cranston and Joseph Head. New York: Julian Press, Crown Publishers, Inc.
This is an excellent and incredibly detailed book concerning the vast subject of reincarnation, even giving the private experiences of many famous people regarding deja vu. It is scholarly and utterly fascinating, and would prove for the most sceptical the sound common sense of this basic truth of all Life — the original foundation of all religion.
Reincarnation. The Phoenix Fire Mystery (same authors) is also very illuminating, although I personally prefer the earlier published book. New York: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1978. Obtain both if possible.
The Search jor the Girl with the Blue Eyes, by Jess Stern. New York: Doubleday & Co. (Reincarnation) (Used bookstores.)
The Game of Life, by Florence Shinn. Marina Del Rey, CA.: De Vorss & Co.
You Forever, by Lobsang Rampa. London: Corgi Books, 1965.
Other Rampa books are fascinating, but not nearly so helpful as j this one, in my personal opinion.
There Is a River, by Thomas Sugrue. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1942.
Or, The Association for Research and Enlightenment, Virginia Beach, VA.
Any book about Edgar Cayce.
Any book published by the A.R.E. (Association for Research and: Enlightenment) Virginia Beach, Va.
The Sexuality of Jesus, by the Reverend William Phipps. New York: Harper & Row, 1979.
Any book by the Reverend William Phipps.
The Aquarian Gospel, by Levi. Marina Del Ray, CA.: De Vorss & Co., 1964.
A truly necessary classic.
The Essene Gospel of Peace.
Available only through Academy Books, 3085 Reynard Way, San Diego, CA. Any book at all published by Academy Books, above address, is excellent reading for enlightenment. They will send you a complete list of titles and content.
Do You Really Need Eyeglasses? by Marilyn B. Rosanes. Berrett, New York: Popular Library, 1978.
Your eyes are the window of your soul. You owe them the gift of reading this very fine and unusual book to bring about that "clear day" when you can u see forever."
Astrology, the Space Age Science, by Joseph E Goodavage. New York: New American Library, W. W. Norton &r Co., Inc. 1967. This book should be required reading for all schools.
Before going any further, I'd like to say that Goodavage's book should be one of the "bibles" of all New Age thinkers. It's packed with colorful confetti of esoteric knowledge, and chorded with ancient wisdom, backed up by scientific data for the sceptical. If this splendid book were to be made required reading in schools, the education system would be powerfully transformed, as would the students exposed to it.
Our Threatened Planet, Goodavage. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1978.
Storm on the Sun, Goodavage. New York: New American Library, 1979.
The Secret Life of Plants, by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird. New York: Harper & Row, 1973.
The Secrets of the Great Pyramid, by Peter Tompkins. New York: Harper & Row, 1971.
The Mysteries of the Mexican Pyramids, by Peter Tompkins. New York: • Harper & Row, 1976.
Cheir&s Book of Numbers, by Cheiro. New, York: Arc Books, 1964.
The Kabala of Numbers, New York: Samuel Weiser Publications, 1913. One of the finest, if not the finest book in the field of spiritual numerology, closely aligned with astrology. Extremely enlightening and awakening.
Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain, by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder. NewTork: Bantam Books, 1971; Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1970.
A superlative basic book regarding the entire occult field of worldwide scientific investigation of the metaphysical.
Health and light, by John N. Ott. New York: Pocket Books, 1976.
The Life Everlasting, by Marie Corelli. Alhambra, CA.: Borden Publishing Co., 1855 West Main St., Alhambra, CA. 91801.
Ardath and Romance of Two Worlds, by Marie Corelli. Try used bookstores.
The above books are classics concerning Twin Souls and mystical awareness. Other Corelli books not so helpful, but always interesting. Corelli writing is inspired and will be extremely enlightening for those curious to learn more about "Twin Souls." Her spiritual revelations are reliable and follow all the higher precepts of metaphysics, with the single exception that the author, at the time she wrote these books, had not yet been illuminated regarding the falsehood of the "Divinity" of Jesus — that he was an exceptional and extraordinary human, but only a man and not Divine. Other than this one misleading factor, the Corelli books are flawless regarding all occult matters.
A Dweller on Two Planets, by Phylos. Alhambra, CA.: Borden Publishing Co., 1855 West Main St., Alhambra, CA. 91801. For the advanced student of the occult.
Any book by Dion Fortune. St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn Publications (or secondhand bookstores).
Dion Fortune books are only for the very advanced initiate.
Consciousness and Reality, by Dr. Charles Muses.
The Lion Path, by Musaios. Sceptre Publishing, 1442-A Walnut St., Berkeley, CA. 94709.
The Essene Christ, by Upton C. Ewing. The Edenite Society, Inc. P.O. Boxll5, Imlayston, N.J. 08526.
The Prophet of the Dead Sea Scrolls, by Upton C. Ewing. The Edenite Society.
These two Ewing books should also be required reading in schools, for the awakening of all the children of the Aquarian Age.
A Time For Astrology, by Jess Stearn. New York: New American Library, W W Norton & Co., Inc., 1972. East Rutherford, NJ.; Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, Inc., 1971.
Design for Destiny, by Edward W Russell. New York: Ballantine Books, Inc., Division of Random House, Inc., 1973.
A most important book, containing serious answers to those who are sceptical of all spiritual phenomena.
The Last Days of the Late Great State of California, by Kurt Gentry. New York:
G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1968 (probably available only through secondhand bookstores).
A Wrinkle in Time, by Madeleine L 'Engle. New York: Dell Publishing Co., Inc.
Any book by George Hunt Williamson.
Any book by Michael UObrenovich.
The Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1943.
The Spear oj Destiny, by Trevor Ravenscroft. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1973.
The Gospel oj St. John, by Rudolph Steiner. Spring Valley, NY: The Anthroposophic Press, Inc., 1940.
From a cycle of twelve lectures given by Steiner in Hamburg, Germany, in May 1908.
Any book by Rudolph Steiner.-
For a list of all books by Steiner, check with the Goethe Society, New York. Rudolph Steiner was a metaphysician unequaled before or since his time regarding all spiritual writings.
Four Arguments for the Elimination oj Television, by Jerry Mander. New York: William Morrow & Co., Inc., 1978.
The subject matter concerns far more than television itself. It i concerns your literal survival, and is one of the most important books ; of the dawning Aquarian Age. It should be required reading in \ schools, but probably won't be because it offends those who make large fortunes from activities that harm us all.
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, by Betty Smith. New York: Harper & Row, 1947.
A book about metaphysical truth, and all forms of love, disguised as everyday living. My personal favorite of all books written during this century. It will carry an open mind wherever it wishes to go, especially inside itself. Reading it for the first time is like finding an old friend you thought you'd lost a long time ago, even if you're not from Brooklyn! You're as much in need of its wisdom and promise for
tomorrow as was the generation of the forties, when it first appeared. Maybe more.
Any book by Vera Stanley Alder.
Any book by Dr. Paul Brunton.
Beauty: A Retelling oj the Story of Beauty and the Beast, by Robin McKinley. New York: Harper & Row, 1978.
One Bowl: A Simple Concept for Controlling Weight, by Don Gerrard. New York: Random House, 1974.
A powerfully beneficial but as yet unrealized concept that explains the unsuspected hindrance of physical health and spiritual enlightenment in "social dining," i.e., the blending of conversation with the partaking of food and drink.
Evil and World Order, by William Irwin Thompson. New York: Harper & Row, 1976.
The Last Blue Whale, by Vincent Smith. New York: Harper & Row, 1979.
A few of these books may only be obtained as indicated. If your local occult bookstore doesn't carry any of the others, most of them may be obtained by writing to:
The Bodhi Tree, 8585 Melrose Ave., LA, CA 90069
B. Dalton (Pickwick Books), 6743 Hollywood Blvd., L.A., CA.
Gilbert's Bookshop, 6278 Hollywood Blvd., L.A., CA 90028
Samuel Weiser Bookshop, 132 East 24th St., New York, N.Y 10010
Zoltan Mason Bookstore, 789 Lexington Ave., New York, N.Y.
Chinook Bookstore, 210 North Tejon, Colorado Springs, CO.
(They will order any of these books for you.)
If any of these fine books, which should be always available to the
public, happen to be "out of print," I suggest that you write to the publisher and strongly urge republication. Publishers have no right to withhold from you books which could so benefit your lives, which perhaps did not sell as quickly as their publishers would like — for the good reason that they were not properly promoted and advertised.
About the Author
Linda Goodman was born during a spring thunderstorm on an April day. She has four children: a Goat, an Archer, a Water Bearer and a Scorpio Eagle, who are currently pursuing their assorted dreams, and with whom she celebrates Groundhog's Day and other important holidays frequently. Linda lives in the Colorado mountains with her dogs, Benjamin and Bear, Cancer and Gemini respectively. Ben and Bear are vegetarians. One is twelve years old and one is nine years old, so they are still puppies. A lion who was born free sometimes visits Linda's home, but it is quite tame and friendly, despite an occasional grumpy growl. The author's favorite songs are "When You Wish Upon a Star" and "On a Clear Day," of which there are an abundance in her home town of Cripple Creek (stars and clear days). Her favorite perfume is vanilla extract and sweet peas in the rain. Her favorite book is A Wrinkle in Time. She is 5' 4" or 5' 5" depending on whether she is wearing shoes or barefoot, so most of the time she is 5' 4". So much for vital statistics and biographical background.
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