Appalled by the terrible injustices she had recently witnessed in our federal courts, Sidney Powell, a former federal prosecutor, published Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice in 2014.1 Powell did not want to write Licensed to Lie. She was compelled to do so. The book reads like a legal thriller, but sadly it’s true, and it names the very powerful people who promoted their own interests by abusing their powers as federal prosecutors. They made up criminal charges, hid evidence, and lied to judges to win convictions. In the process, they destroyed companies, jobs, families, careers, and lives, contributing to an erosion of Americans’ faith in our criminal justice system, while simultaneously propelling themselves to positions of great power and prestige in the government and in private practice.
Americans have recently witnessed the perhaps unprecedented abuse of our federal law enforcement agencies, especially the FBI and the Department of Justice, to target the opposition political candidate, morphing into an effort to cripple President Donald Trump upon his unexpected election in 2016. In the process, the FBI and the special counsel, Robert Mueller, targeted not only the president but his closest associates and advisors, looking for anything that might be “pinned” on them. But the long-awaited Mueller Report found no “collusion” between Russia and anyone in the Trump campaign, and it did not recommend prosecution for obstruction of justice. Evidence is coming to light by the day revealing that the entire “Russian collusion” and obstruction narratives were a concoction of the political opposition and high-ranking officials in what used to be our most trusted (at least by many) law enforcement institutions. However, abuse of prosecutorial power is hardly a partisan phenomenon. It is systemic.
Eighty years ago, Attorney General Robert H. Jackson warned against this very abuse of power. He spoke to all the United States attorneys assembled before him in the great hall of the Department of Justice. In 1940 the world was in turmoil. It was a dark time, but his words are still inspiring to those of us who believe in the rule of law.
The prosecutor has more control over life, liberty, and reputation than any other person in America. His discretion is tremendous.
He can have citizens investigated and, if he is that kind of person, he can have this done to the tune of public statements and veiled or unveiled intimations. Or the prosecutor may choose a more subtle course and simply have a citizen’s friends interviewed. The prosecutor can order arrests, present cases to the grand jury in secret session, and on the basis of his one-sided presentation of the facts, can cause the citizen to be indicted and held for trial.
He may dismiss the case before trial, in which case the defense never has a chance to be heard. Or he may go on with a public trial. If he obtains a conviction, the prosecutor can still make recommendations as to sentence, as to whether the prisoner should get probation or a suspended sentence, and after he is put away, as to whether he is a fit subject for parole.
While the prosecutor at his best is one of the most beneficent forces in our society, when he acts from malice or other base motives, he is one of the worst.
These powers have been granted to our law-enforcement agencies because it seems necessary that such a power to prosecute be lodged somewhere. This authority has been granted by people who really wanted the right thing done—wanted crime eliminated—but also wanted the best in our American traditions preserved.
Because of this immense power to strike at citizens, not with mere individual strength, but with all the force of government itself, the post of Federal District Attorney from the very beginning has been safeguarded by presidential appointment, requiring confirmation of the Senate of the United States. You are thus required to win an expression of confidence in your character by both the legislative and the executive branches of the government before assuming the responsibilities of a federal prosecutor.
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Nothing better can come out of this meeting of law enforcement officers than a rededication to the spirit of fair play and decency that should animate the federal prosecutor. Your positions are of such independence and importance that while you are being diligent, strict, and vigorous in law enforcement you can also afford to be just.
Although the government technically loses its case, it has really won if justice has been done.
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If the prosecutor is obliged to choose his cases, it follows that he can choose his defendants.
Therein is the most dangerous power of the prosecutor: that he will pick people that he thinks he should get, rather than pick cases that need to be prosecuted. With the law books filled with a great assortment of crimes, a prosecutor stands a fair chance of finding at least a technical violation of some act on the part of almost anyone.
In such a case, it is not a question of discovering the commission of a crime and then looking for the man who has committed it, it is a question of picking the man and then searching the law books, or putting investigators to work, to pin some offense on him. It is in this realm—in which the prosecutor picks some person whom he dislikes or desires to embarrass, or selects some group of unpopular persons and then looks for an offense, that the greatest danger of abuse of prosecuting power lies.2
The ability of prosecutors to “pin some offense” on anyone they choose is the subject of Harvey Silverglate’s book Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent (2009/2011).3 As Silverglate demonstrated, the average busy professional going about his business will unknowingly commit three felonies in a normal day because there are so many criminal laws in the code. Through statutory analysis, case law, and the experiences of criminal lawyers defending cases across the spectrum of federal statutes, he showed how federal agents and prosecutors are able to prosecute virtually any person and any undertaking or transaction on felony charges. The feds need only to target somebody who has become an object of prosecutorial interest for any reason whatsoever: The target may be wanted as a witness against a “bigger” target, or the prosecutor may decide that landing a big fish would be good for his or her career, or the target might operate within an area designated as a “priority” area of prosecutorial interest in that district.
Because it is so easy under the broad and vague federal criminal code to turn even facially ordinary daily activity into a prosecutable offense, and because slipshod ethical codes allow prosecutors to get witnesses to “sing and compose,” as Professor Alan Dershowitz has felicitously put it, there is never a slow season for federal prosecutions. And the revolving door, leading from high-profile prosecutions to lucrative partnerships in “white shoe” law firms or high positions in government, gives prosecutors all the incentive they need to go after “high-value” targets.
Today, the federal criminal justice system is dangerously effective at turning citizens into convicts. More than twenty million Americans have criminal convictions, while nearly one-third of Americans have a criminal record.4 More than 3 percent of the American population has served time in prison.5 The longer one stays in prison, the more difficult it becomes to succeed upon re-entry into the outside world. Everyone and everything outside the prison walls has been changing, while everything inside remains the same: a monotonous and controlled routine in an atmosphere of near-total sensory deprivation. Bernard Kerik, a longtime law enforcement professional who got ensnared in the feds’ web, wrote that being in prison is like “dying with your eyes open.”6
Sidney Powell’s client in the Enron Nigerian Barge case, a former Merrill Lynch executive from New York, spent a year in prison. He came out thirty pounds lighter than he went in. Powell will never forget the day she went to the courthouse to secure his release. The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit had ordered that he be released “instanter”. Powell flew to New Jersey for a brief hearing—on an order the likes of which the district judge had never seen. The United States marshals brought the prisoner into court in his orange jumpsuit and chains (they would not let him put on the suit that counsel had brought for him). The hearing was over in less than fifteen minutes, but it took another two hours for the marshals to “process him out.” The full story is a nightmare told in Licensed to Lie. The client had suffered so much sensory deprivation during his year in prison that when lawyer and client stopped at a hamburger shop, the freed man couldn’t walk across the parking lot. He stayed in the back of the car just trying to absorb being in the world again.
Every week or so, the Innocence Project frees someone, usually from a state prison, who has served decades behind bars for a crime that DNA evidence now proves he did not commit. The stories are legion.7 These people were innocent: They were robbed of their best years because of faulty eyewitness testimony, flawed or dishonest forensics, or prosecutorial misconduct, and they suffered the scorn of society because of a lie. One day in prison is too many for an innocent person. There is no remedy, no amount of money—nothing—that can make up for an innocent person’s time in prison. The National Registry of Exonerations now has almost two thousand names. These are people who have been unequivocally exonerated from the crimes for which they were imprisoned. If we are going to have a death penalty, we must be certain the person actually committed the crime. We shudder to think that we have executed people who were innocent, which we undoubtedly have. We must do better.
In our previous books, we wrote about injustices inflicted by the government’s well-oiled conviction machine, which serves the ever-burgeoning prison industry but not the citizens of the United States. For example, remember Ted Stevens? The longest-serving Republican in the United States Senate, he was prosecuted by lawyers from the ironically named Public Integrity Section of the Department of Justice along with two assistant United States attorneys from Alaska. Well into the trial, evidence of very serious prosecutorial misconduct began to surface, but it did not get the traction it should have. A jury found Stevens guilty of misstating gifts on his Senate ethics forms.8 But after Stevens narrowly lost his reelection bid, a young FBI agent filed a “whistleblower complaint” detailing egregious misconduct by the prosecutors and agents.9 The Department of Justice managed to conceal the complaint from the defense team for Senator Stevens until after the deadline for post-conviction motions had expired.
When the judge overseeing the case, Emmet G. Sullivan, learned of the prosecution’s conduct, he blew a fuse. He held the prosecution team in contempt of court, which triggered a requirement within the Justice Department that it appoint a new prosecution team. It took the new team only a few weeks to uncover evidence that the original team had suppressed—evidence that proved the validity of Senator Stevens’s defense. Powell is now in the middle of similar litigation involving President Trump’s former national security advisor, Michael T. Flynn, who was bludgeoned into a guilty plea by the conviction machine while evidence of his innocence, setup, and wrongful prosecution was withheld.
The problems are beyond dispute. Much ink has been spilled on the ills of the federal criminal justice system, and indeed we each have separately written a book about injustices done by the conviction machine. As we have traveled across the country speaking on the subjects raised by our books, we are always asked the same question: “OK, you’ve outlined the problems. Now, what can we do about it?”
We write to suggest ways to stop the gears of the conviction machine from grinding our constitutional rights and the rule of law to dust—destroying the lives of too many of our fellow citizens in the process. This book proposes realistic solutions, gleaned from our experiences as a former federal prosecutor and as defense counsel. Some of these ideas are simple and uncontroversial. Some are legislative fixes, some need to be undertaken by the judiciary, others require action by the executive branch—but together the policies proposed herein aim to make our justice system less corrupt and more just.