
There are so many people in my life who do so much. Because of them, my heart is glad.

There are those living with me (John, Cory, Leslie, Nathan, Grandma Dolores and Andrea) and those in my life (church friends, community friends, writer friends, online friends). Thank you.

I always thank Janet Kobobel Grant because she’s the most amazing agent ever and my assistant Amy Lathrop because she manages my writing life. Yeah! I also always thank my mom, dad and other family members because they love me, even under deadline.

Yet for this book there are quite a few people who deserve much credit. Thank you to Beth Adams and Fiona Serpa, two great editors. Also thank you to the great people who helped me with favorite memories and/or information about the county fair: Max Elliot Anderson, Lorna Seilstad, Jane Wells, Anne McDonald, Gayle Gresham, Danielle McIntosh and Tara Norick. Colleen Shine and producer Eric Welch were very accommodating with information on making music videos, and Gary Van Riper and Roy Polmanteer (Twitter friends) lent a hand with song titles. Thanks to Wanda Rosseland for general help about life on a farm!

Finally, thank you to my daughter Leslie who assisted me with the music and lyrics for the song “Sunflower Serenade.” I started with an idea, and you made music!

—Tricia Goyer