For ten long and terrible years the City of Troy lay under siege – the Trojans trapped inside, the Greeks camped outside unable to break in. People thought the war would never end. Then Odysseus, the Greatest Hero of all the Greeks, had an idea.
The Greeks sailed away, and left a giant horse outside the city gates as an ofiering to the Gods for their safe return to Greece. The Trojans couldn’t believe their eyes. They dragged it into the city and threw a huge party. But it was the last time they would ever celebrate, because the whole thing was a trick. The Greek fleet had been hiding in the next bay; and the horse wasn’t a gift – it was a trap. Fifty commandos were hidden inside it, and when night fell they crept out, opened the gates and gave a signal. The boats returned and the entire Greek army poured into the city ready for slaughter. By dawn Troy was burnt to the ground and its people were dead. It was a terrible end to a terrible war which, like all wars, had brought only suffering and more suffering.
Next day, as the Greeks sailed off, loaded with looted treasure, something stirred among the ashes of the blackened city. It was the White Goddess. She wasn’t going to let the destruction of Troy go unrevenged, and she had something special planned for Odysseus – something very special indeed. As his boats sailed towards the horizon, their course set fair for home, he thought his troubles were behind him.
But they had hardly started. The journey home wasn’t going to be easy. In fact – it was going to be A JOURNEY THROUGH HELL.