Jonathan Welton is one of my heroes. He takes on challenging themes with courage and creativity. I always learn from him. This book is stunningly profound. He got my attention and kept it. This is not a simplistic approach to a topic that impacts virtually all Christian men. Those who read this book will find themselves deeply impacted. As one (with most men) who struggles with sexual purity, I am grateful that Jonathan chose to address this theme and offer solid answers.


President of Pleroma International

Former Rector of St. Luke’s Episcopal, Seattle, WA

This incredible book empowers men to become true protectors and rescuers of women and look upon them with eyes of honor. I highly recommend this book for men who want true change in their lives. Jonathan Welton is not only a powerhouse writer but a true man.


President of Pink Cross Foundation

Former porn star

Jonathan has something to say. This is not a rehashing of old methods. Jonathan has revelation. When you start reading, you first wonder if it is true. Then you continue reading and begin to hope that it is true. Then you submerge yourself in the message and you know it is true. God is speaking through Jonathan’s words. Listen and you will find freedom.


President of Worldcast Ministries and Publishing

Jonathan has written one of the best books on being free from bondage by dealing with the root issues of sin. I highly recommend reading this book, and you should be prepared to receive your breakthrough.


Senior Pastor, HROCK Church, Pasadena, CA

President, Harvest International Ministry

International Chancellor, Wagner Leadership Institute

Finally, a book that doesn’t just deal with the fruit of the problem, but the root of overcoming the lie of men’s identity. Jonathan Welton gives you raw truth about a national problem that we’ve shoved under the carpet for far too long; the addiction to pornography and the sexualization of women. It offers not only total freedom, but practical steps to facing the problem head on. This book has the capacity to not only change our churches, but our culture—restoring the identity of men and giving them Eyes of Honor.


Founder, Eve’s Angels Inc.

Former stripper and call girl

Jonathan Welton has addressed a pressing need in the lives of many men in the Body of Christ. Sharing from his own struggles and his many attempts to find freedom will surely encourage men who long for purity and freedom from any type of sexual addiction. Jonathan found keys that resulted in lasting freedom and shares the truths that set him free. May this book start a fire of purity that spreads through the Body of Christ and releases many from the chains of bondage.


President, International Fellowship of Ministries

Jonathan Welton has found the cure to the common cold. Welton’s biblical and practical approach to sexual purity does not involve cold showers, shock collars, or faith-based spyware. Welton instead approaches the topic from a refreshingly new point of view. Eyes of Honor is not a dude book, it’s an identity book for a multigender, multigenerational audience.


Lead Pastor, The Seattle Revival Center

Herein Jonathan deals with one of the key issues for all Christians. How do you really overcome the power of the evil one? How do you triumph over the lusts of the flesh? Jonathan shows that our Lord provides the answer to the lusts of the flesh. With God all things are possible. Here is an ideal chance to show that through Christ all is possible. Read this book and move from despair to triumph by putting into practice the victory that has already been won.


Vicar of Baghdad

Director of the High Council of Religious Leaders in Iraq

I have discovered that Jonathan Welton is a prophetic voice for our generation. In his book, The Eyes of Honor, Jonathan has given fresh insight and tools for living a life of purity. I have had the opportunity to personally observe many ministers display the power of God who have great influence in the Body of Christ. I always enjoy watching the manifestation of the power of God displayed through someone’s gifting, but it has been my experience that a person’s character needs to match the level of their gifting. Gifting will bring platforms of influence, but character will keep you there safely.

I believe that Eyes of Honor will set you on a path of personal freedom, further propelling you into your destiny, releasing Heaven on Earth. I would greatly encourage you to read this timely book.


Co-Author of Risk Factor,

International Speaker, Encountering Jesus Ministries

Eyes of Honor will open your eyes and heart to fresh revelations of God’s love and presence. I commend his insightful book as a guide to deeper intimacy with the Spirit and a map for your spiritual journey. Once we grasp the revelation of the Gospel, that we truly have been crucified with Christ and have died to our old nature, life blossoms, sin repulses us, and Kingdom life brings exhilaration and deep intimacy with Christ and others.


Captain, Chaplain Corps, USN (Ret)

Chief of Staff, U.S. Senate Chaplain’s Office

Washington, DC

Eyes of Honor has addressed the challenge of addiction of any kind with biblical clarity, courage, and great hope. Jonathan’s emphasis on a necessary change of focus—not to victory but from victory, not predators but protectors, not in bondage but in freedom—are powerful keys to right-mindedness and right living. The “but rather” and other tools he provides are practical, powerful, and effective. This is a book I can highly recommend to my own clients. The contents of this book will empower not just individuals, but communities to rise up and rescue the lost and broken!


Mental Health Therapist, Yakima, WA

Advisory Board, Healing & Training Center of Yakima

The largest contributing factor to morality struggles among Christians is the Church’s obsession with moralizing. We were never tasked to moralize the world, but rather to preach the scandal of grace. This book is refreshing in that it points neither to external nor internal exercises at shaping up behavior in a vain attempt to conform men into perfect peaches. Rather, starting from the inside out, Jonathan Welton shows that good behavior is an effortless by-product of recognizing our true identity in Christ. Our perfection has already been completely accomplished in Him. This is the very thing that liberates us to be who we already are. The old is gone; the new has come. As you read this book, let a revelation of the finished work of Christ’s cross bring an end to your struggle to be good. Both our addictions and our self-willed attempts to defeat them were crucified with Christ—and now we’re simply realizing that we’ve been woven into a transcendent union life with Godhead.


Sons of Thunder Ministries & Publications


Jonathan Welton is truly ahead of his time and beyond his years with his latest book Eyes of Honor. Jonathan represents the voice of a generation that will not minimize the finished work of the cross of Christ. He has taken the battle against sexual sin out of the closet and given a unique understanding about our true identity as new creations in Christ.


Prophetic Leadership, Mountain Top International

Crofton House Ministries, Yakima, WA