The next morning Violet frowned as she looked out her office window. A couple of work vehicles were heading down her short drive.
‘What the hell?’ she thought, standing up and heading for the front door. Mac was just sliding out of his ute as she stepped out onto the verandah.
‘Hey Violet,’ he said with a nod and a smile. ‘How’s the leg?’
‘Fine, thanks. Mac, what’s going on?’
Mac ambled over to a verandah post and leaned against it. Looking up, he gave her a wink.
Violet smiled back at him, unable to speak as a wonderful sensation washed through her body.
‘I called Johnno and his boys to check out your steps,’ said Mac as he gestured to three burly men who were getting out of a truck. ‘You remember Johnno from school, don’t you?’
Violet tried not to stare at the muscled bloke who was walking over from a truck with the words ‘Johnson’s Construction’ written on the side. Darren Johnson had somehow transformed from the reed-thin boy she remembered, to a well-built guy with long sandy-coloured hair and a three-day growth.
‘Of course I do,’ Violet answered. ‘Hi Darren, it’s lovely to see you again.’
Johnno gave her a grin. ‘Hey Violet, good to have you back. The town didn’t seem right without a Beckett here. Don’t worry about anything, we’ll have this replaced in no time,’ he said, poking at her dilapidated front stairs.
‘Um, thanks Darren,’ said Violet, smiling at him before bending down and whispering to Mac. ‘Can I talk to you for a second?’
‘Sure thing,’ said Mac, pulling himself up onto the verandah and following Violet inside the house.
‘I appreciate you doing this for me, Mac, I really do,’ said Violet after shutting the door.
‘There’s a “but” hanging in the air isn’t there?’ said Mac.
‘When I had a moment I was going to ring around for some quotes to find the best deal.’
‘Johnno and his crew are the best. They did some work on my place last year and they’ve been working out at the Grange for Flynn. Johnno’s so good I’m even going to see if he can help me fix up the old cottage.’
‘That’s fine for you, but . . .’
Mac stepped forward and gently placed his hands on her shoulders. ‘I’ve got this Violet.’
‘No Mac, I can’t let you do that. I pay my own way. I always have. I refuse to rely on anyone.’
‘Let’s just call it a welcome home present from one friend to another then.’
‘I don’t think that’s such a good idea.’
‘Violet, the steps have to be replaced. It’s bad enough you got hurt but what if it had been Holly? Let me do this. Just this once say “Thanks Mac” and let it go.’ His hazel-green eyes locked onto hers. ‘Please.’
Violet stood there, staring up into his eyes. He was so damned kind it made her want to cry. And she was falling for him big-time, she admitted to herself. For one insane moment she wondered what he’d do if she wrapped her arms around his slim hips and tugged him closer. Why did he have to be a McKellan?
‘Alright Mac, just this once. Thank you for helping me out,’ said Violet. ‘I really appreciate it.’
‘See, that wasn’t hard, was it?’ he said, bending down to kiss her forehead. ‘Listen, I’ve got to get back to work, so I’ll see you later.’
‘Okay and thanks again. I really do appreciate you doing this,’ Violet said. ‘Bye.’
Mac paused for a second as if he was going to say something but then he thought better of it and just smiled and turned away. She watched him go, drinking in the heft of his body, his broad shoulders and large work-hardened hands.
‘Damn, I really have to get out more,’ she whispered under her breath as she turned away into her office. The front door banged shut but Mac’s voice carried through the open window.
‘It’s all good, you can go ahead with the job. Hey Johnno, after you’ve replaced the steps can you check out the rest of the verandah and the back porch as well? Fix whatever needs to be done.’
‘Sure, Mac. No worries,’ Johnno said. ‘Invoice to you?’
‘Yep, and make sure you do it properly. I want to make sure the girls are safe and sound. Oh, while you’re at it you might as well have a look at the roof. Better to be safe than sorry and all that.’
‘Whatever you say, mate. I’ll get the boys on it straightaway. See ya round, Mac.’
Violet smiled. Mac was impossible. Give him an inch and he’d take a mile.
A hard rap on the door startled Violet out of her work and she walked down the corridor to answer it. She swung open the door to find Mac standing there with his hands in the pockets of his low slung jeans.
‘Hey,’ he said with that maddeningly gorgeous smile of his.
Violet’s stomach did the now-familiar fluttering thing. She couldn’t deny it anymore; Mac really had a major effect on her.
‘Oh hey, Mac,’ she said, trying to sound cool and unaffected. As if.
‘I was just passing. I thought I’d stop by and see how the front steps turned out.’
Violet bit her bottom lip to stop herself from smiling. ‘They’re great. Thank you so, so much. Johnno did a fantastic job. See for yourself,’ she said, following him down the steps.
‘Yeah, they look good,’ said Mac. ‘I told you Johnno would make sure the boys did a good job.’
They fell into silence for an awkward second.
‘Um sorry, did you want to come in?’ said Violet gesturing for him to go up the stairs.
‘Sure, did Johnno say if there were any other problems with the house?’
‘Only the roof on the back porch. There’s a small section that needs replacing but other than that it’s all good.’ Violet made her way back down the hall towards the kitchen. She could hear Mac’s footsteps echo behind her on the wooden floor.
‘Look who’s here, Holly,’ said Violet.
Holly was sitting at a small round table eating a sandwich. She looked up and grinned. ‘Hi Mac, I’m a fairy today.’
‘I can see that,’ Mac said with a widening grin.
‘Oh, I don’t know but maybe it’s got something to do with you wearing those pretty fairy wings.’
‘They are pretty, aren’t they?’ said Holly her face alight as she swung around to show him the glittery pink and mauve wings that were attached to her back. ‘Aunty Lily made them for me.’
‘Well, she did a very good job,’ said Mac. ‘They’re the prettiest fairy wings I’ve seen in a while.’
Violet turned on the kettle and smiled. She liked the way he leant against the kitchen island and the way he seemed to fill the room. There was something comforting about it—about him.
‘Thanks, that would be great,’ he said as he slid onto one of the kitchen chairs.
‘Mummy, I need to get that thing from my room.’
Violet glanced up. ‘What thing, sweetie?’
Holly gave her a pointed look. ‘You know Mummy, the thing I showed you before.’
‘Oh, yes of course, the thing. Go on then.’
Holly ducked out from the table, then skipped out of the kitchen and down the hall.
‘She’s great, Violet. You must be very proud of her,’ Mac said as he crossed his arms and leant on the bench.
‘I am,’ said Violet, putting his coffee down in front of him, his hand brushed against hers as he reached for it.
There was a silence as he took her hand in his and moved his fingers across her skin. Their eyes locked for an instant but Violet moved her hand and looked away. She could feel his stare on her back as she poured her drink.
‘This is for you,’ said Holly, coming back into the kitchen and handing Mac a painting. ‘It’s your house. There’s the shed, and there’s Mud and her kittens.’
Violet picked up her coffee and went and sat on the chair next to Mac.
Mac took his time studying the bright picture. And for some unknown reason Violet held her breath.
‘Do you like it?’ Holly’s blue eyes held an equal mix of expectancy and trepidation.
‘Why Holly, I think it’s one of the most beautiful pictures I’ve ever seen. Thank you,’ said Mac ruffling her hair and giving her a big warm smile. ‘I can’t wait to put it up on my fridge.’
Violet let out her breath. Why had she been worried? This was Mac and he’d never hurt Holly.
‘That’s great. I’m going to go and make you another one,’ said Holly happily, before skipping from the room.
‘I think you might have a fan there,’ said Violet. ‘Holly’s quite taken with you in a way she’s only ever really been with Lily.’
‘She’s a clever girl, she knows just how awesome I am,’ he said with a wink.
‘Hmmm, maybe. Or perhaps it’s because you and your mother are bribing her with kittens, sugar biscuits, horses and the promise of lambs.’
‘Ow, that’s harsh, Violet. I’m crushed and so would Mum be.’
‘I’m sure you’ll both bounce back.’
Mac leant in close, and kissed her ear.
‘Mac . . .’ said Violet, desire gushing through her.
‘Aw, come on Violet. Take a chance and kiss me.’
Their mouths were so close; there was barely a breath between them. Anticipation quivered through her as Violet stretched up and closed the distance between them. Mac’s hand slid up her neck and gently cradled the back of her head, as if to hold her in place as she fell deeper into his kiss.
The kiss was long and deep and made Violet’s heart beat faster. She grasped onto his shoulders as if she needed to tether herself onto something solid. She felt the warmth of his body through his cotton shirt. His tongue swept inside her mouth. A flash of long-buried want seared through her and she pulled him closer. She’d forgotten what it was like to be held by someone. She’d forgotten how overpowering the feeling of connecting with someone was. She clung on to Mac and pressed closer, no longer able to resist her attraction for him.
Without breaking the kiss, Mac wrapped his strong arms around her, encasing her in his tenderness and essence.
She was consumed and for an instant the carefully constructed walls that protected her, tumbled to the ground. Violet wanted Mac more than she’d ever wanted anyone and the only fragmented visions in her head were of her bed and how she could manoeuvre him there.
But any ideas she may have had disappeared in a puff of smoke as the sound of little footsteps echoed down the hallway. Violet pulled back from Mac and tried to catch her breath. Their eyes locked and Holly’s voice floated back down the hallway.
‘Mummy! Look at this new drawing. I haven’t finished it yet,’ Holly called out. ‘It’s going to be of me and the kittens.’