Chapter 26

Chavez shook his head when he spotted his wife plucking peppers off the plants in the garden a short distance from the kitchen. Alma was with her, holding a basket overflowing with peppers. His wife appeared as if she was one of the servants in her colorful skirt and white blouse, her dark hair hanging down her back in a single braid. Her cheeks were flushed a bright pink and she wore a happy smile.

He stopped at the edge of the garden. “Your hands.”

Crista turned a huge smile on him and held up her hands. “All good.”

Her hands had healed nicely in the past two weeks, but not because she had been diligent, but because he had been. He had had to remind her time and again about her hands, and to be careful. Of course, he had enjoyed undressing her each night, and though she didn’t need his help anymore, he’d been sure to continue to help her and she hadn’t objected.

“I received word from Esteban,” he said.

Crista hurried over to him.

“The meeting has been confirmed at the Cesare hacienda tomorrow at noon. Everyone invited has accepted. All are worried that Diablo will strike their hacienda next and want him stopped.”

“Don Chavez,” Ramos called out as he approached. “A moment please.”

She watched as the two men bent their heads in quiet talk. She had but meaning to ask him if Ramos knew his true identity. He couldn’t have gone all these years without someone having seen his face.

“Diablo doesn’t do this,” Alma said, keeping her voice low as she stopped beside Crista. “He is not the devil they make him out to be. You know that yourself. Why would he attack a hacienda that is home to some of his people? It makes no sense.”

“I agree, Alma. The blame is on the wrong man and Chavez realizes that. It’s only a matter of time before the rightful person is caught.”

Alma kept her voice low. “Some say that it is you Diablo seeks. He wants you back and won’t stop until he has you.”

“That is nonsense, Alma,” Crista said but not with as much conviction as she should have. “There is no reason Diablo would want me.”

“No? I heard the way he spoke with you and how concerned he was for you. He has never shown such interest in a woman as he did you.”

“My unexpected abduction posed a problem to his plan to see you all safe. That was what concerned him, nothing more,” she said, hoping to put a stop to the rumor that seemed to be on everyone’s tongue.

Alma’s aged eyes filled with sadness. “I had hoped that someday Diablo would find someone to love him. He is a better man than most and deserves more than the harsh life of an outlaw.”

“On that we agree,” Crista said, giving the woman’s arm a gentle squeeze. “Why don’t you take these peppers to Magda.” She smiled. “Besides, isn’t it about time for you two to share your daily talk and lemonade?”

Alma’s face brightened a bit. “It isn’t only age that Magda and I have in common. She lost her daughter like I did, though she’s lucky to have a granddaughter who remained close to her and she and her husband will present Magda with a great-grandchild soon.”

“Vilia might one day return to you,” Crista said, seeing the old woman’s eyes grow moist.

“I pray that she does,” Alma said. “And I must tell you that all here who were with Diablo are grateful for your silence. Many worried you would tell your husband where we came from and might be punished for our association with the outlaw. None of us want to lose the good home we finally have and we are grateful that you hold your tongue.”

Crista kept her voice low as Alma had done. “Please let everyone know they have nothing to worry about. I would never bring harm to any of you.”

“I told them that and waited to speak their concerns to you so they would see for themselves that you would never do such a thing. Your words though will put them much at ease.”

Crista got hit with a sudden wave of nausea that caused her to feel lightheaded and her hand instinctively reached out to Alma.

The old woman took hold of her arm and didn’t hesitate to call out. “Don Chavez!”

He turned and rushed to his wife, seeing the worry in the old woman’s face and her arm hooked around his wife’s arm. He scooped Crista up, her face so pale it frightened him and when her head fell on his chest as if she had passed out, he ran to the hacienda and took the stairs two at a time to get her to their bedroom.

He was never so relieved to see her eyes open after placing her on the bed, and she wasn’t as nearly as pale as a few moments ago. He sat beside her on the bed, brushing away the few wisps of hair that fell along her brow.

“What’s wrong?” he asked anxiously.

She reached for his hand and he locked on to hers. “No need for worry. The baby churned my stomach so suddenly that I grew lightheaded.”

“You should be resting, not picking peppers,” he scolded.

“I was told they are your favorite and wanted to make sure Magda made them for supper for you.”

The different ways his wife touched his heart often surprised him. “I appreciate the thought, but yours and our child’s well-being comes before anything. So now you will rest and save me from further worry.”

Crista smiled. “I will ease your concern and rest for a bit.”

“You will nap while I see to the padre who will arrive shortly,” he ordered.

“What padre and why does he come here?”

“That’s what I’m about to find out.” He kissed her cheek and stood. “You will stay here until I return for you.”

She smiled at him.

“You best obey me on this, Crista.”

“What if I wait naked in bed for you?” she asked in a whisper.

He tipped his head back, shook it, and groaned before glaring at her. “You will do no such thing.” She went to speak and he shook his finger at her. “No! You will not be waiting naked in bed for me.” She went to speak again. “Not another word,” he warned and headed for the door. He turned once at the open door. “I will see you downstairs later after your nap.”

She went to respond and he disappeared out the door before she could. She laughed softly. She loved tempting her husband, since so often he surrendered to her, though she surrendered to him plenty of times and it was always a pleasurable surrender.

She placed her hand on her stomach. It churned no more and she didn’t feel a bit fatigued. There was no way she could remain in bed on such a beautiful day. She stretched herself out of bed, her body feeling good afterwards, and this time her stomach rumbled.


She had the strongest desire for an orange, maybe more than one.

Chavez silently cursed his wife for putting the image of her waiting naked in bed for him. She would waste no time in touching him as soon as he joined her. He loved the way she explored his body with her hands and with her mouth. She had asked him a few times if certain things were permissible between husband and wife. Once he told her there was nothing that wasn’t permissible between them, she had grinned and her mouth had settled on his shaft to his surprise and enjoyment.

He silently chastised himself for recalling the memory, since it grew him hard and he was about to meet with the padre.

The door to his study stood open and he entered to find Lana pouring the padre a glass of wine.

Padre Antonio,” Chavez said, offering his hand.

Padre Antonio stood and accepted Chavez’s hand. “It is good to meet you Don Navarro.”

Chavez was impressed with the man’s strong handshake. He was tall and slim with silver-colored hair and features one couldn’t help admire for a man of his age.

“I appreciate you seeing me,” the padre said. “I was told you recently moved here to the hacienda and recently wed, congratulations on both.”

“Thank you,” Chavez said and pointed to the chair as he walked around to take a seat behind the desk. A glass of wine rested to his right and he settled his hand around the stem. “What can I do for you, Padre?”

“I was hoping to find the original owner of the hacienda.”

“Pablo Edgardo and his wife Maria both died some time ago,” Chavez explained.

“And how did you wind up with the hacienda, if you don’t mind me asking?” Padre Antonio asked.

Chavez glared at the man, though offered no explanation.

“I heard you may have inherited it. Are you related to Pablo or perhaps Maria?” the padre questioned.

“Why all these questions, Padre?” Chavez asked, suspicious of the man.

“I am an old friend of the Edgardo family and have just returned to the area and learned of Dona Maria's death and that a relative had inherited the ranch. I recalled Don Pablo telling me how sad he was that there was no family to leave his ranch to. So I wondered if there were no relatives who had inherited the ranch?”

“And I wonder why an old friend would show up suddenly asking such questions?” Chavez threw back.

“Why not just tell me and be done with it?”

“Why not just tell me who you truly are and why you’re here?”

Padre Antonio hurried to his feet. “You accuse me of lying about being a priest?”

Chavez got to his feet slowly, his chest expanding as he drew his shoulders back, jutted his chin up slightly, and set an intimidating scowl on the man. “Padre or not, you don’t come into my home and question me. You will leave.”

“I will have my answers, Don Navarro. I know who Dona Maria wanted to inherit the ranch and I intend to make certain that person gets what is rightfully his.”

“And I intend to keep what is rightfully mine. Good day, Padre,” Chavez said and pointed to the door.

As soon as the door shut behind the padre, Chavez picked up the wine glass and took a generous swallow. He didn’t believe the man a priest and didn’t believe he knew Dona Maria’s wishes. Who he was, though, and what he truly wanted was a puzzle. He took another drink. he didn’t need any more puzzling matters to deal with than he already had. He would find out who the man was and deal with him whatever way necessary.

What if I wait naked in bed for you?

His wife’s words tempted him, but he had no business thinking of making love to her when she wasn’t feeling well. And there was much work that needed to be seen to. He’d go see how the vineyards were coming. They were in relatively good shape and needed only a handful of care for the grapes to keep producing.

He was met with a flourish of activity when he entered the foyer. Furniture that had needed repair was being returned to the house and Lana was there directing them.

“Did my wife instruct you as to where she wanted the furniture placed?” he asked.

Lana smiled. “Dona Crista was very happy with how I have arranged the furniture here and told me to do as I pleased when these pieces were ready to place.”

“Very well,” Chavez said. “But please try to keep the noise down since Dona Crista is resting.”

Lana’s brow wrinkled. “Dona Crista is not resting, Don Chavez. She left here shortly after you entered your study to speak with the padre.”

Chavez didn’t hide his annoyance. “Do you know where she went?”

“She mentioned something about the need for oranges.”

Crista spied the fat orange up high in the tree. She knew it would be sweet and juicy and her mouth watered for the taste of it. She looked around to see if anyone was about who could help her, but all the workers were at the other end of the orange grove and she didn’t want to take them away from their work. She looked around and spotted a ladder not far from the tree with the orange that she craved and managed—with a little difficulty—to brace it against the tree trunk. She noticed there was a rung missing, but it wouldn’t hamper her chance of getting the orange. She carefully climbed up the rungs, taking a wider step to get past the missing one and smiled when she got two rungs from the top to see that with a good stretch of her arm, she’d be able to reach the orange.

Almost tasting the sweet juice slipping past her lips, she reached for her prize.

She screamed as hands grabbed at her waist and yanked her off the ladder. She was ready to defend herself, twisting in the man’s arms, her hands balling into fists all set to deliver a stinging blow as her feet hit the ground when she saw it was her husband.

“What in God’s good name are you doing on an old, worn ladder?”

“Isn’t it obvious? I’m getting an orange,” she said her brow shooting up as if her actions needed no explanation.

“There are plenty of oranges on the lower branches for you to reach.”

She held one finger up near his face. “But there is only one that is so fat that it will be sweet and juicy and I’m yearning for it.”

Chavez shook his head. “Which one is it?”

She smiled and grabbed his hand, pulling him under the branches of the tree to point to it.

“That is a big one,” he said.

Crista licked her lips. “I’ll share it with you. We can sit here under the tree and enjoy it.”

Chavez reached up, stretched a bit, and plucked the orange right off the branch.

She went to reach for it and Chavez held it high where she couldn’t reach it. She scowled at him.

“Your word that you will not climb any ladders while you carry our child.”

She sighed. “You’re right. I shouldn’t have taken the chance. You have my word. I won’t do it again.” She grinned. “But it wasn’t my fault. I fell to the temptation of the orange.”

Chavez laughed and handed her the orange. He felt a pang of envy when she hugged it between her breasts. It vanished quick enough when she tugged him by his shirt to force him to bend forward so she could give him a kiss and not a gentle one.

He held her close, relished the feel of her in his arms, the scent of the oranges surrounding them, and swore more times than he could recall that he’d never let anyone take her away from him or take away what they had together.

They settled under the tree, Chavez peeling the orange for her and his wife slipping a piece into his mouth.

“It is so sweet and juicy,” she said, licking the juice from her lips that trickled down her chin.

He couldn’t resist. He leaned down and licked the juice off her chin and her lips. And damn if he couldn’t stop himself from slipping his tongue in her mouth to taste more of the fruit’s sweetness.

Crista pulled her mouth away from his. “If you continue to do that, I’ll have no choice but to climb on top of you and—”

He grabbed her around the waist and swung her over his lap so that she straddled him.

Crista cast a hurried glance around.

“No one is near. No one can see us. Ride me,” he whispered and slipped his hand between them to release himself. He was well aware that she wore no undergarments when she wore her skirt and he was forever grateful for that.

He let his finger poke at her entrance, smiling. “You’re so wet and ready.”

“Always for you,” she said softly, leaning down to take his mouth in a hard, demanding kiss.

Chavez slipped his fingers into her while his thumb teased her nob of pleasure.

She rested her brow to his. “You inside me,” she said through labored breath. “Now!”

He didn’t waste a minute, he slipped inside her and took hold of her backside to help her ride him.

“Quiet,” he whispered as she began to moan.

Crista quickly locked her lips, realizing where they were and focused on her husband’s dark eyes fired with passion as he helped her ride him hard and strong. It didn’t take long. They both climaxed together, Chavez’s hands tight on her bare bottom, forcing the last of the passion out of each of them.

She collapsed against his chest and his arms went around her. She laid there relishing the moment and thinking how she would never be able to come here again without thinking of this time with him. A sweet, delicious memory.

He didn’t want to let her go, but then she made no effort to move. He wanted to linger inside her, joined together, never to part. He had never felt as close to anyone as he did when they made love. It was as if they were part of each other, unable to survive without the other. Never had he thought like that before nor had he ever wanted to. He had always believed it was better not to feel and certainly not to love.

Crista had changed all that and he never wanted to feel as empty as he had for all those years ever again. He hugged her tight.

She lifted her head and looked at him. “My orange.”

A brief laugh burst from his lips. “You prefer the orange to me?” It pleased him to see disappointment on her face when he lifted her off him to rest at his side. She felt the same as him about being parted.

He slipped his satiated shaft back in his trousers before sitting up. Then grabbed her by the waist to sit up and braced them both back against the tree trunk. He looked around for her half eaten orange, found it had rolled a short distance away, and plucked anything inedible off it before handing her a piece. He kept his eyes off her lips and chin not trusting himself.

“What did the priest want?” she asked.

Finally, safe ground for a discussion. “He thinks someone else is entitled to the Edgardo inheritance.”

Crista’s eyes widened and she shook her head. “Why would he think that?”

“He claims that Maria Edgardo had confessed to him who she wanted to inherit the ranch.”

“Does this person have a rightful claim?” She shook her head. “I should first ask if you have a rightful claim to this ranch.”

“I do,” he admitted.

Crista cuddled in the crook of his arm. “Isn’t it time you told me about it?”