Appendix D
SWOT Analysis—Three Examples
Gratiot County, Michigan
Gratiot County’s strategic plan lists the potential trends (SWOT) and the issues that result. The issues then form the basis for the county’s goals statements.
Potential Trends
Key issues in the county were identified and formed the basis for the development of the strategic plan.
Willcox, Arizona
Another instructive example of both format and content comes from the strategic plan for Willcox, Arizona. This can be found on the city’s Web page, The following is excerpted from the section on economic opportunity.
Promote Economic Opportunity
Willcox has experienced a less-than-average employment and population growth rate in the 1990s. Although the city’s population grew 19.4% during the ten-year period, the average growth rate for the state was 42%. The city was fortunate to attract a truck travel center and a small discount retail outlet during this period. A number of small tourism-related businesses specializing in niche markets were also launched. Most recently, Willcox has witnessed expansions in the local telephone cooperative industry, as well as in the governmental segment of employment.
Developing a strategy for economic development is essential for economic success and prosperity of the community. Most forecasts and trends point to modest growth beyond the year 2005. At the same time, other indicators suggest the need to position the community for sudden and impulsive growth due to the following issues.
Job growth is expected outside of the incorporated city limits. The Bowie Power Station received approval from the Arizona Corporation Commission to site a power generation plant in Bowie. This project will bring as many as 400 construction jobs and approximately 40 full-time positions to northern Cochise County. Eurofresh, Inc., has also announced expansion of their greenhouse operations. Both of these businesses are located outside of the incorporated city limits. However, Willcox is the closest incorporated city and will provide the majority of services and programs to the employees of these industries.
The demographics and family income levels of the community are changing. Surveys conducted during the 2000 census indicate that the Hispanic population is now 49% of the city. Additionally, the results indicate a growing number of household incomes within the city are below the median income levels.
The unemployment rate of the community has averaged 4.5 % to 5%. The existing workforce lacks the required skills for the information technology and manufacturing industries. Additionally, there is limited access to training within the community. Finally, should the labor force require expansion, the lack of adequate and affordable housing has been identified as a weakness in the Willcox Housing Strategy and the Willcox General Plan.
Franklin County and Columbus, Ohio
The following example is taken from the consolidated plan for housing and community development issues for the jurisdictions of the city of Columbus and Franklin County in Ohio. Its SWOT is specific to these issues. This list of obstacles (threats) is preceded by the following statement: “The housing and community development needs assessment (environmental scan) that is a part of the Consolidated Plan provides a basis for identifying obstacles to meeting underserved needs in the community.”