So which are you, young Padawan? One of the older brothers? Or the youngest?

I know what you’d like to say. We’d all like to say that we’re the youngest brother. But are you really?

Let’s find out.

Are you familiar with those teen magazines that have multiple choice tests? You answer a bunch of questions, and if you chose mostly A, you’re this kind of person, and mostly B, you’re that other kind?

We’re going to do one of those tests.

One question. Three options.

You might want to meditate before we begin.


Okay, have you meditated? Then here we go.

It’s lunchtime in the school cafeteria. You exit the food line, gripping your tray of steaming sloppy joe. You look around.

To your right, you see your friends. The table is full, except for one chair next to your best friend. You know your best friend has been having a really rough day.

Straight ahead of you, there’s a new kid. A group of mean kids has sat down around him. They look like they’re already starting to give the kid a hard time.

To your left, there’s someone in your class who sits alone every day. She would obviously like to sit with someone, but nobody gives her a chance.

So, do you:

A) Go sit beside your friend. He or she is your best friend, and needs your support today. The other kids can wait.

B) Sit down with the new student. If the mean kids tease him, you’ll stand up to them, or at least let the new kid know you’re on his side.

C) Join the table with the loner. She’s been suffering the longest, and it’s time to help her out.

Think about it. Which will it be?

All right, ready for the answer?

It’s a trick question. Jedi do not act hypothetically. They act in real life. Next time you see A, B, or C going down, do something about it. For real.

That is the way of the Jedi.