The cattle business is one of the riskiest businesses one can be in. Worse than professional gambling or having a peach orchard. Many of the examples could be extrapolated to fit “Twenty-five Things Akin to Robbing a Bank with a Putty Knife” or “Twenty-five Things Better Than Smallpox.”
Knowing the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat
Being handcuffed and forced to watch someone butcher hogs on your living room carpet
Parking your new pickup at the end of your driveway, knowing it will be stolen by morning
Playing poker with Donald Trump, Al Capone, and Bruce Babbitt
Being the public relations manager for Ted Turner, Ted Kaczynski, or Ted Kennedy
Being Bill Clinton
Watching a train go into a tunnel that you know is blocked at the other end
Going to Del Rio for Cinco De Mayo and taking your cross-country skis
Going to Las Vegas with a twenty-dollar bill and no return ticket
Two-man bungee jumping with your banker, while the cattle buyer holds the other end of the line
Getting teargassed and enjoying it
Losing the $6 million lottery by one number
Buying stock in Chernobyl the day before the fire
Discovering you’re related to Saddam Hussein
Walking a tightrope across the Grand Canyon
Seeing your face on a dartboard at the regional IRS office
Finding out that the FBI and Earth First! have you under surveillance
Receiving news that your rich old bachelor uncle died and left his entire estate to the Newfoundland Dog Foundation
Discovering that the only way your assets and liabilities could balance is if you married Bill Gates
Going to a barber and saying, “Be creative!”
Playing pool on the kitchen table
Losing your brakes at the top of Wolf Creek Pass
Getting your prostate checked six days a week
Having a drought break with a seven-inch downpour that washes away your home
Being bitten by your own dog