I want to honor and give thanks for the deep presence of others that helped shape me into an open container that could receive and birth this book. To Carol Hegedus for her delicate ability to listen from the center. To Joel Elkes for the sweet wisdom he gives everyone with his eyes. To Parker Palmer for the rootedness of his very large heart. To Wayne Muller for the joy of his company and the gift of his compassion. To Megan Scribner for her honest care and loyalty.

Gratitude to David Blustein and Pearl Mindell for guiding me deeper into the truth. To Paul Bowler for a lifetime of friendship that has shaped us both. To Robert Mason for more than words can say, my brother. To Susan McHenry for the tender, affirming home you give my heart.

Gratitude to Tom Callanan for believing enough to show my work around. To Elizabeth Roche for being both my friend and my research assistant. To my editor, Mary Jane Ryan, who encouraged me to write this book when I had only five entries written. Your belief and precision helped birth this book. To the hundreds of inquiring souls around the world who took the time to read and respond to these reflections via email each week. And to Melody Beattie, the pioneer of this daybook form, for opening a way to bring spirit more fully into our ordinary days. And to the voices of all those teachers quoted herein for carrying their pain and awe across the ages to the altar of today.