
au contraire: to the contrary

babushkas: shawls; often used to designate old women

beliy grib: white mushroom

biscotti: biscuits

blat: the informal exchange of favors, bribes, payoffs; pull, influence

burqa: an enveloping outer garment worn by women in some Islamic traditions

chadra: head scarf

chai: tea

cherkeskas: Circassian coats, with wide sleeves, that reach to the floor; they resemble burqas, except that they are designed for men.

chistka: purge

cit: citizen

cittadini: citizens

cordon sanitaire: (French) a barrier restraining free movement of people or goods, so as to keep a disease, infection, or some other contagion from spreading from one locality into another

das Ekel: Literally, the word means grouch.

davening: praying

Deus vobiscum: God be with you.

ebreo/a: Hebrew

etta govnaw: Go take a shit for yourself.

Extreme Unction: the anointing of the sick

Fasci Italiani di Combattimento: Italian League of Combat

frum: kosher

genug: enough

govnaw: shit

horribili dictu: as horrible as it is to relate

ichkari: The enclosed women’s quarters of a Muslim house; from the outside, it is impossible to see the women inside, though they can look outside.

incroyable: incredible

kvas: A fermented drink made from rye, barley, rye bread, and other ingredients; often flavored, it is not strong.

kvell: to exclaim or feel good about the achievements of a family member or a friend

le brouillon: (French) first draft

mensch: a man who is honorable, decent, and responsible; a man who exhibits strength of character

naches or nachas: joy

nepman: a merchant who buys and sells for profit; a capitalist

NKVD: The initials stand for People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs.

Novecento: nineteen hundred

oblast: geographical region

obnovlentsy: church reformers

perlustration: the opening of other people’s mail for the purpose of spying

poste restante: general delivery; a service where the post office holds mail until the recipient calls for it

Pravda: truth, the title of a Russian newspaper

predatel: traitor

Qur’an: Koran, the holy book of Islam

sans: (French) without

schmuck: Yiddish pejorative for a penis

shpik: spy

shtiklech: customs, habits, peculiarities

stopiatnitsa: a person who was not allowed to stay in Moscow; specifically, a person who had to live at least 62.14 miles outside the city

Talmud: The collection of writings constituting the Jewish civil and religious law; it consists of two parts, the Mishna (text) and the Gemara (commentary), but the term is sometimes restricted to the Gemara.

Topolino: little mouse; the smallest car that Fiat made

tovarishch: comrade

traif: forbidden food

Vozhd: Leader

Wehrmacht: literally “defense power”; the name of the unified armed forces of Germany from 1935 to 1945