Ace of Clubs, 7
Aerosmith, 280
Afghanistan, 194
alcohol abuse, 71, 73–74, 151, 241, 249–50, 255–57, 266
Alcott, Louisa May, 232
Allied Forces, 37–38
Alsop, Joe, 176
Altman, Lawrence, 288–89
Ambassador Hotel, 117–18
ambassadorship, 11, 23–26, 28–30, 62, 208
Americana collection, 179
America’s Queen: The Life of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (Bradford), 131
America’s Queen Mother, 48
Anouilh, Jean, 140
anti-discrimination bill, 241
appendectomies, 24
Arlington National Cemetery, 58, 121, 202, 204, 249
assassinations: of JFK, 52–54, 104–6, 109–10, 198–203, 239–41; other victims with RFK, 118–21; of RFK, 57–59, 109–10, 118–21, 248–49
attorney general, 100
Auchincloss, Hugh D. (“Hughdie”), 131, 133
Auchincloss, Hugh D., III (“Yusha”), 132–33, 139–40
Auchincloss, Jamie, 195
Auchincloss, Janet, 53, 151, 163–64, 184, 195
Auchincloss family, 133–35, 142–43, 149
Avedon, Richard, 47
Avery, Isaac, 176–78
Ayer, A. J., 102
Bacon, Constance, 262
Baldridge, Tish, 173, 184, 187–88, 194
ballet performance, 187–88
Barry, Bill, 118
Bartlett, Charlie, 142, 147, 160, 186, 201
Baruch, Bernard, 153
Baumgartner, Rudolf, 210
Bayh, Birch, 241–42
Bayh, Marvella, 241–42
Bay of Pigs, 190–91
beach cottages, 22–23
Beals Street house, 10–11, 13, 62
Beardsley, Mimi, 185
Beck, Dave, 98
Bedford-Stuyvesant Redevelopment Corporation, 125
Bell, Upton, 283
Bennett, Candy, 214
Bennett, Harry Wiggin Jr., 211–12, 220–21
Bennett, Virginia Joan. See Kennedy, Joan
Bennett, Virginia Joan (“Ginny”), 211, 213, 259
Bernstein, Leonard, 146
Bessette, Lauren, 283
Betts, Henry, 50–51
Billings, LeMoyne (“Lem”), 18, 48–49, 148–49, 158, 166
Black Jack. See Bouvier, John Vernou, III
Black Watch Highlander Regiment, 201–2
Blanch, Lesley, 192
Bobby. See Kennedy, Robert Francis
Boggs, Corinne (“Lindy”), 180–81
bone cancer, 258
Boudin, Stephane, 180
Bouvier, Caroline Lee, 128–35, 142, 149, 167, 184, 192. See also Canfield, Caroline Lee; Radziwill, Caroline Lee
Bouvier, Jacqueline (“Jackie”): birth and background of, 128–36; Black Jack as spending less time with, 133, 135, 138–39; college living with de Rentys, 139; Husted engagement to, 142, 144; “Inquiring Photographer” job, 143–44; JFK appreciating book smarts of, 148; JFK dating, 142, 147; JFK’s engagement and marriage with, 44, 150; Kennedys and first impressions of, 149; as never marrying JFK if poor, 150; serene appearance of, 130; similarities and differences of JFK and, 147–48; 16th Annual Vogue Prix de Paris and, 141–43; as society party girl, 140; as talented writer, 141; travels of, 139–42, 184, 189–90, 196; Vassar College and, 136–38, 140–41; Vogue career of, 141–43. See also Kennedy, Jacqueline; Onassis, Jacqueline
Bouvier, Janet. See Auchincloss, Janet
Bouvier, John Vernou, III (“Black Jack”), 185–86; alcohol abuse and, 151; death of, 164–65; declining fortune and stress of, 138–39; Jackie spending less time with, 133, 135, 138–39; Janet divorces, 130; Janet marrying, 128–29; Park Avenue Apartment of, 129; as scoundrel and philanderer, 129
Bouvier, John Vernou Jr. (“The Major”), 128–29, 138
Bouvier, Maude, 138
Bouvier, Maude Sergeant, 128
Bouvier, Michelle, 138
Bradford, Sarah, 128–39, 143, 150, 168, 176, 184
brain cancer and surgery, 262, 286–89
Brannack, Ann, 71–72. See also Skakel, Ann (“Big Ann”)
Brannack, Joseph, 71–72
Brannack, Margaret, 71
Buck Island Reef, 276
Bunche, Ralph, 86
Burden, Carter, 120
Bush, George W., 296
calcining plants, 79
call girls, 185
Camelot theory, 203
“Campaign Wife,” 170
Campbell, Judy, 286
Campbell, Lillian, 269
Canadian Association for Retarded Children, 56
Canfield, Caroline Lee, 164. See also Bouvier, Caroline Lee; Radziwill, Caroline Lee
Canterbury, 73
careers, 2, 8, 12–13, 30, 61, 125; Jackie’s Vogue, 141–43; RFK and, 91, 93–94
Catholicism, 4–5, 58, 70–71, 76, 125, 168
charities, 44–45, 62, 122, 124–25, 183–84
Chellis, Marcia, 213
Cheshire, Maxine, 114, 162, 259–60
chief counsel, 97–98
child care. See hired help
childhood, of Jackie, 128–35
The Children Hundreds, 87–88
children’s book, 282
civil rights movement, 110–11, 189, 197, 241, 274
Clinton, Bill, 296
Coit, Margaret, 153–55
Cold War, 189
college boyfriends, 214
college dedication speech, 216
Columbia Trust, 8
Columbia University, 82
Communism, 86–87, 97
Connally, Nellie, 198
Conover, Harry, 215
Cosby, Bill, 294
Coughlan, Robert, 64
Craig House, 32
creative writing, 141
Cremmen, Mary, 84
crime, organized, 97–98
Cuba plots, 110
Cuffe, Luan Peter, 69
curators, 178–79
Curley, James Michael, 8
Curtis, Charlotte, 136
Cushing, Richard, 195, 202, 238, 247
Dallas, Texas, 197–99
Darden, Colgate, 86
David, Lester, 69, 80, 86, 218
Davids, Jules, 161
Davis, Sarah, 108–9
The Death of a President (Manchester), 130, 205–6, 240
Debutante of the Year, 135–36
de Ganay, Paul, 140
de Gaulle, Charles, 49, 188, 191
demerit book, 81
Democratic National Convention, 162, 244, 267, 290–92
Democratic Party, 45, 149, 157, 197
de Renty, Claude, 139–40
de Renty, Guyot, 139
Deshmukh, Vivek, 289
de Vilmorin, Louise, 140
Devonshire, Duke and Duchess, 36–37, 54
disabilities, 11, 14–15, 56. See also mental illness
Doherty, Gerard, 228
domestic life, 223–24
Drake, Sue, 89
drug possession, 123–24
drunken-driving arrests, 258, 261–62
Dutton, Fred, 114
Edward Devotion School, 14
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 95, 177, 190
Eisenhower, Mamie, 170–71, 176, 204
Eliot, T. S., 211
Elizabeth II, Queen, 150
English aristocracy, 27
equestrian, 131–33
eternal flame, 202
Ethel. See Kennedy, Ethel; Skakel, Ethel
Ethel, 124–25
EthelBird, 107
“Ethel Year After: Still Herself” (Flynn), 122–23
Eunice. See Kennedy, Eunice
European war, 28–29
Exner, Judith Campbell, 185
fashion, 20, 43, 198; Jackie’s sense of, 141, 147, 167, 170, 172, 175, 198
Fay, Paul (“Red”), 157
FBO film studio, 18–19
FDR. See Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Fiddle and Faddle, 185–86
Film Booking Offices of America, 14
film industry, 13–14
Fine Arts Advisory Committee, 179
Fine Arts Committee for White House, 178–79
Finkelstein, Mel, 98
Finley, David, 179
Finney, Ruth, 237
Fitzgerald, Agnes, 6–7
Fitzgerald, John Francis (“Honey Fitz”), 2, 4–8, 42, 230
Fitzgerald, Josie, 2–4
Fitzgerald, Rose Elizabeth, 2–8, 54, 58. See also Kennedy, Rose Fitzgerald
Fitzwilliam, Peter, 40
Flynn, Betty, 122–23
Ford, Tennessee Ernie, 283
Fore River Bethlehem Ship Building Corporation, 11–12
Fore River Lunch Company, 12
Frankenheimer, John, 117
Freeman, Walter, 32
Gallup Poll, 123
Gargan, Joey, 253
Gargan, Mary Jo, 44
Gates, Ellen (“Puffin”), 133–34
gays, 143
George Washington University, 140–41
Germany, 28
Gershwin, George, 212
Giancana, Sam, 185
Gibson, Barbara, 101–2
Gifford, Frank, 124
Ginny. See Bennett, Virginia Joan
Glenn, John, 101
Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 33, 158
Gramm, Walter, 78
Great Depression, 21, 71, 74, 79, 128
Great Lakes Coal and Coke Company, 70–71, 78
Greenwich Academy, 75
Guthrie, Woody, 248
Gwitzman, Milt, 240
Halifax, Lord, 26
Hammersmith Farm, 132, 151, 196
Hannon, Josie, 4. See also Fitzgerald, Josie
Harriman, W. Averell, 108, 204
Hartigan, Monsignor, 81
Hartington, Billy, 36–39
Harvard University, 5, 124, 145, 204–5
Harwood, Richard, 112
Hayden, Stone & Co., 12–13
Hennessey, Luella, 20, 24–25, 29, 50–51, 89–92, 99–100
heroism, 35
Hertfordshire, 29
Hickory Hill Estate, 74, 96, 100, 102, 108, 161–63
Hill, Clint, 176, 184, 188, 195, 198–99, 202
Hills, Carla, 270
hired help, 10–11, 13, 15–16, 20, 111–12, 166
historical site, 11
Hitler, Adolph, 28–29
Hoffa, Jimmy, 98–99
Holder, Eric, 86
Honey Fitz. See Fitzgerald, John Francis
Honey Fitz, 189
honeymoons, 8–9, 85, 151–52, 223–24
Hooton, Claude, 240
“Hope for Retarded Children,” 55
hormonal deficiency, 238
Hotel Pierre, 222
House of Representatives, US, 40
Howell, William Dean, 232
Hughdie. See Auchincloss, Hugh D. (“Hughdie”)
Humphrey, Hubert, 45–46, 112, 229
Humphrey, Muriel, 228
Hyannis Port home, 22, 31, 38–39, 46, 49, 91, 100; cars disappearing at, 51; Jackie at, 148–49, 170; Joe’s purchase of, 20
Ibrahim, Ferik Abboud, 187–88
India, 192
inequality, 56–57
“Inquiring Photographer,” 143–44
Internal Security Division, 91
international market, 79
international relations, 192
International Rice Festival, 268
Italian-Americans, 167
Jack. See Kennedy, John Fitzgerald
Jackie. See Bouvier, Jacqueline; Kennedy, Jacqueline; Onassis, Jacqueline
Jackson, Henry (“Scoop”), 97
Jacob, Pan, 77
James, Zup Campbell, 137–38
Janet. See Lee, Janet Norton
Jean. See Kennedy, Jean; Smith, Jean Kennedy
Jefferson, Thomas, 85
JFK. See Kennedy, John Fitzgerald
Joan. See Kennedy, Joan
Joansie. See Kennedy, Joan
Joe. See Kennedy, Joseph Patrick
Joe Jr. See Kennedy, Joseph Patrick Jr.
John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts, 204
John F. Kennedy Federal Building, 246
John F. Kennedy International Airport, 105
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, 55, 62, 204–5, 295
John F. Kennedy School of Government, 205
John Jr. See Kennedy, John Fitzgerald Jr.
John Paul XXIII, Pope, 49
Johnson, Lady Bird, 184, 204, 228
Johnson, Lyndon B. (LBJ), 106–7, 110, 112, 197–98, 204
Jones, Candy, 215
Jordan, Grace Mary, 70
Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Foundation, 39, 45, 56, 62, 64
The Joy of Classical Music (Kennedy, Joan), 213
Kelley, Pam, 124
Kennedy, Caroline, 50, 63, 165–66, 182–83, 195, 208, 292
Kennedy, Carolyn Bessette, 283
Kennedy, Chris, 98
Kennedy, David Anthony, 94, 114–15, 117, 119, 123–24
Kennedy, Douglas Harriman, 108
Kennedy, Edward Jr., 233–34, 236, 258
Kennedy, Edward Moore (“Teddy”), 49, 58–59, 107; Bennett, Harry, blessing request from, 220–21; birth of, 21; brain cancer and death of, 262, 286–89; Chappaquiddick and, 61–62, 253–55; college dedication speech by, 216; convention speech goal of, 290–92; final days and funeral of, 294–96; Jackie’s eulogy by, 284; JFK administration role for, 231–32; JFK’s memory honored by, 241; Joan campaigning for, 55, 228, 232–34, 244, 245; Joan dating, 216–20, 222; Joan’s divorce from, 256, 261; Joan’s marriage to, 44; Joe’s influence on, 230–31, 242–43; John Jr. death heartbreaking for, 284; Kara’s illness battled by, 285; medical options available to, 288; memoir of, 295; personal commitment of, 274; plane crash survived by, 55, 105–6, 241–42; popularity of, 236–37; presidential aspirations of, 252, 257, 260; Reggie, E., as best friend of, 273–74; RFK eulogized by, 120; Romney opponent of, 278, 280; Rose admired an loved by, 21; Rose and Joan as campaigning for bedridden, 55; sailing of, 252, 287–88, 295; Senate return of, 290, 292–93; Senate seat and, 228, 230, 232–35, 245, 280; serious injury of, 242–43, 245; threatening letter to, 252; time ravaging face of, 266–67; Vicki dating, 266–67, 271–72, 275–77; Vicki’s impact on, 276, 278–79, 282, 283; Vicki’s marriage to, 277; womanizing of, 237, 247–48, 256, 266
Kennedy, Ethel, 42, 73, 100, 109, 122, 124; as activist, 125; brother’s fatal plane crash of, 246; Hennessey and eleven childbirths of, 89–92; Hickory Hill and, 102, 108; honeymoon of, 85; King’s assassination and, 112–14; media spotlight avoided by, 125; as most admired woman, 123; offspring of, 108, 110, 114–17, 123, 125; parent’s death and, 95; pregnancy of, 89–91, 114; presence of, 119; as replacing grief with faith, 95; reputation and pranks of, 102–3; RFK’s assassination and, 118–21; RFK’s campaign trail and, 105–6, 110–20; Rose and, 90, 101–2; spending of, 93, 123; tension and JFK’s dinner by, 87; as “Washington’s No. 1 Hostess,” 101; wedding of, 84. See also Skakel, Ethel
Kennedy, Eunice, 7, 13–14, 44, 55–56
Kennedy, George, 72
Kennedy, Jacqueline (“Jackie”), 49–50, 96, 109; Black Jack’s and JFK’s womanizing compared by, 164–65, 185–86; Caesarean and stillborn baby of, 162–63; children’s manners instilled by, 183; Dallas’ official visit and, 197–99; fashion sense and, 141, 147, 167, 170, 172, 175, 198; first lady rituals of, 183–84, 194; Greece vacation after son’s death, 52; honeymoon and, 151–52; JFK and value of, 148, 189; JFK assassination and, 198–203; JFK marriage to, 44, 150–51; JFK memorialized by, 204–5; JFK’s back surgeries and, 160–61; JFK’s image controlled by, 159, 199, 205–6; JFK’s life saved by, 173–74; JFK’s relationship with, 142, 147–48, 157–59, 162, 186, 195–96; JFK’s similarities and differences with, 147–48; Joan spending time with, 226–27, 239; judgment of people and, 169; Kennedys’ competition and, 158; Khan giving horse as gift to, 192–93; Khrushchev impressed with, 191–92; New Delhi adoration of, 192–93; nomadic lifestyle and, 157; normal life sought by, 171; Onassis, A., and, 62, 206, 207; Patrick’s funeral not attended by, 195; post-partum letter to Rose by, 163, 171; pregnancy of, 161–63, 170, 194; privacy concerns of, 182–83; Rose’s warm relationship with, 62–63; Schlesinger and oral history of, 158; senator’s wife crash course for, 157–58; speaking in French to crowds, 167–68; spending habits of, 164; star power of, 169, 189, 190–91, 197; surviving inauguration, 174–75; Teddy’s eulogy for, 284; tenth wedding anniversary, 196; Turnure as press secretary for, 172–73; wedding of, 150–51; White House and children’s arrival of, 182; White House and post-partum tour of, 170–71; White House parties and preparation of, 176–81, 186–87; White House restoration endeavor of, 162–64, 167, 172–73, 176–81, 186–87. See also Bouvier, Jacqueline; Onassis, Jacqueline
Kennedy, Jean, 7, 68, 81–82, 87, 102–3; Rose pregnant with, 19; Smith, S., marriage to, 44. See also Smith, Jean Kennedy
Kennedy, Joan, 49, 106, 213, 263; alcohol abuse of, 241, 249–50, 255, 257; anniversary of, 239–41; beauty of, 220, 248; births and miscarriages of, 210–11, 225, 247; children of, 225, 233–34, 247, 261; college boyfriends of, 214; domestic life of, 223–24; drunken-driving of, 258, 261–62; honeymoon of, 223–24; Jackie helping, 226–27, 239; Kennedys’ treatment of, 223, 226, 228, 254–55; life on her own of, 259–60; living in denial, 227; love for music of, 212, 256–57; miscarriages of, 237–38, 254; modeling assignments of, 215–16; politics and first exposure of, 221, 233; public appearances of, 234, 246; as quiet and self-conscious, 214; rehearsal dinner of, 222; RFK’s campaign trail and, 248–49; RFK’s death devastating, 249; Rose meeting, 219; self-esteem lost of, 247–48; sheltered childhood of, 214; sobriety of, 259; Teddy dating, 216–20, 222; Teddy’s campaigns and, 55, 228, 232–34, 244, 245; Teddy’s divorce from, 256, 261; Teddy’s marriage to, 44; wedding planning of, 221–22, 239; woman-behind-the-man position of, 237
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (“JFK”), 13, 73, 96, 172, 175; assassination of, 52–54, 104–6, 109–10, 198–203, 239–41; Auchinclossess introduction to, 149; birth and background of, 11, 144–46; Canada’s welcoming of, 190; Coit’s date with, 153–55; dead children buried next to, 202; endurance and heroism of, 35; Ethel’s dinner and tension with, 87; funeral of, 201–2, 240; Jackie and assassination of, 198–203; Jackie and back surgeries of, 160–61; Jackie as saving life of, 173–74; Jackie controlling image of, 159, 199, 205–6; Jackie’s marriage to, 44, 150–51; Jackie’s relationship with, 142, 147–48, 157–59, 162, 186, 195–96; Jackie’s value to, 148, 189; Joe informed of death of, 53; Khrushchev and charms of, 191–92; as media darling, 35; as most eligible bachelor, 146, 153; Office of Naval Intelligence orders for, 31; playboy image of, 149, 155; political elections of, 40, 43–44, 46, 170; poor health of, 11, 31, 33, 35, 37, 145, 153–55, 159–60; presidency and, 46, 168, 229; presidential campaigns for, 45, 47, 82, 91–92, 95, 99–100, 167–71, 224; profound panic of, 155; PT 109 incident and, 34–35, 37, 145; as reluctant to marry, 149; RFK and assassination of, 104–6; RFK and campaigning for, 69, 91–92, 95, 99–100; Rose and, 14, 18, 48, 52–55; Rose’s tea-party campaigns for, 43–44, 91–92, 95, 99–100; sexual appetite of, 87–88; stunted capacity for intimacy, 185–86; Teddy honoring memory of, 241; Teddy’s role in administration of, 231–32; vacation and voyage of, 162–63; war participation of, 34–35; wedding of, 150–51; womanizing and, 150, 152–55, 158–59, 164–65, 167, 185–86
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald Jr. (“John Jr.”), 47, 63, 170–71, 182–83, 195; plane crash death of, 207, 283; Teddy’s eulogy for, 284
Kennedy, Joseph Patrick (“Joe”), 60, 149; ambassador and resignation of, 11, 23–24, 28–29, 30; background of, 5–6; capitalism concerns of, 22; careers of, 11–13, 22; children’s affection of, 17–18, 29; as Columbia Trust’s president, 8; death and funeral of, 33, 50, 62; descent into infantilism of, 50–51; European war and stance of, 28–29; family residence at London mansion, 25–26; FBO film studio and,18–19; FDR as suspecting rivalry by, 25; film industry ventures of, 13–14; frequent absences of, 12–14, 18–19; get-rich ingenuity of, 12; graduation and early career of, 8; Hyannis Port home purchase by, 20; infidelity of, 2, 19; JFK’s death disclosed to, 53; London home and office decor of, 26; Maritime Commission headed by, 23; Merchandise Mart purchased by, 39; movie business and trading of, 13, 21; 1930 as frenetic for clan of, 22–23; Palm Beach mansion purchased by, 21–22; political career ended of, 2, 30; Pope Pius XII coronation and, 27; rehabilitation treatment of, 50–51; RFK’s assassination and grief of, 57–59; RFK working with, 85–86; Rose and, 9–11, 13; Rose dating, 4–8; stroke and death of, 32–33, 49–50, 236, 254; Teddy influenced by, 230–31, 242–43; at zenith with media profile, 25
Kennedy, Joseph Patrick Jr. (“Joe Jr.”), 10, 26, 31, 35–36, 38–39
Kennedy, Kara, 210, 225, 262, 285
Kennedy, Kathleen (“Kick”), 13, 23, 36–37, 39–41
Kennedy, Kathleen Townsend, 90, 95, 99, 122
Kennedy, Mary Kerry, 99
Kennedy, Michael, 96, 125, 283
Kennedy, Patricia, 14–15, 24, 44, 87
Kennedy, Patrick Bouvier, 52, 195–96, 201, 210–11, 247, 262–63
Kennedy, Patrick J. (“P. J.”), 5–6
Kennedy, Robert Francis (“RFK”), 163, 204–5; advocacy for gun control and, 116; assassination of, 57–59, 109–10, 118–21, 248–49; attorney general appointment of, 100; birth of, 15; career and, 91, 93–94; demagogue accusation about, 112; Ethel and assassination of, 118–21; Ethel and campaign trail for, 105–6, 110–20; Ethel dating, 68–70, 82–83; Ethel’s marriage with, 42, 83, 85, 87–88, 90; as first Kennedy losing primary election, 57; funeral and bereavement for, 57–59, 120–21; inferiority complex of, 83; Internal Security Division job of, 91; JFK’s assassination and bereavement of, 104–6; as JFK’s campaign manager, 69, 91–92, 95, 99–100; Joan devastated by death of, 249; Joan on campaign trail for, 248–49; Kennedy’s fear of assassination for, 109–10; King’s assassination and, 112–14; McCarthy, J., as embarrassing, 87; as New York junior senator, 107; organized crime investigations and, 97–99; popularity with minorities and, 116; presidential ambitions of, 56, 107, 109–20; problems with Hoover, 104; rock-star treatment of, 106; Rose and campaigns for, 55–56; Rose and Joe’s grief after assassination of, 57–59; Rose’s reflection prompted by death of, 60; Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations and, 97–98; Senate seat won by, 245; sexual appetite of, 87–88; stellar work ethic of, 85–86; as Student legal forum president, 85–86; Teddy’s eulogy to, 120; victory celebration over McCarthy by, 117–18
Kennedy, Robert Francis Jr., 94, 100, 123–25
Kennedy, Rory, 95, 122, 124–25
Kennedy, Rose Fitzgerald (“Rose”), 5–7, 160, 163, 171; as absent at Kick’s wedding, 37; acceptance of God’s will and, 39, 60–61, 64; admiration for royals, 27; as America’s Queen Mother, 48; approach to grief, 39; attendance at JFK’s commemorations by, 55; beach cottages of, 22–23; Beals Street home of, 9–10, 13; bereavement letter to Kick by, 39; Bronxville mansion at, 20–21; campaign travels of, 22–23, 31, 40, 46–47, 51, 55–56; Canadian Association for Retarded Children’s merit award to, 56; as celebrating eightieth birthday, 63; charitable missions of, 44–45; in critical role of ambassador’s wife, 25; death of, 65, 283; diminishing energy of, 65; as distanced from her children, 18; early married years of, 10–11; emergency appendectomy, 24; Ethel’s wild parties disapproved by, 90, 101–2; European forays of children and, 28; family life of, 12, 20, 23–25, 145; Hennessey as family nurse for, 24; hired help and child care of, 10–11, 13, 15–16; holiday travels to Paris and Greece of, 62–63; as household disciplinarian, 17–18; as intellectual disabilities advocate, 56; Jackie’s warm relationship with, 62–63; JFK and, 14, 18, 48, 52–55; JFK and tea-party campaigns by, 43–44, 91–92, 95, 99–100; Joan meeting, 219; Kick and, 37–38, 40–41; London evacuation of children and, 28–29; Manhattanville’s honored degree for, 44; mistakenly taken as unfeeling woman, 54–55; move to New York, 18; as never losing composure in public, 54; as Papal Countess by Pope Pius XII, 43; physical affection withheld by, 17–18; pregnancies of, 10–12, 14–16, 19; RFK’s assassination and grief of, 57–59; RFK’s death prompting reflection by, 60; Rosemary and devotion of, 17–18, 29, 32–33, 55–56, 63–64; Rosemary’s disability embarrassing, 15, 49; round-robin letters to children of, 34; sons’ political lives involvement of, 51–52; St. Joseph’s College’s honorary degree to, 56; strained marriage of, 12; strictness and children’s capabilities of, 18; stroke suffered by, 65; Teddy’s admiration and affection for, 21; as trying to separate Jean and Ethel, 82; vacations taken separately by, 13, 23, 31; various cause appearances by, 45, 50, 56; war participation by children of, 34–36; wedding and honeymoon of, 8–9; in White House hostess roles, 52; at Windsor Castle mingling with royalty, 26–27. See also Fitzgerald, Rose Elizabeth
Kennedy, Rosemary, 27, 45; birth and disability of, 11, 14–15; evacuation to Hertfordshire, 29; lobotomy of, 31–33; Rose as devoting attention to, 17–18, 29, 32–33, 55–56, 63–64; Rose ashamed in disability of, 15, 49
Kennedy, Vicki, 280, 296; positive outlook of, 288, 295; Teddy profoundly impacted by, 276, 278–79, 282–83
Kennedy, William Smith, 267
Kennedy family, 184, 206–7, 227, 238; Ethel’s spending and disapproval of, 93, 123; fear of assassination for RFK by, 109–10; five women of, 296; Hoover’s gathering dirt and blackmail on, 110; Jackie and competition with, 158; Jackie at Hyannis Port to meet, 148–49, 170; Joan’s relationship with, 223, 226, 228, 254–55; “Kennedys don’t cry” mantra of, 54, 105; Reggie, E., campaigning for, 268; Skakel compared with family of, 75; Skakels and political divide with, 92; Skakels as clashing on money with, 92–93
Kerry, John, 283
Ketchum, James, 183
Khrushchev, Nikita, 48, 191–92, 204
Kick. See Kennedy, Kathleen
King, Coretta, 113–14
King, Martin Luther Jr., 110, 112–14
“King of the Castle,” 78
Kopechne, Joseph, 253
Kopechne, Mary Jo, 61–62, 253, 256, 260
Kopson, Jack, 114
Korean War, 43
Kroll, Robert (priest), 64
Ku Klux Klan, 70
Kumpfer, Florence Ferguson, 71
Ladies’ Home Journal, 167
Lambert, Lila, 268
Lanin, Lester, 102
Larchmont mansion, 72–73
Lasker, Mrs. Albert, 179
Lawford, Chris, 123–24
LBJ. See Johnson, Lyndon B.
League of United Latin American Citizens, 197
Lee, Janet Norton, 128–31, 133
Lem. See Billings, LeMoyne
Lenox Avenue Club, 7. See also Ace of Clubs
Le Pavillon Restaurant, 222
Lindy. See Boggs, Corinne
Linsmore Castle, 40
Little Ann. See Skakel, Ann
Little Women (Alcott), 232
Livingston, Dick, 227
Livingston, Joseph, 213–14
Livingston, Ted, 213
lobotomy, 31–33
Lodge, George C., 230
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 230
Lodge, Henry Cabot Jr., 43–44, 230
Lucey, Patrick, 45
Lyon, Louis M., 30
Macdonald, Torb, 28
Macmillan, Harold, 191
Mafia, 104
The Major. See Bouvier, John Vernou Jr. (“The Major”)
Malraux, André, 187–88
Manchester, William, 130, 205–6, 240
Manhattanville, 7, 44, 68, 81, 102–3, 219
Mankiewicz, Frank, 249
Maria McKinney Memorial Award, 135
Maritime Commission, United States, 23
Mary Charles, Sister, 63–64
Maxwell House, 215
Mayhew, Jay, 82
McCarthy, Eugene, 110–12, 117–19
McCarthy, Joseph, 86–87, 90–91, 93, 97
McCarthy Committee, 93
McClellan, George Brinton, 96
McClellan, John, 98
McCormack, Edward Jr., 230, 233, 246
McDonnell, Ken, 76
McGovern, George, 65
McMurray, Candy, 240
McNamara, Robert, 202
McQuaid, Margaret, 14
Medicare cuts, 289–90
Mellon, Bunny, 202
menagerie, 74
Merchandise Mart, Chicago, 39, 194
Meyer, Mary Pinchot, 185
minorities, 116
miscarriages, of Joan, 237–38, 254
missing in action, 35
Miss Porter’s Boarding School, 133–35, 142, 173
modeling assignments, 215–16
Mona Lisa, 188
Moniz, António Egas, 32
Monroe, Marilyn, 88
moon landing, 61
Moore, Edward, 13
Moore, Mary, 13
Morgan, J. Pierpont, 25–26, 29
Morin, Relman, 106
Moss, Edward, 241
Mother Isabel (nun), 27–28, 31
motorcade, 198
mourners, 42, 120, 164, 201, 240, 249, 283
Murder in the Cathedral (Eliot), 211
Murphy, Ann Marie O’Hagan, 83
Murphy, Jeremiah V., 249
Murray, Margot, 217–18
My Senator and Me: A Dog’s-Eye View of Washington, D.C. (Kennedy, T. and Kennedy, V.), 282
National Velvet, 77
Naval Air Corps., US, 31
Naval Reserve, US, 70
Nelson, Pearl, 166
nepotism, 100
Neustadt, Richard, 205
New Delhi, 192–93
Newman, Larry, 185
Nobel Peace Prize, 86
Noroton Abbey, 40
N Street house, 163–64, 166, 177, 179
Obama, Barack, 208, 292, 294, 296
O’Brien, Lawrence, 201
O’Connell, Cardinal William Henry, 9
O’Donnell, Kenneth, 201
Office of Naval Intelligence, 31
O’Leary, Muggsy, 166
Olmsted, Frederick Law, 132
Onassis, Aristotle, 62, 122, 196, 204, 206–7
Onassis, Christina, 207
One Special Summer (Bouvier, L. and Bouvier, B.), 142
oral-history project, 295
organized crime, 97–98
Paar, Jack, 100
Pakistan, 192
Palimpsest (Vidal), 132
Palm Beach mansion, 21–22
Paredes, Providencia (“Provi”), 166
Parish, Sister, 177–80, 184–85
Park Avenue Apartment, 129
Parkland Memorial Hospital, 198–99
Parry, Alfred, 79
Patricia. See Kennedy, Patricia
Pavlick, Richard, 173–74
Peretz, Evgenia, 134
period furnishings, 179–80
Perry, Maud, 212
Peter and the Wolf, 257
Peter Duchin’s orchestra, 108
Petitgout, Amy, 263
petroleum coke, 78–79
Philadelphia Orchestra, 256
P. J. See Kennedy, Patrick J.
Plimpton, George, 135
Poland, 28–29
politics, 4–5, 51–52, 168–69, 233
“Pooh” (JFK mistress), 162–63
Porter, Cole, 212
Portuguese Water Dog, 282, 294
Poucha Pond, 253
presidency, 8; JFK’s campaigns for, 45, 47, 82, 91–92, 95, 99–100, 167–71, 224; JFK winning, 46, 168, 229; RFK as candidate for, 56, 107, 109–20; Teddy’s aspirations for, 252, 257, 260
privacy, 182–83
Profiles in Courage (Kennedy, J. F.), 161
Protestants, 25, 36–37, 40, 43, 70, 87–88, 211
Provi. See Paredes, Providencia
PT 109 incident, 34–35, 37, 145
publicity, 182–83
Puffin. See Gates, Ellen
Queen Kelly, 19
racketeering, 98–99
Raclin, Grier, 271
Radziwill, Caroline Lee, 195–96, 202, 206–7. See also Bouvier, Caroline Lee; Canfield, Caroline Lee
Radziwill, Stanislas (“Stas”), 192
Rambleside mansion, 73–74, 80, 89–90, 95–96, 100
Reagan, Ronald, 65
Red. See Fay, Paul
Reggie, Edmund, 167–68, 267–68, 273–75
Reggie, Victoria (“Vicki”): background of, 268–70; children of, 274; divorce of, 271; Teddy dating, 266–67, 271–72, 275–77; Teddy’s marriage to, 277. See also Kennedy, Vicki
rehearsal dinner, 222
Reiner, Fritz, 210
Republicans, 82
restoration, 162–64, 167, 172–73, 176–81
Revolutionary War, 189
RFK. See Kennedy, Robert Francis
Ribicoff, Abe, 100
Rice, Jim, 294
Riesel, Victor, 98
riots, 112–13
Robert F. Kennedy Center for Human Rights, 125
Robert Francis Kennedy Memorial Foundation, 122
Robert Kennedy: His Life (Thomas), 97
Rogers, Warren, 124
Romney, Mitt, 278–80
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (“FDR”), 22, 25, 27–28, 82
Rose. See Fitzgerald, Rose Elizabeth; Kennedy, Rose Fitzgerald
Rose Alma, Sister, 73
Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Center for Research in Mental Retardation and Human Development, 56, 63
Rosemary. See Kennedy, Rosemary
rubella, 91
“Run, Bobby, Run,” 109
Ryan, Tootles, 8
The Sabres of Paradise (Blanch), 192
Salinger, Pierre, 190
Sawaya, Raymond, 288
Schauer, Robert, 242
Schlesinger, Arthur M. Jr., 101, 109, 158, 169, 187, 205
Scoop. See Jackson, Henry
scrapbooks, 194–96
SEC. See Securities and Exchange Commission
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 22
Selassie, Haile (Ethiopian king), 52
Selassie, Jean, 52
self-esteem, 247–48
Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, 97–98
Senate Rackets Investigating Committee, 98
Senate seat, 230, 232–33, 235, 245, 280
Senate Subcommittees on Investigations, 87, 97–98
Shakespeare, 187–88
Showker, Selwa, 136
Shriver, Bobby, 123–24
Shriver, Eunice Kennedy, 182
Shriver, Sargent, 44, 62, 65, 201
Shrum, Bob, 290
Sidey, Hugh, 178
Simmons, Zalmon, 73–74
16th Annual Vogue Prix de Paris, 141–43
Skakel, Ann (“Big Ann”), 73–75, 77, 80, 92–94, 102
Skakel, Ann (“Little Ann”), 72
Skakel, Curt, 71
Skakel, Ethel, 70–74, 78; bridge of cars built by brothers of, 76–77; demerit book disposed by Jean and, 81; education of, 75; as embracing Catholicism, 70, 76; irresponsibility and arrogance of brothers and, 76; pranks at Manhattanville by Jean and, 81, 102; Republican parents of, 82; RFK’s marriage to, 42, 83, 85, 87–88, 90; RFK starts dating, 68–70, 82–83; as riding horse through mansion, 80; Rose separating Jean and, 82; as smart and clever, 76. See also Kennedy, Ethel
Skakel, George, 77, 79, 94; background and history of, 70–74; Brannack, A., marries, 71; FDR as hated by, 82; Great Lakes Coal and Coke Company established by, 70–71, 78; as gun fanatic along with sons, 76; Rambleside mansion purchased by, 73; wild parties at Rambleside and, 73–74
Skakel, George Jr., 72, 86–87, 92, 108
Skakel, Georgeann, 71–72, 91, 94
Skakel, James Curtis, 70
Skakel, Patricia Sistene, 68–69, 72, 82, 86–87
Skakel, Rushton, 72–73
Skorpios, 122
Smathers, George, 161–63
Smith, Benjamin, 229
society, 7–8, 26–27, 101, 135, 140
Sorbonne Paris program, 139–40
Sorensen, Ted, 161
South Pacific, 212
Soviet Union, 191
Spalding, Chuck, 149–50
Special Olympics, 56
Sprecher, Robert A., 271
Squaw Island home, 238–39
Standard Oil, 132
Stas. See Radziwill, Stanislas
state dinners, 188–89
Stead, Virginia Joan. See Bennett, Virginia Joan
Steinkraus, Billy, 78
Stevenson, Adlai, 100, 162, 267, 269
Stone, Edward Durell, 204
“Stop Nixon,” 99
Student legal forum, 85–87, 102
Sunset Boulevard, 19
Swanson, Gloria, 19
Swedish Girls (hookers), 108
Taplin, Gardner B., 270
Taraborrelli, J. Randy, 72
Taylor, Elizabeth, 77–78
Taylor, Maxwell, 102
Teamsters Union, 98–99
Ted. See Kennedy, Edward Moore
Teddy. See Kennedy, Edward Moore
Tempelsman, Maurice, 207
theatres, Joe purchasing, 13
Thomas, George, 166
Thomas, Jack, 269
Times to Remember (Kennedy, Rose), 64
“The Tonight Show,” 100
toughness, 133–35
Townsend, Kathleen Kennedy, 125
travels, 43–44, 62–63, 194; Jackie’s, 139–42, 184, 190, 196; Rose and campaign, 22–23, 31, 40, 46–47, 51, 55–56
trips. See travels
True Compass (Kennedy, E. M.), 295
Truman administration, 177
Tuckerman, Nancy (“Tucky”), 131, 184, 194
Turnure, Pamela, 172–73, 184–85
United Nations Tower, 108
vanden Heuvel, William, 124
Vicki. See Kennedy, Vicki; Reggie, Victoria
Vogue, 141–43
Warnecke, Jack, 204
“Washington’s No. 1 Hostess,” 101
Washington Times-Herald, 143–44, 150
Watts, James, 32
wedding: Ethel’s lavish, 84; Jackie’s star-studded, 150–51; Joan’s, 221–22, 239; Rose’s, 8–9; Roses absence at Kick’s, 37; Vicki’s, 277
Weinmann, Mary de Limur, 144
Weissenberg, Alexis, 210
West, Andrew, 118–19
West Africa, 231–32
White, Theodore, 130, 200–201, 203
White House, 48, 52, 63, 182, 185; Jackie and restoration endeavor of, 162–64, 167, 172–73, 176–81, 186–87; Jackie’s post-partum tour of, 170–71
White House Curator’s Office, 183
Why England Slept (Kennedy, J. F.), 82
Wilder, Billy, 19
William Howe Co., 71
Williams, Andy, 124
Windsor Castle, 26–27
Winmill, Joan, 87–88
Winship, Thomas, 99–100
Winterthur mansion, 179
wiretaps, 110
womanizing: JFK and, 150, 152–55, 158–59, 167, 185; Teddy and, 237, 247–48, 256, 266
world issues, 7
World War II, 28, 34–36, 70, 79. See also European War; Korean War
Yeshiva University Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 56
Yusha. See Auchincloss, Hugh D., III
Zimny, Edwin, 241
zoo, 100