
I would like to thank my parents, Joe and Barbara; and my sisters, Doreen and Beverly, for their constant and unconditional love and support. I would also like to thank Andrea O’Neill, who contributed her creativity and writing to the original manuscript, and Kirsten Dixson—the perfect business and writing partner—whose energy and drive helped make this book and the Reach Branding Club a reality. I would also like to express heart-felt gratitude to Joao Rocco, Susan Gladwin, Suzanne Tanner-Meisel, Suzette Fraser, Nancy Preston, Hans Nystrom, and “la Famille” in Paris for their friendship, inspiration, and encouragement. Finally, I would like to recognize Paul Copcutt and the 150+ Reach-Certified Personal Branding Strategists who span the globe and are committed to using the Reach personal branding methodology to enhance the lives and careers of their clients.

W. A.

Most importantly, I want to thank William Arruda for asking me to write this book with him. The gratitude that I have for everything that I’ve learned from William and all the ways that he has accelerated my career is beyond words. I would also like to express my deepest appreciation to:

K. D.

Together we would like to thank Wendy Enelow for reviewing our book proposal and encouraging us to go for it; Jennifer Sneirson Kun and Brian Wu for creating images for this book; L. Michelle Tullier for connecting us with our publisher; Laurie Johnson for her editing expertise; and the Reach Strategists whose contributions are in the book: Kim Batson, Paul Copcutt, and Deb Dib.