Vaucanson’s Duck

Monsieur Vaucanson, well-known for his automatic machines,

Has now come to this city to share with the Académie his plan.

Vaucanson’s duck –

with wire sprung neck,

with fragile hoops


unplumed, unflighted

by metallic fishbarb

of quill, of spine, rachis;

with panelled face

with plated eye

unsighted – sits still,

caught all up.

His brittle ankle

all caught up

in massive mechanism.

But soon, mesdames messieurs,


the lack of wings

each wheel on massy wheel

each steel cog tooth

– of face and pitch –

in bolted pig-iron ironframe,

will rachette up

and trip quick animation

in my automate,

sprung to lifelike.

With quack and flap,

its bill and beak,

its neb and tuck,

this plucked duck, with luck,

will up and up.

Motivation, emotion, move me.

Wind up

and up and into sinew

undulated strives.

Rhythmic lurches

unbind to wind out across

artful arch articulate.

Skeletal delicacy

moves, moved by

cranked energia.

And hefted to its shifts,

its punctual catches,

it pumps unfeathered wings,

pulled up

from webbed roots,

pneumatic plumps

chest puffed rebuffs

the big wind up and up.

And look, he’s up away


with the breeze

that winds its currents

round coil electric


Catches, catches the drift.

so swerves.

Lucky strokes,

beat, stroke,

tucks swerve round accident

and off,

out of frame,



can’t believe his duck,

and can’t account its


it flits our expectations, it

defies prediction

in wilful predilection

perverse inclination

inclined, clined,

declines decline

branch from root

misled, sent sideways,

lull, jolt, shoot out

in semantic skid and pull,

spelling out canards in

weasel limbed whales.

He cuts across clouds

wetting his wings

on the rain drops they hold

and disrupting

a turbulent shower a cumulus.

His rupture

sends spray precipitous

cascades fall

as he writes his passage


spinning in his scripted


Leaves Vaucanson

as a

