DARRELL SCHWEITZER co-edited Weird Tales magazine for nineteen years and co-edited (with Martin H. Greenberg) the successful 2007 anthology The Secret History of Vampires. He was also editor of Discovering H. P. Lovecraft, The Thomas Ligotti Reader, The Neil Gaiman Reader, and Weird Trails: the Magazine of Supernatural Cowboy Stories. As author he has published three novels, The White Isle, The Shattered Goddess, and The Mask of the Sorcerer. His nearly three hundred published stories have appeared in Postscripts, Cemetery Dance, Interzone, Twilight Zone Magazine, Amazing Stories, Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, among others. His story collections include Refugees from an Imaginary Country, Nightscapes (which contains another Kvetchula story), and Necromancies and Netherworlds (with Jason Van Hollander). He has also published essays and interviews and is an award-winning poet. His most recent book is a collection of verse, Ghosts of Past and Future. He has been nominated for the World Fantasy Award four times and won it once. Despite all this, he could not be restrained from sneaking a ghastly lycanthropic limerick into this book, but we have decided to hide it here in the bio-notes where it will do the least harm:

A werewolf, who howled at the Moon,

remarked, “I will be changed soon,

from man into beast

to enjoy a red feast,

without use of knife, fork, or spoon.”

MARTIN H. GREENBERG is the CEP of Tekno Books and its predecessor companies, now the largest book developer of commercial fiction and nonfiction in the world, with more than two thousand published books that have been translated into thirty-three languages. He is the recipient of an unprecedented three Lifetime Achievement Awards in the Science Fiction, Supernatural Horror, and Mystery genres-the Milford Award in Science Fiction, the Bram Stoker Award in Horror, and the Ellery Queen Award, respectively-and is the only person in publishing history to have received all three awards.

