Image Credits

28 Leonardo Da Vinci, Ginevra de’ Benci, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Fund. Image copyright 2004 Board of Trustees, National Gallery of Arts, Washington.

32 Copyright Archivo Iconografico S.A./Corbis.

52 Photograph by Margret Wozniak. Reproduced by permission of Steve Wozniak.

83 Copyright Popular Electronics. Courtesy of the Computer History Museum.

86 Courtesy Albuquerque Police Department.

135 Photograph by and reproduced by permission of John Colley.

139 Photograph by Alexei Nabarro, via iStockphoto.

140 The Royal Collection. Image copyright 2004, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

142 Courtesy of the NASA Dryden Photo Collection.

143 Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien oder KHM, Wien.

184 Reproduced by permission of Lawrence Livermore National Labs.

185 Reproduced by permission of John McCarthy.