The page numbers in this index refer to the page numbers of the printed book and are reproduced here for reference only. Please use the search facility of your device to find the relevant entry.



Almond croissants 277

Almond sweet pastry 138

Almond tuiles 87

Amaretti 90

Bakewell tart 160

Biscotti 99

Cherry and almond tart 156

Chocolate amaretti 91

Chocolate bear claws 266–71

Dacquoise 64

Eccles cakes 203

Florentines 100

Flourless chocolate orange almond cake 52

Frangipane 192, 266–7

Kugelhopf with almonds 297

Layered almond and hazelnut meringue cream cake 65

Nougat 108–9

Praline 256–7

Praline scrolls 256–61

Amaretti 90


Apple, bran and sour cherry muffins 71

Apple cinnamon pain au raisins 245

Apple galette 195

Apple rhubarb pies 174

Christmas fruit mince pies 178

Deep-fried apple pies 177

Peach and apple tarte Tatin 200


Bakewell tart 160

baking powder 18

baking soda 18

Banana bread 298

barberry biscuits, Oat and

bicarbonate of soda 18

Biscotti 99

biscuits, see cookies and biscuits


Blackberry jam 56

Brioche sweet pizza 288

Quince, blackberry and walnut pies 181

blind-baking 136

Blondies 69


Mixed berry muffins 72

Pain au chocolat bread and butter pudding 243

Brandy butter 54, 55

Brandy glaze 297

Brandy snaps 88

Brandy sugar syrup 277

Bread & Butter Project 8–9

Bread Social, The 10

brioche 282

100% butter brioche 284

Brioche sweet pizza 288

Chocolate brioche doughnuts 293

Lemon curd brioche balls 287

Sugar brioche 285

Brioche sweet pizza 288

butter 15–16

Butter cake 30

Buttercream 36



Banana bread 298

Blondies 69

Butter cake 30

Carrot cake 40–1

Chocolate sponge 34

Christmas cake 54–5

Dacquoise 64

Flourless chocolate cake 46–7

Flourless chocolate orange almond cake 52

Flourless dark chocolate and hazelnut cake 48

Flourless mocha and hazelnut cake 51

Kugelhopf with almonds 297

Lamingtons 56–7

Layered almond and hazelnut meringue cream cake 65

Love cake 61

Pain d’epices 294

Quince jam roll 44–5

Sponge cake 33

candies, see sweets

Caramel mousse 39

caramel, Soft brown sugar 272

Carrot cake 40–1


Apple, bran and sour cherry muffins 71

Biscotti 99

Cherry and almond tart 156

Chocolate sour cherry cookies 95

Chiboust 192


Blondies 69

Chocolate amaretti 91

Chocolate and raspberry muffins 70

Chocolate bear claws 266–71

Chocolate brioche doughnuts 293

Chocolate buttercream 37

Chocolate chip cookies 76

Chocolate choux pastry 207

Chocolate cream 215

Chocolate ganache 266–7

Chocolate ganache tarts 154

Chocolate glaze 216

Chocolate honeycomb 122

Chocolate, marshmallow and jam tarts 164–5

Chocolate meringues 117

Chocolate mousse 39

Chocolate pastry cream 215

Chocolate sauce 91

Chocolate shortbread 81

Chocolate sour cherry cookies 95

Chocolate sponge 34

Chocolate sweet pastry 139

Chocolate tuiles 86

Choc-swirled truffles 113

Cocoa-dusted truffles 113

Dark chocolate ganache 164

Deluxe truffles 113

Éclairs 211

Florentines 100

Flourless chocolate cake 46–7

Flourless chocolate orange almond cake 52

Flourless dark chocolate and hazelnut cake 48

Flourless mocha and hazelnut cake 51

Ganache 217

Lamingtons 56–7

Milk chocolate glaze 216

Pain au chocolat 236–41

Pain au chocolat bread and butter pudding 243

Poppy seed and chocolate twists 262

Rocky road 128

tempering 104–5

White chocolate mousse 37

Choux pastry 206

Choux ricotta doughnuts 219

Christmas cake 54–5

Christmas fruit mince pies 178

Classic puff pastry 184–7

Cocoa-dusted truffles 113


Coconut tuiles 87

Lamingtons 56

Lime coconut tart 163

Oat and barberry biscuits 78


Flourless mocha and hazelnut cake 51

compost making 9

cookies and biscuits

Almond tuiles 87

Amaretti 90

Biscotti 99

Brandy snaps 88

Chocolate amaretti 91

Chocolate chip cookies 76

Chocolate shortbread 81

Chocolate sour cherry cookies 95

Chocolate tuiles 86

Coconut tuiles 87

Florentines 100

Gingerbread biscuits 82

Kourabiedes 96

Oat and barberry biscuits 78

Shortbread with macadamias 79

Tuiles 85

cream 18

Cream cheese frosting 41

cream of tartar 18

Cream puffs 218

Crème pâtissière 212

Croissant loaf 278

croissants 224–35

Almond croissants 277

Custard tart 149


Dacquoise 64

Danishes 250–1

Dark chocolate ganache 164

Deep-fried apple pies 177

Deluxe truffles 113


Chocolate brioche doughnuts 293

Choux ricotta doughnuts 219

dried fruit

Apple cinnamon pain au raisins 245

Christmas cake 54–5

Christmas fruit mince pies 178

Deep-fried apple pies 177

Eccles cakes 203

Florentines 100

Kugelhopf with almonds 297

Nougat 108–9

Pain aux raisins 244–9


Eccles cakes 203

Éclairs 211

environmental sustainability 9

equipment for baking 22


fillings and toppings, see also jam

Brandy butter 54, 55

Brandy glaze 297

Brandy sugar syrup 277

Buttercream 36

Caramel mousse 39

Chocolate buttercream 37

Chocolate cream 215

Chocolate ganache 266–7

Chocolate glaze 216

Chocolate mousse 39

Chocolate pastry cream 215

Cream cheese frosting 41

Crème pâtissière 212

Dark chocolate ganache 164

Fondant icing 217

Frangipane 192, 266–7

Ganache 217

Lemon curd 142

Milk chocolate glaze 216

Royal icing 82, 196–7

Soft brown sugar caramel 272

Sour cream filling 30

Vanilla cream 214

White chocolate mousse 37

firm ball stage 19

Florentines 100

flour 25

Flourless chocolate cake 46–7

Flourless chocolate orange almond cake 52

Flourless dark chocolate and hazelnut cake 48

Flourless mocha and hazelnut cake 51

flour types 14–15

Fondant icing 217

fruit mince pies, Christmas 178


Ganache 217

Chocolate ganache 266–7

Dark chocolate ganache 164

gelatine 19


Ginger brûlée tarts 150, 153

Gingerbread biscuits 82

Pain d’epices 294

Gingerbread biscuits 82

glazes, see also fillings and toppings

Brandy glaze 297

Chocolate glaze 216

Milk chocolate glaze 216

gliadin 25

gluten 25

glutenin 25

Golden syrup tarts 146



Dacquoise 64

Flourless dark chocolate and hazelnut cake 48

Flourless mocha and hazelnut cake 51

Layered almond and hazelnut meringue cream cake 65

Nougat 108–9


Chocolate honeycomb 122

Nougat 108–9

production of 9



Blackberry jam 56

Quince jam 44

Raspberry jam 164–5, 189

Jam fingers 189

Jubes 119


kitchen equipment 22

Kourabiedes 96

Kugelhopf with almonds 297


Lamingtons 56–7

Layered almond and hazelnut meringue cream cake 65


Lemon curd 142

Lemon curd brioche balls 287

Lemon curd tarts 142

Lime coconut tart 163

Love cake 61



Macadamia morning buns 272–5

Nougat 108–9

Shortbread with macadamias 79

Marshmallows 125

Meringue 143

Meringues 116

milk 18

Milk chocolate glaze 216

Millefeuille 196–7

Mixed berry muffins 72

mixing technique 25


Apple, bran and sour cherry muffins 71

Chocolate and raspberry muffins 70

Mixed berry muffins 72


Nougat 108–9


Oat and barberry biscuits 78

100% butter brioche 284


Blondies 69

Flourless chocolate orange almond cake 52

Kugelhopf with almonds 297

oven temperatures 26, 313

oven types 26, 313


Pain au chocolat 236–41

Pain au chocolat bread and butter pudding 243

Pain aux raisins 244–9

Pain d’epices 294


Passionfruit meringue tarts 143

Pavlova roll with strawberries and passionfruit 62


Almond croissants 277

Apple cinnamon pain au raisins 245

Apple galette 195

Chocolate bear claws 266–71

Choux ricotta doughnuts 219

Cream puffs 218

Croissant 224–35

Croissant loaf 278

Danishes 250–1

Eccles cakes 203

Éclairs 211

Jam fingers 189

Macadamia morning buns 272–5

Millefeuille 196–7

Pain au chocolat 236–41

Pain aux raisins 244–9

Peach and apple tarte Tatin 200

Pithivier 192

Poppy seed and chocolate twists 262

Praline scrolls 256–61


Almond sweet pastry 138

blind-baking 136

Chocolate choux pastry 207

Chocolate sweet pastry 139

Choux pastry 206

Classic puff pastry 184–7

Pâte sablée 137

resting stage 25–6

Rough puff 188

Sweet pastry 137

Sweet pâte brisée 134–6

Sweet shortcrust pastry 134–6

techniques 25–6

Pâte sablée 137

Pavlova roll with strawberries and passionfruit 62


Peach and apple tarte Tatin 200

Peach and ricotta tarts 155


Rocky road 128


Danishes 250–1

Poached pears for danishes 254

Pecan tart 159


Apple rhubarb pies 174

Christmas fruit mince pies 178

Deep-fried apple pies 177

Pumpkin pie 171


Nougat 108–9

Pithivier 192

pizza, Brioche sweet 288

Poached pears for danishes 254

Poppy seed and chocolate twists 262

Praline 256–7

Praline scrolls 256–61

proving dough 26, 313

pudding, Pain au chocolat bread and butter 243

puff pastry, Classic 184–7

Pumpkin pie 171


Quick puff 188


Quince, blackberry and walnut pies 181

Quince jam 44

Quince jam roll 44–5



Brioche sweet pizza 288

Chocolate and raspberry muffins 70

Chocolate, marshmallow and jam tarts 164–5

Jam fingers 189

Mixed berry muffins 72

Raspberry jam 164–5, 189

resting pastry 25–6


Apple rhubarb pies 174

Danishes 250–1

Roasted rhubarb for danishes 255


Brioche sweet pizza 288

Choux ricotta doughnuts 219

Peach and ricotta tarts 155

Ricotta tart 168

Roasted rhubarb for danishes 255

Rocky road 128

Rough puff 188

Royal icing 82, 196–7


salt 15

sauce, Chocolate 91


Chocolate shortbread 81

Kourabiedes 96

Shortbread with macadamias 79

social enterprise 8–9

soft ball stage 19

Soft brown sugar caramel 272

Sour cream filling 30

sponge cakes 33, 34, 44, 56


Mixed berry muffins 72

Pavlova roll with strawberries and passionfruit 62

sugar 16–17

firm ball stage 19

soft ball stage 19

Sugar brioche 285

Sweet pastry 137

Sweet pâte brisée 134–6

Sweet shortcrust pastry 134–6


Chocolate honeycomb 122

Jubes 119

Marshmallows 125

Nougat 108–9

Rocky road 128


tarts, see also pastries

Bakewell tart 160

Cherry and almond tart 156

Chocolate ganache tarts 154

Chocolate, marshmallow and jam tarts 164–5

Custard tart 149

Ginger brûlée tarts 150, 153

Golden syrup tarts 146

Lemon curd tarts 142

Lime coconut tart 163

Passionfruit meringue tarts 143

Peach and apple tarte Tatin 200

Peach and ricotta tarts 155

Pecan tart 159

Pumpkin pie 171

Ricotta tart 168

techniques for baking 25–6

tempering chocolate 104–5

toppings, see fillings and toppings


Choc-swirled truffles 113

Cocoa-dusted truffles 113

Deluxe truffles 113

Tuiles 85

Almond tuiles 87

Chocolate tuiles 86

Coconut tuiles 87


Vanilla cream 214



Kourabiedes 96

Love cake 61

Nougat 108–9

Quince, blackberry and walnut pies 181

water 15

White chocolate mousse 37


yeast 16, 26, 16, 313