For many of us, walking into a kitchenware store is a therapeutic retail habit, and it’s hard to escape without another ‘must have’ product. But to be a good baker you do not need every piece of equipment invented; they can end up cluttering your kitchen and ultimately your bottom drawer. If we could persuade you to buy just five items, they would be the first five on this list.
A good set of electronic scales is the most important piece of equipment a home baker can own. Buy reliable small scales at any decent kitchen equipment shop, or better still, find a specialty store. An electronic scale with a 5 kg (10 lb) maximum, and increments no greater than 2 g (1/16 oz), is the best option.
A free-standing electric mixer is a worthwhile investment if you are a regular baker. Check it has a strong motor: the motor drives the cog that drives the dough hook. If you overheat the motor and it burns out, you will generally need to replace the whole mixer. It is assumed your mixer will have paddle, whip and dough hook attachments.
A metal sugar thermometer is a great tool to hang on the inside of your saucepan.
A little baking notebook is a great resource — you only learn from your mistakes if you can remember them! Writing down what you achieved from a mix, prove or bake — or even what you had hoped or expected — is an important self-teaching tool. Looking back at the notebook next time you attempt the same recipe should help prevent you making the same mistakes twice!
A little timer is invaluable. Baking is a game of seconds, and it is worth keeping track of these, especially at the oven or mixing stages. Your in-built oven timer might not be reliable.