I am very grateful to Lyn DelliQuadri, my longtime friend and former boss at the Art Institute of Chicago, and Jane Lahr for agreeing to serve as my agents for Cat Lady Chic. They championed this project early on and provided expert guidance every step of the way. David Cashion, who admitted at the outset to being a dog lover, did not need to convince me that he was the perfect editor for this book, in which the cat is the top dog. It has been a true privilege to collaborate with David and the exceptional team at Abrams Image, and I also want to thank Deborah Aaronson, vice president and publisher. Rachel Willey thoughtfully designed a book that combines elements of timeless and contemporary chic.

Marty Stein and Kem Schultz were extremely collegial, and I could not have produced this book without the astute assistance of Margaret McKee, a professional image librarian who freelanced as my photo editor before and after office hours. Heather Brand, a close friend and fellow cat lover, offered to read my introductory essay at various stages and to review pull quotes from some of the famously opinionated Cat Ladies featured in this book.

I thank especially my mother, my husband, and my furry kids. Finally, I wish to dedicate this book to Lucius, who is forever in my memories. I hope he considered his Cat Lady chic.