Coinneal ag dul as déanach istoíche

A solas á shantú aici go géar

Is ansan faic.

An gearrshaolach é Do laomsa

An neamhní Tusa leis?

Céir agus buaiceas, is substaintí iad

Tá críoch i ndán dóibh.

Substaint agus neamhshubstaint atá Ionatsa

Cur Leat ná baint Díot ní féidir

Ní go dtumtar Id lasair gheal

A thuigtear gurb ann Duit


A candle flickers late at night

Greedily hanging on to its flame

And then nothing.

Is Your light so short-lived?

Are You, too, nothing?

Wax and wick are substances

And, as such, come to nought.

But You are all substances and none.

Nothing of You can be less, or more.

Only by plunging deep into Your flame

Can we know that You are.