Is cinnte go raibh eolas ag an bhfear pluaise Ort
Is gur Tusa a chothaigh is a spreag é
Chun sléibhte is farraigí a aithint
A ainmniú
Sular tháinig na focail as an bhfolús
Luathshiollaí á bhfoirmiú i mbolcáin
Ag gluaiseacht in oighearshruthanna
Á rá ag an ngaoth
Athchnuasaím go léir anois Duit iad
The caveman knew of You surely
You nurtured him, inspired him
Recognising mountains and seas
Naming them
Before words came from the void
Proto-syllables forming in volcanoes
Carried by glaciers
Spoken by the wind
I gather them all for You now