Taoi ionam is fós lastall, conas?
Má ba cheist í riamh anall
Ní ceist a thuilleadh í.
Ní cheistím Thú
Ní cheistím mé féin
Doirtim an freagra
Ar fud a bhfuil ann
Is nach bhfuil ann
Maidin is oíche
Is fós ní leor é
Mar, tuig seo –
Níl ceist ann, níl, níl
Mar sin níl freagra
You are in me yet beyond, how?
Has it always been the question?
A question no more.
I do not question You
I do not question myself
I pour the answer
Over all that is
And is not
Morning and night
And yet it does not suffice
Because, understand this –
There is no question, no, no,
And so, no answer