Declan had made love to me three more times that night. I’d never experienced anything that intense before. Sure, I’d had good sex, but this was different. Everything about Declan was different. He was strong but shared his feelings with me. I never questioned where I stood with him or how much I meant to him. Declan not only told me, but also showed me with his actions.

He was an absolute catch, and I was never letting him go.

Everyone in the P&D department had known the minute Declan and I had gotten together even though I’d thought we’d been careful about our relationship and tried to keep it on the down low. No one cared, and we never got into any kind of trouble over it—thank God. I had been sincerely worried that at least one of us would take the brunt of breaking an unspoken rule. But now that I was in another division of the company, I didn’t have to worry anymore.

I’d ended up transferring to the theme parks division six weeks later with my boss, Marlo’s, blessing, recommendation, and help. I knew Declan had talked to him about it, but he insisted that Marlo was the one who had stepped up and actually made the switch happen. I wasn’t sure I believed him, but my man usually didn’t lie. I guessed it didn’t matter how it had all gone down; all that mattered was that it finally had. I was currently a marketing assistant on the fast track to becoming a manager and eventually a supervisor.

I was happier than I’d been in a very long time, working where I felt like my talents were actually being put to good use and so in love that I could barely see straight. Dreaming about being with Declan had been one thing, but real-life Declan had proven to be so much more fulfilling.

We were a good team, supportive of one another and both equally driven in our own ways. Whenever we weren’t at the office, we were together, usually at his place. He’d even given me my own key and told me to move in whenever I was ready. I’d been ready the first night he brought me home, but I tried to maintain some sense of calm instead of telling him I’d go grab my things and be right back.

Falling into a rhythm with him had been almost effortless. I supposed that was what happened when you found your perfect match, the one you’d wished for on fake falling stars.

I wouldn’t have it any other way.




Thank you so much for reading the VERY FIRST BOOK in my Fun for the Holidays Series! I hope you enjoyed Declan & Lily’s story as much as I did! It was a lot of fun to write and hopefully a lot of fun to read as well!

I came up with the idea for my FUN FOR THE HOLIDAYS series to give you lighthearted and happy reads. But mostly, I just wanted you to enjoy yourself and get lost in a fictional world for a little while. I hope this story did that for you.

The next one is DUMPED FOR VALENTINE’S, and it’s available for preorder right now.


Of course, there are more to come, so make sure you sign up for my newsletter, so you don’t miss out on any of them.