Text copyright © 1993 by Bodil Bredsdorff

English translation copyright © 2009 by Kathryn Mahaffy
Originally published in Danish by Høst & Son under the title Eidi: Børnene i Kragevig 2
Published in agreement with Høst & Son represented by ICBS, Copenhagen
All rights reserved
Distributed in Canada by Douglas & McIntyre Ltd.
Printed in July 2009 in the United States of America
by RR Donnelley Company, Harrisonburg, VA
Designed by Jaclyn Sinquett
First edition, 2009
1  3  5  7  9  10  8  6  4  2




Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Bredsdorff, Bodil.

[Eidi. English]

Eidi / Bodil Bredsdorff ; translated from the Danish by Kathryn Mahaffy.— 1st ed.

   p. cm. — (The children of Crow Cove ; 2)

Summary: Eidi leaves her mother and stepfather in Crow Cove to live in a nearby village, where she meets the much younger Tink and rescues him from the abusive man he has been living with.

ISBN-13: 978-0-374-31267-1

[1. Orphans—Fiction. 2. Conduct of life—Fiction.] I. Mahaffy, Kathryn. II. Title.


PZ7.B74814Ei 2009
