Preface to the Second Edition

Foreword and Warning

Part I: The Fundamentals


2.Morality, The First and Last Training

3.Concentration, The Second Training

4.Wisdom, The Third Training

5.The Three Characteristics




6.The Five Spiritual Faculties

Faith and Wisdom

Energy and Concentration


7.The Seven Factors of Awakening








8.The Three Trainings Revisited





The Play

9.The Four Noble Truths

Truth Number One: There Is Suffering

Truth Number Two: There Is the Cause of Suffering

Truth Number Three: There Is the End of Suffering

Truth Number Four: The Noble Eightfold Path

10.Objects for Insight Practices

When, Where, and For How Long?

11.On Teachers

12.Daily Life and Retreats

13.A Few Odds and Ends About Retreats

14.Post-Retreat Advice



Part II: Light and Shadows

17.Introduction to Parts Two through Five

18.Buddhism versus the Buddhaimages

19.Content and Ultimate Realityimages

20.What Went Wrong?images

21.A Clear Goal

22.Harnessing the Energy of the Defilements

23.Right Thought and the Augean Stables

24.From Content to Insight

Part III: The Shamatha Jhanas

25.Introduction to Part Three

26.The Wide World of Jhana

The First Jhana

The Second Jhana

The Third Jhana

The Fourth Jhana

27.The Concentration States (Shamatha Jhanas)

The First Shamatha Jhana

The Second Shamatha Jhana

The Third Shamatha Jhana

The Fourth Shamatha Jhana

28.The Formless Realms

The Fifth Jhana, Boundless Space

The Sixth Jhana, Boundless Consciousness

The Seventh Jhana, Nothingness

The Eighth Jhana, Neither Perception Nor Non-Perception

Limitations of Concentration Practice

29.Kasina Practice

Part IV: Insight

30.The Progress of Insight

1. Mind and Body

2. Cause and Effect

3. The Three Characteristics

4. The Arising and Passing Away

5. Dissolution, Entrance to the Dark Night

6. Fear

7. Misery

8. Disgust

9. Desire for Deliverance

10. Re-observation

11. Equanimity

12. Conformity

13. Change of Lineage

14. Path

15. Fruition

31.The Three Doors

32.“What Was That?”


34.The Vipassana Jhanas

Bill Hamilton's Model


U Pandita's Model

One More Model

35.How the Maps Help

36.Beyond First Path (“What Next?”)

Part V: Awakening

37.Models of the Stages of Awakeningimages

General Problems with Current Models

Models That are Mostly Unhelpful

The Non-Duality Model

The Sudden Schools of Awakening

The Direct Perception Models

Time and Space Models

The Fundamental Perception Models

The Specific Perception Models

The Emotional Models

The Theravada Four-Path Model

A Revised Four-Path Model

The Bodhisattva Bhumi Model

The Mahayana Five-Path Model

The Vajrayana Models

The Concentration Models

The Cessation of Perception and Feeling (Nirodha Samapatti)

Back to the Vajrayana Story

The Simple Model

The Action Models

The Perfect Speech Models

The Perfect Internet Behavior Models

The Powers Models

The Energetic Models

The Sleep Models

The Specific Knowledge Models

The Psychological Models

The No-Thought Models

The God Models

The Unity Models

The True Self Models

The Physical Models

The Biological Models

The Radiance Models

The Karma Models

The Perpetual Bliss Models

The Three Kayas

The Immortality Models

The Transcendence Models

The Extinction Models

The Love Models

The Equanimity Models

The No-Preferences Models

The Special Models

The Social Models

The Ultimate Reality versus Unreality Models

The Meaning Models

The Three Yanas

Ditching Our “Stuff” versus Ditching the Split

The “Nothing To Do” and “You Are Already There” Schools

Depths of Realization and Integration

Archetypes, Roles, Inspiration, and Becoming

Dependent Origination

Final Points

Towards Contemporary Models


39.It Is Possible!

40.More on the “Mushroom Factor”images

41.So, Who the Heck Is Daniel M. Ingram?

Part VI: My Spiritual Quest


43.The Early Years

The Arising and Passing Away


45.College and Pre-Buddhist Exploration

46.The Middle Years

47.Thank U, India

48.The First Bodh Gaya Retreat

49.The First MBMC Retreat

50.The Dark Night Gets Ugly

51.The Second Bodh Gaya Retreat

52.The Great Stream Enterer

53.Dharma Power, Dharma Poison

54.The Middle Paths

Slam-Shifting Ñanas and Jhanas


Nirodha Samapatti

55.Map Failure


57.Kasinas, Powers, and Retreats

58.Introduction to the Powers

59.Are the Powers Real?

60.Paradigm Fluency


62.Those Damn Fairies…

63.Definitions of the Powers

64.Ethics and the Powers

65.How to Cultivate the Powers

66.Made Pliant and Malleable

67.Benefits of the Powers

68.Magick and the Brahma Viharas

Formal Definitions

The Brahma Viharas

Bodhicitta as Magick

Vipassana as Magick

69.Bhavana Society 2001 Retreat

Fire Kasina Practice

Morality and Magick

70.Around the World and Finding Home

The Second MBMC Retreat



Wobble and Fall

Vimuttimagga, The Path of Freedom

71.More Practical Tidbits

Describing Your Practice

Dependent Origination Revisited

72.Conclusion and Best Wishes
