All page numbers refer to the print edition of this title.
adaptation, 127, 225–26
aesthetic unity, 13, 18, 166–68
age of plants, 121, 127
Ahamkara, 484–85
aisthesis, 356–59
alienation, 7, 96
amygdala, 65–66
analogical thinking, 336–42, 350, 359,
animism, 220
anthropocentrism, 79–84, 94, 402, 406–7
moving beyond, 131, 359–61
antibiotics. See bacteria
antidepressants. See serotonin reuptake
inhibitors (SRIs)
Archi and archetypes, 366, 369–72
Armah, Ayi Kwei, 242
Armstrong, Louis, 267
art, 19, 232, 244–68, 300–315
artificiality, 116
aspens, 122
attention, 42, 55, 56–57, 65–66, 222,
236, 301–6
to feelings, 270–71, 273, 294, 296,
sensory gating channels and, 323–24
auditory processing, 34, 36–37, 38–42
of plants, 125
autopoiesis, 143
auxin, 122, 183
awareness. See consciousness
ayahuasca (DMT), 192, 194, 195, 197,
214–16, 217, 219
Azmitia, Efrain, 169, 181–82, 183, 184,
185, 186–87
background and foreground, 235–39,
361, 365
bacteria, 94–106, 134–35, 407–10
antibiotic resistant, 95–102, 109
communication among, 99, 100,
as Gaia’s agents, 130, 396–97, 407–11
sexual reproduction and, 158–59
barbarian, becoming, 357–58, 361, 415,
Basho, 242, 300
Bateson, Gregory, 13, 63, 154, 208, 307,
on evolution, 1, 138, 151
on mind, 68, 93
on nature as context, 232, 235
on patterns, 166, 231
Baudelaire, Charles, 341
behavior, 53, 69–78, 127, 152, 167–68,
consciousness modules and, 482–83,
486, 487–88, 507, 508
of plants, 113, 119, 124, 189
of systems, 209, 210–11, 377–80
beliefs affecting perception, 61–62
Bellmer, Hans, 351
benzene, 180–81
Berendt, Jacob-Ernst, 314, 386, 390, 391,
Berne, Eric, 49, 482–83, 509
Bernstein, Leonard, 303–4
Berry, Thomas, 396
bifurcations, 209, 393–95, 400–401
biofilms, bacterial, 137–38
bioprecipitation, 145–51
Black Elk, 383
Blake, William, 32, 299
Bly, Robert, 46, 253–54, 276, 307, 351,
on phase change, 362–63, 365
on Thoreau, 20, 232
on writing, 252, 253–54, 302, 305,
330, 336–37
body, the, 500–502
trusting, 176
bonsai, 309–10
Bortoft, Henri, 333, 334, 336, 371
Bose, Jagadis, 110, 111, 122–23
brain, 32, 33–41
in plants, 117–24
scientific obsession with, 92, 93, 94, 112
Le Brun, Annie, 359, 425, 467
Burbank, Luther, 51, 65, 335, 370
on children and childhood, 493, 495–
Burroughs, William, 458
cannabinoids, 222–23
Carver, George Washington, 320, 328
Cash, Rosanne, 313, 315
Castle, Terry, 22–23
Cave, Nick, 279
central nervous system (CNS), 50, 58,
170, 222
chaos, 73–74, 384
theory, 75, 154
childlikeness, 53, 323, 325–26
children and childhood, 13–14, 18, 19,
213, 220
sensory gating in, 40, 46–50
“sensory processing deficits” (SPDs)
in, 47–48
chloroplasts, 184
Cinderella, 452
circadian rhythms, 175, 186
civilization, 444–45
Clapton, Eric, 261, 267, 280
Clark, Nigel, 393, 397, 399, 400–401,
424, 436
Clark’s Nutcracker, 86–92
coevolution, 86, 201–11, 234–39
cognitive overload, 476
Collingwood, R. G., 2
communication, 207–8, 219, 355–62,
chemical, 122, 125–26, 209
in ecosystems, 206–10, 386
evolution as, 345–48
imagination as, 340–41
language and, 314–15
music as, 260, 262, 391
with plants, 296, 324–25, 340–41,
community/individual relationship, 176,
185, 230
complexity, 71, 73, 137, 152–53,
computers, plants as, 116–17
congruency, 89, 91, 303–4
altering, 59–61, 244, 248, 250–54,
257–60, 269–71
modules, 52–53, 388–89, 475, 481–
multiplicity of, 52, 506–7
in non-humans, 84–86
repression and, 61–65, 507–8
training, 270–74, 337–38
and unconsciousness, 74, 255–56,
373–74, 480–81
contemplation, 328–31
contrast of sensory input, 36
control, 19, 305, 374
cooperation in nature, 126, 141
corporations, 427–28, 431–32
Crichton, Michael, 93, 127, 154, 202,
on complex systems, 69, 73, 136, 150
on evolution, 233–34
on modern science, 69, 133, 431
on swarm intelligence, 373–74
culture and awareness, 19, 24–25, 43, 47
cummings, e. e., 442
Darwin, Charles, 81, 111, 239
Dawkins, Richard, 396
Dawson, Kim, 169
death, 403–5
Delaney, Samuel, 349
Densmore, Frances, 38, 264
depression, 478–80
depth immersion, 315–19, 337–38
Deresiewicz, William, 420–22
Derrida, Jacques, 437
developmental stages, 50–51, 52–53,
483, 489, 498
disease as disharmony, 390
dissociation, 84, 434, 440–41, 443
DMT. See ayahuasca (DMT)
dolphin song, 391
dopamine, 175
dreaming, 30, 114–15, 250–51, 259,
of Earth, 376–79, 383
duende, 306–7, 368
Dunning, John, 246
Eagle Shield, 264
Eckerman, Johann Peter, 275
ecology, 2, 138, 139, 298
balance of, 203–4
education on, 318–19
ecoranges, 128–29, 202
ecosystems, 223–30
pain of, 223
education. See school
Ego, 484–89
Einstein, Albert, 1, 13, 24, 93, 129, 336
and childlikeness, 303, 336
on curiosity, 323
on delusion of separateness, 241
on feeling, 167, 320, 351
on perception, 243, 376
Elgar, Edward, 390
emergence, 72–73, 74, 132, 167, 367
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 337
empathy with others, 220–21
empiricism, error of, 334
entrainment, 386–87
environment, 372
individual as part of, 26–27, 141, 142,
150, 208–9, 289
as scenario, 232–38, 362, 397
environmentalism, 432
evolution, 1, 65, 78, 128–29, 142, 345
and archetypes, 371
of bacteria, 97–100, 103, 104–5
and coevolution, 201–11, 234–39
intelligence and, 77–92, 98
as ongoing, 233–34
psychotropics and, 224–25
of sex, 158–66
of viruses, 107–9
experts and expertise, 415, 416, 418–20,
exteroceptive inputs, 73, 76, 77
extraterrestrial matter, 399–400, 407,
faces, 278–79
fairy tales, 446–54
fear, 70, 403–4, 475, 477, 486–87
aesthetic unity and, 166–67
attention to, 59–60, 65–66, 440–54
the emotions of others, 476–77
field, 281
literature and, 245–48, 252
music and, 258–62, 265–66, 268
nature evoking, 275–77
pain, 278–80
of place, 256–57, 277
as real, 269–70
sense, 29, 33, 38, 39
tone, 270–71, 273, 295, 313, 335
training sense of, 66–67, 270–74,
280–91, 351–54
Fericgla, Josep, 192
first things, 369
flowers, 161–63
food, 442
forests, 117–18, 148–49
Francis, Dick, 247–50, 488
Freedman, David, 426
free will, 78, 139
Freud, Anna, 418–19
Freud, Sigmund, 484
Frost, Robert, 415
Fukuoka, Masanobu, 136–37, 144, 275,
358–59, 369
on children, 495
on interrelationship, 205, 210, 364
on nature’s fluidity, 239
on plant archetypes, 370
Fuller, Buckminster, 155, 234, 236–37,
240, 293, 397
on humanity, 435
on scenario, 232
fungi. See also psilocybin
and plants, 120, 125–26, 199, 209,
211–12, 215
psychotropics in, 197–202, 211–14,
reproduction of, 160
Gaia, 129–68, 396–406, 446
bacteria as, 135, 137–38
function of humans in, 406–11
innovation and, 159, 437–38
as personification, 150–51
reproduction of, 396, 407–9, 410–11
serotonin and, 180–88
gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA),
123–24, 173, 222–23
Garcia Lorca, Federico, 306, 368
Gardner, John, 244, 250, 251–52, 253,
342, 368
Garland, Judy, 443
gating. See sensory gating channels
genetics, 142, 321–22, 335, 344–48, 431
Godesky, Jason, 219–20, 296, 340–41
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 46, 72,
130, 240, 336, 405, 446
on archetypes, 370, 371
on the body, 176, 500
on perception, 40, 243, 250, 290–91,
327, 329, 331–32, 343
on writing, 251, 455
golden threads, 299, 300–311, 315–18,
321, 329–31, 349, 364
Greenberg, Joanne, 503
Harding, Stephan, 231, 241–42, 318–19
on perception, 328, 443
Harmon, Graham, 131
healing, 388–90, 392
heart field, 508–10
heart perception, 33
Heinlein, Robert, 80, 397
herbalism, 423
Herbert, Frank, 134, 139
Hillman, James, 18, 19, 61, 272,
hippocampus, 34, 48, 172–73
Hird, Myra, 130, 141, 144–45
Hofmann, Albert, 17–19, 58, 218,
on LSD, 195, 198, 221, 226–27, 228,
229, 380
on paranoia, 465–66, 473
on realities, 45–46, 439, 458
holism, 2, 77, 114, 210
Gaia hypothesis and, 132
in perception, 237–38
vs. reductionism, 72, 350, 402–3
homeodynamis, 128–29, 144, 210–11,
377–79, 384, 400–401
homeostatic regulators, 186–87
honeybees, 175–76
human beings, 11–12, 18
as dependent on non-humans, 145
ecological function of, 401, 406–11
future of, 403, 411–13, 435
as non-unique, 79, 131
as predator species, 107, 406
understanding, 396, 401–6
Huxley, Aldous, 2, 26, 45, 195–96, 220–
21, 318, 326, 378, 455
imaginal world, 362–67, 371, 383–84
imagination, 297, 335–41. See also
immersion, 315–19, 329–31, 350, 358
individual, trusting in, 424, 435–38
inner child work, 481, 493–98
inner council work, 481–502
innovation, 422–23
in systems, 159, 165, 168, 191, 233
intelligence, 28, 68–92
bacterial, 102–6
meaning of, 77–78
of plants, 110–24, 126–27
of viruses, 107–9
interactors, strong and weak, 202–4
interconnectedness, 232, 307–8, 349,
399. See also golden threads;
interoceptive inputs, 53, 72–73, 76, 77
intuition, 167, 241–42
invasive species, 210–11, 289–90, 380,
Ionnanidis, John, 425–27, 430
Jefferson, Thomas, 394
journey, the, 463–64, 466–68
juggling, 74–76, 152
Jung, C. G., 457–58
Junger, Ernst, 68, 382
Kalahari Bushmen, 243, 289, 291, 295,
307–8, 371–72, 387
Keeney, Bradford, 268–69, 276, 289,
295–96, 299, 387–88
Keller, Evelyn Fox, 319, 320, 327–28,
on Barbara McClintock, 324, 325–26,
329, 335, 343–44, 348
Keller, Helen, 51, 466
keystone behaviors, 210–11
keystone species, 202, 203–5, 210–11
Kiefer, Mark, 52, 56, 57, 64
King, Stephen, 240, 251
Kolbert, Elizabeth, 394–95
Krenov, James, 308–9, 310–11
Krugman, Paul, 237, 394, 415, 419, 428
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, 8–12
language, 49, 207–8, 314
metaphorical, 197, 274
Lao-tzu, 369
learning, 127–28, 152, 242
experiential, 282–88, 291–93, 353
vs. knowing, 352–53
Lenton, Timothy, 100, 129, 138, 144,
149, 150, 298
on Gaia, 376, 396–97
Leonard, George, 387, 389
Leopold, Aldo, 20, 107, 386
Lewontin, Richard, 85, 126, 132, 324,
on environmental space, 235, 238
on evolution, 78, 141–42, 234
linearity. See nonlinearity
livingness, 63, 352–53
locust, desert, 177–80
Lovelock, James, 76, 131, 275–76, 380,
on coevolution, 234–35, 239
on Gaia, 132, 142–43, 167, 349
lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), 194,
195, 197, 198, 221, 227–29,
Mahler, Gustav, 254–55, 267–68
Margulis, Lynn, 81, 101, 131, 140, 143,
158–59, 160
mathematical ability, 87, 88–92
McClintock, Barbara, 26, 68, 111, 319,
321–29, 335, 342, 343–44, 348–49,
meaning, 28, 59, 62–64, 332–34
mechanicalism, 254
music and, 263, 264–66
in science, 266–67
medicinal plant songs, 384–85, 388
memory, 14, 87–88, 89–90, 91–92
of bacterial colonies, 102–3
of plants, 119, 124, 127
of self-organized systems, 209
mescaline, 195–96, 221
metapattern, 154–57, 166, 216
metaphysical background of world,
314–18, 332, 336, 361
Midgley, Mary, 81, 82, 83, 93, 96, 150,
237, 416–17
Mirabai, 468
Muir, John, 298
music, 217, 254–68, 311–17, 391–92,
entrainment in, 387–89
psychotropics and, 228, 381–82
mystery, 13, 134
naturalists, 319, 320–50
Nature, 213, 289
patterns in, 151–58
as scenario, 232–34
science and, 19
neural networks, 33, 57–58, 119–24,
139, 157, 169–70
of plants, 119–24, 125, 188–90,
plasticity in, 38, 170–73, 185
psychotropics and, 211–14,
serotonin and, 184–88, 390
neurotransmitters in plants, 112, 119,
122, 184
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 192, 242
nodes, 203, 204, 238, 307, 362, 366,
non-conformity, 6–8, 22–25
value of, 22–24
nonlinearity, 71–73, 75, 90–91,
153–55, 397–401
and problem-solving, 436–37
notitia, 300, 309–11, 328
numinous experience, 14–18, 20–22
art and, 19, 21
oscillation, patterns of, 384–91
oxygen, 182–83
pain, 223
paranoia, 473–76
Parker, Charlie, 266
patterns, 151–58, 166, 167, 216–17,
231, 314–15
Pendell, Dale, 168, 192, 224–25, 373,
perception, 19–20, 26–44, 46, 349–50,
beliefs and, 61–62, 167
of feelings, 270–72
gains in, 56–57
holistic, 237–38, 243
and imaginal world, 371
meaning and, 332–34
and the perceptual database, 291–97
in plants, 112–17
psychotropics and, 194–230
training, 280–95, 321
personhood of the other, 219–20
personification of nature, 150–51
perturbations, 74, 160, 205–6, 209, 213,
phase change, 71, 154, 178, 203, 362–63,
403. See also synchronization
archetypes of, 369–71, 385
chemical treatment of, 123, 200
communication with, 296, 324–25,
340–41, 386
music and, 263–64
oscillations in, 385–86
serotonin in, 169, 184, 188–91
and their environment, 113–17
plasticity, 38, 48–49, 63, 119, 170–73,
synaptic, 170–71, 185, 186
pollination, 160–63
psilocybin, 196, 197–202, 211–14, 218–
19, 372
psychoanalysis, 418–20
psychosis, 31, 33
psychotropics, 192–230, 269, 361
emergence of, 380–81
Pythagoras, 68
quantum theory, 85, 344–47, 366–67,
372, 377, 401
Ram Dass, 490
reading, 244–45
reality. See also metaphysical background
of world
feelings and, 269
as multiple, 45–46
presumptions about, 24–25, 83
psychotropics and, 226–28
reason, inadequacy of, 348, 393–94, 415
reductionism, 69–70, 72, 78, 94, 132,
167, 230, 318
as dissociative, 84, 150, 432
fear and, 70, 239, 343
Renard, Jules, 466
repression, 61–65, 478
reproduction, 158–66
rice, 370–71
Rilke, Rainer Maria, 277–79, 412
Roethke, Theodore, 21
roots, 120–21
as brain of plants, 111, 121–22, 124,
188, 211–14
growth of, 188–89
metapatterns and, 157
serotonin and, 188–91
symbiotic relationships of, 124–25,
199–201, 202, 211–14, 215
Rubin, Edgar, 236
Rumi, 374
Ryan, Frank, 27, 106–7, 108–9
safety, 466–67, 469, 471–73
Sagan, Dorion, 2, 158–59, 396
Saul, John Ralston, 393–94, 415, 441
Saunders, Peter, 376
schizophrenia, 31, 33, 42–44, 361
healing, 503–12
as state of altered consciousness, 44
school, 3–6, 65, 417, 420–22
vs. education, 4, 12, 18, 19, 253, 318,
416, 421–22
science, holistic, 241–42, 254, 321–28
and depth, 318–20
vs. modern science, 350
science, modern, 136–37, 231
anthropocentrism of, 79–84, 94, 150,
arrogance of, 133, 322, 360
and Barbara McClintock, 321–22,
brain chauvinism of, 92, 93, 94, 112
failures of, 425–33
mechanicalism of, 266–67
secret kinesis of things, 246–47, 268–74,
seeds, 385
self-awareness, 28, 124, 477, 488
self-care, 279–80, 342–43, 465–502
exercises for, 489–502
self-organization, 69–78, 135–36, 143–
44, 152–53
archetypes and, 372
bifurcation and, 395
of ecosystems, 209–11, 238–39
of Gaia, 367, 383–86
intelligence as, 84, 112
neural networks and, 169–70
semantics of, 208
serotonin and, 180–88, 191
of Universe, 398–400
self/other duality, 240
transcending, 300, 328, 360–61
self-selection, 418, 420, 421–22, 431
Seneca, Joe, 258
senses, 26–30, 331
chemistry of, 37
communication and, 39–40, 126
processing input of, 29–31, 60
sensory gating channels, 31–35, 46, 75, 171
in children, 323, 334–35
deficits in, 41–44
of Earth, 377–78
neurochemistry and, 173, 190–91
in non-Western minds, 433–34
opening, 35–37, 38–41, 54–61, 67,
270–74, 331
perturbations and, 213, 225
psychotropics and, 194–97, 214, 219,
221–24, 269
reading and, 244–54
reducing, 469–71, 477–78
and self/other duality, 240
sex and, 161
sensory gestalt, 295–97
sensory overload, 468, 476–77
sensory processing deficits (SPDs),
41–44, 47
serotonin, 169, 172–77, 178–80, 190
Gaia and, 180–88
music and, 390
psychotropics and, 193–97
receptors, 173–76, 212, 217, 218
serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs),
190–91, 479
sex, 158–66
shadow sides, 451–53
sight and seeing, 326–27, 342
Smith, Noah, 415
soil, 120–21, 212
song of Earth, 383–92
Sontag, Susan, 84
spectrum, information, 114
spheres, 155–56
spiritual development, 295–96
Stafford, William, 16, 40, 243, 251, 299,
on feeling, 442–43
golden threads and, 201–2, 330
on writing, 302–3, 305
Stevens, Wallace, 26, 267
Sturgeon, Theodore, 309–10
Sugden, Andrew, 320
symbiogenesis, 140–45, 186
synaesthesia, 39, 219, 295–96, 385–86
contemplation and, 331–32
reading and, 245–46, 250
sound and, 254–68
writing and, 252, 303
synchronization, 69–71, 386
Tao Te Ching, 244
task sets, 50, 56–57
template, sensory, 61
text of the world, 338–39
thinking vs. feeling, 262–63, 272
Thomas, Lewis, 407–8
Thoreau, Henry David, 13, 17, 20, 151,
290, 497
on anthropocentrism, 360
on knowing, 352–53
time, 140, 178–79, 195, 379–83, 402
Trewavas, Anthony, 93, 105, 106, 110,
114–15, 116, 119, 152, 377
tryptophan, 181, 183, 184
Twain, Mark, 276–77, 282–88,
“unconscious” mind, 74, 255–56, 373–
74, 480–81
Universe, 398, 436
as open system, 398–99
Varela, Francisco, 143
Vaughan, Stevie Ray, 261–62
veriditas, molecular, 168, 169–91
viruses, 106–9, 141
Volk, Tyler, 153, 154–56, 216
Walker, Alice, 441–42
Wasson, R. Gordon, 369, 372
water, microbes in, 145–51
wildness, 357–58, 361, 373, 445–46, 462
Williams, Hywel, 100, 129, 138, 150, 397
wind pollination, 160–61
wood, 308–11
writing, 244–54, 300–308