Chapter Five

They arrived from New York, Joey and Frankie Parisi, from New Orleans came Frankie "the nose" Parilli; from Chicago Johnnie D'Angleo and Rico "the knife" Augustini; and of course Jackie Montillo from Boston, his cousin Big John Badillo is on trial which is going on right now and he can't "get out right now." and who can forget Pinky the always on the outside man of the mob.These were the main men at this meeting along with various other hoods and men who want to be the main men, they always show up in order to court favor with the higher ups.These were the main hitters that Tony Razzano had summoned and by this Thursday everyone should be here and the matters that need to be discussed will be discussed and voted upon and resolved. These meetings always end with a decision and a resolution, unlike other "companies." Those in the public do not understand that the mob or Mafia are quick in their decision, they do take a long time to make certain that all the facts are presented to the board. The group that is assembling now in Vegas is predominately Italian however they do allow other ethnics into the group whatever you call it, mainly those of the Jewish faith, for they found them to be successful, proud professional men who rose above any problems they might have met, and were very competent in their field whether it is medicine or accounting, they can be useful to all. These men are usually by trade accountants or medical physicians their trade is invaluable to anyone in the group. The organization is structured very similar to any well run business organization, and that has been a deliberate effort to follow the rules of successful organizations, with sections of the country all divided into territories, and further subdivided so that always there is someone responsible for business going on in the correct format. To even doubt that the success of this organization, consider the time it has existed, from the early days one thousand years ago, when they first began in Italy, and then perhaps to Sicily, and then to other countries in Europe, and finally to the Americas. This domination of crime throughout whatever country they were located was mainly by brute force, beating, and killings, it was all the same to them just dominate and take the money to the bank. The Irish, yes the Irish were dominate forces in the underworld, before the Italians and the wars they had were bloody and often in Boston and New York, while the Irish moved out and up went into the police force and then politics, while the Italians whose organization was stronger grew increasingly into crime. What happens in the legitimate business world when a director or a vice-president does not measure up to the board or stock holders, he is either demoted, made to resign or transferred to another division, but the group we are talking about in Vegas and throughout the country do things more dramatically, they make the offenders "disappear," or as one well known mobster said they transfer them "upstairs." meaning to heaven.

The importance of this gathering of mobsters in Vegas was not lost on the local police in Las Vegas and the FBI who had been alerted to this fact by some of the strippers who told them of the large sums of money spread around on them, and they all had different accents. It wasn't hard for the police to know who was here. The FBI moved to start charging the court systems with requests for phone taps and for legitimate requests for home and hotel searches. They were putting the full strength of the FBI into this operation, for rarely do so many high level or second level types come out into the open into another state for a meeting, this is something big at least it was to the mob. The local FBI director a John Simmons, was leading the investigation along with Sheriff Armanno, who was intrigued with all the fast action on the part of the FBI. Sheriff Armanno called the FBI on several times to inquire exactly what has been learned and maybe they should share information between the two offices. He never got a return call except once, and was told that the FBI has everything under control, and thanks sheriff. Pretty rotten the Sheriff thought but that was that and if they want to play that way he can do the same, and the Sheriff called his men for a morning meeting tomorrow and he declared war on the mobsters and the local FBI director.

The director of the local Sheriff offices was a man named Phillip Roth, a large man and built like a wrestler, fully capable of handling himself in any situation, who had rise to the directors office through his ability to find information on many various people that come to Vegas, for whatever reason. Sheriff Armanno decided to enlist the directors office today and see what he might find out through his sources. The thought that he, the local Sheriff of Vegas might be able to find who these mobsters were and why they were here, well in turn out to be from the mob, well he was absolutely elated, at the chance to be so recognized by the town and the state.

He realized though it would be a long shot to obtain any evidence that he might use against these thugs, he knew they would have their attorneys all over the place and life as he knows it will change dramatically. He thought about this a long time sitting there in his office at his massive desk he insisted upon, whether it is going to be worth the effort, he really has it made in this town. He lives in a four bedroom home on one half an acre, in a lovely neighborhood with a lovely spouse and one child. However that is not what Sheriff Armanno is about, no John Armanno is an officer of the court, and has been for many years he has sworn to uphold the law, and he is doing that every day of his life and he knows fully well he is going to give his full efforts in this case in spite of the FBI.

He reaches over to his intercom and calls his secretary into the office and has her issue a directive to all his deputy sheriffs, from this day forward all efforts are to be spent on finding information on these men, each week there will be a meeting on these subjects and we will share and compare what has been found, I want this cleared up fast and with everyone on board, please type that up in the forms that will be distributed tonight to all of the men, she said yes sir and is there anything else, he nodded no and she left the office. John Armanno sat back in his chair and smiled to himself, yes he was going to do it and beat the FBI, he knew his men will find out who did it before they do.