Chapter Twenty-Four

Sheriff Armanno's office was crowded, there were three people seated who were brought into the police station house by his detectives for questioning, and one of them indicated to the officer that he had some information on something the police might be interested in, the detectives did not want to talk to him until the boss said so, that was the way he ran this place nothing happens unless he says so. Finally the tall shape of this veteran police officer showed up in the hall outside of his office and there was a short conference between one of the officers and himself, and a decision was made and the police officer came into the room and pointed to the small dirty looking man to get up and come with him. They left the room and the two others were left there with one police officer guarding them. The small man's name was Jonathan and he was well known to the police, small time robberies, stick ups and other small stuff. Now however he indicates to the Sheriff that he had nothing to do with that killing and he wanted to get off on the charges he was caught on, namely a robbery where the old lady was hit and not hurt badly but it was a felony, and he could be sentenced to a jail term for this one, unless he could give the law information to help them on another bigger case. This is done all the time and is the basis of how lawyers work the system, but here there are no attorney as of yet.

The Sheriff took charge of the questioning of this guy and before too long the veteran cop knew this guy did have important information on the killing of the girl the other night. He called in a deputy to take down this man's remarks on what he saw that night; it seems he was trying to steal one or two of the cars that were parked there, not knowing who owned them and they were inside the cafe, when he was surprised by the man and woman leaving and she was struggling to stand up, obviously she was stoned drunk, and he was hitting her and beating her, for what he did not know, but he sure was taking it out on her. She fell to the ground and it was then that he began kicking and stomping on her chest and face, he was a "horrible brute" were his words. Jonathan continued on with his story saying how after he beat her to a pulp he then started to undress her as if he was going to rape her, until he saw how badly he had beaten her, he stopped and grabbed her purse, opened it and took what money she had in it, and then got in his car a Chrysler 300 and it was then he gave them the license plate number, what a bonanza for the Sheriff, he was elated with this evidence but of course it all had to checked and check it he did and gave the orders to check it out right away. Meanwhile Jonathan was shown the way to a nice cozy jail cell to stay in it until all his evidence is checked out, he will be there overnight at least but he will have a nice bed and a few good meals which will be a change from what he has on the streets. Sheriff Armanno felt sick, he just felt sick. He wasn't physically sick, he was sick of the scum, the low life that roams the earth, this small blue planet in the cosmos, what ever did happen to it? Surely the Great One, call it or Him or She whatever you want, must be a very ugly minded, vindictive, a rotten thing to supply the cosmos with this lovely round blue ball spinning around the bright star, with such a species of animals called humans. He could not have anything good in mind when He allowed these things to go around hurting, eating and killing and destroying each other and those who also inhabit the swirling ball, how could He when all you see in life is the killing, the cheating, the robberies, the sickness all the misery humans have and how in the infinite wisdom that He gave them destroying earth?

He was disgusted with this Jonathan, what a waste of a man, he was from a "good family", (the definition of that is....) went to schools that even the Sheriff could not attend, and here he is sitting in jail, cheating on his fellow crooks hoping to get away with his own crimes so he can go out on the streets again and start all over again. Yes, the Great Creator sure has a good sense of humor.