
This has been a well-loved book, with the contribution of many loving and caring hands, hearts, and minds. With great thanks to our students, especially our Couples Empowerment Group and all of our couples groups as well as the brave souls in the Year of Transformation, Transformations Labs, Leadership Groups, and the Wright Graduate University who have been “field testing” these skills and lessons in their relationships and service.

We are blessed with a devoted staff who walk their talk and dedicate themselves to bringing out the best in themselves and all they touch. Immense gratitude to Barb Burgess, who steadfastly runs the business and does whatever it takes to get things done. Kate Holmquest has not only brought her brains, but also her heart to the game, dropping whatever she was doing to meet deadlines. Amelia Perkins has seen beauty and possibility that has encouraged us since she read the opening chapter. Rachel Zwell has been a stalwart partner with the blazing typist and editor Monica Sanden and proofreader Gloria Virtel. Sasha Sekinger and Hannah Maxwell have contributed their dynamic energy to our attraction and sales efforts; George Miller produces our blog talk radio with Stephanie Castillo, our social media manager; and Lisa Sanden has facilitated our foundation expansion. Filling in the cracks wherever needed has been our Wright Graduate University chancellor, Mike Zwell. He and all of our staff have consistently gone the extra miles to make this work. Jacky Davila has gracefully wrestled budgets while our coaches Jillian Eichel, Gertrude Lyons, Beryl Stromsta, Karen Terry, Jennifer Stephen, Art Silver, Jon Fieldman, Dr. Marilyn Pearson (who also doubles as a trusted proofreader), and the other Year of Transformation coaches and team leaders along with our other lab leaders have all participated in the development of the materials in these pages.

Bruce Wexler insisted on this book and provided critical midwifery services, repeatedly editing chapters and encouraging us. Joelle Delbourgo, our agent, made the excellent pairing with New Harbinger. The editorial team at New Harbinger, led by acquiring editor Melissa Kirk and driven by Nicola Skidmore along with Jess Beebe and Angela Autry Gorden, gave insightful, detailed, and potent feedback. The full sales, marketing, and management teams at New Harbinger helped to get the word out about this important topic so dear to our hearts.

Quite a number of other people have given us valuable counsel, from marketing to moral support—especially Melissa Giovagnoli Wilson, Dwain Jeworski, and Dr. Robert Moore.

Special acknowledgment goes to the many relationship, neuroscience, and behavioral science researchers whom we cite for their intrepid investigation into the never-never land of truths that go against the grain but unlock the potential of us all.

Profound gratitude goes to Art Silver, John Davidoff, Rich Lyons, Scott Stephen, Stan Smith, Tom Terry, and Karen Wilson Smithbauer of the Wright Foundation for the Realization of Human Potential Board, as well as our consultant Don Delves, who not only put their money where their mouths are but where their hearts beat. Countless student leaders of SOFIA (Society of Femininity in Action) and the Men’s Guild help us deliver and develop our curriculum. We are deeply grateful for your dedication and partnership.

And to all those who have contributed to our relationship, and to the great partner, we thank you.