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On the morning of the game, I woke up super early. I had a plan. I wanted to spoil my sexy guy before he started one of the most important days of the year. My mom always said it was important to start a day right, so I got to work as quietly as possible. I wanted to bake a fresh pecan pie. I'd spoken with his mom, asking about her recipe, and I was adding my own touch to it, so I was confident he'd love it.
I put in earbuds while I worked in the kitchen. This was my happy place. I hummed to the music, careful not to be too loud. After I put it in the oven, I cleaned the kitchen until it looked pristine. Then I peeked at the oven. I’d put tin foil on it, so I couldn’t see much, but thirty minutes had passed, so now it was time to remove it, which I did quickly. Now it only had to stay in for another twenty minutes. I went to take a quick shower in the guest bathroom so I could be fresh for my man when he woke up.
I was so happy that I couldn't even believe it. I loved Tyler with my whole heart, and I never thought a love like this was possible. I knew, of course, that once upon a time, my parents had loved each other. But as I grew older and, well, more of a cynic, I'd started to wonder if perhaps I'd idealized their relationship. But even if I did, it didn't matter.
I was smiling widely as I danced under the spray, applying Tyler's shower gel and loving the smell of the ocean and winter fragrance. I was so proud that I'd gotten up early and was sure I had some time until Tyler would wake up. But to my astonishment, he was already in the kitchen when I returned.
"Hey. What are you doing up so early?" I asked.
"I woke up, and you weren't next to me.”
“What are you doing?" I sounded alarmed, but he was right in front of the oven.
"Looking at the oven." Grabbing the handle, he made to open it, but I ran toward him.
“No, no, no. Don't do that. Don't let the heat out."
Laughing, he let it go, holding his hands up in defense. "Okay, not touching it.” He narrowed his eyes. “I can touch you, though."
Instantly, his hands were on my hips, and he pressed me against him.
"Good morning," he said. His eyes were still a bit hazy with sleep. He wasn't wearing a shirt.
Oh, why are you tempting me like this first thing in the morning?
I placed my hands on his chest, near his shoulders, but within a few seconds, they somehow glided down to his abs.
He laughed, tilting his head toward the oven. “What’s with that?”
"Your mom mentioned you like pecan pie when we were at their place, and I thought I'd surprise you with one today. I asked for her recipe but also added some secret ingredients."
He looked at me incredulously before his mouth curled in a huge smile. "You woke up extra early to bake me a pie? Fuck, you're cute."
"I wanted to do something to bring you good luck."
He pressed his palms more firmly on my hips. "You bring me good luck, Kendra."
"I can’t wait to cheer for you. I'll be your loudest fan. "
He brought a hand to my face, touching my jaw with his thumb and forefinger. "You do that, and then I'll bring you home and make you scream in other ways."
I blushed. "You can't keep your mind out of the gutter, even before the game, huh?"
"I can always be shameless," he confirmed.
"Of course you can." I turned around, looking at the oven. "Okay, let me take this out. Don't distract me."
"What counts as a distraction? This?" He put a hand on my right ass cheek.
"It could," I said in a teasing tone. "I'm not sure."
"How about this?" He pushed my hair to one side, kissing the back of my neck. The skin on my arms turned to goose bumps.
"Tyler," I whispered, rocking back and forth on my feet.
"Okay, so we have our verdict. That's distracting you for sure."
He kissed the side of my neck as I checked on the pie. It was ready. I took it out, putting it on the granite counter,
“It’s supposed to cool for thirty minutes and then stay in the fridge for at least two hours before serving.”
“Babe, we can’t wait for two hours.”
“I know. But let it cool at least for a bit.” I turned around, looking him in the eyes. "Are you ready for today?"
"Yes. Completely.” He interlaced our fingers, holding my right arm up and raining kisses from my wrist to my elbow and then all the way up to my shoulder. I wiggled my ass, enjoying the feeling of his lips on my skin. “I'm completely ready. I love that you're coming to watch the game."
"I couldn't miss an opportunity to show you how big a fan of yours I am. And right now, it's ‘spoiling Tyler’ time."
“Then let’s eat the pie. I don’t care if it’s hot.”
I put one slice on a plate and two little forks on it, holding it between us. He started eating from one end, and I started at the other. I watched his reaction as he shoved the forkful into his mouth and was pleased with the look of obvious pleasure on his face. I ate a bite and shimmied my hips in happiness because it was delicious.
"I don't want to sing my own praises, but this is good."
"It is, babe. Thanks for doing this. Thanks for just being you, Kendra. You're amazing."
“And you’re good with words.”
"You're perfect, babe. You're just fucking perfect." He took the plate from my hands, putting it on the counter, even though we'd only had one bite each.
"What are you doing? You just had a taste."
"And now I want one of you."
"Oh. Well, by all means, go ahead." I smiled against his lips as he kissed me. To my surprise, it was gentle. He was exploring me exquisitely, and it turned me on to no end.
I tried not to let it show, though. I didn't even press my thighs together when heat shot through them. Nope, I was going to soldier through my arousal, because I knew for a fact that any sexy activities the day of the game were not the best idea. He could have muscle cramps on the ice, and bottom line, he needed to stay focused. Besides, I planned to give him plenty of sexy time after the game tonight.
“We can’t do this right now,” I whispered, pushing him away. But would you look at that? I had a hand on the waistband of his pants. I immediately let it drop. “Whoops. I don’t know how this happened.”
With a grin, he straightened up. "Every time I'm with you, I lose my head, Kendra. It's what you do to me. I'm so wrapped up in everything you make me feel that I can't think straight."
"Hmm. I like the sound of that."
"Why are you so well-behaved?"
“My hand in your pants was well-behaved?”
“It was on the waistband,” he pointed out.
I placed both hands on his shoulders, determined to keep them there.
“True. I woke up with this mantra in my mind. ‘No jumping Tyler's bones this morning. No jumping his bones.’"
He threw his head back, laughing.
"What? You're hard to resist. You know you are."
"I like hearing it from you."
"And I don't mind repeating it. But you could have more mercy on me. You came into this kitchen half naked, with all those delicious muscles on display. You are not making it easy for me to do the right thing.”
“I can't wait for tonight," he said in a low, sexy voice. "When we’re back home, the game behind us, it's just you and me and nothing else."
"I can't wait either," I whispered. "Now come on. Let's eat some more of this pie. I didn't wake up early for nothing."
We spent another hour together before he had to go to the arena. I had enough time to go home and do some chores for a couple hours before I had to change to go watch the game.
I was on edge the whole time I dressed. I couldn't explain why, but this felt like such a monumental thing. I was so, so happy that Tyler wanted to include me in his life in every way possible. I loved him so very much.
I arrived at the arena ten minutes before the game was about to start. I followed Tyler's instructions to a T, sitting in the area where many other friends and family members of teammates were seated.
I grinned when I noticed Reese, Travis, Luke, and Declan.
“I didn’t know you all were coming,” I exclaimed.
“We didn’t know either,” Travis said.
“It was a last-minute inspiration,” Reese added.
Declan nodded. “We know this is an important game for him.”
I grinned. I’d read about the rivalry between the Chicago Blades and the Seattle Bulldogs. Some reporters jokingly called the “Dogs” the archnemesis.
“I’m going to buy some drinks. Does anyone want anything?” Declan continued.
“I’d like a soda,” I replied.
“I’m coming with you,” Travis said.
“Me too,” Luke added.
Reese stood on her toes, looking at something in the distance. “Okay, I think there isn’t a line to the restroom. I’m going to go fast.”
The four of them left, and I looked around, taking it all in.
A pretty blonde turned to me. "Hey, Kendra, right?" She stood on the row below ours, welcoming me and holding her arms open as if to hug me.
"Hi." I stepped closer, bending at the waist.
She kissed my cheek. "I'm Andrea, Steve's wife. He's the captain."
"Oh, nice to meet you."
"Steve told me to keep an eye on you, but I see that’s not necessary. Nice to meet you."
“And you,” I said, looking around. "It's so full."
"Of course, it's one of the most important games of the season. And the boys are so on edge."
"They are, right?"
"Yeah. They've been training more than usual. But they kicked ass last year, and I'm sure they'll kick ass this year as well."
"The arena is so intimidating," I said. I was still looking around.
"You haven't been here before?"
"No, it's my first time."
"Wow. I think you'll enjoy it.”
“I promised Tyler I’ll cheer for him super loudly.”
Andrea grinned. "I like you, Kendra. I'm so happy Tyler didn't listen to Daniels’s warnings."
I knitted my brows together. " What warnings?"
"Well, the guy basically told Tyler it wasn't smart to mix business and pleasure. But Tyler's always had a mind of his own. It’s not easy to sway him."
"True. It's not," I said, frowning as I looked at the ice. The team's manager had warned him against dating me? Why hadn't Tyler said something?
I searched for the management box, and though it was easy to spot, it was too far away to see anyone. And even if I did, I'd only ever spoken to management via email. I wouldn't recognize anyone.
My heart started beating faster. I couldn't help feeling even happier knowing he'd gone ahead and pursued me, even though he'd been warned not to. That was how much he wanted me. That was how much he cared.
The Maxwells returned quickly with the drinks, and I was tempted to ask them if they knew anything about what Andrea had said. But then I decided against it. I didn’t want to spoil the mood, and besides, my heart was about to burst with happiness. I didn't think it was possible, but I felt like I loved him even more than before.