Simple people, people who don’t exist, prefer things which don’t exist, simple things.

“Good” and “bad” are simple things. You bomb me = “bad.” I bomb you = “good.” Simple people (who, incidentally, run this socalled world) know this (they know everything) whereas complex people—people who feel something—are very, very ignorant and really don’t know anything.

Nothing, for simple knowing people, is more dangerous than ignorance. Why?

Because to feel something is to be alive.

“War” and “peace” are not dangerous or alive: far from it. “Peace” is the inefficiency of science. “War” is the science of inefficiency. And science is knowing and knowing is measuring.

Ignorant people really must be educated; that is, they must be made to stop feeling something, and compelled to begin knowing or measuring everything. Then (then only) they won’t threaten the very nonexistence of what all simple people call civilization.

Very luckily for you and me, the uncivilized sun mysteriously shines on “good” and “bad” alike. He is an artist.

Art is a mystery.

A mystery is something immeasurable.

In so far as every child and woman and man may be immeasurable, art is the mystery of every man and woman and child. In so far as a human being is an artist, skies and mountains and oceans and thunderbolts and butterflies are immeasurable; and art is every mystery of nature. Nothing measurable can be alive; nothing which is not alive can be art; nothing which cannot be art is true: and everything untrue doesn’t matter a very good God damn . . .

item: it is my complex hope that the pictures here exhibited are neither “good” nor “bad,” neither peacelike nor warful—that (on the contrary) they are living.

From the catalogue of a onemanshow at the American British Art Center, N.Y.C., March 1944.