Book 14, Part 1
Controlling Disorders by Means of the Five Phases
Section 62.1
When Fire opposes Wood, hibernating insects will hatch prematurely, and there will be [unseasonably] early thunder.
When Earth opposes Wood, the pregnant will suffer calamities, eggs will be infertile, and birds and insects will suffer great injuries.
When Metal opposes Wood, there will be military operations.
When Water opposes Wood, there will be spring frosts.
When Earth opposes Fire, there will be much thunder.
When Metal opposes Fire, herbaceous plants and trees will die out.
When Water opposes Fire, there will be summer hail.
When Wood opposes Fire, there will be earthquakes.
When Metal opposes Earth,1 the five grains will suffer calamities.
When Water opposes Earth, there will be cold in summer, rain, and frost.
When Wood opposes Earth, silkworms will not mature.
When Fire opposes Earth, there will be great droughts.
When Water opposes Metal, fish will not grow.
When Wood opposes Metal, herbaceous plants and trees will [die and then] sprout again.
When Fire opposes Metal, herbaceous plants and trees will bloom in autumn.
When Earth opposes Metal, the five grains will not mature.
When Wood opposes Water, creatures will not hibernate in winter.
When Earth opposes Water, hibernating creatures will emerge in winter.
When Fire opposes Water, there will be meteors.
When Metal opposes Water, there will be severe cold in winter. [62/64/5–18]
This chapter records the occurrence of twenty anomalies that arise when one of the Five Phases opposes another. This chapter parallels Huainanzi 3.23, as CQFL 61 parallels Huainanzi 3.22. See John S. Major, Sarah A. Queen, Andrew Seth Meyer, and Harold D. Roth, trans. and eds., The “Huainanzi”: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Government in Early Han China (New York: Columbia University Press, 2010), 129; and D. C. Lau, ed., Huainanzi zhuzi suoyin (A Concordance to the “Huainanzi”), Chinese University of Hong Kong, Institute of Chinese Studies Ancient Chinese Text Concordance Series (Hong Kong: Commercial Press, 1992), 3/23/27–3/24/5.
  1.  Correcting “Wood” to “Earth.”