*kennzeichnen freie Quellen

Für »Padawans«

*Atalay, Sonya, Jen Shannon, and John G. Swogger. Journeys to Complete the Work: Stories about Repatriations and Changing the Way We Bring Native American Ancestors Home . (NAGPRA COMICS 1) .

Benton-Banai, Edward. The Mishomis Book: the Voice of the Ojibway . Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2010.

*Black Ash Basketry: A Story of Cultural Resilience . Documentary produced by Kevin Finney, 2010. .

*Kunze, Jenna, Slow Repatriation Efforts Plague UC Berkeley ,

Native News Online , November 17, 2022, .

*O’Loughlin, Shannon, Episode 63: From Repatriation to Rematriation: Honoring the Ancestors and Their Seeds (from the 2020 6 th Annual Repatriation Conference) , July 2, 2021, in Red Hoop Talk , podcast, .

*Riskin-Kutz, Oliver L., Native American Nonprofit Accuses Harvard of Violating Federal Graves Protection and Repatriation Act , The Harvard Crimson , March 12, 2021, .

*Sanburn, Josh, How the FBI Discovered a Real-Life Indiana Jones in, of All Places, Rural Indiana , Vanity Fair , October 19, 2021, .

*Small, Zachary. Push to Return 116,000 Native American Remains is Long-Awaited , New York Times , August 6, 2021, .

*Regan, Sheila, »The Story of an Ojibwe Drum Shows How Auction Houses Can Help or Hurt Efforts to Repatriate Indigenous Objects«, MinnPost , November 22, 2022, .

*U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. .

Für »Jedi« (inklusive aller obigen Titel)

Aanikoobijigan [Ancestor/Great-Grandparent/Great-Grandchild] . Documentary directed by Adam Khalil and Zack Khalil, (Date of Release TBD ).

Accomplishing NAGPRA : Perspectives on the Intent, Impact, and Future of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act . Edited by Sangita Chari and Jaime M. N. Lavallee. Corvallis: Oregon State University Press, 2013.

Atalay, Sonya. Community-Based Archaeology: Research with, by, and for Indigenous and Local Communities . Berkeley: University of California Press, 2012.

Claiming the Stones/Naming the Bones: Cultural Property and the Negotiation of National and Ethnic Identity . Edited by Elazar Barkan and Ronald Bush. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute, 2002.

Colwell, Chip. Plundered Skulls and Stolen Spirits: Inside the Fight to Reclaim Native America’s Culture . Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017.

Cooper, Karen Coody. Spirited Encounters: American Indians Protest Museum Policies and Practices. Lanham: AltaMira Press, 2008.

Fine-Dare, Kathleen S. Grave Injustice: The American Indian Repatriation Movement and NAGPRA . Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2002.

Lonetree, Amy. Decolonizing Museums: Representing Native America in National and Tribal Museums . Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2012.

*O’Loughlin, Shannon, Episode 61: Suzan Shown Harjo, Cheyenne & Hodulgee Muscogee , June 18, 2021, in Red Hoop Talk, podcast, .

Repatriation Reader: Who Owns American Indian Remains? Edited by Devon Mihesuah. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2000.

*Stolen Spirits of Haida Gwaii. Directed by Kevin McMahon, 2004. .

Thomas, David Hurst. Skull Wars: Kennewick Man, Archaeology, and the Battle for Native American Identity . New York: Basic Books, 2000.