Chapter 19

He’d been poised for one of the greatest victories of his career. Instead, Quinn was nursing a whiskey with Trevor, J.T., and Flynn in what could only be described as a war room party.

“You guys should head back to Mom and Dad’s,” he told them, finishing off his drink. “I can’t thank you enough for pitching in today.”

Seven o’clock had come and gone. They’d all been on the phone nonstop to senior Merriam executives, industry partners, and market insiders. While their restructuring plan was largely seen as strong, some were thinking it was too late.

With oil prices taking another dive along with the giant plunge of the stock market, Quinn couldn’t blame them. Merriam Enterprises was in more trouble than ever. Even Francesca’s genius hadn’t been able to save them.

He couldn’t imagine how upset she must be. When he got home, he’d have to assure her somehow.

“We need to show some strength here at headquarters,” Trevor said, clapping him on the back and finishing his own drink. “I’m staying on to help you, Quinn. Caitlyn and Beau said they’d fly Becca back to Ireland tomorrow on their way to Provence.”

“Annie said she’ll fly home with the girls so I can stay longer too,” Flynn said, only adding to the constriction in Quinn’s throat. “We’re still getting into the new normal with their school.”

“Caroline will go with them,” J.T. said. “I’m not leaving until we dig our way out of this ditch. Jesus. This virus is killing us.”

It was literally killing people too, but no one wanted to voice that. 

“It’s hurting everyone’s stocks,” Trevor said, rubbing his eyes. “We have to remember we aren’t alone in this bleed.”

“True, but we were in a weak position going into today,” Quinn said, “and current global conditions aren’t helping any.”

“No, they aren’t,” Flynn said, flicking open the button of his jacket. “Dammit. Francesca’s plan rocked. It shouldn’t have gone down like this.”

“It did, and we deal.” He was sick of complaining about it even if he wasn’t sure what to do about it. “Oil prices haven’t just been free-falling. They rose before. Let’s hope they do again.”

Hell, when had he become an optimist?

“All right,” Trevor said, clapping him on the back again. “You head on home to Francesca, and we’re going to get back to Mom and Dad’s place. See you in the morning.”

He faced his brothers. “Thanks for being here.”

They’d gone beyond their duties to the company tonight, and they all knew it.

“It’s what family does, bro,” J.T. said. “Later, man.”

He man-hugged him, and his other brothers did the same.

“You enjoy pounding me, Trev?” he asked, rotating his shoulder jokingly.

“Am I treating you too rough?” his brother responded with a laugh. “Maybe Francesca will kiss it and make it better.”

“She’d skin your balls if she heard you talk like that,” Quinn said, but he was smiling.

“I love that about her,” Trevor said. “You might consider hiring her on a more permanent basis. She has a reputation for excellence, and having her on board might bring in extra market confidence fairies.”

“Your time in Ireland has made you daft,” Quinn shot back. And then, because he couldn’t duck the suggestion without comment, no matter how much he might want to, he added, “She’s figuring out her next steps professionally now that we’re back together.”

J.T. cleared his throat. “I see. Hang in there, bro. Okay, now we’re out of here.”

They left the room, and he rubbed his brow. Truthfully, he did wish Francesca would decide to join them. Him. But after the bath they’d taken in the market, he hated asking her to board a leaky ship. And hadn’t he promised he’d give her space?

He had to keep his promise. A person’s word meant everything to her. 

When he arrived at his house, it was nearing ten o’clock. Entering from the garage, he let himself into the lower level and stopped short at the sight of her standing in front of the windows. 

When she turned, the devastation was obvious in the tense lines of her mouth and around her eyes. “It was a tough day, and I’m sorry. I had a glass of champagne with Alice and Hargreaves to celebrate. Before the market took a tumble.”

He crossed to her and pulled her into his arms. “Yeah, and I’ve had a belly full of talking about it. The only thing I need to say is this: your plan is still genius. We’re just dealing with a global situation that’s unprecedented. Okay?”

She tightened her grip around him. “I know that. Still, I’m sorry. I can’t imagine how you felt today. When I tried to put myself in your shoes, I felt sick.”

“I was sick,” Quinn said, “but my brothers came in and helped me make some big calls. It helped more than I would have thought. They’re staying on for a while longer. Trevor’s calling it a show of strength.”

Pressing away, she caressed his face. “He’s right. You need to show you aren’t concerned about what’s happening. People respect strength, especially in moments like this. You stand tall. Keep your chin up. The market responds to it.”

He uttered a derisive chuckle. “Usually. Now? Hard to call. Come on, I need to grab something to eat, and then I want to go out to the cottage. How was your day other than all of this?”

 “Some things good. Others not so much. But my biggest victory was unexpected. Hargreaves used my first name today. Only don’t tell him I told you.”

“Your people skills remain nothing short of miraculous.”

She kissed him slowly on the lips. “They worked on you, didn’t they? I seem to remember a terribly grouchy executive at my door only last month.”

Was he heading back to grouch territory with all this doom and gloom? God, he didn’t want to go back to that. “We’ll try to keep him in the past. It might help if you kiss me again.”

Winding her arms around his neck, she tipped his head down to hers and gave him a thorough kiss, one that had him reconsidering a late meal. He deepened the kiss and thought about breaking his own rule about sex in the house.

When she started to unzip his pants, he realized she was of a similar mind. Eyeing the stairs, he decided no one was likely to come down. Usually everyone in the house was in bed by this time. No one would have any reason to venture all the way down here. 

He was glad she was wearing a loose skirt. His mouth had watered as she’d rolled up her thigh-high stockings this morning, a tantalizing way to send him off to the board meeting. His hand found her center, and sure enough, she didn’t have anything on.

“You planned this,” he whispered, stroking her slowly.

“I knew where you’d come after parking your car,” she said, opening her legs wider. “I thought you might want to be alone with me. Plus, this is where we finished our assignment. I thought it apt for us to make love here.”

He hoisted her up onto his hips, savoring the tantalizing feel of her legs wrapping around him. “Full circle. I like the way you’re thinking.”

Kissing her deeply, he walked them over to the windows facing the ocean and pressed her against the glass after checking to make sure it wouldn’t be too cold for her skin. Then he looked her straight in the eye and penetrated her. She moaned, low and long in her throat, and then he started thrusting slowly in and out.

“I love you,” he said in a low voice.

“I love you too,” she said, tightening her legs around him. “Come with me now.”

When she raised her hands over her head, he grabbed them and held on tight. Their pace became frenzied, both of them meeting thrust for thrust. When she came, he pressed his mouth to hers to cover her moans and followed her over the edge.

Panting against her neck, he stared out at the ocean below. It was churning, the tide high. The world felt like that to him right now, and he didn’t know what to do to hold it back.

“I’ll make some calls tomorrow on your behalf,” she said, kissing him on the cheek. “If that’s all right with you.”

Her offer to help had something hot burning in the back of his throat. He didn’t need to ask who she’d call. Her connections were on point and strategic. “I’d love that. Thank you.”

“I promised to help you make Merriam Enterprises profitable again. That goal still hasn’t been achieved, so I hope you don’t mind extending my contract when I go into headquarters with you in the morning. I always finish the job.”

Pressing his forehead to hers, he was shocked to feel the burn of tears behind his eyelids. God, he had to be exhausted to feel this raw. “Done. Francesca, I—”

“You don’t have to say it,” she told him, cupping the back of his nape lovingly. “You don’t need to say it.” 

“Yeah, I do. Babe, you can’t know how much this means.”

“My reputation is at stake too, after all.” Her voice was hoarse as well. “Can’t let people thinking I did a half-ass job.”

He imagined she meant it as a joke, but he realized it was true. Some industry analysts might genuinely feel that way. More weight settled over his shoulders. He had to make this right for himself and his family and employees, but he needed to do it for her too. 

And he could. He would. With her support, somehow everything would be all right.

It had to be.