Chapter 8


Water Animal Guides

Animal guides can appear in dreams, waking visions, or reality to help you learn important spiritual lessons and give you vital messages. They can help us navigate our lives. There are lots of ways to recognize these special beings in our world. It could be that you have always had a special affinity for an animal, and this may be one of your patron animals. It could be that you keep seeing an animal, either in person or represented elsewhere, and this could be pointing you towards it as one of your guides. It is important to remember that these connections cannot be forced but instead appear exactly when the time is right, reminding us of the importance of both patience and respect.

Some people discover their animal guides through journey work or careful observation of events in their life. Some people find their animal guides through divination or work with a teacher or psychic. Pay attention to these special animals and how they figure in your life, as they may have important information for your spiritual journey. There are many different ways people can view their animal guides. They can be familiars, spirit animals, or even a patronus (to borrow a term from Harry Potter), but no matter what you call them, they are there to assist you in every way they can. Some people say they come from your ancestors or the supreme being or beings; whatever the case, treat them well and you will be greatly rewarded.

Water Animal Guides

Alligator and Crocodile: Much of the information about alligators and crocodiles as spirit animals is mixed together. Alligators are known to dig their own gator holes, which allow them to conserve necessary water even when the surrounding land is dry. They also build their own homes out of leaves and mud. This makes them both industrious and resourceful. As a guide, it is said they teach you to place importance on knowledge, initiation, healing, and protecting your own.

Both alligators and crocodiles have a spectacular mating display referred to as a “water dance.” The males lower their bodies just beneath the surface of the water, then let out a strong low bellow from deep inside themselves. Their bodies shake and the water on the surface bubbles up like a beautiful fountain. This attracts any females in the area and discourages other males from challenging them.

In Hindu mythology, the god Varuna is said to ride on the back of a crocodile. Crocodiles are said to have amazing hearing and can even hear their children inside their shells before they are hatched. In ancient Egypt a crocodile god known as Sobek was responsible for protection, power, and fertility. He was also said to be responsible for weighing out the souls of the dead. If you feel connected to alligators and crocodiles, they may be trying to help you with courage, magic, strength, speed, resilience, or ancient power.

Beaver: This animal is most well-known for its building. Beavers are masters of strategy and engineering. They are constantly working to improve and maintain their homes and community projects. If beaver has appeared in your life, consider your contribution to your home, family, and community. Assess the progress you are making on your goals, and be sure to balance your time and attention accordingly. Despite its industriousness, the beaver is the largest of all rodents and some will view it as a pest. Those who have beaver as a frequent animal visitor may also have enemies, and they should be sure to pay attention to the intentions of those around them.

Crab: The crab is one of the most unusual animals around. The crab makes its home in its shell, so this animal can symbolically remind us how important our homes and family are. Unlike other animals, the crab moves sideways. Sideways movement emphasizes that sometimes the way forward isn’t always straight ahead. Those with a connection to crab may find themselves having to find new and interesting ways around difficult situations in their lives. If one looks to tarot symbolism, one sees the crab again, this time on the tarot trump the Moon. The crab is also the symbol for the astrological sign of Cancer (June 21–July 22). Individuals with this sun sign often mimic some of the characteristics of the crab, namely cleverness, adaptability, and sensitivity.

Crane: This water bird symbolizes justice, creation, recovery, protection, and secrecy. The crane is especially revered in Asian culture and is frequently shown with pine trees and the sun. In the Celtic tradition, this bird aligns with death and the underworld.

Dolphin: Unlike most of the animals on this list, dolphins are mammals. The ancient Greeks saw the dolphin as a divine messenger. They have a complex system of sonar to guide them. People who have dolphin in their lives are harmonious inside and out. They are protective, intelligent, and playful.

Duck: Ducks have a special watery magic all their own. They are the most common waterfowl in most locales, and all breeds are known to swim. These birds are said to be linked with psychic energy, the astral realms, and the emotions. If they appear as a dream element or significant animal for you, consider the people, places, and things that are comfortable to you. This issue of comfort is at the core of duck magic. People even make pillows and mattresses from their feathers. Ducks were prized in ancient Egypt and China, as they are today. Pay special attention to the color and type of ducks you encounter, as it may help you to better understand their messages. The Norse goddess Sjofn was said to be accompanied by two ducks.

Dugong: Because of water pollution and coastal overdevelopment threatening their food supply and habitat, dugong are listed as an animal vulnerable to extinction. They are found in the coastal waters of Australia and East Africa. Often dugong and their cousin the manatee were mistaken for merfolk. As an animal guide, they are known to represent clear vision and a need for peace and calm. Dugongs are known to be gentle and friendly, and they can be called upon to help foster these qualities in yourself.

Frog: Frogs love the water; they are not to be confused with toads, who inhabit dry land. Frogs go from eggs to tiny swimming tadpoles to fully grown hopping adults. They show us the success and power that can unfold when a transformation occurs. Frogs are amphibians, which comes from the root words meaning “double life.” They inhabit both land and water. This is the return of the concept of the liminal, or in-between, space where magic is known to happen. As a guide, they are known to represent magic, communication, fertility, and psychic ability. In ancient Egypt frogs were known to be sacred to Hadit, also known as Heqet, who helped Isis resurrect Osiris so that she could conceive Horus.

Gull: Because of their nature, some people view gulls as troublesome birds. Known as scavengers, gulls will take advantage of every opportunity to find food and resources. They are considered sacred to the Norse god Njord, who is said to rule over the sea and winds. Gulls are also said to be a beloved animal of the orisha Yemayá. Gulls are skilled communicators They use a complex system of calls and gestures to get their message across. The presence of these birds in your life may mean you need to pay attention to what you and others around you are saying. It can also be a sign that you need to speak up in certain situations in order to make your opinions known.

Heron: Heron as a totem can mean you would do well to develop self-reliance and good boundaries. While I was writing this book, I was thinking a lot about herons. I’ve seen quite a few in my lifetime, but just before I wrote these words, I managed to manifest one—taxidermy, of course—in the middle of downtown Brooklyn. It was waiting for an elevator just as I got off. The man who had brought it completely blocked the elevator door—did I mention this was about boundaries? Herons are wader birds. They thrive in shallow waters and marshlands. They are masters of this in-between space. They embody precision and also focus. Their bodies are adapted to these marshy locations. Herons have long skinny legs, long skinny necks, and sharp pointy beaks.

Hippopotamus: The hieroglyphics of Egypt use the hippopotamus to symbolize strength and vigor. In the mythological tale of Seth’s fight with Horus, both of them are transformed into hippos. In addition, Egyptian mythology gives us the goddess Taweret, who has the body of a hippo, as well as parts of a crocodile and a lion. Taweret was seen as a mother goddess, a protector of women, in charge of fertility, childbirth, and motherhood. Hippopotami are seen as kind and gentle mothers themselves; even though they have difficulty swimming, they give birth in the water, in shallow protected places where their babies will be protected from the current. Taweret wasn’t the only Egyptian deity associated with hippos—there were also Reret, Hedjet, and Ipet. In the African country of Nigeria, they are often depicted on masks and other ritual items in honor of Otobo, the water spirit, and some even see them as a symbol of the orisha Oshún.

Kingfisher: I recently had the joy of presenting at an event in Canada. The site was sublime, and behind me while I was giving my lecture was an amazing lake. When I had finished, many of the attendees came up and told me of the beautiful kingfisher that had appeared several times behind me. They are thought to be a symbol of great protection, prosperity, and peace. In Greek legend the Halcyone is a type of kingfisher that figures prominently. They are responsible for the phrase “halcyon days,” which mean bright sunshiny days and calm waters. Kingfishers are also connected to the planet Jupiter, and if you feel this animal has a message for you, it could be one of good fortune.

Loon: Not a very graceful bird while on land, the loon is a master swimmer. This bird is constantly in the water. Its unique calls are its most easily identifiable feature. Some of their calls are like a wailing howl, others a laugh. Certain superstitions say that this call is a harbinger of death, while others believe it is simply a sign that rain is coming.

The loon is a master of breath work. It is also said to help you with dreams and altered states of consciousness. Both visions and messages are said to have great importance if you feel that the loon is taking a place in your spiritual life.

Manatee: There is a special place in my heart for manatees. Their slow and gentle way of being pleases and inspires me. Several years ago, I was going through a difficult time in my life and decided to take a trip to Florida to swim alongside the animals. Despite their large size, they were some of the most sweet and kind animals I have ever been around. On average, manatees can weigh upwards of 900 pounds, and when one of the largest ones began to swim towards me, I was unsure of how to act. As it got closer, it wrapped its arms around me and gave me what can only be described as a hug.

By nature these animals are warm and gentle, and they urge you to encourage these qualities in yourself. Long ago they were often mistaken for mermaids and mermen. They also move very slowly and gracefully, and thus are a reminder to take our time and remember our purpose. Manatees are a symbol of release and necessary change, as well as of learning how to trust those around us. People who have manatee as a sacred animal are often viewed as loners; the world can be too much for them, and sometimes they need to rest and recuperate.

Octopus: This animal is always on the move. It stays primarily on the very bottom of the ocean, making them one of the most grounded ocean animals. Octopuses are very skilled at changing colors and camouflaging themselves when necessary. If they are unsuccessful, they may ink the water around them in order to escape. If these are making themselves known to you, it could be an issue where you need to conceal yourself in order to avoid difficulties or make a diversion in order to get away from trouble.

Otter: Otters are definitely water creatures. They always make their homes near water and swim even faster than most fish. Otters love to play. If you have otter as a guide, you tend to make the best out of a situation and need to find time to enjoy yourself.

Pelican: Pelicans are distinguished by their scooping pouch and long bill. They use this for catching food, as opposed to storing it. These are some of the most buoyant birds. Both of these qualities help us to understand the benefits of resourcefulness and resilience. They tell us not to be discouraged by challenges or perceived disadvantages. Pelicans are also seen as selfless birds, and their presence may be urging you to spend time on self-care and personal enjoyment.

Penguin: Even though they are birds, penguins don’t actually fly. They do move incredibly fast, however, swimming up to 25 miles an hour. Penguins are said to be helpers for astral travel and dreamwork. Because of their smart appearance, some suggest that penguins in your life could be a sign that you should dress elegantly or consider doing so. The birds have been known to jump up to six feet in the air up out of the water, landing squarely on their feet. These birds may appear in your life when you need to safely remove yourself from a situation. Alternately, they may be there to remind you that it is time to take a much-needed leap of faith. Like some of the animals on this list, penguins are known to mate for life, so if this animal keeps showing itself in connection to your relationship, it may be time to make a commitment and bring things to a deeper level. Emperor penguins are unique in that the male penguins care for the eggs after the female has laid them.

Seahorse: Seahorses are very graceful. Only the male seahorses birth the babies, making them unique in the animal kingdom. They can point to the importance of emotions and also responsibilities.

Sea Lion: Sea lions are brown, known to bark loudly, and walk on land with their flippers. The indigenous Northwest Coast people of North America often associate sea lions with abundance and wealth. Both the steller sea lion and the Australian sea lion are on the endangered species list. Please do what you can to help these beautiful creatures.

Seals: Seals lack visible ear flaps and wiggle on their bellies to move across land. Playful and imaginative, seals urge you to cultivate these qualities in your own life. Seals are more at home in the water. In Celtic and Scandinavian countries, seals feature prominently in folklore as shapeshifters, often called selkies. (See selkies in Chapter 2’s mythological water beasts section.)

There are many similarities between seals and sea lions. If these animals are appearing to you in dreams, visions, or the physical world, do your best to take note of exactly which sea lion or seal you are seeing. There are many different types, and each one carries its own unique message. To discover their special meaning for you, observe them when they appear.

Shark: Many of us, myself included, grew up with terrifying images of sharks in the popular media. Those that study sharks, however, paint a very different picture of an animal that is relatively peaceful. Shark magic is about safety, leadership, advancement, and confidence. They have an extraordinary sense of smell and may help you sniff out danger or opportunity when necessary. Shark teeth are worn as a symbol of strength and masculine energy; they are also said to help protect someone from drowning.

In indigenous Hawaiian culture, the shark is often regarded as an ‘aumakua, or a deified ancestor spirit. Even today some still honor this connection, making a special effort to feed their ‘aumakua when they go out to sea. A positive relationship with one’s ‘aumakua is said to both keep one safe from harm and help one find lots of fish to catch.

Starfish: Their very shape makes starfish quite magical. As a guide, they urge you to trust yourself, using both your traditional knowledge and intuition when presented with difficulties.

Stingray: Stingrays possess natural sensors that signal them when danger is near. If this animal is making itself known to you, it may be an indication to pay extra attention to your sixth sense and intuition.

Swan: The largest of all the waterfowl, the swan is both majestic and graceful. Swans can help us discover our own inner beauty. Just like in the classic tale “The Ugly Duckling,” written in 1843 by Hans Christian Andersen, beauty is all about perception. If you are feeling drawn to swans as your animal totem, they will help you connect with psychic knowledge, prescience, and insight. In Hinduism the swan is considered an especially blessed bird and is described as the king of birds. Some say that swans are the animal of creatives, poets, visionaries, and innovators.

Turtles: Turtles are distinct from tortoises in that they always make their homes in and around water. There are numerous myths and legends surrounding the turtle. In Hindu cosmology the earth is said to sit on the back of four elephants standing on the shell of an enormous turtle. Many indigenous American groups had myths also stating that the earth sits on the back of a giant turtle, and North America is frequently referred to as Turtle Island. Turtles are known to live very long lives and can help us reconceive our relationship with time.

Walrus: Walrus medicine and magic is said to be nurturing and about protection, relaxation, and ease. More than any of the other animals in this chapter, walruses are truly about going with the flow. This animal moves slowly on land but is completely at home in the water. They swim using their entire body, yet are only able to dive in shallow water and stay under for a half hour at a time. Walruses hunt and travel with their herd and are fiercely protective of their young. They can both float and sleep in the ocean. Walruses were said to be sacred to the Norse god Hoenir, also called Ve.

Whale: The whale is an ancient creation symbol for many different cultures. There is a Haitian Vodou lwa called La Baliene who is sometimes seen as a whale; some envision her as an aspect of Erzulie. Whales are the largest mammals in the world. They help us understand our inner depths and power. Whale energy may mean that you feel things very deeply. Many Native people hold a special reverence for whales.

The narwal, also called a narwhale, is a whale that often has a large tooth protruding from its mouth that can grow up to ten feet long. Some people associate them with unicorns, and indeed these are the unicorns of the sea. These are animals of great magic and mystery. Said to be shapeshifters, they urge you to see the difference between appearance and reality in your life. Narwhals do not take well to being in captivity, so think about ways in your own life where you may feel defensive or caged.

The blue whale, the fin whale, and the beluga whale are all on the endangered species list. Please do what you can to help these majestic giants of the deep.

Animal Guide Meditation

Strengthening your connection to your animal guides can help you gain understanding and direction in every aspect of your life. Begin by finding a space to do your meditation, do your best to turn off all electronics and make sure you will be able to spend some time undisturbed. Gather all your items together and ready yourself by taking a deep breath and calming your mind.


Take a little of the water and wipe down your table or sacred space. Place the blue cloth down and put the representation of your chosen animal in the center. Place the glass candleholder in front of it. Pour a small amount of water in the bottom of the candleholder, then add the candle. Light the candle and the incense. Hold the crystal or shell in your left hand. Focus your mind on your animal representation. If you feel yourself wanting to close your eyes, then do so. Pay close attention to what thoughts, images, or messages come to mind. Tell the animal that you would like to thank them for their help. Tell them that you will do what you can to help them. After your incense and candle have burned down, your meditation is complete. Gather the remnants of your working and dispose of them in an ecological manner. Record your thoughts and experiences in a notebook or Book of Shadows as soon as possible, while the information is fresh in your mind.


Animal guides can help to direct you on your magical path. They can do this by appearing literally in your life or in your dreams and journeywork. Pay careful attention to what they have to tell you. The connections you make don’t have to be grandiose—even small things like finding a feather or hearing a howl can have meaning in your connections with animal guides.
